December 2010 Israeli rabbi letter controversy

In December 2010, two open letters signed by rabbis in Israel generated heated controversy within and outside the country.

The first letter was a psak din (religious ruling) signed by an estimated 50 rabbis, urged Israeli landowners not to rent to Arabs or other non-Jews.[1] The second letter, signed by at least 27 rebbetzin (rabbis' wives) and released on December 28 by Lehava, urged young Jewish women not to date Arabs or even to work at locations where non-Jews might be present.[2]

The initiator of the rabbis' letter was the chief rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu.[3] Eliyahu was summoned to an Israeli police interrogation on January 2, 2011, on suspicion of incitement to racism, a crime in Israel,[4] but refused to answer the summons.[1][5]

Many of the rabbis who signed the letter are "local rabbis", in charge of religious services provided by their municipality; they are state employees and receive taxpayer salaries. Among the signers were rabbis from Rishon LeZion, Ramat HaSharon, Herzliya, Kfar Saba and Holon (all suburbs of Tel Aviv), Jerusalem, and other towns and settlements.[6]

According to a poll conducted by the Harry S Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a narrow plurality of Jewish Israelis were opposed to the rabbis' call not to rent to Arabs: 44 percent supported the statement, and 48 percent were opposed it.[2][7][8]


Both letters generated heated controversy in Israel and abroad, and were widely condemned:


Politicians and activists

Religious organizations




  1. 1 2 Marcy Oster (3 January 2011). "Safed rabbi refuses police summons over anti-Arab letter". Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
  2. 1 2 Levinson, Chaim. (2010-11-19) "Rabbis' wives urge Israeli women: Stay away from Arab men" Haaretz. Retrieved on 2011-01-06.
  3. Kobi Nahshoni (3 January 2011). "Druckman: It's a rabbi's duty to voice opinions". Ynetnews.
  4. 1 2 Kobi Nahshoni (2 January 2011). "Safed rabbi interrogated on incitement charges". Ynetnews.
  5. Kobi Nahshoni (31 December 2010). "Safed Rabbi fails to answer investigation summons". Ynetnews.
  6. noam (7 December 2010). "50 Israeli Rabbis issue ruling forbidding renting of homes to Arabs". Promised Land.
  7. "Rebbetzins: Women, stay away from Arab men". The Jerusalem Post. 28 December 2010. Retrieved 2011-01-06.
  8. Asaf Shtull-Trauring (28 December 2010). "Report: 44% of Israeli Jews Support Rabbis' Edict Forbidding Rentals to Arabs in Safed". Haaretz. Retrieved 2011-01-06.
  9. Jonah Mandel (18 November 2010). "Braverman calls to oust Safed rabbi for racial incitement". The Jerusalem Post.
  10. Attila Somfalvi (22 December 2010). "Minister Braverman threatens to quit, says Israel turning into Iran". Ynetnews.
  11. Sherwood, Harriet (December 7, 2010). "Dozens of Israeli rabbis back call to forbid sale of property to Arabs". The Guardian (London).
  12. Barak Ravid; Chaim Levinson (7 December 2010). "Netanyahu Slams Top Rabbis' Call to Forbid Renting Homes to Arabs". Haaretz.
  13. Attila Somfalvi (29 December 2010). "Barak: Rabbis', wives' letters part of racist tidal wave". Ynetnews.
  14. Jeffrey Goldberg (14 December 2010). "A Bit of Good News on the Don't-Sell-to-the Arabs Controversy". The Atlantic.
  15. Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein (14 December 2010). "Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's Response to the Letter Banning Sale of Homes to Gentiles in Israel". Kol HaRav - Rabbinic Voices.
  16. Yair Ettinger; Tomer Zarchin (10 December 2010). "Leading Rabbi Denounces Colleagues' Edict Against Renting Homes to non-Jews". Haaretz.
  17. Naomi Paiss (16 December 2010). "Nearly 1000 of World’s Rabbis Urge Israeli Colleagues to Reject Racist Religious Ruling" (Press release). New Israel Fund.
  18. Josh Nathan-Kazis (15 December 2010). "U.S. Rabbis Offer Rare Rebuke of Israeli Edict". The Forward.
  19. Marcy Oster (30 December 2010). "Female Israeli Reform rabbis speak out in favor of contact with Arabs". Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
  20. Nashoni, Kobi (December 30, 2010). "Women Reform rabbis: Stop the hatred". Israel Jewish Scene. Retrieved December 31, 2010.
  21. Yair Altman (2 January 2011). "Intellectuals: Firing racist rabbis not enough". Ynetnews.
  22. Blomfield, Adrian (December 31, 2010). "Holocaust survivors warn of stirrings of neo-fascism". The Daily Telegraph (London).
  23. Mark Weiss (29 December 2010). "Rabbis' wives call on Jews not to date Arabs". The Telegraph.
  24. Gil Ronen (12 December 2010). "Bill Would Grant Rabbis Immunity Regarding Freedom of Speech". Arutz Sheva.
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