Dungeon (comics)

Created by Joann Sfar
Lewis Trondheim
Publication information
Publisher Delcourt
Formats Original material for the series has been published as a set of graphic novels.
Original language French
Publication date 1998 â€“ 2014
Creative team
Writer(s) Joann Sfar
Lewis Trondheim
Artist(s) Various
Creator(s) Joann Sfar
Lewis Trondheim
The series has been reprinted, at least in part, in English.

Dungeon (French title: Donjon) is a series of comic fantasy comic books created by Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim, with contributions from numerous other artists. It was originally published in France by Delcourt as a series of graphic albums; English translations of the first several stories have been released by NBM Publishing, first in a black-and-white periodical version and now as several color graphic novels.

The series is a parody of sword and sorcery conventions in general, and specifically of the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons. All of the characters are either anthropomorphic animals or other strange creatures. The "dungeon" of the title is, in the original series, a business establishment run by a mild-mannered chicken, where heroes come in search of adventure and treasure and invariably die. The timeline in the main continuity is described as the stages of day; the series that lead up to the dungeon's creation are described in the Potron-Minet (Dawn) segment, the castle's glory days are described as its Zénith, and its inevitable decay is described in the Crépuscule (Twilight) stories.

Now mostly available in English, the French Donjon is an extremely ambitious work consisting of three sub-series and various side projects.


Dungeon The Early Years (Donjon Potron-Minet)

With art by Christophe Blain and Christophe Gaultier, the five volumes of this series take place in an earlier era, describing events leading up to the creation of the titular dungeon. In English translation, the Dawn series is called Early Years.

Dungeon Zenith (Donjon Zénith)

DZ portrays the "golden age" of the world of Terra Amata . Albums 1 to 4 are drawn by Trondheim, 5 and 6 by Boulet.

Dungeon Twilight (Donjon Crépuscule)

In this darker series, of 8 volumes, Herbert the Duck has become the dark overlord of the Dungeon, known as The Great Khan. Marvin the dragon, old and blind, teams with Marvin the Red, a brash rabbit warrior. The first three volumes are drawn by Sfar, the others by various artists.

Dungeon Parade (Donjon Parade)

The five volumes of Dungeon Parade take place between volumes 1 and 2 of Dungeon Zenith, starring its protagonists Marvin and Herbert. The artist is Manu Larcenet.

Dungeon Monstres (Donjon Monsters)

Donjon Monstres features secondary characters from throughout the story. "Monstres" stories can be set anywhere in the timeline, and feature occasional appearances by the major characters. There is a wide variety of artists in the 12 volumes.


The Zenith books begin at number 1, while Potron-Minet begins at -99 and Crepuscule at 101, implying that the authors intended to produce an unprecedented number of books. Trondheim originally stated in interviews that the authors "weren't crazy" and wouldn't release 300 books, trusting the reader to fill in the blanks of the missing numbers. However, in later interviews, he hinted that he had changed his mind and was seduced by the idea of creating a long-running and complex series of 300 books, which seemed possible with the collaboration of several different authors.

A third sub-series called Donjon Bonus exists of different editions (black and white or smaller format omnibuses) and work outside the comics, like the role-playing game Clefs en Mains.

With the 2014 issuance of the last two volumes of Dungeon Twilight, Trondheim and Sfar emphasized in an interview that the main story was "completely done". Trondheim said that new stories were "very improbable" due to Sfar's schedule; Sfar left the door open for more stories to be told.

Main characters


The following tables show all French paperback collections released so far, with information about English releases. Please note that in the Main Series table the Volume also corresponds to the level of the book. [1]

