Doordarshan Kendra, Madurai

Launched August 2005
Owned by Doordarshan
Country  India

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India,

Sister channel(s) DD India
DD News
DD Sports
DD Bharati
Analogue VHF band

Doordarshan Kendra Madurai was inaugurated on 15 August 2005. The service has been extended to the entire state in phased manner by installing Terrestrial Transmitters of different capacities ( HPTs, LPTs, VLPTs ) at different parts of the state.

The local (DD Madurai) service caters to the needs of the populace living in the areas falling within the reach of a particular transmitter through area specific programmes in the local languages and dialects.

DD Madurai presents a program by Sri Velakkudi Krishnan, about the meanings of Bhagavadh Gita. It is just for 15 minutes but Sri Velakkudi keeps you attached to his speech. Such is his charm. This Narrow cast at 6.30 am and 6.30 PM also in DD CHENNAI,Podhigai TV

DD Madurai is in Southern Tamil Nadu and also used for narrowcasting for the benefit of Farmers and general public in and around Madurai district.

See also

External links

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