GRES Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel

The Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel is a samba school of the city of Rio de Janeiro, being located on Rua Coronel Tamarindo, in the neighborhood of Padre Miguel.
The Mocidade was founded on 10 November 1955, by eight people: Silvio Trindade, Renato da Silva, Djalma Rosa, Olímpio Bonifácio (Bronquinha), Garibaldi F. Lima, Felipe de Souza (Pavão), Altamiro Menezes (Cambalhota) e Alfredo Briggs. The first flag of the school was offered by Mrs. Gilda Faria Lima. The first queen of the school was Mrs. Neuza de Oliveira. The samba school participated for the first time, in an official parade, with the plot "O Baile das Rosas" ( "The Ball of Roses" ), when it got 5th place. In 1958, it was the champion of Group 2 with the plot "Apoteose ao Samba" ( "Apotheosis to the Samba" ). From 1959 forth, it took on Group 1 and did not anymore any relegation to the lower divisions.
In 1959, the bateria, under the expert Master André, gave for the first time the famous "paradinha" (the instant when the bateria of the school stops playing for some instants and during this period the samba-enredo is maintained with the song of the interpreters and of the members of the school) in front of the judging committee, maintaining the rhythm so that the school would continue developing. The folk would pass, later, to accompany such "bossa" with the shout of "Olé". During this period, the Mocidade was known as "a bateria that carried a school on its back", because the bateria was more known than the school itself, that only years later would become a school that would compete with the famous of that epoch (Portela, Império Serrano, Salgueiro, and Mangueira).
In the year of 1974, Arlindo Rodrigues presented the plot "A Festa do Divino" ( "The Party of the Divine" ), getting 5th place. But on that same year the school could win the championship, had she not gotten 4 in clothings and 9 in harmony. The difference between Salgueiro and Mocidade was 6, therefore they would have tied only if Mocidade would have gotten 10. Even if they would tie, Salgueiro would win the championship because it got 10 in harmony.
From then on, the school stopped being known only because of the bateria, and became known as a good samba school. In 76, by irony, Mocidade tied second place, with Mangueira, and lost the decision for getting one point less in the so famous bateria. In 1979, still with Arlindo Rodrigues, Mocidade conquered for the first time the championship of the 1-A Division with "O Descobrimento do Brasil" ( "The Discovery of Brazil" ) in its debut appearance.
Next year, Fernando Pinto assumed the post of carnival producer and director, producing exceptional carnivals in Mocidade and becoming known as the most criative and ingenious carnival producer ever known.
In Fernando Pinto's fisr year in Mocidade, in 1980, the school conquered second place with the plot "Tropicália Maravilha" ( "Splendid Tropicália" ). In 1983, Mocidade received the banner of the best communication with the public with the plot "Como era verde o meu Xingu" ( "How was my Xingu Green" ).
It advanced to the Special Group in 1990, and won three general championships since then.
