Bengali vocabulary
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Bengali (বাংলা Bangla) is one of the Magadhan languages, evolved from Magadhi Prakrit and Pali languages. The core of Bengali vocabulary is thus etymologically of Magadhi Prakrit and Pali languages. However, centuries of major borrowing and reborrowing from Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Sanskrit, Austroasiatic languagess and other languages has led to the adoption of a wide range of words with foreign origins. Thus making the origins of borrowed and reborrowed words in the Bengali vocabulary numerous and diverse, due to centuries of contact with various languages.
Classifications of origin types

The typical Bengali dictionary lists 75,000 separate words, of which 50,000 (67%) are considered তৎসম tôtsômô (words directly reborrowed from Sanskrit), 21,100 (28%) are তদ্ভব tôdbhôbô (native Bengali vocabulary with Sanskrit cognates), and the rest being borrowings from দেশী deshi "indigenous (Austroasiatic)" and বিদেশী bideshi "foreign" sources.
However, these figures do not take into account the fact that a huge chunk of these words are archaic or highly technical, minimizing their actual usage. The productive vocabulary used in modern literary works, in fact, is made up mostly 67% of native tôdbhôbô words, while tôtsômô reborrowings only make up 25% of the total. Deshi and bideshi borrowings together make up the remaining 8% of the vocabulary used in modern Bengali literature.
Differences in Vocabulary
This table below compares the differences of spoken and used vocabularies in Bangladesh and West Bengal.
word | Bangladesh | West Bengal |
water | পানি pani | জল jôl |
salt | লবণ lôbôn | নুন nun |
invitation | দাওয়াত daoat | নিমন্ত্রণ nimôntrôn |
chili | মরিচ môric | লঙ্কা lôngka |
home | বাসা basha | বাড়ি bari |
Examples of borrowed words
Due to centuries of contact with Europeans, Mughals, Arabs, Persians, and East Asians, The Bengali language has absorbed countless words from foreign languages, often totally integrating these borrowings into the core vocabulary. The most common borrowings from foreign languages come from three different kinds of contact. After centuries of contact from Persia and the Middle East, followed by the invasions of the Mughal Empire, numerous Turkish, Arabic, and Persian words were absorbed and fully integrated into the lexicon. Later, East Asian travelers and European colonialism brought words from Portuguese, French, Dutch, and most significantly English. Some very common borrowings are shown below.
Arabic (আরবি Arôbi)
Word | Meaning | Original form |
আক্কেল akkel | wisdom | عقل ‘aql |
আসল ashôl | real | أصل ’aṣl "root" |
এলাকা elaka' | area | أﻻﻛﺔ ilākah |
ওজন ojôn | weight | وزن wazn "scale" |
কবর kôbôr | grave | قبر qabr |
খবর khôbôr | news | خبر khabar |
খালি khali | empty | خالي khālī |
খেয়াল kheyal' | consideration | خيال khyal |
গরিব gôrib | poor | غريب gharīb "strange" |
জবাব jôbab | answer | جواب jawāb |
জমা jôma | collect | جمع jam‘ |
জিনিস jinish | thing | جنس jins "thing |
তারিখ tarikh | date | تاريخ tārīkh "history, date" |
দুনিয়া duniya | world | دﻧﯿـا dunya |
নকল nôkôl | fake | نقل naql |
ফকির fôkir | poor person | فقير faqīr |
বদল bôdôl | exchange | بدل badl |
বাকী baki | remaining | بقي baqīy |
সাহেব saheb | sir | صاحب ṣāḥib "friend" |
হিসাব hishab | calculation | حساب ḥisāb |
Persian (ফার্সি Farsi)
Word | Meaning | Original form |
আয়না ayna | mirror | آینه āynah |
আরাম aram | comfort | آرام ārām |
আস্তে aste | slowly, softly | آهسته āhistah "slowly" |
কাগজ kagôj | paper | كاغذ kāghaz |
খারাপ kharap | bad | خراب xarāb |
খোদা khoda | god | خدا xoda |
খুব khub | very | خوب xūb "good" |
গরম gôrôm | hot | گرم garm |
চশমা chôshma | glasses | چشم chashm "eye" |
চাকুরি chakuri | job | چاکر chākar |
চাদর chadôr | blanket | چادر chādur |
জান jan | dear | جان jān |
জায়গা jayga | place | جايگاه jāegāh |
ডেগচি ḍegchi | pot | ديگچه dēgchah |
দম dôm | breath | دم dam |
দেরি deri | late | دير dēr |
দোকান dokan | store | دكان dukān |
পর্দা pôrda | curtain | پرده pardah |
বদ bôd | bad | بد bad |
বাগান bagan | garden | باغان bāghān |
রাস্তা rasta | road | راسته rāstah |
রোজ roj | everyday | روز rōz "day" |
হিন্দু hindu | Hindu | هندو hindū |
