George Phillies

Dr George Phillies is Professor of Physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

He has long been involved with the national Libertarian Party and the Libertarian Party of Massachusetts. He has served as Executive Director of the Massachusetts Libertarian Association, on the state executive committee, and as a candidate for US Senate and US Congress.

He has served with many Libertarian organizations, including Liberty for Massachusetts and the Pioneer Valley Libertarian Association, which he co-founded.

He is the publisher of Let Freedom Ring and Libertarian Strategy Gazette and is the author of several books, both political and science fiction.

Early life

George Phillies was born July 23, 1947 in Buffalo, New York, first son of Eustace G. Phillies, M.D. and Clara Phillies. Phillies grew up in Kenmore and Williamsville, New York, finished as salutatorian at the Williamsville Central High School [now Williamsville North], and went to M.I.T. in Cambridge, Massachusetts. While at MIT, Phillies earned degrees of Bachelor of Science in physics and in life sciences, as well as Master of Science and (in 1973) Doctor of Science degrees in physics. Phillies then joined the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program as a researcher.

From His Site


In 1975, Phillies moved to California, working as a postdoctoral fellow in the U.C.L.A. Chemistry department. Phillies in 1978 moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he was employed as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan. In 1985, after declining alternatives at nationally-known schools, Phillies moved to the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he rose to the rank of Professor of Physics. Phillies has attained international recognition for his scientific studies of light scattering, soaps, and polymer solutions. [Phillies: A polymer is a long thin molecule, shaped like a strand of spaghetti. A polymer solution pours very slowly. An engineer uses the pouring to design machines. A physicist asks 'Why do molecules shaped like spaghetti strands pour slowly?]

Almost all first-rate universities are run by elected faculty committees, and WPI is no exception. Phillies has repeatedly been elected to the most important WPI committees. Some years ago, at a meeting of the WPI Faculty, WPI Provost Diran Apelian opened his remarks `George, you are the conscience of the WPI Faculty.

In 1971, Phillies joined the United States Army Reserves, eventually rising to the rank of Specialist, 5th Class, a rank that no longer exists, in a Boston unit, the 338th Medical Detachment. He received an honorable discharge in 1977.

From His Site

Affiliation with LP

In 1994, the Libertarian Party gained major-party status in Massachusetts. Phillies has since participated actively in Libertarian Party organizing efforts in Central and Western Massachusetts. In 1996, he was elected Executive Director of the Massachusetts Libertarian Association, and was the party nominee for United States Senator from Massachusetts. In 1998, he ran for Congress as a Libertarian against Democratic Party incumbent Jim McGovern and Republican Matt Amorello. One of his three-way debates was later carried coast to coast on CSPAN-II, @7PM EST, the Thursday before the election. In 2004, Phillies was elected as one of the two Regular members of the Libertarian Party of Massachusetts State Committee.

From His Site

Phillies on his political work

Phillies on his political work:

From His Site

External links

Political Sites



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