Place | Group | Plot | Carnival Producer-Comiss | Interpreter | |
1956 | Padre Miguel | Castro Alves | |||
1957 | 5th place | 2 | O Baile das Rosas | Ari de Lima | |
1958 | Champion | 2 | Apoteose do Samba | Ari de Lima | |
1959 | 5th place | 1 | Os Três Vultos que Ficaram na História | Ari de Lima | |
1960 | 3rd place | 1 | Frases célebres | Ari de Lima | |
1961 | 7th place | 1 | Carnaval no Rio | Ari de Lima | |
1962 | 5th place | 1 | Brasil no campo cultural | Ari de Lima | |
1963 | 6th place | 1 | As Minas Gerais | Ari de Lima | |
1964 | 7th place | 1 | O Cacho da Banana | Ari de Lima | |
1965 | 6th place | 1 | Parabéns para Você, Rio | Luís Gardel | |
1966 | 6th place | 1 | Academia Brasileira de Letras | Guilherme Martins e Alfredo Brigs | |
1967 | 7th place | 1 | História do Teatro Através dos Tempos | Poty | |
1968 | 6th place | 1 | Viagem Pitoresca Através do Brasil | Mário Monteiro | Tôco |
1969 | 7th place | 1 | Vida e Glória de Francisco Adolfo Varnhagen | Guilherme Martins e Alfredo Brigs | Tôco |
1970 | 4th place | 1 | Meu Pé de Laranja Lima | Gabriel Nascimento e Ari de Castro | Tôco |
1971 | 9th place | 1 | Rapsódia de Saudade | Clóvis Bornay | Jurandir Melo |
1972 | 7th place | 1 | Rainha Mestiça em Tempo de Lundu | Clóvis Bornay | Jurandir Melo |
1973 | 7th place | 1 | Rio Zé Pereira | Arlindo Rodrigues | Tião da Roça |
1974 | 5th place | 1 | A Festa do Divino | Arlindo Rodrigues | Ney Vianna |
1975 | 4th place | 1 | O Mundo Fantástico do Uirapurú | Arlindo Rodrigues | Ney Vianna |
1976 | 3rd place | 1 | Mãe Menininha do Gantois | Arlindo Rodrigues | Ney Vianna |
1977 | 8th place | 1 | Samba Marca Registrada | Augusto Henrique (Gugu) | Ney Vianna |
1978 | 3rd place | 1 | Brasiliana | Arlindo Rodrigues | Ney Vianna |
1979 | Champion | 1A | O Descobrimento do Brasil | Arlindo Rodrigues | Ney Vianna |
1980 | Vice-Champion | 1A | Tropicália Maravilha | Fernando Pinto | Ney Vianna |
1981 | 6th place | 1A | Abram Alas para a Folia, aí vem a Mocidade | Ecila Cirne, Edmundo Braga e Paulino Espírito Santo | Ney Vianna |
1982 | 7th place | 1A | O Velho Chico | Maria Carmem de Souza | Ney Vianna |
1983 | 6th place | 1A | Como era Verde meu Xingu | Fernando Pinto | Ney Vianna |
1984 | Vice-Champion | 1A | Mamãe eu quero Manaus | Fernando Pinto | Aroldo Melodia |
1985 | Champion | 1A | Ziriguidum 2001, um carnaval nas estrelas | Fernando Pinto | Ney Vianna |
1986 | 7th place | 1 | Bruxarias e histórias do arco da velha | Edmundo Braga e Paulino Espírito Santo | Ney Vianna |
1987 | Vice-Champion | 1A | Tupinicópolis | Fernando Pinto | Ney Vianna |
1988 | 8th place | 1 | Beijim, beijim, bye, bye Brasil | Fernando Pinto and Cláudio Peixoto | Ney Vianna |
1989 | 7th place | 1 | Elis, um trem de emoções | Ely Peron and Rogério Figueiredo | Ney Vianna |
1990 | Champion | Special | Vira, Virou, A Mocidade Chegou | Renato Lage and Lilian Rabelo | Paulinho Mocidade |
1991 | Champion | Special | Chuê, Chuá, As águas vão rolar | Renato Lage and Lilian Rabelo | Paulinho Mocidade |
1992 | Vice-Champion | Special | Sonhar não custa nada, ou quase nada | Renato Lage and Lilian Rabelo | Paulinho Mocidade |
1993 | 4th place | Special | Marraio feridô sou rei | Renato Lage | Paulinho Mocidade |
1994 | 8th place | Special | Avenida Brasil – Tudo passa, quem não viu? | Renato Lage | Wander Pires |
