Fourth Ponta Cabinet

Ponta IV

124th Cabinet of Romania

Cabinet meeting, 20 May 2015
Date formed 17 December 2014
Date dissolved 4 November 2015
People and organisations
Head of government Victor Ponta
Head of state Traian Băsescu (17–21 December 2014)
Klaus Iohannis (22 December 2014–present)
Number of ministers 22
Member parties PSD, UNPR, ALDE
Status in legislature Coalition
Opposition parties PNL, UDMR, PMP, PNȚCD, PSRO, PRU
Opposition leaders Alina Gorghiu, Vasile Blaga, Hunor Kelemen, Eugen Tomac, Aurelian Pavelescu, Mircea Geoană, Bogdan Diaconu
Legislature term(s) 2014–16
Predecessor Ponta III
Successor Cioloș Cabinet

The Fourth Ponta Cabinet was the government of Romania from 17 December 2014 to 4 November 2015.[1] The Cabinet was supported by the Social Democratic Party, the National Union for the Progress of Romania and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, the alliance forged by Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu's Liberal Reformist Party and Daniel Constantin's Conservative Party.[2][3] Fourteen of the ministerial portfolios were held by PSD members, three by ALDE, two by UNPR and two by independent members (although Sorin Cîmpeanu was a member of PC).

Unlike the previous cabinet, it contained only politically appointed ministers. The posts of deputy prime minister was abolished, with the UNPR leader Gabriel Oprea.[4] In addition, eight ministerial portfolios were consolidated into four:[5]

The reshuffling of the Third Ponta Cabinet came after ministers from the Hungarian-minority party, UDMR, left the coalition and resigned from their respective ministries. Prime Minister Ponta decided to change the cabinet's image, which was affected by his loss in the presidential elections in November 2014 and a scandal involving voting procedures in the diaspora.

The Opposition, headed by the PNL, announced a possible motion of censure after 1 February 2015,[6] with President Klaus Iohannis supporting the effort to bring down the Ponta government.[7] Iohannis also expressed support for a PNL-led government..[8] A no-confidence motion failed in September 2015, on a 207-276 vote.[9]

During the ceremony of taking the oath, outgoing president Traian Băsescu criticized two of the members of the new cabinet, Liviu Pop and Sorin, accusing them of contributing to the destruction of educational institutions, calling Ponta a liar and alluding to the plagiarism scandal that resulted in the Prime Minister surrendering his doctorate.[10]


Image Function Incumbent Party In office since Until
Prime Minister Victor Ponta PSD 7 May 2012 5 November 2015
Sorin Cîmpeanu ind.[11] 5 November 2015
ad interim
17 November 2015
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs Gabriel Oprea UNPR 17 December 2014 9 November 2015[12]
Ilie Botoş ? 5 November 2015
ad interim
17 November 2015
Minister of Regional Development Liviu Dragnea PSD 17 December 2014 15 May 2015
Sevil Shhaideh PSD 20 May 2015 17 November 2015
Minister of Agriculture Daniel Constantin ALDE 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Culture Ioan Vulpescu PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu Ind. 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Defence Mircea Dușa PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Finance Darius Vâlcov PSD 17 December 2014 15 March 2015[13]
Eugen Teodorovici PSD 30 March 2015 17 November 2015
Minister of the Economy Mihai Tudose PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Justice Robert Cazanciuc PSD[14] 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Transport Ioan Rus PSD 17 December 2014 11 June 2015[15]
Iulian Matache PSD 17 July 2015[16] 17 November 2015
Minister of Health Nicolae Bănicioiu PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Communications Sorin Grindeanu PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Labour Rovana Plumb PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests Grațiela Gavrilescu ALDE 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Education Sorin Cîmpeanu Ind. 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of European Funds Eugen Teodorovici PSD 17 December 2014 30 March 2015
Marius Nica PSD 30 March 2015 17 November 2015
Minister of Youth and Sports Gabriela Szabo PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister of Energy Andrei Gerea ALDE 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister for Relations with Parliament Eugen Nicolicea UNPR 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister for Social Dialogue Liviu Pop PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015
Minister for Romanians Abroad Angel Tîlvăr PSD 17 December 2014 17 November 2015

