Dubhchobhlaigh, aka Dubh Cobhlaigh is an Irish language female forename.
Dubhchobhlaigh was a Gaelic-Irish forename first used by members of the royal dynasty of Connacht. It was borne by upwards of twenty notable Gaelic women between the 10th and 16th centuries in Ireland.
Bearers of the Name
- Dub Chablaigh ingen Cathal, Empress of the Irish, died 1009.
- Dubh Chablaigh ingen Ãed, daughter of King Ãed in Gai Bernaig, Queen of Munster, died 1088.
- Dubhchobhlaigh ingen Gillai Patraic, Queen of Osraighe, died 1095.
- Dub Coblaig NÃ Briain, Princess of Thomond, died 1095
- Dubhchobhlaigh inghen Diarmada, Queen of Ireland, died 1097.
- Dubhchobhlaigh Bean Ua hEaghra, Queen of Luighne Connacht, died 1131.
- Dub Coblaigh Nà Conchobhair, Queen of Cenél Conaill, drowned 1153.
- Dubhcobhlach NÃ MaÃl Ruanaid, Queen of Connacht, died 1168.
- Dubcobhlaigh NÃ Ruairc, Queen of Ireland, died 1181.
- Dubhcobhlaigh NÃc Diarmata, died 1231.
- Dubhcobhlaigh Bean UÃ Birn, died 1340/43.
- Dubhcoblaigh NÃ Raighillaigh, died 1367.
- Dubhcoblaigh NÃ Raghnaill, died 1378.
- Dubh Choblaigh NÃ Diarmata, died 1381.
- Dubhcobhlaigh NÃ Conchobair Failghe, died 1381.
- Dub Choblaigh NÃc Uidhir, died 1444.
- Dubhcoblaigh Bean Mac Diarmada Rúaid, died 1532.
See also
External links
- http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/T100005B/
- http://childsfamily.com/reunion/PS82/PS82_199.HTM
- http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Feminine/Dubchoblaig.shtml
- MacDermot of Moylurg, p. 87, p. 372, p. 389, p. 417, p. 429, p. 431, p. 533, The MacDermott, 1990. ISBN 1-873437-16-1.
- Early Irish kingship and succession, p. 153 n.44, Bart Jaski, Four Courts Press, 2000. ISBN 1-85182-488-X.
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