Negation (comics)


Cover to the Negation prequel issue
Publication information
Publisher CrossGen
Format Ongoing series
    Publication date January 2002 - March 2004
    Number of issues 27 (and a prequel)
    Main character(s) Obregon Kaine, Mercer Drake, Evinlea, Shassa, Charon
    Creative team
    Creator(s) Mark Waid, Tony Bedard, Paul Pelletier

    Negation was a comic book series published from CrossGen. Tony Bedard was the writer for the entire run. Paul Pelletier was the artist for most of the issues, with an occasional fill-in artist on some issues.

    The series started with the Negation Prequel in late 2001. 27 regular issues followed the prequel. The series concerned a group of different alien races that had been taken prisoner and brought to the Negation universe. A number of the prisoners had innate superhuman powers while many, like Obregon Kaine, were ordinary humans. His tactical military experience made him able to lead the prisoners. He masterminded the plan that allowed a number of his fellow prisoners to escape the prison planet all of them were being held in. The series details the adventures which Kaine and the rest had in Negation space. The series ended with issue 27. CrossGen tried to wrap up all the dangling storylines in the Negation: War mini-series. CrossGen had to declare bankruptcy before the series could be finished. Only two issues of Negation: War were published.

    In October 2004, writer Tony Bedard was quoted laying out a design for the future of the characters in an interview.[1]

    CrossGen released two trade paperback books which contained the first part of the series.

    Two more books were released May 25, 2007:

    CrossGen Chronicles #7, Negation: Lawbringer, and the Mark of Charon mini-series were Negation-related books that CrossGen published. All the stories were written by Tony Bedard and expand the universe created in the main Negation series.



    Sigil Bearers

    It was revealed in the series that there were five Sigil-Bearers taken by the Negation, though apparently only four survived the "Extinction Wave", a weapon which rendered the prison planet into a burnt husk. The survivors are as follows;

    The fifth Sigil-bearer, a blue-skinned, blue-haired individual with the Sigil marked on the right side of his neck, was shown in the Negation Prequel, though his name and his abilities were never mentioned. He was apparently slain at the prison planet, possibly either by one of the warden's tests or during the deployment of the Extinction Wave weapon, which effectively annihilated the prison planet.

    There was also a character in the prequel that bore a sigil on his shoulder.

    Negation Military


    1. "Interview 2". GeoCities. October 2004. Archived from the original on 27 October 2009.

    External links

    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, March 17, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.