Earthsea history

This article provides a chronology and summary of the major historical events in the fictional Earthsea universe created by Ursula K. Le Guin.[1]

History of Earthsea

Year Event
unknown The Making: Segoy raises the Islands of Earthsea by uttering the word Éa.
unknown Vedurnan, the separation of dragons and men: the dragons give up everything they own except the old speech and move to the west of the west; men remain on Earthsea but lose their old speech.
−1250 Rune Makers invent runes to capture the old speech and the art of naming, and set up the Dry Land in the land of the west, where the dragons live. They build The Wall there, to stop the dragons or living men from going in. The Rune makers are exiled from the Kargad Lands.
1 Morred comes to the throne.
3 Morred marries Elfarran the Fair.
8 Waste of Enlad. Isle of Soléa sinks by spell of the Enemy of Morred (name unknown). Death of Morred and Elfarran the Fair.
150 Akambar moves the King's court to Havnor.
350–450 Raids from dragons and Kargs increase. Ath writes The Book of Names. Ath is killed by the dragon Orm.
430 Maharion comes to the throne.
430–40 Maharion and Erreth-Akbe (King and Hero-mage respectively) defeat the invading Kargs led by King Thoreg of Hupun.
440 Maharion goes to fight the dragons. Erreth-Akbe travels to Hupun on Karego-At, carrying Morred's ring (later the Ring of Erreth-Akbe), to establish peace with King Thoreg. High Priest Intathin of the House of Tarb opposes treaty and challenges Erreth-Akbe to duel, defeating him, breaking the Ring and keeping its half. Second was given to Thoreg.
448 Erreth-Akbe and the dragon Orm kill each other during combat.
448 Death of Maharion in battle against Lord Gehis of the Havens. The line of Morred is lost. The beginning of the Dark Age, where warlords rule Earthsea.
600 The creation of the Hand, a group of mages and witches on Roke and the inmost Isles. (The Finder)
650 Founding of School of magic on Roke. (The Finder)
665 Attack on Roke by the Warlord Losen of Havnor's mages, led by mage Early (Terial). Death of Losen and the end of his kingdom. (The Finder)
730 First Archmage elected; females forbidden to teach on Roke.
840 One of the Priest-Kings declares himself Godking in Awabath and rules over the four lands of Kargad. Rebellion from the House of Thoreg.
961 Birth of Ogion the Silent, on Gont. Ogion is later apprenticed to mage Heleth.
975–85 The Godking defeats the rebelling House of Thoreg, putting its last two descendants on an island, with a half of Erreth-Akbe's ring.
1000 Birth of Duny, later named Ged, in Ten Alders, Gont. His mother dies one year later.
1004 Heleth and Ogion stop an earthquake on Gont. (The Bones of the Earth)
1007 Duny starts learning the old speech and spells with his witch aunt.
1010 Birth of Tenar in hamlet west of Entat, fifth child of an apple orchard worker, on the day of death of Arha, First Priestess of the Nameless Ones.
1012 Kargish attack on East Port and the east of Gont. Duny foils raid and defeat them on Ten Alders by calling a thick fog over the village; news of his deed spreads over Gont. Five days later, Ogion visits him.
1013 Duny named by Ogion as Ged and is apprenticed to him. They travel back to Ogion's hut in Re Albi. Ged adopts Sparrowhawk as his usename.
1014 Ged leaves Ogion to study at Roke (Spring). He makes friends with Vetch, a student there. Rivalry with Jasper (another student) starts. Vetch and Jasper becomes sorcerers (Autumn). He spends a year in the Isolate Tower learning the old speech (Winter).
1015 Ged acquires a pet Otak (Spring). Ged tries to summon the spirit of Elfarran in a contest with Jasper and releases a shadow beast. The Archmage Nemmerle dies spending all his power saving Ged and driving the shadow beast out of Roke. Gensher of Way chosen as new Archmage (Summer). Tenar brought to the Tombs of Atuan to become Arha, first priestess.
1016 Ged leaves healing chamber. His fealty was refused by Gensher but he still let him study in Roke. Vetch earns his staff and leaves Roke to the East Reaches. Jasper didn't earn his staff and leaves Roke.
