Arno Tausch

Arno Tausch (born February 11, 1951 in Salzburg, Austria) is an Austrian political scientist. His research program is focused on world systems theory, development studies and dependency theory, European studies in the framework of core-periphery relationships, and quantitative Peace and conflict studies.[1]

Academic career

Tausch received his Ph.D. in political science from Salzburg University in 1976 [2] His habilitation at the Department of Political Science at Innsbruck University was concluded in 1988; the Chairperson of his habilitation commission was Professor Anton Pelinka. Since then he has been adjunct professor (‘Universitätsdozent’) at that department.[3] He is currently also associate visiting professor of Economics at Corvinus University Budapest.[4]

Tausch is a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals, among them Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research,[5][6] Society and Economy, (Journal of the Corvinus University of Budapest),;[7] History & Mathematics Almanac,[8] and the Journal of Globalization Studies (State University, Moscow) [9]


As of November 2014, Tausch had authored or co-authored according to his academic CV at his website, 17 books in English, 2 in French, and 8 in German,[10] and a number of articles in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Polish and German in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and articles on current affairs.

He also has written articles for Tiempo Argentino, a newspaper based in Buenos Aires,[11] and in Der Standard in Vienna [12]

Scholarly work

In the international press, Tausch's work is seen mostly in the framework of the efficiency and effectiveness of social spending.[13] Tausch also published critical studies of the political economy of the European Union,[14] globalization [15] and providing a link between dependency theory and world system theory with the empirical analysis of social development in Europe, especially Eastern Europe and in the Muslim world.[16]

His research started with a rethinking of dependency theory in the framework of quantitative data and statistical analysis and work on poverty in the leading industrialized countries.[17]

His doctoral thesis at Salzburg University on "The limits to growth theory" [18] was dedicated to the empirical analysis of dependency, income inequality, and social development in up to 40 countries of the world, with country studies for Brazil and Yugoslavia.[19] Following the logic of trying to identify the structures, which block Third-World development in the industrialized countries, he then researched on Austrian arms exports to Third World countries, based on United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency figures.[20]

His habilitation thesis focused on multiple regression models of global development, based on data from the World Bank and Volker Bornschier as well as the World Handbook of Political and Social Indicators III, and tests the relevance of socio-liberal approaches to world development, already inherent in the writings of classical social democratic development theories in Europe in the 1930s with multiple regression and canonical correlation models.[21] This approach was continued and expanded in Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development (1993).[22]

Later work dealt with Russia and the global Kondratieff cycle;[23] the effects of the arms trade on social development, especially for the countries of Eastern Europe and the former USSR.[24] Militarism will grow in these countries because of the distribution coalition prone environment of "periphery socialism".[25] In the 1990s, Tausch analyzed migration processes and the transformation of post-communist countries.[26]

Later work also included studies of the effects of multinational corporations and their investments in developing countries;[27] work on social indicators of development;[28] Anti-Americanism,[29] child poverty,[30]Islamism,[31] Kondratieff cycles,[32] liberation theology,[33] pension reform,[34] contradictions of European Union development,[35] global Keynesianism and comparative price levels,[36] Islamophobia,[37] social expenditure [38] and public health research.[39]


Although the concept of "unequal exchange", as developed by Kohler and Tausch [40] has become one of the standard definitions in "world system theory" [41] and in critical studies on globalization and sustainable development,[42] the Turkish economist Turan Subasat (Izmir University) recently criticized this concept by saying that international prices are formed in a complex manner and lower international prices for low income countries cannot simply be considered as evidence for unequal exchange.[43]

The Austrian political scientist Thomas Schmidinger, writing in the official journal of the Austrian Political Science Association, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft,[44] on Tausch's attempts to measure Muslim opinions in Europe [45] comes to the conclusion:

"Tausch attempts to redress the lack of serious qualitative and quantitative social research by using data from the World Values Survey and the European Social Survey. He speaks even of a "forensic political science " and a "forensic sociology" (p 9). He rightly criticizes that neither the European Union nor the national states in Europe provide adequate resources for such research. Really to resolve this lack of data, a whole team of long-term research would have been necessary. Right here, however, Tausch shows that he [also] does not have enough data and therefore his approach - as he himself writes in the introduction - is "forensic". Who really wants to get more secure data in the debate on Islam in Europe should invest in a large-scale study conducted in a methodologically sound way, which should not examine only the Muslim population, but also appropriate comparison groups from the non-Muslim population."

