Batman: Knight Gallery

Batman: Knight Gallery is a DC Comics Elseworlds special published in 1995. Written by Doug Moench, and features the art of Thomas Grummett, Michael Manley, Vincent Giarrano, James Balent, Bret Blevins, Graham Nolan, Norm Breyfogle, Neal Adams, George Pérez, Stephen De Stefano, Tom Lyle, Gary Frank, David Taylor, Anton Furst.
Decades after the Dark Knight's last appearance, a team of top archaeologists discovered the Batcave. Presented inside the novel are designs which were created by Bruce Wayne himself.
Bruce Wayne's Suggested Designs
Batman's designs range widely in the pages that are included, some modifications that were speculated included: chin guards with built-in radio and microphone, earphones built into the cowl, pouches and compartments on the boots, gauntlet and belt; wing-like capes with shoulder protrusions (which could have obstructed vision and snag in tight spaces); capes that were perfect simulations of bat wings, but would prove too heavy, variation in the length of ears, colors, designs that looked too "fancy", too "gimmicky", too "Mysterioso" (which was entirely red), too "weird" and too demonic.
Maximum protection is key for the Robin designs; Batman does not wish for Tim Drake to be vulnerable.
Some notes on the designs included: bare legs as unacceptable, cape as bird wings, change from traditional robin colors to black and yellow, a staff that would double as a blow-gun, headbands (to emphasize the martial art portion of the training) a bandanna, throwing darts (too much bloodshed) wings, absence of cape, hoods, and a design emulating Robin Hood. Many of these were deemed too childish.
According to Batman, the car needed: a week's water and rations in the trunk, a lightweight and bullet-proof body, swift acceleration, agility on all surfaces, at least two auxiliary fuel tanks, Unibody construction, advanced strut suspension, antilock double-disc brakes, crash protection with airbags for passenger and driver, seat-ejection, concealed floodlights, motion and heat sensing alarms, remote self-destruction capability, backup antitheft wheel-locks, forward and rear cameras, police radio, loudspeaker, conventional radio and television and heavy-duty tires (puncture and flame proof).
Wayne Manor
Wayne Manor is to be mostly unchanged, except for advanced alarm systems for the perimeter, ground, threshold and interior space, a secret entrance hidden by a large painting or the grandfather clock.
The Batcave
The Batcave will serve as garage for the cars, have a concealed exit far from the cave, a state-of-the-art crime lab and communications center; a trophy room, which would serve as a constant reminder of what Batman's mission is all about; and will also have maximum speed and data storage for the computers.
Batman also notes some of the designs of the new Arkham Asylum and of how easy it would be to break out of it, as well as the general mood of Gotham City.