Alaska Native corporation
The Alaska Native Regional Corporations (Alaska Native Corporations or ANCSA Corporations) were established in 1971 when the United States Congress passed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) which settled land and financial claims made by the Alaska Natives and provided for the establishment of 13 regional corporations to administer those claims.[1][2]
Associations, regional and village corporations
Under ANCSA the state was originally divided into twelve regions, each represented by a "Native association" responsible for the enrollment of past and present residents of the region. Individual Alaska Natives enrolled in these associations, and their village level equivalents, were made shareholder in the Regional and Village Corporations created by the Act. The twelve for-profit regional corporations, and a thirteenth region representing those Alaska Natives who were no longer residents of Alaska in 1971, were awarded the monetary and property compensation created by ANCSA. Village corporations and their shareholders received compensation through the regional corporations. The fact that many ostensibly Alaska Native villages throughout the state were not empowered by the ANCSA to form village corporations later led to a number of lawsuits.
The regional and village corporations are now owned by Alaska Native people through privately owned shares of corporation stock. Alaska Natives alive at ANCSA's enactment on December 17, 1971, who enrolled in a Native association (at the regional and/or village level) received 100 shares of stock in the respective corporation. In 2006, the 109th Congress passed S.449 which amended ANCSA, and allowed for shares to be more easily issued to those who had missed the enrollment, or were born after the enrollment period[3] by reducing the requirement for voting from a majority of shareholders to a majority of attending shareholders at corporation meetings.[4]
During the 1970s, ANCSA regional and village corporations selected land in and around native villages in the state in proportion to their enrolled populations. Village corporations own the surface rights to the lands they selected, but regional corporations own the subsurface rights of both their own selections and of those of the village corporations.
Text of the Act
The Act lays out the specifics of the corporations' status. Here is an excerpt of the relevant portion:[5]
- 43 U.S.C. § 1606
- (a) Division of Alaska into twelve geographic regions; common heritage and common interest of region; area of region commensurate with operations of Native association; boundary disputes, arbitration. For purposes of this chapter, the State of Alaska shall be divided by the Secretary within one year after December 18, 1971, into twelve geographic regions, with each region composed as far as practicable of Natives having a common heritage and sharing common interests. In the absence of good cause shown to the contrary, such regions shall approximate the areas covered by the operations of the following existing Native associations:
- (1) Arctic Slope Native Association (Barrow, Point Hope, Point Lay, Wainwright, Atqasuk, Nuiqsut, Kaktovik, Anaktuvuk Pass);
- (2) Bering Straits Association (Seward Peninsula, Unalakleet, Saint Lawrence Island);
- (3) Northwest Alaska Native Association (Kotzebue);
- (4) Association of Village Council Presidents (southwest coast, all villages in the Bethel area, including all villages on the Lower Yukon River and the Lower Kuskokwim River);
- (5) Tanana Chiefs' Conference (Koyukuk, Middle and Upper Yukon Rivers, Upper Kuskokwim, Tanana River);
- (7) Bristol Bay Native Association (Dillingham, Upper Alaska Peninsula);
- (8) Aleut League (Aleutian Islands, Pribilof Islands and that part of the Alaska Peninsula which is in the Aleut League);
- (9) Chugach Native Association (Cordova, Tatitlek, Port Graham, English Bay, Valdez, and Seward);
- (10) Tlingit-Haida Central Council (southeastern Alaska, including Metlakatla);
- (11) Kodiak Area Native Association (all villages on and around Kodiak Island); and
- (12) Copper River Native Association (Copper Center, Glennallen, Chitina, Mentasta).
- [...]
- (c) Establishment of thirteenth region for nonresident Natives; majority vote; Regional Corporation for thirteenth region. [...]
- (d) Incorporation; business for profit; eligibility for benefits; provisions in articles for carrying out chapter. Five incorporators within each region, named by the Native association in the region, shall incorporate under the laws of Alaska a Regional Corporation to conduct business for profit, which shall be eligible for the benefits of this chapter so long as it is organized and functions in accordance with this chapter. The articles of incorporation shall include provisions necessary to carry out the terms of this chapter.

The thirteen regional corporations created under ANCSA are:
Alaska Native village corporations
There are over 200 village corporations, corresponding to the list of villages published in the text of ANCSA. Most corporations serve a single village, though some smaller villages have consolidated their corporations over the years.
