Anton Chekhov bibliography
This is a partial list of Anton Chekhov's works:

Portrait of Chekhov by Isaak Levitan 1886
- That Worthless Fellow Platonov (most commonly known as Пьеса без названия ['Untitled play'] or simply, Platonov; c. 1881)—provided the source material for Michael Frayn's Wild Honey
- On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco (О вреде табака; 1886, 1902)
- Swansong (1887)—one-act play
- Ivanov (Иванов, 1887)—a drama in four acts
- The Bear or The Boor (Медведь: Шутка в одном действии, 1888)—one act comedy
- A Marriage Proposal (Предложение, c. 1888-1889)—one act
- A Tragedian in Spite of Himself or A Reluctant Tragic Hero (Трагик поневоле, 1889)
- The Wedding (Свадьба, 1889)—one act
- The Wood Demon (Леший, 1889)—four-act comedy
- The Festivities (Юбилей, 1891)
- The Seagull (Чайка, 1896)—a comedy in four acts
- Uncle Vanya (Дядя Ваня, 1899-1900)—based on The Wood Demon
- Three Sisters (Три сестры, 1901)—a drama in four acts
- The Cherry Orchard (Вишнёвый сад, 1904)—a comedy in four acts
Short stories
Further information: List of short stories by Anton Chekhov
These are the best-known stories, in order of publication:
- "The Death of a Government Clerk" (1883) „Смерть чиновника“
- "The Chameleon" (1884) „Хамелеон“
- "Oysters" (1884) „Устрицы“
- "A Living Chronology" (1885) „Живая хронология“
- "Small Fry" (1885) „Мелюзга“
- "The Huntsman" (1885) „Егерь“
- "A Malefactor" (1885) „Злоумышленник“
- "Sergeant Prishibeyev" (1885) „Унтер Пришибеев“
- "A Gentleman Friend" (1886) „Знакомый мужчина“
- "At the Mill" (1886)
- "Agafya" (1886) „Агафья“
- "Anyuta" (1886) „Анюта“
- "Easter Eve" (1886) „Святою ночью“
- "Grisha" (1886) „Гриша“
- "Misery" (1886) „Тоска“
- "The Chorus Girl" (1886) „Хористка“
- "Ivan Matveyich" (1886) „Иван Матвеич“
- "The Requiem" (1886) „Панихида“
- "Van'ka" (1886) „Ванька“
- "Home" (1887) „Дома“
- "The Siren" (1887) „Сирена“
- "Kashtanka" (1887) „Каштанка“
- "Sleepy" (1888) „Спать хочется“
- "The Bet" (1889) „Пари“
- "A Dreary Story" (1889) „Скучная история“
- "Gusev" (1890) „Гусев“
- "Peasant Wives" (1891) „Бабы“
- "The Grasshopper" (1892) „Попрыгунья“
- "In Exile" (1892) „В ссылке“
- "Ward No. 6" (1892) „Палата № 6“
- "The Black Monk" (1894) „Чёрный монах“
- "Rothschild's Violin" (1894) „Скрипка Ротшильда“
- "The Student" (1894) „Студент“
- "The Teacher of Literature" (1894) „Учитель словесности“
- "Anna on the Neck" (1895) „Анна на шее“
- "Whitebrow" (1895) „Белолобый“
- "Ariadna" (1895) „Ариадна“
- "An Artist's Story [The House with the Mezzanine]" (1896) „Дом с мезонином“
- "Peasants" (1897) „Мужики“
- "The Petchenyeg" (1897) „Печенег“
- "The Schoolmistress [In the Cart]" (1897) „На подводе“
- "The Little Trilogy" (1898):
- "The Man in a Case" „Человек в футляре“
- "Gooseberries" „Крыжовник“
- "About Love" „О любви“
- "Ionych" (1898) „Ионыч“
- "A Doctor's Visit [A Case History]" (1898) „Случай из практики“
- " The Darling" (1899) „Душечка“
- "On Official Duty" (1899) „По делам службы“
- "The Lady with the Dog" (1899) „Дама с собачкой“
- "At Christmas Time" (1900) „На святках“
- "In the Ravine" (1900) „В овраге“
- "The Bishop" (1902) „“Архиерей“
- "Betrothed [The Fiancée]" (1903) „Невеста“
- The Shooting Party (1884)
- The Steppe (1888) „Степь“
- The Duel (1891) „Дуэль“
- An Anonymous Story (Alternate translations: The Story of an Unknown Man/The Story of a Nobody] (1893) „Рассказ неизвестного человека“
- Three Years (1895) „Три года“
- My Life „Moya zhizn“ (1896) „Моя жизнь“
- A Journey to Sakhalin (1895), including:
- Sakhalin Island (1891–1895)
- Across Siberia
- (In English translation)
- Letters of Anton Chekhov to His Family and Friends: With a Biographical Sketch. Translated by Constance Garnett. New York. 1920. Internet Archive on-line edition.
- Letters on the Short Story, the Drama, and Other Literary Topics, by Anton Chekhov. Selected and Edited by Louis S. Friedland. London. 1924.
- The Letters of Anton Pavolvitch Tchekhov to Olga Leonardovna Knipper. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York.
- The Life and Letters of Anton Tchekov. Translated and Edited by S.S. Koteliansky and Philip Tomlinson. New York. 1925.
- The Personal Papers of Anton Chekhov. Introduction by Matthew Josephson. New York. 1948.
- The Selected Letters of Anton Chekhov. Edited by Lillian Hellman and translated by Sidonie Lederer. New York. 1955. ISBN 0-374-51838-6.
- DEAR WRITER, DEAR ACTRESS: The Love Letters of Anton Chekhov and Olga Knipper. Ecco, 1997, ISBN 0-88001-550-0.
- Anton Chekhov's Life and Thought: Selected Letters and Commentary. Translated by Simon Karlinsky, Michael Henry Heim, Northwestern University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-8101-1460-7.
- A Life in Letters. Translated by Rosamund Bartlett, Anthony Phillips. Penguin Books, 2004. ISBN 0-14-044922-1.
- Note-Book of Anton Chekhov. Translated by S. S. Koteliansky, Leonard Woolf, New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1921. Internet Archive on-line edition.
External links
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Wikisource has original text related to this article: |
- Study resource for "The Lady with the Dog" Retrieved 17 February 2007.
- Teuber, Andreas. "Anton Chekhov Page". Retrieved 2008-07-14.
- Willis, Louis (27 January 2013). "Chekhov's Crime Stories". Literary and Genre. Knoxville: SleuthSayers.
- 55 + Stories Internet Archive Creative Commons and Public Domain
- The Little Trilogy Internet Archive Creative Commons and Public Domain
- Additional Stories from LibriVox See More Chekhov Stories
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