Technology of The Saga of Seven Suns

The technology of The Saga of Seven Suns is a key aspect of the fictional setting of The Saga of Seven Suns series of science fiction novels written by Kevin J. Anderson. In this series, humans have colonized multiple planets in the galaxy, which is also home to various alien races: the Ildirans, Klikiss, faeros, hydrogues, verdani and wentals.

Earth Defense Force/Hansa

Artificial Intelligence

Energy source

Ekti is a fictional allotrope of hydrogen which is used to power the Ildiran stardrive, the only feasible method of interstellar travel at the start of the series. Earth ships have modified and improved drives attached.

Ekti is harvested from gas giants as their atmosphere is mostly Hydrogen. Hydrogen being the most abundant element in the universe can also be found in interstellar nebulae as well as planets close to and farthest away from the Sun. To extract the Hydrogen which in turn is converted to Ekti large Skymines are used. These plants are usually manned by Roamers, nomadic breakaway Earthers, but occasionally by Ildirans and the Hansa. In extracting Hydrogen from nebula large Nebular Skimmers slowly collect the Hydrogen for transport to be converted into Ekti, where it is shipped off. Harvesting of it is limited after gas giant aliens start destroying extractors.

Ship-based weapons

Personal weapons


Ship-based weapons

Personal weapons



Artificial Intelligence

Personal weapons





On the exterior of the Hydrogue War Globe are triangular pyramids that fire an electricity based "lightning" weapon, and also a cold based weapon capable of freezing large areas.




Wentals use themselves as weapons. The liquids they control appear to be highly corrosive to the surface of hydrogue warglobes. They may also be shaped into point shaped cylindar projectiles to be fired out of Human and Ildiran gunports or combined with the Verdani in a spherical shape to engulf faeros.



faeros are giant fireballs, and simply ram into their enemies or surround them and melt them.



The verdani have been described as using seed pods, which are capable of cutting through the thick diamond hulled ships of the hydrogues. They also have big ships described as seed ships, that need a green priest to join with them. The trees themselves can use vines to destroy warglobes. They may also join with the wentals, forming a spherical shape with a verdani frond inside that is able to engulf faeros.

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