Village corporation | Community | Regional corporation | Website |
Afognak Native Corporation | Afognak | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Afognak Native Corporation | Port Lions | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Akhiok-Kaguyak, Inc. | Akhiok | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Akhiok-Kaguyak, Inc. | Kaguyak | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Akiachak Limited | Akiachak | Calista Corporation | |
Akuliuk Inc. | Selawik | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Akutan Corporation | Akutan | Aleut Corporation | |
Alakanuk Corporation | Alakanuk | Calista Corporation | |
Alaska Peninsula Corporation[6] | Kokhanok | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Alaska Peninsula Corporation[6] | Newhalen | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Alaska Peninsula Corporation[6] | Port Heiden | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Alaska Peninsula Corporation[6] | South Naknek | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Alaska Peninsula Corporation[6] | Ugashik | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Aleknagik Natives Limited | Aleknagik | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Alexander Creek Inc. | Alexander Creek | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Anton Larsen Inc. | Anton Larsen Bay | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Arvig Inc. | Platinum | Calista Corporation | |
Askinuk Corporation | Scammon Bay | Calista Corporation | |
Atkasook Corporation | Atqasuk | Arctic Slope Regional Corp. | |
Atmauthluak Limited | Atmautluak | Calista Corporation | |
Atxam Corporation | Atka | Aleut Corporation | |
Ayakulik Inc. | Ayakulik | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Azachorok Inc. | Mountain Village | Calista Corporation | |
Baan-o-yeel kon Corporation | Rampart | Doyon, Limited | |
Bay View Inc. | Ivanof Bay | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Bean Ridge Corporation | Manley Hot Springs | Doyon, Limited | |
Beaver Kwit'Chin Corporation | Beaver | Doyon, Limited | |
Becharof Corporation | Egegik | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Belkofski Corporation | Belkofski | Aleut Corporation | |
Bells Flats Native Group Inc. | Bells Flats | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Bethel Native Corporation | Bethel | Calista Corporation | |
Brevig Mission Native Corporation | Brevig Mission | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Buckland Nunachiak Corporation | Buckland | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Cape Fox Corporation | Saxman | Sealaska Corporation | |
Caswell Native Assoc. Inc. | Caswell | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Chalkyitsik Native Corporation | Chalkyitsik | Doyon, Limited | |
Chaluka Corporation | Nikolski | Aleut Corporation | |
Chefarnrmute Inc. | Chefornak (Chefornakes Slough) | Calista Corporation | |
Chenega Corporation | Chenega | Chugach Alaska Corporation | |
Chevak Co | Chevak | Calista Corporation | |
Chigik River Limited | Chignik Lake | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Chignik Lagoon Native Corporation | Chignik | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Chilkaloon Moose Creek Native Assoc. | Chickaloon | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Chitina Native Corporation | Chitina | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Choggiung Limited | Dillingham | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Chugach Natives Inc. | Icy Bay | Chugach Alaska Corporation | |
Chuloonawick Corporation | Chuloonawik | Calista Corporation | |
Council Native Corporation | Council | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Cully Corporation | Point Lay | Arctic Slope Regional Corp. | |
Danzhit Hanlaii Corporation | Circle | Doyon, Limited | |
Deacons Landing Inc. | Deacons Landing | Doyon, Limited | |
Deering Ipnatchiak Corporation | Deering | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Deloycheet Inc. | Holy Cross | Doyon, Limited | |
Dineega Corporation | Ruby | Doyon, Limited | |
Dinyea Corporation | Stevens Village | Doyon, Limited | |
Doratoi Inc. | Flat | Doyon, Limited | |
Dot Lake Native Corporation | Dot Lake | Doyon, Limited | |
Eklutna Inc. | Eklutna | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Ekuk Native Limited | Ekuk | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Ekwok Natives Limited | Ekwok | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Elim Native Corporation | Elim (Elim Reserve) | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Elim Native Corporation | St. Lawrence | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Emmonak Corporation | Emmonak | Calista Corporation | |
English Bay Corporation | Nanwalek (English Bay) | Chugach Alaska Corporation | |
Evansville Inc. | Evansville | Doyon, Limited | |
The Eyak Corporation | Cordova | Chugach Alaska Corporation | |
Far West Inc. | Chignik Bay | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Forty-Mile Inc. | Chicken | Doyon, Limited | |
Gakona Corporation | Gakona | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Gana-a'yoo Limited | Galena | Doyon, Limited | |