Facts and statistics

The numbers below refer to the composition of the cabinet as of 20 May 2015:

Party breakdown

Party breakdown of cabinet ministers:


  1. "Guvernul Ponta IV a depus jurământul. Miniștrii cu care Traian Băsescu a refuzat să dea mâna și pe care i-a acuzat de fals". Știrile Pro TV (in Romanian). 17 December 2014.
  2. Cristian Andrei (14 December 2014). "LISTA INTEGRALĂ A NOILOR MINIȘTRI. Dragnea nu mai e vicepremier. Modificări de ultimă oră în schema guvernamentală". Gândul (in Romanian).
  3. "CExN al PSD a votat Guvernul Ponta 4. LISTA viitorului Cabinet în care Liviu Dragnea NU va mai fi vicepremier". Știrile Pro TV (in Romanian). 14 December 2014.
  4. Sebastian Zachmann, Mădălina Mihalache, Alina Boghiceanu (14 December 2014). "Guvernul Ponta 4, în chinurile facerii: cine pleacă, cine vine. Miron Mitrea iese din politică: E o chestiune personală. Nu vreau spectacol". Adevărul (in Romanian).
  5. "Guvernul Ponta 4 se decide duminică: Pe surse, 8 ministere vor fi comasate în 4 portofolii". (in Romanian). 13 December 2014.
  6. "Sulfina Barbu: PNL va depune o moțiune de cenzură după 1 februarie 2015". Gândul (in Romanian). 25 November 2014.
  7. Simina, Anca (19 February 2015). "Iohannis, PRIMUL ATAC la Ponta din cauza noului Cod Fiscal. „Există o şansă rezonabilă ca printr-o moţiune de cenzură să se schimbe Guvernul”". Gândul (in Romanian).
  8. "Iohannis vrea un Guvern PNL. Ponta: Executivul pe care il conduc e cea mai buna varianta pentru Romania". (in Romanian). 23 January 2015.
  9. Udrea, Andreea; Bernaschi, Larisa (29 September 2015). "Un nou EŞEC pentru PNL. MOŢIUNEA de cenzură a fost RESPINSĂ. Liberalii mai aveau nevoie de 70 de voturi". Evenimentul Zilei (in Romanian).
  10. Mircea Marian, Andreea Udrea, Ioana Tomescu, Ana-Maria Adamoae (17 December 2014). "Guvernul Ponta IV a depus jurământul. Traian Băsescu, atac la Liviu Pop și ministrul Educației, Sorin Cîmpeanu: "Au contribuit prin distrugerea de instituții ale educației la un fals în interes public"". Evenimentul Zilei (in Romanian).
  11. "De ce Sorin Câmpeanu? De ce un ministru susținut de ALDE? (Why Sorin Câmpeanu? Why a minister supported by ALDE?)". Stiripesurse (in Romanian). Stiripesurse. 6 November 2015. Retrieved 8 November 2015.
  12. "Gabriel Oprea şi-a delegat atribuţiile către Ilie Botoş". (in Romanian). Antena3. 6 November 2015. Retrieved 8 November 2015.
  13. "Victor Ponta anunță că Darius Vâlcov a demisionat din funcția de ministru al Finanțelor". (in Romanian). 15 March 2015.
  14. "Declaratii de presa sustinute de Liviu Dragnea, presedintele interimar al PSD, dupa Conferinta Judeteana a PSD Ilfov". (in Romanian). 30 June 2015.
  15. "Ioan Rus şi-a dat DEMISIA, după ce i-a jignit pe românii din străinătate: Copiii se fac golani acasă şi nevasta curvă". Retrieved 11 June 2015.
  16. "Noul ministru al Transporturilor, Iulian Matache, a depus jurământul". Jurnalul Naţiional (in Romanian). 17 July 2015.
  17. Mihai, Cătălina (27 March 2015). "BIOGRAFIE: Marius Nica, de la ofiţer MApN şi consilier la PE, ministru al Fondurilor Europene la 35 de ani". Mediafax (in Romanian).
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