F. Scott Fitzgerald bibliography

F. Scott Fitzgerald bibliography
↙Novels 5
↙Stories 171
↙Collections 10
↙Poems 25
↙Plays 1
References and footnotes

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 â€“ December 21, 1940) was an American author of novels and short stories, whose works are the paradigmatic writings of the Jazz Age. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. Fitzgerald is considered a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. He finished four novels: This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby (his most famous), and Tender Is the Night. A fifth, unfinished novel, The Love of the Last Tycoon, was published posthumously. Fitzgerald also wrote many short stories that treat themes of youth and promise along with age and despair.



Cover of This Side of Paradise (New York: Scribners, 1920)
Cover of The Beautiful and Damned (New York: Scribners, 1922)
Title Publication Notes E-text
This Side of Paradise New York: Scribners, 1920 Wikisource
The Beautiful and Damned New York: Scribners, 1922 Wikisource
The Great Gatsby New York: Scribners, 1925 Wikisource; Project Gutenberg Australia
Tender Is the Night New York: Scribners, 1934 A revised version prepared by Malcolm Cowley
was published posthumously in 1951
Project Gutenberg Australia
The Love of the Last Tycoon New York: Scribners, 1941 Unfinished; compiled and published posthumously;
first published as The Last Tycoon

Short story collections

Cover of Tales of the Jazz Age (New York: Scribners, 1922)
Title Publication Contents E-text
Flappers and Philosophers New York: Scribners, 1920 8 short stories Wikisource; Project Gutenberg
Tales of the Jazz Age New York: Scribners, 1922 11 short stories Wikisource; Project Gutenberg
All the Sad Young Men New York: Scribners, 1926 9 short stories Wikilivres
Taps at Reveille New York: Scribners, 1935 18 short stories –
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald New York: Scribners, 1951 28 short stories –
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories New York: Scribners, 1960 10 short stories –
The Pat Hobby Stories New York: Scribners, 1962 17 short stories Project Gutenberg Australia
The Basil and Josephine Stories New York: Scribners, 1973 14 short stories –
The Price Was High: Fifty Uncollected Stories New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979 50 short stories –
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald New York: Scribners, 1989 43 short stories –

Other books

Title Publication Contents
Afternoon of an Author New York: Scribners, 1958 11 stories and 9 essays
The Vegetable, or From President to Postman New York: Scribners, 1923 play
The Crack-Up New York: New Directions, 1945 10 essays, selections from the notebooks,
and letters
The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1965 16 early stories
Bits of Paradise New York: Scribners, 1974 11 stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald
and 10 stories by Zelda Fitzgerald
Poems 1911–1940 S.C.: Bruccoli Clark, 1981 25 poems
Novels and Stories 1920–1922 New York: Library of America, 2000 This Side of Paradise; Flappers and Philosophers;
The Beautiful and Damned; Tales of the Jazz Age
Before Gatsby: The First Twenty-Six Stories Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2001 26 stories


Title Publication Contents
The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald New York: Scribners, 1964
Dear Scott/Dear Max New York: Scribners, 1971 The Fitzgerald-Perkins correspondence
As Ever, Scott Fitz—— Philadelphia and New York: J.B. Lippincott. 1972 The Fitzgerald-Ober correspondence
Correspondence of F. Scott Fitzgerald New York: Random House, 1980
F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters New York: Scribners, 1994

Short stories


Title Publication Collected in E-text
"The Mystery of the Raymond Mortgage" St. Paul Academy Now and Then (October 1909) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"Reade, Substitute Right Half" St. Paul Academy Now and Then (February 1910) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"A Debt of Honor" St. Paul Academy Now and Then (March 1910) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"The Room with the Green Blinds" St. Paul Academy Now and Then (June 1911) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"A Luckless Santa Claus" Newman News (Christmas 1912) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"Pain and the Scientist" Newman News (1913) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"The Trail of the Duke" Newman News (June 1913) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"Shadow Laurels" Nassau Literary Magazine (April 1915) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"The Ordeal" Nassau Literary Magazine (June 1915) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"The Débutante" Nassau Literary Magazine (January 1917) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"The Spire and the Gargoyle" Nassau Literary Magazine (February 1917) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"Tarquin of Cheapside" Nassau Literary Magazine (April 1917) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"Babes in the Woods" Nassau Literary Magazine (May 1917) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"Sentiment—And the Use of Rouge" Nassau Literary Magazine (June 1917) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –
"The Pierian Springs and the Last Straw" Nassau Literary Magazine (October 1917) The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald –


