Flag of Asturias

Flag of Asturias

Flags of Asturias, Spain and the European Union flying in front of the Asturian presidency of government building
The flag of Asturias shows the "Cruz de la Victoria" (Victory Cross) in gold (yellow PMS 109) over blue (PMS 829).
According to the tradition, this Cross was carried by Don Pelayo (later King Pelayo), in the decisive Battle of Covadonga against the Moors in 722. This battle, fought in the mountains of Asturias, was hailed by 19th and 20th century historiography as the start of the "Reconquista" or Re-conquest of Iberia from "Moorish domination." However, there is no historical evidence that Pelayo used exactly this same cross.
In 908 the Asturian King Alfonso III the Great ordered that the original wooden -oak- cross be clad in gold and precious stones. It is now kept in this form in the Cathedral of Oviedo.
The Greek letters Alpha and omega hang from its horizontal axis. This is a direct reference to the Book of Revelation 1:8, 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.'
Flag version for not flying uses, as indoors events, with the cross centered