Selected books




  1. "Arno Tausch", L'Harmattan; see also: Francesco Duina: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 42, Issue 2, Page 437-451, Jun 2004; Fernand Brunet: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 46, Issue 3, Page 741-741, Jun 2008
  2. University at Salzburg.
  3. "TDepartment of Political Science".
  4. "corvinus".
  5. Routledge, London and New York)
  6. listing
  7. journal Title page,
  8. "History & Mathematics:". Retrieved 2014-01-22.
  9. "Journal of Globalization Studiesб╩". 2004-04-14. Retrieved 2014-01-22.
  10. OCLC Classify currently lists 38 items, with four book titles present at more than 300 global libraries,
  11. "Edición del 09 de Agosto de 2014 - Tiempo Argentino".
  12. An Studiengebühren führt kein Weg mehr vorbei’ Der Standard, 25. März 2010; Islamismus durch die Hintertür? Der Standard, 1. Juli 2011; Viele Wege fuehren zur Bestenliste, Der Standard, 22. August 2012
  13. Associated Press Worldstream - German, 23. Mai 2008 Freitag 2:01 PM GMT, Berliner Zeitung 24.05.08; Bild, 23.05.2008; ddp Basisdienst, 23. Mai 2008; Der Westen (WAZ-Gruppe), 23.05.2008; Deutschlandfunk (interview with Arno Tausch on the Study "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Social Spending"); Die Welt, 23. 05. 2008; Frankfurter Rundschau, 24.05.08; Hamburger Abendblatt; Radio Praha, News 23.05.2008,; Spiegel Online 23.05.08; Stuttgarter Zeitung 24.05.08
  14. Christophe Degryse et al. "Social Developments in the European Union, 2010: Twelfth annual report.” European Union Trade Union Institute, ETUI, Bruxelles: 2011; Knud Erik Jorgensen et al. The Sage Handbook of European Union Politics. London, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 2007
  15. Robert H. Jackson, Robert Jackson, Georg Sørensen: Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches. Oxford University Press, 2012
  16. Michael Altmann, Sophie Eisenreich, Daniela Lehner, Stefanie Moser, Tobias Neidl, Valentina Rüscher, Thilo Vogeler, (2013) "Global inequality and poverty in perspectives of geography", Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, Vol. 7 Iss: 2/3, pp.127 - 150; Alan Freeman, Boris Kagarlicky, Transnational Institute, Amsterdam 2004 The politics of empire. Globalisation in crisis. Cambridge, Polity Press; NOLTE, Hans-Heinrich. "Why is Europe's South Poor? A Chain of Internal Peripheries Along the Old Muslim-Christian Borders," Review Fernand Braudel Center, State University of New York at Binghamton, XXVI, 1, 2003, 49-66; Bernd Hamm 2005 Devastating Society. The Neo-liberal Assault on Democracy and Social Justice Pluto Press, London; 112, 2006. O Espresso, (Lisboa), "À espera do efeito dominó", Jorge Nascimento Rodrigues, 6 de Maio 2006; El Nacional, Venezuela "Tragedia puso a prueba las instituciones". April 18, 2010; WNYC Radio and Public Radio International, in collaboration with The BBC World Service, New York Times Radio and WGBH Boston: Lessons from Latin America: An Education for the EU? Tuesday, December 07, 2010,; El Nacional July 2, 2011 Saturday, "Polonia deberá liderar a la UE ante el reto de la crisis griega"; Leonid Grinin and Andrey Korotayev: Does "Arab Spring" mean the beginning of World System Reconfiguration? World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research, 68, 7, 2012: 471-505
  17. Political Science Quarterly, 1978, Vol. 93, No. 2 (Summer, 1978), pp. 277-299; Rose Gauger, 1980 Wird die Barbarei siegen? Bericht ueber den Widerstand in den USA, Hamburg: Junius-Verlag; Albert Kadan (1979) "Literaturüberblick zum politischen System in Österreich". Austriaca, 8/1979, Université de Haute Normandie; Gerhard Drekonja Kornat. Lateinamerikanistik: der österreichische Weg. Lit-Verlag, Wien, 2005
  18. Die Grenzen der Wachstumstheorie. Vienna Institute for Development, 1976
  19. Weltwirtschaftsordnung und Entwicklungspolitik: Plädoyer für Dissoziation. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag KG, 1977, various editions
  20. These arguments in turn led to a considerable debate on Austria’s arms exports, taken up by the Austrian Deputy of the Green Party, Peter Pilz, (1988). Die Panzermacher: die österreichische Rüstungsindustrie und ihre Exporte. Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik.