Cover of the 1 May 1920 Saturday Evening Post containing "Bernice Bobs Her Hair"; Fitzgerald's name appears on the cover.
Title Publication Collected in E-text
"Porcelain and Pink" The Smart Set (January 1920) Tales of the Jazz Age Wikisource
"Head and Shoulders" The Saturday Evening Post (21 February 1920) Flappers and Philosophers;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Benediction" The Smart Set (February 1920) Flappers and Philosophers Wikisource
"Dalyrimple Goes Wrong" The Smart Set (February 1920) Flappers and Philosophers Wikisource
"Myra Meets His Family" The Saturday Evening Post (20 March 1920) The Price Was High –
"Mister Icky" The Smart Set (March 1920) Tales of the Jazz Age Wikisource
"The Camel’s Back" The Saturday Evening Post (24 April 1920) Tales of the Jazz Age Wikisource
"Bernice Bobs Her Hair" The Saturday Evening Post (1 May 1920) Flappers and Philosophers;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Ice Palace" The Saturday Evening Post (22 May 1920) Flappers and Philosophers;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Offshore Pirate" The Saturday Evening Post (29 May 1920) Flappers and Philosophers;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Cut-Glass Bowl" Scribner’s Magazine (May 1920) Flappers and Philosophers Wikisource
"The Four Fists" Scribner’s Magazine (June 1920) Flappers and Philosophers Wikisource
"The Smilers" The Smart Set (June 1920) The Price Was High –
"May Day" The Smart Set (July 1920) Tales of the Jazz Age;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Jelly-Bean" Metropolitan Magazine (October 1920) Tales of the Jazz Age;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Lees of Happiness" Chicago Sunday Tribune (12 December 1920) Tales of the Jazz Age Wikisource
"Jemina" Vanity Fair (January 1921) Tales of the Jazz Age Wikisource
"O Russet Witch!" Metropolitan Magazine (February 1921) Tales of the Jazz Age Wikisource
"Tarquin of Cheapside" The Smart Set (February 1921) Tales of the Jazz Age Wikisource
"The Popular Girl" The Saturday Evening Post (11 and 18 February 1922) Bits of Paradise –
"Two for a Cent" Metropolitan Magazine (April 1922) The Price Was High –
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Collier’s (27 May 1922) Tales of the Jazz Age;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Diamond as Big as the Ritz" The Smart Set (June 1922) Tales of the Jazz Age;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Winter Dreams" Metropolitan Magazine (December 1922) All the Sad Young Men;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Dice, Brassknuckles & Guitar" Hearst's International Cosmopolitan (May 1923) The Price was High;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Hot & Cold Blood" Hearst’s International Cosmopolitan (August 1923) All the Sad Young Men Wikilivres
"Gretchen’s Forty Winks" The Saturday Evening Post (15 March 1924) All the Sad Young Men Wikilivres
"Diamond Dick and
the First Law of Woman"
Hearst’s International Cosmopolitan (April 1924) The Price Was High –
"The Third Casket" The Saturday Evening Post (31 May 1924) The Price Was High –
"Absolution" The American Mercury (June 1924) All the Sad Young Men;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Sensible Thing" Liberty (5 July 1924) All the Sad Young Men;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Unspeakable Egg" The Saturday Evening Post (12 July 1924) The Price Was High –
"John Jackson's Arcady" The Saturday Evening Post' (26 July 1924) The Price Was High –


