Koyama Press

Koyama Press
Status Active
Founded 2007
Founder Anne Koyama
Country of origin Canada
Headquarters location Toronto, Ontario
  • Consortium Book Sales and Distribution
  • Last Gasp
  • Secret Acres
  • Spit and a Half
  • Tony Shenton
Key people Anne Koyama, Publisher/Owner
Publication types Comics
Official website koyamapress.com

Koyama Press is a comics publishing company founded in 2007 by Annie Koyama and based in Canada.[1] Since its establishment in 2007, Koyama Press' mandate has been to promote and provide support to an array of emerging and established artists. This mandate is realized by funding and producing a diverse collection of publications and artist’s projects. Projects include comics, art books, exhibitions, prints, and zines.


Koyama Press won the Joe Shuster Award for Outstanding Comic Book Publisher in 2011.[2]

See also


Works cited

External links

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