Coriolis (project)

Coriolis project logo

Coriolis involves 7 institutes in operational oceanography in France (CNES, CNRS, Ifremer, IPEV, IRD, Météo-France, Shom) decided in 2001 to joint their efforts within Coriolis in order to:


Data useful for operational oceanography, are obtained by diverse means including in-situ (ships, drifters, floats, moorings, etc.) and satellites. They come in very different forms, from a single variable measured at a single point to multivariate, four-dimensional collections of data that can represent data volumes from a few bytes to gigabytes. In the 2000s, there began the emergence of assembly centres that:

Coriolis (project) action has permitted to build one of these Data Assembly Centers that has originally been designed to provide the French ocean forceasting centers, MERCATOR-Océan and French Hydrographic Service ( SHOM), with real-time qualified and integrated products, first for assimilation and then for validation purposes particularly in the framework of MyOcean European project. With the arrival of re-analysed products, such as CORA dataset, Coriolis is also able to serve the research community.

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