1017 Ged is made sorcerer and Gensher accepted his fealty.
1018 Ged earns his mage staff and leaves Roke to be mage of Low Torning of the Ninety Isles.
1019 Ged defeats the dragons of Pendor (Autumn). The Mage Wind of Roke (a magic placed around the isle to prevent evil from coming there) prevents him from returning to Roke with the shadow. Travel to Osskil, encounters a human possessed by the shadow (a gebbeth), who kills the pet otak. Ged escapes to the Court of the Terrenon. Offer made to read the Terrenon stone to find ways of defeating the Shadow. Ged refuses, and escapes in the form of a falcon when the masters of Terrenon tried to trap him. Ged flies to Re Albi and is restored by Ogion. Ged sets sail to chase the Shadow. Shipwrecked near Karego-At and washed to an island where the last descendant of the house of Thoreg were exiled. Given a half of Erreth-Akbe's ring (not identified at the time). Builds boat Lookfar. Travels to the East Reaches and meets Vetch on Iffish, sails with him past the furthest island in search of the Shadow. Defeats the Shadow by naming it with his own name (Winter).
1019–1026 Ged travels along the Dragon's Run and becomes a dragonlord. Dragon Orm Embar identifies Erreth-Akbe's ring to him. Ged goes in search for the other half of the ring.
1024 Tenar reaches womanhood and becomes One priestess of the Tomb and Atuan.
1025 Tenar enters the Labyrinth of the tomb for the first time.
1026 Ged travels to the tombs of Atuan and enters the Labyrinth. Tenar discovers him and traps him there. Ged finds the other half of Erreth-Akbe's ring. The ring is made whole. Tenar and Ged escape Atuan. The ring of Erreth-Akbe is brought to Havnor. Tenar goes to Gont to live with Ogion.
1029 Marriage of Tenar and Flint, a farmer.
1034 Birth of Lebannen (Arren) on Enlad.
between 1034–1045 Ged defeats and humiliates the sorcerer Cob.
1043 Therru (Tehanu) born.
1045 Archmage Gensher dies. Ged chosen as the new archmage. Ged and the Master Summoner of Roke, Thorion, defeat mad mage Irioth.
1049 Death of Flint, Tenar's husband.
1050 Attack on Therru. She is badly burned and is taken in by Tenar.
1051 Ged and Arren set out from Roke seeking the cause of the failure of magic in the Reaches (early spring). They find that a mysterious mage figure who summons the dead and the living is causing the failure of magic. Wandering along the South and West Reaches to find the mage, they meet raft people in the West (summer). Meanwhile, spells begin to fail everywhere, even on Roke, and both people and dragons lose their sense. Ged and Arren are guided to Selidor by the dragon Orm Embar; there Orm Embar is killed by the mage Cob. Ged defeats Cob in the Dry Land, healing the breach between the death & life, but spending his mage power in the process. The dragon Kalessin carries the two back to Roke, where Arren is revealed as the King Lebannen. Ged retires to Gont, where he reunites with Tenar and they marry. Death of Ogion the Silent. No new archmage is chosen; Azver the Patterner makes a prophecy made relating to 'a woman on Gont'. (Autumn) Coronation of Lebannen, first king of All the Isles in Havnor since the year 448.
1052 Kalessin flies to Gont and defeats Erisen, one of Cob's protégés, who had tried to kill Ged and Tenar. Naming of Therru by Kalessin, who names her Tehanu and calls her his daughter.
1058 Dragon Irian goes to Roke as a woman. She kills Thorion.
1061 Thol, a warlord from Hur-at-Hur, declares himself High King of the Four Kargad Lands; the Kargish people rise against the Godking, who flees to Atuan and is killed.
1066 Dragons begin invading the Archipelago. Alder (Hara) goes to Ged for help on nightmares about the dry land and his dead wife. He is sent to Havnor by Ged. The dragon council is held with Irian and Tehanu. The wall surrounding the dry land is destroyed. Marriage of Lebannen and Seserakh, daughter of Thol, High King of the Kargs.


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