Gana-a'yoo Limited | Kaltag | Doyon, Limited | |
Gana-a'yoo Limited | Koyukuk | Doyon, Limited | |
Gana-a'yoo Limited | Nulato | Doyon, Limited | |
Ganawas Corporation | Knight Island | Sealaska Corporation | |
Gold Creek-Susitna Native Association | Gold Creek | Calista Corporation | |
Gold Creek-Susitna Native Association | Susitna | Calista Corporation | |
Goldbelt Inc. | Juneau (4 cities) | Sealaska Corporation | |
Golovin Native Corporation | Golovin | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Grouse Creek Corporation | Grouse Creek | Doyon, Limited | |
Gwitchyaazhee Corporation | Fort Yukon | Doyon, Limited | |
Haida Corporation | Hydaburg | Sealaska Corporation | |
Haycock Native Group Corporation | Haycock | Calista Corporation | |
Hee-yea Lingde Corporation | Grayling | Doyon, Limited | |
Huna Totem Corporation | Hoonah | Sealaska Corporation | |
Hungwitchin Corporation | Eagle | Doyon, Limited | |
Igiugig Native Corporation | Igiugig | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Iliamna Native Corporation | Iliamna | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Ingalik Inc. | Anvik | Doyon, Limited | |
Iqfijouq Co | Eek | Calista Corporation | |
Isanotski Corporation | False Pass | Aleut Corporation | |
Isingnakmeut | Shungnak | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Ivaisaapaagmit Corporation | Ambler | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Kake Tribal Corporation | Kake | Sealaska Corporation | |
Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation | Kaktovik | Arctic Slope Regional Corp. | |
Karluk Native Corporation | Karluk | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Kasigluk Inc. | Kasigluk | Calista Corporation | |
Katyaak Corporation | Kiana | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Kavilco Inc. | Kassan | Sealaska Corporation | |
Kenai Native Assoc. Inc. | Kenai | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Kian Tr'ee Corporation | Canyon Village | Doyon, Limited | |
Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation | Kotzebue | NANA Regional Corporation | |
King Cove Corporation | King Cove | Aleut Corporation | |
King Island Native Corporation | King Island | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Kiutsarak Inc. | Goodnews Bay | Calista Corporation | |
Kivalina Sinnigaakmiut | Kivalina | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Klawaock Heenya Corporation | Klawock | Sealaska Corporation | |
Klukwan, Inc. | Klukwan | Sealaska Corporation | |
Kluti-Kaah Corporation | Copper Center | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Knikatnu Inc. | Knik | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Kokarmiut Corporation | Akiak | Calista Corporation | |
Kokrines Ic. | Kokrines | Doyon, Limited | |
Koliganek Natives Limited | Koliganek | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Kongnikilnomuit Yuita Corporation | Bill Moores Slough | Calista Corporation | |
Kootznoowoo Inc. | Angoon | Sealaska Corporation | |
Koovukmeut Inc. | Kobuk | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Kotlik Yupik Corporation | Kotlik | Calista Corporation | |
K'oyitl'ots'ina Limited | Hughes | Doyon, Limited | |
K'oyitl'ots'ina Limited | Huslia | Doyon, Limited | |
K'oyitl'ots'ina Limited | Alatna | Doyon, Limited | |
K'oyitl'ots'ina Limited | Allakaket | Doyon, Limited | |
Koyuk Native Corporation | Koyuk | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Kugkaktilk Limited | Kipnuk | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Aniak | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Chuathbaluk | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Crooked Creek | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Georgetown | Doyon, Limited | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Lower Kalskag | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Upper Kalskag | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Napaimute | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Red Devil | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Sleetmute | Calista Corporation | |
Kuskokwim Corporation | Stony River | Calista Corporation | |
Kuukpik Corporation, Inc. | Nuiqsut | Arctic Slope Regional Corp. | |
Kwethluk Inc. | Kwethluk | Calista Corporation | |
Kwik Inc. | Kwigillingok | Calista Corporation | |
Leisnoi, Inc. | Woody Island | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Levelock Natives Limited | Levelock | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Lime Village Co | Lime Village | Calista Corporation | |
Litnik Inc. | Litnik | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Little Lake Louise Inc. | Little Lake Louise | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Lower Tonsina Inc. | Lower Tonsina | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Manokotak Natives Limited | Manokotak | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Mary's Igloo Native Corporation | Mary's Igloo | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Maserculig Inc. | Marshall | Calista Corporation | |
Medfra Native Council Inc. | Medfra | Doyon, Limited | |