Main Series

Series Volume Title Available in English as: Writer/s Art
Potron-Minet -99 La chemise de la nuit Early Years vol. 1: The Night Shirt Sfar, Trondheim Christophe Blain
Potron-Minet -98 Un justicier dans l'ennui Sfar, Trondheim Christophe Blain
Potron-Minet -97 Une jeunesse qui s'enfuit Early Years vol. 2: Innocence lost Sfar, Trondheim Christophe Blain
Potron-Minet -84 Après la pluie Sfar, Trondheim Christophe Blain
Potron-Minet -83 Sans un bruit N/A Sfar, Trondheim Christophe Gaultier
Zénith 1 Coeur de canard Zenith vol. 1: Duck Heart Sfar, Trondheim Trondheim
Zénith 2 Le Roi de la bagarre Sfar, Trondheim Trondheim
Zénith 3 La Princesse des barbares Zenith vol. 2: The Barbarian Princess Sfar, Trondheim Trondheim
Zénith 4 Sortilèges et avatars Sfar, Trondheim Trondheim
Zénith 5 Un mariage à part Zenith vol. 3: Back in Style Sfar, Trondheim Boulet
Zénith 6 Retour en fanfare Sfar, Trondheim Boulet
Crépuscule 101 Le Cimetière des dragons Twilight, vol. 1: Dragon Cemetery Sfar, Trondheim Sfar
Crépuscule 102 Le Volcan des Vaucanson Sfar, Trondheim Sfar
Crépuscule 103 Armaggedon Twilight, vol. 2: Armageddon Sfar, Trondheim Sfar
Crépuscule 104 Le Dojo du lagon Sfar, Trondheim Kerascoët
Crépuscule 105 Les Nouveaux Centurions Twilight, vol. 3: The New Centurions Sfar, Trondheim Kerascoët
Crépuscule 106 Révolutions Sfar, Trondheim Obion
Crépuscule 110 Haut Septentrion Twilight, vol. 4: The End of Dungeon Sfar, Trondheim Alfred
Crépuscule 111 La Fin du Donjon Sfar, Trondheim Mazan

Secondary Series

Series Volume Level Title Available in English as: Writer/s Art
Bonus N/A N/A Clefs en main — Jeu de rôles N/A Arnaud Moragues Sfar, Trondheim
Parade 1 1.5 Un donjon de trop Parade vol. 1: A dungeon too many Sfar, Trondheim Manu Larcenet
Parade 2 1.5 Le Sage du ghetto Sfar, Trondheim Manu Larcenet
Parade 3 1.5 Le Jour des crapauds Parade vol. 2: Day of the Toads Sfar, Trondheim Manu Larcenet
Parade 4 1.5 Des fleurs et des marmots Sfar, Trondheim Manu Larcenet
Parade 5 1.5 Technique Grogro N/A Sfar, Trondheim Manu Larcenet
Monsters 1 -4 Jean-Jean la Terreur Monstres vol. 1: The Crying Giant Sfar, Trondheim Mazan
Monsters 2 3.5 Le Géant qui pleure Sfar, Trondheim Jean-Christophe Menu
Monsters 3 103 La Carte majeure Monstres vol. 2: The Dark Lord Sfar, Trondheim Andreas
Monsters 4 103 Le Noir Seigneur Sfar, Trondheim Stéphane Blanquet
Monsters 5 -97 La Nuit du tombeur Monstres vol. 4: Night of the Ladykiller Sfar, Trondheim Jean-Emmanuel Vermont-Desroches
Monsters 6 40 Du ramdam chez les brasseurs Sfar, Trondheim Yoann
Monsters 7 -90 Mon fils le tueur Monstres vol. 5: My Son the Killer Sfar, Trondheim Blutch
Monsters 8 -85 Crève-coeur Monstres vol. 3: Heartbreaker Sfar, Trondheim Carlos Nine
Monsters 9 75 Les Profondeurs Sfar, Trondheim Patrice Killoffer
Monsters 10 95 Des soldats d'honneur Monstres vol. 5: My Son the Killer Sfar, Trondheim Bézian
Monsters 11 -400 Le Grand Animateur Monstres vol. 6: The Great Animator Sfar, Trondheim Stanislas
Monsters 12 5 Le Grimoire de l'inventeur Monstres vol. 6: The Great Animator Sfar, Trondheim Nicolas Keramidas

Other languages


Since the series start, it has grown into quite a large of collection of volumes. The place of each book in an orderly timeline is worked out using levels (French: Niveau). The volume number of books in the main series (Dawn, Zenith and Twilight) is also their level. The Monsters and Parade level numbers are written down in the original books on the first page below the page number.



External links

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