Tăriceanu I Cabinet

Tăriceanu I

116th Cabinet of Romania
Date formed December 29, 2004
Date dissolved April 5, 2007
People and organisations
Head of government Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu
Head of state Traian Băsescu
Ministers removed
Total number of ministers 19
Member party PNL, PD, PUR/PC, UDMR
Status in legislature Coalition (majority)
Opposition party PSD, PRM
Opposition leader Mircea Geoană
Election(s) 28 November 2004
Outgoing election
Legislature term(s) 2004–2008
Budget(s) three
Predecessor Năstase I
Successor Tăriceanu II

The first Tăriceanu cabinet was the cabinet of the government of Romania led by Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu between December 29, 2004 and April 5, 2007. It succeeded Năstase I Cabinet, and was succeeded by the second Tăriceanu cabinet.

It was a multiple-party coalition, formed by National Liberal Party (PNL), Democratic Party (PD), Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), and Romanian Humanist Party/Conservative Party (PUR/PC). It consisted of three Ministers of State (one for each party of the coalition, except for the National Liberal Party, which held the Prime Minister position), 15 Ministers, and six Ministers Delegate. In the early 2007, the Conservative Party withdrew from the coalition. As a result the Conservative Party's Minister Delegate post was dissolved, and the other Conservative Party's posts were re-shuffled between the National Liberal Party and the Democratic Party.

Prime Minister Name Party Period
Prime Minister Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
Minister of State Name Party Period
Co-ordinating the Economic Domain Adriean Videanu PD Dec 29, 2004 – 2005
Gheorghe Seculici 2005 – Aug 22, 2005
Gheorghe Pogea Aug 22, 2005 – April 5, 2007
Co-ordinating the Business, and Small and Medium Enterprises Domain George Copos PUR/PC Dec 29, 2004 – 2006
Bogdan Pascu 2006 – Jan. 2007
Co-ordinating Culture, Education, European Integration Béla Markó Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
Minister Name Party Period
Justice Monica Macovei Ind. Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
Public Finance Ionel Popescu National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – Aug 22, 2005
Sebastian Vlădescu Aug 22, 2005 – Apr 4, 2007
Labor, Social Solidarity and Family Gheorghe Barbu PD Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
European Integration Ene Dinga PD Dec 29, 2004 – Aug 22, 2005
Anca Boagiu Aug 22, 2005 – Apr 4, 2007
Foreign Affairs Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu National Liberal Party Dec 28, 2004 – Mar 12, 2007
Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu
(ad interim)
Mar 12, 2007 – Apr 4, 2007
Administration and Interior Vasile Blaga PD Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
Economy and Commerce Codruț Șereș PUR/PC Dec 29, 2004 – Jan. 2007
Varujan Vosganian National Liberal Party Jan. 2007 – Apr 4, 2007
National Defense Teodor Atanasiu National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – Oct 25, 2006
Sorin Frunzăverde PD Oct 25, 2006 – Apr 5, 2007
Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development Gheorghe Flutur National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – Nov. 2006
Dan Motreanu Nov. 2006 – April 5, 2007
Transport, Constructions and Tourism Gheorghe Dobre PD Dec 29, 2004 – Aug 22, 2005
Radu Berceanu Aug 22, 2005 – Apr 5, 2007
Education and Research Mircea Miclea PD Dec 29, 2004 – Aug 22, 2005
Mihail Hărdău Aug 22, 2005 – April 5, 2007
Culture and Religious Affairs Mona Muscă National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – Aug 22, 2005
Adrian Iorgulescu Aug 22, 2005 – April 5, 2007
Health Mircea Cinteză National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – Aug 22, 2005
Eugen Nicolăescu Aug 22, 2005 – April 5, 2007
Communications and Information Technology Zsolt Nagy Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
Environment and Waters Management Sulfina Barbu PD Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
Minister Delegate Name Party Period
General Secretariat of the Government Mihai Voicu National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – Mar. 2006
Radu Stroe Mar. 2006 – April 5, 2007
International Financing Programs and European Community Acquis Cristian David National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
Control Sorin Vicol PUR/PC Dec 29, 2004 – Jan. 2005
Relations with Parliament Bogdan Olteanu National Liberal Party Dec 29, 2004 – Mar. 2006
Mihai Voicu Mar. 2006 – April 5, 2007
Public Works and Territorial Improvement László Borbély Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
Commerce Iuliu Winkler Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania Dec 29, 2004 – April 5, 2007
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