Category O
Category O (or category ) is a mathematical object in representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras. It is a category whose objects are
certain representations of a semisimple Lie algebra and morphisms are homomorphisms of representations.
Assume that is a (usually complex) semisimple Lie algebra with a Cartan subalgebra
is a root system and
is a system of positive roots. Denote by
the root space corresponding to a root
a nilpotent subalgebra.
If is a
-module and
, then
is the weight space
Definition of category O
The objects of category O are -modules
such that
is finitely generated
is locally
-finite, i.e. for each
, the
-module generated by
is finite-dimensional.
Morphisms of this category are the -homomorphisms of these modules.
Basic properties
- Each module in a category O has finite-dimensional weight spaces.
- Each module in category O is a Noetherian module.
- O is an abelian category
- O has enough projectives and injectives.
- O is closed to submodules, quotients and finite direct sums
- Objects in O are
-finite, i.e. if
is an object and
, then the subspace
generated by
under the action of the center of the universal enveloping algebra, is finite-dimensional.
- All finite-dimensional
-modules and their
-homomorphisms are in category O.
- Verma modules and generalized Verma modules and their
-homomorphisms are in category O.
See also
- Humphreys, James E. (2008), Representations of semisimple Lie algebras in the BGG category O (PDF), AMS, ISBN 978-0-8218-4678-0
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