Caltech Cosmic Cube

The Caltech Cosmic Cube was a parallel computer, developed by Charles Seitz and Geoffrey C Fox from 1981 onward.[1]

It was an early attempt to capitalise on VLSI to speed up scientific calculations at a reasonable cost. Using commodity hardware and an architecture suited to the specific task (QCD), Fox and Seitz demonstrated that this was indeed possible.

In 1984 a group at Intel including Justin Rattner and Cleve Moler developed the Intel iPSC inspired by the Cosmic Cube.[2] In 1987 several people in the group formed a company called Parasoft to commercialize the message passing interface developed for the Cosmic Cube.[3]



  1. Cosmic Cubism from Engineering & Science, March 1984
  2. Cleve Moler (October 28, 2013). "The Intel Hypercube, part 1". Retrieved November 4, 2013.
  3. History of Supercomputing
  4. Birth of the Hypercube

External links

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