  21. Reviews in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 1988, 14, 2: 354-359 (Michael Nollert); Das Argument, 1989, 173: 134-136 Hans-Heinrich Nolte; Vierteljahresberichte. Probleme der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung), 117, September 1989: 311 – 313; and Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 1988, 14, 4: 567-570 (Kunibert Raffer)
  22. See: Political Studies, 1995, 43, 4: 730 - 731 (book review of Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development, 1993). In 1998, the US-Association of College and Research Libraries singled out this work as one of the "Outstanding Academic Books" in the period 1993–1998; see ACRL Choices outstanding academic books, 1992–1997, Rebecca Ann Bartlett.
  23. Tausch, Arno 1991 Russlands Tretmuehle. Kapitalistisches Weltsystem, lange Zyklen und die neue Instabilitaet im Osten. Eberhard, Muenchen; reviewed among others in Das Argument by Hans-Heinrich Nolte, 1992; 34, 3: 478-479; see also André Gerrits and Nancy Adler 1994 Vampires unstaked. National images, stereotypes and myths in East Central Europe, Amsterdam: North Holland
  24. "Armas socialistas, subdesarrollo y violencia estructural en el Tercer Mundo", Revista Internacional de Sociologia, 47(4), 583 - 716.
  25. On this work see also Dirk Berg-Schlosser and Ferdinand Mueller-Rommel 2003‚ Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft: Ein einfuehrendes Studienhandbuch, Leske and Budrich, Opladen; and Rafael Calduch, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1993 Dinámica de la Sociedad Internacional Editorial CEURA, Madrid.
  26. Hannes Hofbauer, 2003‚ Osterweiterung. Vom Drang nach Osten zur peripheren EU-Integration. Wien: Promedia-Verlag; Erhard Busek, 2003 Offenes Tor nach Osten: Europas grosse Chance,’ Molden, Vienna
  27. Moses Mpuria Kindiki: Dependency in international regimes: the case of apparel industry in sub-Saharan Africa. Review of African Political Economy, 41, 142: 2014, pages 594-608
  28. Nabaz T. Khayyat, Jeong-Dong Lee: A measure of technological capabilities for developing countries, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Available online 26 September 2014
  29. Holsti, Ole R. 2009 To see ourselves as others see us: how publics abroad view the United States after 9/11 University of Michigan Press
  30. OECD (Doing Better for Children. ISBN Number: 978-92-64-05933-7, Publication Date: 1 September 2009
  31. Center for Transatlantic Relations. Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. Johns Hopkins University (Vedran Dzihic/Thomas Schmidinger (eds.): Looming Shadows. Migration and Integration at a time of Upheaval. European and American Perspectives. Washington DC, 2011; American Behavioral Scientist, December 2011; vol. 55, 12: pp. 1581-1600; Erik Bleich: "What Is Islamophobia and How Much Is There? Theorizing and Measuring an Emerging Comparative Concept"; Tufan Ekici and Deniz Yucel: What determines religious and racial prejudice in Europe? The effects of religiosity and trust. Social Indicators Research, June 2014; Oldrich Bures, Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic , 2011 EU Counterterrorism Policy. A Paper Tiger? Ashgate, Farnham, UK/ Burlington, VT; Ruediger Lohlker, 2008 Islam: eine Ideengeschichte Facultas UTB Wien; furthermore: Milano Finanza, June 2, 2007, Che si legge a Palazzo, and Milano Finanza, September 11, 2007, Commenti & Analisi; Pg. 6, 763; Official Website of the Muslim Brotherhood,; United States Airforce: TERRORISM 2007, Special Bibliography No. 332, July 2007, Compiled by Bibliography Branch, Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center, Maxwell Airforce Base, Alabama; Al Awan (Kuweit),; 12/12/2009 العدد:7; ما يعتقده حقاً مليار و300 مليون مسلم [What one billion and 300 million Muslims really think]; Sociologicky Casopis (Prague), 46, 2, 301-311, Karel Cerny on What 1.3 Billion Muslims Really Think; Karl Pfeifer in Hagalil, October 2010
  32. Korotayev Andrey; Zinkina Julia; Bogevolnov Justislav: "Kondratieff waves in global invention activity (1900-2008)". Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume: 78; Issue: 7; Pages: 1280-1284; Shawkat Alam, Natalie Klein and Juliette Overland, 2011 Globalisation and the quest for social and environmental justice: the relevance of international law in an evolving world order, Abingdon, UK; New York: Routledge