Title Publication Collected in E-text
"The Baby Party" Hearst’s International Cosmopolitan (February 1925) All the Sad Young Men;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Pusher-in-the-Face" Woman’s Home Companion (February 1925) The Price Was High –
"Love in the Night" The Saturday Evening Post (14 March 1925) Bits of Paradise;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"One of My Oldest Friends" Woman’s Home Companion (September 1925) The Price Was High –
"The Adjuster" The Redbook Magazine (September 1925) All the Sad Young Men Wikilivres
"A Penny Spent" The Saturday Evening Post (10 October 1925) Bits of Paradise –
"Not in the Guidebook" Woman’s Home Companion (November 1925) The Price Was High –
"The Rich Boy" The Redbook Magazine (January and February 1926) All the Sad Young Men;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Presumption" The Saturday Evening Post (9 January 1926) The Price Was High –
"The Adolescent Marriage" The Saturday Evening Post (6 March 1926) The Price Was High –
"The Dance" The Redbook Magazine (June 1926) Bits of Paradise –
"Rags Martin-Jones and
the Pr-nce of W-les"
McCall's (July 1926) All the Sad Young Men;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Your Way and Mine" Woman’s Home Companion (May 1927) The Price Was High –
"Jacob’s Ladder" The Saturday Evening Post (20 August 1927) Bits of Paradise;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Love Boat" The Saturday Evening Post (8 October 1927) The Price Was High –
"A Short Trip Home" The Saturday Evening Post (17 December 1927) Taps at Reveille;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Bowl" The Saturday Evening Post (21 January 1928) The Price Was High;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Magnetism" The Saturday Evening Post (3 March 1928) The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Scandal Detectives" The Saturday Evening Post (28 April 1928) Taps at Reveille;
The Basil and Josephine Stories;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"A Night at the Fair" The Saturday Evening Post (21 July 1928) Afternoon of an Author;
The Basil and Josephine Stories
Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Freshest Boy" The Saturday Evening Post (28 July 1928) Taps at Reveille;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Basil and Josephine Stories;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"He Thinks He's Wonderful" The Saturday Evening Post (29 September 1928) Taps at Reveille;
The Basil and Josephine Stories
"The Captured Shadow" The Saturday Evening Post (29 December 1928) Taps at Reveille;
The Basil and Josephine Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Outside the Cabinet-Maker’s" The Century Magazine (December 1928) Afternoon of an Author Gutenberg Project Australia
"The Perfect Life" The Saturday Evening Post (5 January 1929) Taps at Reveille;
The Basil and Josephine Stories
"The Last of the Belles" The Saturday Evening Post (2 March 1929) Taps at Reveille;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Forging Ahead" The Saturday Evening Post (30 March 1929) Afternoon of an Author;
The Basil and Josephine Stories
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Basil and Cleopatra" The Saturday Evening Post (27 April 1929) Afternoon of an Author;
The Basil and Josephine Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Rough Crossing" The Saturday Evening Post (8 June 1929) The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald Project Gutenberg Australia
"Majesty" The Saturday Evening Post (13 July 1929) Taps at Reveille;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"At Your Age" The Saturday Evening Post (17 August 1929) The Price Was High;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Swimmers" The Saturday Evening Post (19 October 1929) Bits of Paradise;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia


Title Publication Collected in E-text
"Two Wrongs" The Saturday Evening Post (18 January 1930) Taps at Reveille;
The Basil and Josephine Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"First Blood" The Saturday Evening Post (5 April 1930) Taps at Reveille;
The Basil and Josephine Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"A Nice Quiet Place" The Saturday Evening Post (31 May 1930) Taps at Reveille;
The Basil and Josephine Stories
"The Bridal Party" The Saturday Evening Post(August 9, 1930) The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"A Woman with a Past" The Saturday Evening Post (6 September 1930) Taps at Reveille;
The Basil and Josephine Stories;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"One Trip Abroad" The Saturday Evening Post (11 October 1930) Afternoon of an Author;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"A Snobbish Story" The Saturday Evening Post (29 November 1930) The Basil and Josephine Stories –
"The Hotel Child" The Saturday Evening Post (31 January 1931) Bits of Paradise;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Babylon Revisited" The Saturday Evening Post, (21 February 1931) Taps at Reveille;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"On Your Own" - The Price Was High
"Indecision" The Saturday Evening Post (16 May 1931) The Price Was High –
"A New Leaf" The Saturday Evening Post (4 July 1931) Bits of Paradise;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Emotional Bankruptcy" The Saturday Evening Post (15 August 1931) The Basil and Josephine Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Between Three and Four" The Saturday Evening Post (5 September 1931) The Price was High
"A Change of Class" The Saturday Evening Post (26 September 1931) "The Price was High" -
"A Freeze-Out" The Saturday Evening Post (19 December 1931) The Price was High;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
University of Adelaide eBooks
"Diagnosis" The Saturday Evening Post (20 February 1932) The Price Was High -
"Six of One" Redbook (February 1932) The Price Was High;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
University of Adelaide eBooks
"Flight and Pursuit" The Saturday Evening Post (14 May 1932) The Price was High
"Family in the Wind" The Saturday Evening Post (4 June 1932) Taps at Reveille;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Rubber Check" The Saturday Evening Post (6 August 1932) The Price was High -
"What a Handsome Pair!" The Saturday Evening Post (27 August 1932) Bits of Paradise Project Gutenberg Australia
"Crazy Sunday" The American Mercury (October 1932) Taps at Reveille;
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"One Interne" The Saturday Evening Post (5 November 1932) Taps at Reveille Project Gutenberg Australia
"On Schedule" The Saturday Evening Post (18 March 1933) The Price was High
"More Than Just a House" The Saturday Evening Post (24 June 1933) The Price was High;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Fiend" Esquire (January 1935) Taps at Reveille Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Night at Chancellorsville" Esquire (February 1935) Taps at Reveille Project Gutenberg Australia
"Afternoon of an Author" Esquire (August 1936) Afternoon of an Author;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"I Didn't Get Over" Esquire (October 1936) Afternoon of an Author Project Gutenberg Australia
"An Alcoholic Case" Esquire (February 1937) The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Long Way Out" Esquire (September 1937) Babylon Revisited and Other Stories;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Financing Finnegan" Esquire (January 1938) The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Design in Plaster" Esquire (November 1939) Afternoon of an Author Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Lost Decade" Esquire (December 1939) The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald;
The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia


Title Publication Collected in E-text
"Pat Hobby’s Christmas Wish" Esquire (January 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"A Man in the Way" Esquire (February 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"‘Boil Some Water—Lots of It’" Esquire (March 1940) Afternoon of an Author;
The Pat Hobby Stories;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Teamed with Genius" Esquire (April 1940) Afternoon of an Author;
The Pat Hobby Stories
Project Gutenberg Australia
"Pat Hobby and Orson Welles" Esquire (May 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"Pat Hobby’s Secret" Esquire (June 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"The End of Hate" Collier’s (22 June 1940) The Price Was High –
"Pat Hobby, Putative Father" Esquire (July 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Homes of the Stars" Esquire (August 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"Pat Hobby Does His Bit" Esquire (September 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"Pat Hobby’s Preview" Esquire (October 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"No Harm Trying" Esquire (November 1940) Afternoon of an Author;
The Pat Hobby Stories
Project Gutenberg Australia
"A Patriotic Short" Esquire (December 1940) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"On the Trail of Pat Hobby" Esquire (January 1941) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"Fun in an Artist’s Studio" Esquire (February 1941) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"On an Ocean Wave" Esquire (February 1941) The Price Was High –
"Two Old-Timers" Esquire (March 1941) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"Mightier than the Sword" Esquire (April 1941) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"Pat Hobby’s College Days" Esquire (May 1941) The Pat Hobby Stories Project Gutenberg Australia
"The Woman from Twenty-One" Esquire (June 1941) The Price Was High –
"Three Hours Between Planes" Esquire (July 1941) Project Gutenberg Australia
"Gods of Darkness" Redbook Magazine (November 1941) – –
"The Broadcast We Almost Heard Last September" Furioso (Fall 1947) – –
"News of Paris — Fifteen Years Ago" Furioso (Winter 1947) Afternoon of an Author Project Gutenberg Australia
"Discard" Harper’s Bazaar (January 1948) The Price Was High –
"The World’s Fair" The Kenyon Review (Autumn 1948) – –
"Last Kiss" Collier’s (16 April 1949) Bits of Paradise;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"That Kind of Party" The Princeton University Library Chronicle (Summer 1951) The Basil and Josephine Stories –
"Dearly Beloved" Fitzgerald/Hemingway Annual (1969) Bits of Paradise;
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Lo, the Poor Peacock" Esquire (September 1971) The Price Was High –
"On Your Own" Esquire (30 January 1979) The Price Was High –
"A Full Life" Princeton University Library Chronicle (Winter 1988) – -
(previously thought lost, sometimes
referred to as "The Women in the House")
The Strand Magazine (July-Sept 2015) – -

The Cambridge Edition of the Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald

Cover of the first volume in the series

Cambridge University Press is publishing the complete works of F. Scott Fitzgerald in annotated editions. As of May 2014, 13 volumes have been published.[3]





  1. ↑ The Strand Magazine, "Unpublished Story by F. Scott Fitzgerald" - "Temperature", New York, July-Sept 2015 Quarterly Issue (copyright - Eleanor Lanahan & Christopher T. Byrne, Trustees under agreement dated Jan. 25, 1975, created by Frances Scott Fitzgerald Smith - "Temperature", F. Scott Fitzgerald Papers, Manuscripts Division, Dept. of Rare Books & Special Collections, Princeton Univ. Library). Retrieved 2015-08-03
  2. ↑ Hillel Italie - "Long-lost Fitzgerald Story Finally Published", The Associated Press, Aug. 2, 2015 .. Retrieved 2015-08-03
  3. ↑ "The Cambridge Edition of the Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald – Series – Academic and Professional Books". Cambridge University Press. Retrieved 2013-01-05.

External links

A painting of a man standing on a ladder at a large bookshelf Wikilivres has original media or text related to this article:
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