Faculty of Electronics, Technical University of Varna
The Faculty of Electronics is one of the fastest well-established structures to the Technical University of Varna. Dean of the faculty Prof. r.inzh. Vera Dimova.
The Faculty of Electronics at the Technical University of Varna was established in 1990 by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria by 1989 . In the first year of its existence the faculty unites departments' communication equipment "and" Radio ". Given the rapid development and penetration of electronic equipment in modern society, in 1987 is created Department "Electronics and Microelectronics". The main tasks of the Department are preparing the best specialists in the field of design, modeling, design of electronic equipment and systems. The Faculty of Electronics continues as the main structure instead created in 1986 Faculty of elektronika and equipment. The aim of the restructuring was made to allow the maximum to develop the technical potential of the specialties. From the end of 2011 the composition of the faculty is changing and so far it includes the departments "Electronics and Microelectronics", "Communication Engineering" and "Social and Legal Science ". The training of students is three courses (EQD "Bachelor," master "and NSA" doctor "), their total number is approximately 1100. In addition to Bulgaria continue their education students from Eastern Europe and Turkey. Complete history: http://tu-varna.bg/tu-varnatr/index.php?lang=en
Deans of the Faculty
- Prof. r.inzh. Elijah Petrishki (1990-1995)
- Prof. r.inzh. Dimitar Judah (1995-1999)
- Prof. r.inzh. Elijah Petrishki (1999-2003)
- Prof. r.inzh. Yordan Kolev (2003-2011)
- Prof. r.inzh. Vera Dimova (2011-)

Department of Electronics and Microelectronics
The department was established in 1987 and was initially a part of the Faculty of Electronics and Automation. In 1989. It was renamed the Faculty of Electronics. In 1991 he graduated the first class of the department of 25 Engineers. In the first years of part-time lecturers from other universities keep lectures in the department. These are teachers: prof. DSc. Vladimir Kalyavin (St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University), Prof. Dr. Elena Shoikova (Technical University of Sofia) and Assoc. Prof. Ilion Stamboliev (Technical University of Sofia), and later - Prof. Dr. Marin Hristov (2 mandate Rector of TU) and Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Gadzheva (TU). In 2012 it created a total-university Laboratory of Electronics. To date, the department has 12 laboratories, some of which are: embedded systems, digital signal processing, medical electronics, electronics for renewable energy, aided design in electronics and microelectronics. At the beginning of 2015. the department employs a total of 14 teachers and 2 employees. The teaching staff consists of 7 professors and associate professors (1 and 6 associate professor) and 7 assistants (3 of which - with the degree "Doctor"). By the beginning of 2015. The department has trained over 25 doctoral students (7 of them are studying at the moment), 9 of which are post-doctorate (one is in the process of defending a thesis). Since its establishment, the Department provides training in " Electronics "(bachelor, master and doctorate), and since 2014. It revealed and training in " Biomedical Electronics "(bachelor) and" Medical electronics "(professional bachelor - the College in the structure of the university). Within different research programs teachers from the department successfully develop national and international research.
More about the Department can be reached at address, and the Facebook-page.
Department of Electronics and Microelectronics
Heads of department
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Dimitar Judah (1987-1993)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Yordan Kolev (1993-2003)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hristo Gigov (2003-2012)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Dimitar Kovachev (2012-)
Department of Communications and Communication Technologies

Department of Communications and Communication Technologies is the successor of the founding departments in Communications - "Radio" and "communications technology." Department "Radio" was originally in the structure of the Department of "Telecommunication Equipment" .Home this unit are responsible professionals: Assoc. Eng. Georgi Enchev, Assoc. Eng. Professor Cyril Djurov. Eng. Hristo Hristov, Assoc. Stefanka Baeva, Assoc. Prof. Hristo Bankov, Assoc. Stefko Pargavelovi, Assoc. Joseph Stefanov and dots.Dimka Bombova.Sled starting his professional career at the institute, teachers uchavtvat in various projects related to the development of radio communications not only in the Varna region, but throughout Bulgaria .Trima of these professors teach at universities in the United States and Chile that is pride for the Technical University in Varna, and for the whole of Bulgaria .First highly accredited faculty of the department Acad. Dimitar Mishev (Sofia), Assoc. Prof. Plamen Atanasov (Naval Academy - Varna, Assoc. Prof. Hristo Dimitrov (VNVMU- Varna) Eng. Assen Ivanov Radio Varna Eng. Nikolay Kovachev DP "Channel and televiziya- Varna, Eng. Nikola Georgiev from the" Institute of Shipbuilding "- Varna and dr.Prez 1968 is doplomira first graduates of the department of 57 engineers visokokvolifitsirani. In 1969 the Department was appointed the first professor's - Assoc. k.t.n. Eng. Doncho Donchev (later professor, rector of the Technical University of Varna and vice. - Minister of MNP) .In 1972 created two new laboratories in the new building of the PCC (radio communication systems) .In 1983 the department was renamed "Radio and television equipment" .Inzhinerite completed the department to achieve successful Bulgarian enterprises related to the production of broadcasting equipment.
Department of Communications and Communication Technologies
The Department "Telecommunication Engineering" , later "Telecommunications Engineering" was established in1963 .The main fields of study are associated with analog communication devices, transmission of various signals predavatelin stations, equipment for communication systems and others.In 1966 for the first Head the department, Assoc. Eng. Vasil Halachev was appointed and years later he became the first accredited professor in the history of the Technical University of Cyril Djurov Varna. In 1973, the first graduate defended his dissertation and later became an associate professor .....
Head of Department
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vasil Halachev (1967-1976)
- dots.k. t. n.inzh.Kiril Djurov (1976-1993)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Iliya Atanasov (1993)
In 2002 the first students graduated with a bachelor's degree in Communications and Communication Technologies, and in 2004 the first students with a master's degree followed.
Head of Department
- Assoc. Prof. Eng. Nikolay Todorov Kostov
Department of Social and Legal Studies
In 1994 the structure of the Technical University of Varna there fakultet.Kam this Legal Unit of the University includes the following departments: "Criminal Law", "Civil Law", "Theory and History of State and Law", "Administration and state-legal sciences", " Journalism "," Education "," Translation and processing of scientific information
Deans of the Faculty
- Assoc. Prof. Nedelcho Kemanov (1992-1993)
- prof. DSc. Kuhn. Ivan Lazarov (1993-1994)
- Prof.. Dr. Vasil Mitkov (1995-1996)
- Assoc. Prof. Nedelcho Kemanov (1997-2002)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rumiana Kurteva (2002-2007)
- Page on the website of the Technical University of Varna
- History Department ETM
- History of Faculty
- History of the Department of Communications and Communication Technologies