Festival Folclórico y Reinado Nacional del Bambuco

Bambuco Pageant and Folkloric Festival
Festival Folclórico y Reinado Nacional del Bambuco

Woman wearing the festival's traditional outfit.
Official name Festival Folclórico, Reinado Nacional del Bambuco y muestra Internacional del Folclor
Observed by People from Huila
Type Catholic, Cultural
Significance Feast of Saint Peter and Saint John.
Celebrations Parades, parties, music festival, pageant
Date last weeks of June
Frequency annual
Related to Carnival, Bambuco

The Bambuco Pageant and Folkloric Festival is the largest and most important celebration in Huila Department and one of the most important celebrations in southern Colombia. It is celebrated annually in the city of Neiva during the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul and attracts a considerable number of Colombian and foreign tourists. The festival was declared National Cultural heritage by the Congress of Colombia in 2006.[1]

The Festivity is formed by three events, the Folkloric Festival, the Bambuco Pageant and the International Folklore Exposition. The Festival celebrates Bambuco music.


Since the 18th century, locals celebrated obedience to the Spanish monarch in the months of June and July,[2] as well as the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint John. At the time, Saint John's Feast was a rural festivity while Saint Peter's was celebrated in the cities.

In 1960, the festivities were officialized and the Festival Folclórico y Reinado Nacional del Bambuco were established.[2]

Reinado Nacional del Bambuco

The Reinado Nacional del Bambuco is a contest similar to beauty pageants in which contestants, each representing a Colombian Department, are judged on six parameters: Performance of Sanjuanero dance, beauty, general knowledge, popularity, punctuality and performance of regional dance.[3] Of these, the performance of the Sanjuanero dance grants the most points, followed by beauty.[3] The contests' winner is declared as the National Bambuco Queen (Spanish: Reina Nacional del Bambuco).

Year National Bambuco Queen Departament
1961 Luz Cucalón Garcia Huila
1963 Rocio Cock Jaramillo Antioquia
1964 Lucy Abuchaibe Ochoa Atlántico
1965 Maria Cristina Lalinde Valle del Cauca
1966 Martha Querubin Bogotá
1967 Myriam Tovar Diaz Meta
1968 Beatriz Eugenia Fajardo Atlántico
1969 Maria Eugenia Gomez López Cauca
1970 Liliana Gomez Cundinamarca
1971 Luz Teresa Zamora Tolima
1972 Lucy Abuchaibe Ochoa Caquetá
1973 Melba Becerra Serrano Santander
1974 Luz Stella Velandiaa Bogotá
1975 Luz Marina Gonzalez Santander
1976 Patricia Abello Marin Atlántico
1977 Martha Isabel Gomez Santander
1978 Raquel Garcia Sucre
1979 Carla Maria Fattoni Antioquia
1980 Maite Show del Rio San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina
1981 Silvana Gonzalez Mortelo Atlántico
1982 Gloria Patricia Farfan Caquetá
1983 Maria Sther Espinosa Córdoba
1984 Marixa Fernandez Fernandez Huila
1985 Liliana Serrano Ochoa Bolívar
1986 Diana Esperanza Rodriguez Meta
1987 Sandra Maria Muñoz Valle del Cauca
1988 Indira Maria Gutierrez Cesar
1989 Naffy Sther Adarraga Cesar
1990 Claudia Lorena Muñoz Valle del Cauca
1991 Adriana Lucia Uribe Huila
1992 Lina Maria Jaramillo Castaño Risaralda
1993 Liliana Maria Merlano Valderrama Atlántico
1994 Linda Abuchive Echavarria La Guajira
1995 Ana Milena Gomez Henao Caldas
1996 Liliana Andrea Lozano Caquetá
1997 Maribel Lopera Sierra Antioquia
1998 Heidy Johana Moreno Meta
1999 Gloria Helena Garcia Cruz Tolima
2000 Alicia Eugenia Bosi Martinez Bolívar
2001 Larissa Fernanda Calderon Ortiz Huila
2002 Leidy Sanchez Loaiza Caquetá
2003 Marta Carolina Mora Acevedo Atlántico & Barranquilla
2004 Valentina Cuervo Correa Caldas
2005 Maria del Mar Tovar Gomez Huila
2006 Dayana Zamara Delgado Contreras Norte de Santander
2007 Beatriz Pinedo Pavon La Guajira
2008 Diana Milena Ortiz Rojas Meta
2009 Shadia Rujana Artunduaga Huila
2010 Ana María Hernández Romero Cundinamarca
2011 Zaira Karina Pérez Colina Arauca
2012 Paola Andrea Novoa Bogotá
2013 Natalia Andrea Fernández Copete Meta
2014 Gabriela Garcia Giraldo Valle del Cauca

Festival activities


  1. Ley 1026 de 2006
  2. 1 2 Festival Folclórico y Reinado Nacional del Bambuco: el regreso a las raíces andinas, Colombian Tourism Portal.

External links

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