Clown porn

A man dressed as a clown at the 2008 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo

Clown porn is a variety of pornography in which the performers dress as clowns.

Hollie Stevens, who died in 2012, was known as the "Queen of Clown Porn".[1]

Slaughter Disc, a 2005 pornographic horror film, features a character who masturbates over Clown Porn.[2]

In the Family Guy episode "Screams of Silence: The Story of Brenda Q", Glenn Quagmire takes part in autoerotic asphyxiation while watching clown porn.[3]

Clown porn plays a key role in The O.C. episode "The Shake Up", in which Kaitlin Cooper attempts to split up Frank Atwood and Julie Cooper by planting clown porn in his bag.[4]

In June 2011 on the BBC's Newsnight programme, Caitlin Moran said that she wanted to see better clown porn, adding: "If I was Ronald McDonald I'd be scared."[5]


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