Mendas Cha-ag Native Corporation | Healy Lake | Doyon, Limited | |
Mentasta Inc. | Mentasta Lake | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Minchumina Natives Inc. | Minchumina | Doyon, Limited | |
Montana Creek Native Assoc. | Montana Creek | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
MTNT Limited | McGrath | Doyon, Limited | |
MTNT Limited | Nikolai | Doyon, Limited | |
MTNT Limited | Takotna | Doyon, Limited | |
MTNT Limited | Telida | Doyon, Limited | |
Nagamut Limited | Nagamut | Calista Corporation | |
Napakiak Corporation | Napakiak | Calista Corporation | |
Napaskiak Inc. | Napaskiak | Calista Corporation | |
Native of Kodiak Inc. | Kodiak | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Nebesna Native Group Inc. | Nebesna | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Neechootaalichaagat Corporation | Birch Creek | Doyon, Limited | |
Neechootaalichaagat Corporation | Kantishna | Doyon, Limited | |
Nelson Lagoon Corporation | Nelson Lagoon | Aleut Corporation | |
Nerklikmute Native Corporation | Andereafsky | Calista Corporation | |
Newtok Inc. | Newtok | Calista Corporation | |
NGTA Inc. | Nightmute | Calista Corporation | |
Nima Corporation | Mekoryuk | Calista Corporation | |
Nima Corporation | Nunivak | Calista Corporation | |
Ninilchik Natives Assoc., Inc. | Ninilchik | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Noatak Napaaktukmeur Corporation | Noatak | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Nondalton Native Corporation | Nondalton | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Northway Natives Inc. | Northway | Doyon, Limited | |
Nu-Nachk Pit Inc. | Larsen Bay | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation | Toksook Bay | Calista Corporation | |
Nunamiut Corporation | Anaktuvuk Pass | Arctic Slope Regional Corp. | |
Nunapiglluraq Corporation | Hamilton | Calista Corporation | |
Nunapitchuk Limited | Nunapitchuk | Calista Corporation | |
Oceanside Corporation | Perryville | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Ohgsenskale Corporation | Portage Creek | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Ohog Inc. | Ohogamiut | Calista Corporation | |
Old Harbor Native Corporation | Old Harbor | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Olgoonik Corporation, Inc. | Wainwright | Arctic Slope Regional Corp. | |
Olsonville Inc. | Olsonville | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Oscarville Native Corporation | Oscarville | Calista Corporation | |
Ounalashka Corporation | Unalaska | Aleut Corporation | |
Ouzinkie Native Corporation | Ouzinkie | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Paimiut Corporation | Paimiut | Calista Corporation | |
Paug-Vik Inc. Limited | Naknek | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Pedro Bay Corporation | Pedro Bay | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Pilot Point Native Corporation | Pilot Point | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Pilot Station Native Corporation | Pilot Station | Calista Corporation | |
Pitkas Point Native Corporation | Pitkas Point | Calista Corporation | |
Point Possession Inc. | Point Possession | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Port Graham Corporation | Port Graham | Chugach Alaska Corporation | |
Putoo Corporation | Noorvik | NANA Regional Corporation | |
Qanirtuuq Inc. | Quinhagak | Calista Corporation | |
Qemirtalek Coast Corporation | Kongiganek | Calista Corporation | |
Saguyak Inc. | Clarks Point | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
St. George Tanadax Corporation | St. George | Aleut Corporation | |
St. Marys Native Corporation | St. Marys | Calista Corporation | |
St. Michael native Corporation | St. Michaels | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Salamatoff Native Assoc. Inc. | Salamatoff | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Sanak Corporation | Pauloff Harbor | Aleut Corporation | |
Savonski Corporation | Savonski | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Sea Lion Corporation | Hooper Bay | Calista Corporation | |
Seldovia Native Assoc. Inc. | Seldovia | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Seth-do-ya-ah Corporation | Minto | Doyon, Limited | |
Shaan-Seet Inc. | Craig | Sealaska Corporation | |
Shaktoolik Native Corporation | Shaktoolik | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Shee Atiká, Inc. | Sitka | Sealaska Corporation | |
Shishmaref Natrive Corporation | Shishmaref | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Shumagin Corporation | Sand Point | Aleut Corporation | |
Shuyak Inc. | Port William | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Sitnasuak Native Corporation | Nome | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Slana Native Corporation | Slana | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Solomon Native Corporation | Solomon | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Sta-Keh Corporation | Gulkana | Chugach Alaska Corporation | |
Stebbins Native Corporation | Stebbins | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Stuyahok Limited | New Stuyahok | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Swan Lake Corporation | Sheldon Point | Calista Corporation | |
