European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection

The Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection is a member of the European Commission. The post is currently held by Christos Stylianides.

The portfolio deals with the distribution of aid; the European Commission is the largest supplier of humanitarian aid in the world.

Louis Michel as commissioner

After the Israeli-Lebanese conflict in 2006 the Commissioner visited Lebanon and called for €30 million to repair the damage there. The Parliament's development committee was cautious though about the expenditure and he was also criticised for his slow response with one MEP comparing him to "a fireman who arrives at the scene after the fire has gone out". In the same debate MEPs attacked the Commissioner for "appearing partial in the Congolese elections" in describing Joseph Kabila as "the hope of Congo". Michel responded by saying he would have said the same about any candidate in the democratic elections.

Louis Michel has caused some mild controversy in 2007 among MEPs when it became known that he is to take leave from his work to compete in Belgian elections. Generally Commissioners are meant to remain above national politics and the European Parliament's development committee asked the Parliament's legal service to assess if his participation violates the treaties. During his absence (12 May 2007 onwards), Commissioner Rehn will take over his duties.

His head of cabinet is Sabine Weyand, deputy head; Koen Doens and spokesperson; Amadeu Altafaj-Tardio.

List of commissioners

Name Country Period Commission
1 Robert Lemaignen  France 1958–1962 Hallstein Commission
2 Henri Rochereau  France 1962–1970 Hallstein Commission, Rey Commission
3 Jean-François Deniau  France 1967–1973 Rey Commission, Malfatti Commission, Mansholt Commission
4 Claude Cheysson  France 1973–1981 Ortoli Commission, Jenkins Commission, Thorn Commission
5 Edgard Pisani  France 1981–1985 Thorn Commission
6 Lorenzo Natali  Italy 1985–1989 Delors Commission I
7 Manuel Marin  Spain 1989–1995 Delors Commission II & III
8 João de Deus Pinheiro  Portugal 1995–1999 Santer Commission
9 Poul Nielson  Denmark 1999–2004 Prodi Commission
10 Joe Borg  Malta 2004 Prodi Commission
11 Louis Michel  Belgium 2004–2009 Barroso Commission I
12 Karel De Gucht  Belgium 2009–2010 Barroso Commission I
13 Kristalina Georgieva  Bulgaria 2010-2014 Barroso Commission II
14 Christos Stylianides  Cyprus 2014-Present Juncker Commission

See also

External links

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