Chatham penguin

Chatham penguin
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Sphenisciformes
Family: Spheniscidae
Genus: Eudyptes
Species: E. chathamensis
Binomial name
Eudyptes chathamensis

The Chatham penguin (Eudyptes chathamensis) was a species of penguin, now extinct.[1] It is known only from subfossil bones, but may have become extinct[2] as recently as the late 19th century as a bird kept captive at some time between 1867 and 1872[3] might refer to this taxon. It appears to have been a distinct species, with a thin, slim and low bill. As of 2009, the species had not been formally described.

See also


  1. ↑ Richard N. Holdaway, Trevor H. Worthy, Alan J. D. Tennyson (2001). A working list of breeding bird species of the New Zealand region at first human contact, New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 28 119-187.
  2. ↑ Animals of the Chatham Islands: Native animals
  3. ↑ A.J.D. Tennyson and P.R. Millener (1994). Bird extinctions and fossil bones from Mangere Island, Chatham Islands, Notornis (Supplement) 41, 165–178.

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