1995 | 4th place | Special | Padre Miguel, olhai por nós | Renato Lage | Wander Pires |
1996 | Champion | Special | Criador e Criatura | Renato Lage | Wander Pires |
1997 | Vice-Champion | Special | De corpo e alma na avenida | Renato Lage | Wander Pires |
1998 | 6th place | Special | Brilha no céu a estrela que me faz sonhar | Renato Lage | Wander Pires |
1999 | 4th place | Special | Villa Lobos e a Apoteose Brasileira | Renato Lage | Wander Pires |
2000 | 4th place | Special | Verde, amarelo, azul-anil, colorem o Brasil no ano 2000 | Renato Lage | Paulo Henrique |
2001 | 7th place | Special | Paz e harmonia, Mocidade é alegria | Renato Lage | David do Pandeiro |
2002 | 4th place | Special | O Grande Circo Místico | Renato Lage and Márcia Lávia | Wander Pires |
2003 | 5th place | Special | Para sempre no seu coração – Carnaval da doação | Chico Spinoza | Paulinho Mocidade |
2004 | 8th place | Special | Não Corra, Não Mate, Não Morra – Pegue Carona Com a Mocidade! Educação No Trânsito | Chico Spinoza | Paulinho Mocidade |
2005 | 9th place | Special | Buon Mangiare, Mocidade! A Arte Está na Mesa | Paulo Menezes | Roger Linhares |
2006 | 10th place | Special | A Vida Que Pedi a Deus | Mauro Quintaes | Wander Pires |
2007 | 11th place | Special | O Futuro no Pretérito, Uma História Feita à Mão | Alex de Souza | Bruno Ribas |
2008 | 8th place | Special | O Quinto Império: De Portugal ao Brasil, uma Utopia na História | Cid Carvalho | Bruno Ribas |
2009 | 11th place | Special | Mocidade apresenta: Clube Literário Machado de Assis e Guimarães Rosa, estrela em poesia! | Cebola | Wander Pires |
2010 | 7th place | Special | Do paraíso de Deus ao paraíso da loucura, cada um sabe o que procura | Cid Carvalho | David do Pandeiro and Nêgo |
2011 | 7th place | Special | Parábola dos Divinos Semeadores | Cid Carvalho | Nêgo and Rixxah |
2012 | 9th place | Special | Por Ti, Portinari, Rompendo a Tela, a Realidade | Alexandre Louzada | Luizinho Andanças |
2013 | 11th place | Special | Eu vou de Mocidade com samba e Rock in Rio, por um mundo melhor | Alexandre Louzada | Luizinho Andanças |
2014 | 9th place | Special | Pernambucópolis | Paulo Menezes | Bruno Ribas and Dudu Nobre |
2015 | 7th place | Special | Se o mundo fosse acabar, me diz o que você faria se só lhe restasse um dia? | Paulo Barros | Bruno Ribas |
2016 | 10th place | Special | O Brasil de La Mancha - Sou Miguel, Padre Miguel. Sou Cervantes, Sou Quixote Cavaleiro, Pixote Brasileiro | Alexandre Louzada and Edson Pereira | Bruno Ribas |
2017 | Special | As mil e uma noites de uma 'Mocidade' pra lá de Marrakech | Alexandre Louzada and Edson Pereira | Wander Pires |
The Independents of Padre Miguel
- Andrezinho
- Castor de Andrade
- Dudu Nobre
- Lucinha Nobre
- Marcos Palmeira
- Mestre André
- Paulinho Mocidade
- Tôco
- Regina Casé
- Carlos Alberto Parreira
- Wander Pires
- Elza Soares
- Rodrigo Santoro
- Leandro Hassum
- Monique Evans
- Oswaldo de Oliveira
- Dill Costa
Big Performers of the School
- Arlindo Rodrigues
- Fernando Pinto
- Renato Lage
- Ney Vianna
- Paulinho Mocidade
- Wander Pires
- Andrea de Andrade
- Claudia Leitte
Premiation Titles
- Special Group: 1979, 1985, 1990, 1991 and 1996
- Banner of Gold (best school): 1983, 1991 and 1999
- Banner (best drum kit): 1974, 1976, 1991, 1992 and 2001
External links