Public holidays in Macedonia

Public holidays are observed in the Republic of Macedonia for a number of reasons, including for religious and national significance. They are generally accompanied by celebrations.[1]

Date English name Macedonian name Remarks
1 January New Year Нова Година, Nova Godina  
7 January Christmas Day (Orthodox) Прв ден Божик, Prv den Božik  
April/May Good Friday (Orthodox) Велики Петок, Veliki Petok see below
April/May Easter Sunday (Orthodox) Прв ден Велигден, Prv den Veligden Ortodox Easter and other Easter dates do not match; see: Date of Easter
April/May Easter Monday (Orthodox) Втор ден Велигден, Vtor den Veligden as above
1 May Labour Day Ден на трудот, Den na trudot  
24 May Saints Cyril and Methodius Day Св. Кирил и Методиј, Ден на сèсловенските просветители; Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Den na sèslovenskite prosvetiteli  
2 August Day of the Republic Ден на Републиката, Den na Republikata Day when the Republic was established in 1944, also Ilinden uprising in 1903
8 September Independence Day Ден на независноста, Den na nezavisnosta Day of independence from Yugoslavia
11 October Revolution Day Ден на востанието, Den na vostanieto Beginning of Anti-fascist war during WWII in 1941
23 October Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle Ден на македонската револуционерна борба,Den na makedonskata revolucionarna borba Day when the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO) was established in 1893.
8 December Saint Clement of Ohrid Day Св. Климент Охридски, Sv. Kliment Ohridski  
1 Shawwal Eid al-Fitr Рамазан Бајрам, Ramazan Bajram Islamic calendar

Besides these, there are several major religious & ethic communities` holidays:

Date English name Macedonian name Celebrated by
6 January Christmas Eve Бадник, Badnik Orthodox Christians
19 January Baptism of Jesus Водици, Vodici Orthodox Christians
27 January Saint Sava Day Свети Сава, Sveti Sava Ethnic Serbs
8 April International Romani Day Меѓународен ден на Ромите, Megjunaroden den na Romite Ethnic Romani people
23 May National Day of the Aromanians Национален ден на Власите, Nacionalen den na Vlasite Ethnic Aromanians
28 August Assumption of Mary Успение на Пресвета Богородица, Uspenie na Presveta Bogorodica Orthodox Christians
28 September International Bosniaks Day Меѓународен ден на Бошњаците, Megjunaroden den na Boshnjacite Ethnic Bosniaks
1 November All Saints' Day Сите Светци, Site Svetci Catholics and Protestants
22 November Albanian Alphabet Day Ден на Албанската азбука, Den na Albanskata azbuka Ethnic Albanians
21 December Turkish Language Education Day Ден на настава на турски јазик, Den na nastava na turski jazik Ethnic Turks
25 December Christmas Божиќ, Bozik Catholics and Protestants
variable Good Friday Велики Петок, Veliki Petok Ortodox Christians
variable Easter Monday Втор ден Велигден, Vtor den Veligden Catholics and Protestants
variable Pentecost Духовден, Duhovden Orthodox Christians, 7 weeks after Good Friday
10 Tishrei Yom Kippur Јом Кипур, Jom Kipur Jews
10 Dhu al-Hijjah Eid al-Adha Курбан Бајрам, Kurban Bajram Muslims


  1. According to The Law of Public holidays in the Republic of Macedonia, issued in "Службен весник на Република Македониjа", number 21/98 and 18/07, 2007, see here (in Macedonian), retrieved on 17 November 2008. (Macedonian)
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