পছন্দ pôchhôndô | like, appreciate | پسند pasand |
টেক্কা ṭêkka | ace | تيكه tika "contract" |
আলু alu | potato | آلو âlu "plum" |
Turkish (তুর্কি Turki)
Word | Meaning | Original form |
কোরমা korma | korma | korma |
চকমক chôkmôk | sparkle | çakmak "flash" |
দাদা dada | elder brother | dede |
নানী nani | maternal grandmother | nine |
বাবা baba | father | baba |
বাবুর্চি baburchi | cook, chef | baburchi |
বেগম begôm | lady | begüm |
Austroasiatic languages (দেশী Deshi)
কালা kala | black |
কুড়ি kuŗi | twenty |
খুকি khuki | girl |
খোকা khoka | boy |
খোঁচা khõcha | poke |
খোঁজ khõj | notice |
চাল chal চাউল chaul | rice grains, |
চিংড়ি chingṛi | shrimp |
চুলা chula | oven, stove |
ঝিনুক jhinuk | shell |
ঝোল jhol | gravy |
ঠ্যাং ṭhæng | leg |
ঢোল ḍhol | dhol |
পেট peṭ | belly |
বোবা boba | muteness |
মাঠ maṭh | field, open land |
মুড়ি muṛi | puffed rice |
Sanskrit (সংস্কৃত Sôngskritô)
Word | Meaning | Original form |
চাহিদা chahida | demand | चाहिदा chāhidā |
স্বাগতম্ shagôtôm | welcome | स्वागतम् Svāgatam |
নির্বাণ nirbanô | Nirvana | निर्वाण Nirvāṇa |
যোগ jogô | Yoga | योग yóg |
যোগী jogi | practicer of Yoga | योगिन् yogi |
যৌন joun | sex, sexual act | यौन Yauna |
আর্য্য arjyô | Aryan | आर्य ārya |
আসন ashôn | seat | आसन āsana |
আশ্রম ashrôm | hermitage or monastery | आश्रम āśrama |
অবতার ôbôtar | Avatar | अवतार avatāra |
আয়ুর্বেদ ayurbedô | Ayurveda | आयुर्वेद āyurveda |
বন্ধন bôndhôn | bondage | बन्धन bandhana |
বাসমতী bashmôti | Basmati rice | वास vāsa |
ভাং bhang | Bhang | भङ्ग bhangga |
খাট khat | cot | खट्वा khatvā |
ধুতি dhuti | Dhoti | धुनोति dhunoti |
লুঠ luth | Looting | लुण्टा luṇtā |
মায়া maya | Maya | माया māyā |
স্বামী shami | master | स्वामी svāmī |
লাখ lakh | Lakh | लाक्षम् lākṣam |
লক্ষ্মী lôkkhi | Lakshmi | लक्ष्मी lakṣmī |
লক্ষ্মণ lôkkhôṇ | Lakshmana | लक्ष्मण lakṣmaṇa |
Japanese (জাপানি / নিহোঙ্গো Japani / Nihonggo )
Word | Meaning | Original form |
চা cha | tea | 茶 cha |
আনিমে anime | Anime | アニメ anime |
মাঙ্গা mangga | Manga | マンガ manga |
বোকা boka | Fool | ばか "baka" |
হাশি hashi | Chopsticks | 箸 hashi |
ৎসুনামি tsunami | Tsunami | つなみ tsunami |
রিক্সা riksha | Rickshaw | 力車 (jin) rikisha |
Dutch (ওলন্দাজ Olôndaj)
Word | Meaning | Original form |
ইস্কাবন iskabôn ইশকাপন ishkapôn | spades | schoppen |
রুইতন ruitôn | diamonds | ruiten (lit. "rhombi") |
হরতন hôrtôn | hearts | harten |
ক্লাব "klâba" | clubs | klaveren (lit. "clovers") |
তুরুপ turup | trump | troef |
ইস্ক্রুপ iskrup | screw | schroef |
Portuguese (পর্তুগিজ Pôrtugij)
Word | Meaning | Original form |
আলমারি almari | closet, cupboard | armário |
ইস্ত্রি istri ইস্তিরি istiri | to iron | estirar |
ইস্পাত ispat | steel | espada "sword" |
কামিজ kamij | shirt | camisa |
গামলা gamla | basket | gamela "wooden trough" |
চাবি chabi | key | chave |
জানালা janala | window | janela |
তাবাক tabak | tobacco | tobacco |
পেরেক perek | nail | prego |
ফিতা fita | lace, ribbon | fita |
বারান্দা baranda | verandah | varanda |
বালতি balti | Bucket | balde |
বেহালা behala | viola | viola |
বোতাম botam | button | botão |
মেজ mej | table | mesa |
সাবান saban | soap | sabão |
কেদারা kedara | chair | cadeira |
আতা ata | custard apple | ata |
আনারস anarôs | pineapple | ananás |
কাজু kaju | cashew | caju |
কপি kôpi | cabbage, cauliflower | couve |
পাউ pau | sliced bread | pão "bread" |
পেঁপে pẽpe | papaya | papaia |
পেয়ারা peyara | guava | pera "pear" |
সাগু sagu | sago | sagu |
সালাদ salad | salad | salada |
ক্রুশ krush | cross | cruz |
গির্জা girja | church | igreja |
যিশু Jishu | Jesus | Jesu |
পাদ্রি padri | Catholic priest | padre |
ইংরেজ ingrej | English | inglês |
French (ফরাসি Fôrasi)
Word | Meaning | Original form |
আঁশ ãsh | plant fiber | asch |
ওলন্দাজ olôndaj | Dutch | hollandaise |
কার্তুজ kartuj | cartridge | cartouche |
রেস্তোরাঁ restorã | restaurant | restaurant |
শেমিজ shemij | chemise | chemise "shirt" |
পাতি pati | small | petit |
English (ইংরেজি Ingreji)
Word | Original form |
অফিস aapish | office |
জেল jel | jail |
ডাক্তার ḍaktar | doctor |
পুলিশ pulish | police |
ব্যাংক bêngk | bank |
ভোট bhoṭ | vote |
ইস্কুল iskul স্কুল skul | school |
হাস্পাতাল haspatal | hospital |
কাপ kap | cup |
গ্লাস glas | glass |
চেয়ার cheyar | chair |
টেবিল ṭebil | table |
বাক্স baksô | box |
লণ্ঠন lônṭhôn | lantern |