  33. Ivan Petrella, 2004 The Future of Liberation Theology: An Argument and Manifesto,’ Ashgate, Farnham, UK/ Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company; Raúl Fornet-Betnacourt: Befreiungstheologie: kritischer Rückblick und Repsektiven für die Zukunft. Matthias Grünewalt-Verlag, 1997
  34. Matthieu Leimgruber, 2012, "The historical roots of a diffusion process: The three-pillar doctrine and European pension debates (1972-1994)". Global Social Policy, April 2012; vol. 12, 1: pp. 24-44; Susan Park; Antje Vetterlein, 2010 Owning development: creating policy norms in the IMF and the World Bank. Matheu Leimgruber, 2008 Solidarity without the State? Business and the shaping of the Swiss welfare state, 1890-2000, Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press
  35. reviews, among others in Francesco Duina: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 42, Issue 2, Page 437-451, Jun 2004; Fernand Brunet: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 46, Issue 3, Page 741-741, Jun 2008
  36. OECD – Employment Outlook, 2005; Salvatore Babones, Christopher Chase-Dunn, 2012, Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis, London and New York; Ramón Grosfoguel, Ana Margarita Cervantes Rodriguez, 2002, The Modern/Colonial/Capitalist World-System in the Twentieth Century Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, Connecticut; Lund Studies in Human Ecology (John Brolin, Lund University, Sweden: "The Bias of the World. Theories of Unequal Exchange in History": Lund Studies in Human Ecology, 9)
  37. Anouar Majid, 2009 We Are All Moors: Ending Centuries of Crusades against Muslims and Other Minorities, Univ of Minnesota Press; Nissa Finney; Ludi Simpson, 2011 Sleepwalking to segregation'?: challenging myths about race and migration. Policy Press, Bristol, UK
  38. Department of Social Protection An Roinn Coimirce Sóisialai, Republic of Ireland (Dorothy Watson and Bernd Maitre): Social Transfers and Poverty Alleviation in Ireland, Department of Social Protection, Dublin, 2013
  39. Roberto de Vogli et al. Economic globalization, inequality and body mass index: a cross-national analysis of 127 countries. Critical Public Health, 24, 1, 2014; Austin, K.F. 2013, "Export agriculture is feeding malaria: A cross-national examination of the environmental and social causes of malaria prevalence", Population and Environment, 35 (2), pp. 133-158
  40. Köhler, G. and A. Tausch 2002. Global Keynesianism: unequal exchange and global exploitation, Huntington NY: Nova Science
  41. for a development of the Kohler/Tausch concept of unequal exchange in the framework of the commodity chain, see the paper of the Turkish economist Cem Somel from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara: Department of Social Protection; more on the Kohler/Tausch work on Global Keynesianism in Robert H Jackson; Georg Sørensen Introduction to international relations: theories and approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, p. 179-207 and Don A. Clelland: Surplus drain and dark value in the modern world system. In: Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis (Editor: Salvatore Babones) page 198-204 Routledge, London and New York: 2012: ISBN 041556364X / ISBN 9780415563642
  42. see Vincentas Giedraitis and associates: Feeling the heat: Financial crises and their impact on global climate change. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business, PIEB (Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business, PIEB), issue: 1(4) / 2010, pages: 710,on
  43. Turan Subasat (2013). Can Differences in International Prices Measure Unequal Exchange in International Trade? Competition and Change, Volume 17, Issue 4 (October 2013), pp. 372-379
  44. Thomas Schmidinger. 2011. "Arno Tausch: Armut und Radikalität? Soziologische Perspektiven zur Integration der Muslime in Europa basierend auf dem „World Values Survey“ und dem „European Social Survey“ Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (ÖZP) 1/2011, S. 100 – 101
  45. Arno Tausch: Armut und Radikalität? Soziologische Perspektiven zur Integration der Muslime in Europa basierend auf dem „World Values Survey“ und dem „European Social Survey“. Europäischer Hochschulverlag. Bremen 2010, ISBN 978-3-941482-76-0

External links

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