Eger Graben

The Hans Heiling Rocks on the Eger west of Karlovy Vary (formerly Karlsbad): Variscan granite of the Bohemian Massif just south of the southern fault line of the graben in the Falkenau Basin.
Mravenčák (left) and Černý vrch (Schwarzer Berg), two tephrite-basanite kuppen on the northern edge of the Duppau Mountains opposite Klášterec nad Ohří (Klösterle an der Eger)
The Bořeň (Borschen) near Bílina (Bilin), an isolated tephrite-basanite erosion stump on the transition from the Bohemian Central Uplands into the North Bohemian Basin
View from Milleschauer into the Bohemian Central Uplands over the North Bohemian Basin, inter alia with the coal-fired power station of Ledvice (Ladowitz) and the brown coal open-cast mine of Bilin. In the background is the southern edge of the Ore Mountains and the town of Litvínov (Oberleutensdorf).

The Eger Graben (Czech: Oherský příkop, German: Egergraben) is a geographical unit in the Czech Republic. It runs southwards, parallel to the Ore Mountains (Krušné Hory) and its formation is linked with that of the mountain range.


The Eger flows through the Eger Graben and separates the Ore Mountains from the Kaiserwald and the Doupov Mountains. The trench continues to the northeast along the valley of the Bílina and later, as the North Bohemian Basin, separates the Ore Mountains from the Bohemian Central Mountains, where the River Eger leaves the graben and flows into the Elbe south of the Bohemian Mountains.


The Eger Graben is part of the European Cenozoic Rift System and was created geologically on the same principle as the Rhine Rift Valley. It was formed by the almost complete erosion of the Variscan Mountains and sits on a fault-block caused by the horizontal pressure of the African continental plate. This block dropped, however, in contrast to the surrounding area. The Ore Mountains are fault-block mountains which rise very gently in Germany, but drop very steeply into the Eger Graben. The trench thus follows the main fault line of the Ore Mountains.


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