Talzina Inc. | Tazlina | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Tanacross Inc. | Tanacross | Doyon, Limited | |
Tanadgusik Corporation | St. Paul | Aleut Corporation | |
Tanalian Inc. | Port Alsworth | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Tatitlek Corporation | Tatitlek | Chugach Alaska Corporation | |
Teller Native Corporation | Teller | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Tetlin Indian Reservation | Tetlin | Doyon, Limited | |
Tikigaq Corporation | Point Hope | Arctic Slope Regional Corp. | |
Tihteet'aii Inc. | Birch Creek | Doyon, Limited | |
Toghotthele Corporation | Nenana | Doyon, Limited | |
Togiak Natives Limited | Togiak | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Tozitna Limited | Tananna | Doyon, Limited | |
Tulkisarmute Inc. | Tuluksak | Calista Corporation | |
Tuntutuliak Land Limited | Tuntutuliak | Calista Corporation | |
Tununrmiut Rinit Corporation | Tununak | Calista Corporation | |
Twin Hills Native Corporation | Twin Hills | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | |
Twin Lake Native Group Inc. | Twin Lake | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Tyonek Native Corporation | Tyonek | Cook Inlet Region, Incorporated | |
Uganik Natives, Inc. | Uganik | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation | Barrow | Arctic Slope Regional Corp. | |
Umkumiute Limited | Umkumiute | Calista Corporation | |
Unalakleet Native Corporation | Unalakleet | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Unga Corporation | Unga | Aleut Corporation | |
Uyak, Inc. | Uyak | Koniag, Incorporated | |
Venetie Indian Reservation | Venetie | Doyon, Limited | |
Wales Native Corporation | Wales | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
White Mountain Native Corporation | White Mountain | Bering Straits Native Corp. | |
Wisenak Inc. | Wisenak | Doyon, Limited | |
Yak-tat Kwaan Inc. | Yakutat | Sealaska Corporation | |
Yedetena Na Corporation | Cantwell | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Yedetena Na Corporation | Chistochina | Ahtna, Incorporated | |
Zho-Tsa, Inc. | Shageluk | Doyon, Limited |
The Afognak Native Corporation was organized in 1977 through the merger of two ANCSA village corporations: Port Lions Native Corporation and Natives of Afognak, Inc. It is governed by a nine-member board of directors.[7] Afognak Native Corporation has many business interests. For 18 years it participated in and profited from timber development ventures on Afogank Island. It also operates a number of successful subsidiaries including Leasing, Bioenergy Operations and Oil Field Services.[7] In the late 1990s, the Afognak Native Corporation launched a government contracting business.[7] The Afognak Native Corporation is a wealthy corporation and was listed in the Top 100 Contractors of the Federal Government in 2010. Coming in at No. 79, The Afognak Native Corporation's contracts were $749,557,576.49.[8] Afognak Native Corporation entities also received NASA Small Business Contractor of the Year Award in 2013. [9] The Corporation's profile is listed as "Construction and Engineering" services.[10] The Afognak Native Corporation has approximately 900 shareholders and pays over $12 million in dividends annually. The Afognak Native Corporation controls over 160,000 acres of land in the Kodiak Archipelago and the lands form the core of financial success of the corporation.[11]
See also
- Makivik Corporation, an Inuit-owned company in Nunavik, Quebec created by a land claims agreement
- ↑ "What Are Alaska Native Corporations?".
- ↑ "Welcome to the Alaska Peninsula Corporation!".
- ↑ "S449" (PDF).
- ↑ "109-112" (PDF).
- ↑ "TITLE 43--PUBLIC LANDS, CHAPTER 33--ALASKA NATIVE CLAIMS SETTLEMENT, Section 1606. Regional Corporations.". United States Government Printing Office.
- 1 2 3 4 5 The Alaska Peninsula Corporation is a consolidation of these former village corporations: Meshik Incorporated, Quinuyang Limited, Kokhanok Native Corporation, Ugashik Native Corporation and Newhalen Native Corporation)
- 1 2 3 "Afognak – About". Afognak. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
- ↑ Top 100 Contractors of the U.S. federal government
- ↑ "Afognak Native Corporation partner gets top NASA business award". Retrieved 22 March 2016.
- ↑ "InsideView Directory". InsideView. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
- ↑
- Gavin Kentch, A Corporate Culture? The Environmental Justice Challenges of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, 81 Miss. L.J. 813 (2012).
- "Notice to ANCSA Shareholders: Compliance with Proxy Regulations" (PDF). Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development.
- "Alaska, GOP Welfare State".
External links
- The place to go for Alaska Native Corporation business, run by
- Alaska Natives & American Indians resources from the Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage.
- The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Resource Center run by Landye Bennett Blumstein LLP.
- a portal dedicated to ANCSA run by Karabelnikoff & Associates