George Strez Balšić

George Strez Balšić
Lord of Misia[1]
Coat of arms

Full name

Đurađ Strez(ov) Balšić[A]
Noble family Balšić family
Father Pavle Balšić
Mother Jelena Kastrioti
Occupation Member of the League of Lezhë (1444-?)

George Strez Balšić[A] (Latin, Italian: Georgio Stresio, Albanian: Gjergj Balsha; fl. 1444–57) and his brothers Gojko and John were the lords of Misia, a coastal area from the White Drin towards the Adriatic. The brothers were members of the Balšić family, which had earlier held Zeta. They participated in founding of the League of Lezhë, an alliance led by their maternal uncle Skanderbeg. George later betrayed Skanderbeg, by selling a domain to the Ottomans, while his two brothers continued to support Skanderbeg until his death and then continued to fight for the Venetian forces.


According to Fan S. Noli George and his brothers Ivan and Gojko were nephews of Skanderbeg from his sister Jelena[2] who married Pavle Balšić.[3] Genealogy of Kastrioti family written by Karl Hopf does not present the information about George Strez Balšić being a son of Skanderbeg's sister Jelena.[4]

League of Lezhë

The three Balšić brothers joined the League of Lezhë, an alliance formed by their maternal uncle Skanderbeg, after meeting in the St. Nicholas Church in Lezhë on March 2, 1444. The members included Lekë Zaharia, Peter Spani, Lekë Dushmani, Andrea Thopia, Gjergj Arianiti, Theodor Musachi, Stefan Crnojević, and their subjects.[B] Skanderbeg was elected its leader, and commander in chief of its armed forces numbering a total of 8,000 warriors.[5][6]

In 1451 after Alfonso signed the Treaty of Gaeta with Skanderbeg, he signed similar treaties with George Strez Balšić and other chieftains from Albania: Gjergj Arianiti, Ghin Musachi, Peter Spani, Pal Dukagjini, Thopia Musachi, Peter of Himara, Simon Zanebisha and Carlo Toco.[7]

George was one of noblemen who cancelled their support to Skanderbeg.[8][9] According to Albanian historians Kristo Frashëri and Fan Noli, Strez Balšić betrayed Skanderbeg by selling the fortress he controlled (Modritza) to the Ottoman Empire in spring of 1457.[10][11] Hamza Kastrioti deserted Skanderbeg a couple of weeks later.[12]


Karl Krumbacher believed that the first daughter of Maurice Spata married Giorgio, a son of "George Balšić and Eudokia".[13]


  1. ^ Name: His full name in Serbian is written Đurađ Strezov Balšić (Ђурађ Стрезов Балшић), while in Latin his name was written Georgio Stresio.[14] His given name is also rendered Georg,[15] Georgi,[16] Gjorgje,[17] Đerđ,[18] Gjergj and Đurađ (Serbian: Ђурађ).[19] His family name also appears in versions such as Stres, Stresi, Stresio, Strez, Strezov or Sturz. .
  2. ^ League of Lezhe:[20][21][22]


  1. ↑ Gopčević 1914, pp. 74–75: "in Misia"
  2. ↑ Noli 1947, p. 208
    Scanderbeg had three Balsha nephews from his sister Yella. Of these only George Stresi Balsha betrayed him, while the two others, John and Gioka, served him loyally to the end
  3. ↑ Spandouginos, Theodōros; ,Donald MacGillivray Nicol (1997). On the Origin of the Ottoman Emperors. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. p. 96. Retrieved 25 March 2012. Skanderbeg... sisters...Iella, who married Paul BalÅ¡a
  4. ↑ Hopf, & 1873 p. 236
    Yella e.p.:n.n.)
  5. ↑ Fox, Robert (1993), The inner sea: the Mediterranean and its people, Alfred A. Knopf, p. 195
  6. ↑ Vlora, Ekrem Bey (1956), The Ruling Families of Albania in the pre-Ottoman Period in: Contributions to the History of Turkish Rule in Albania: an Historical Sketch
  7. ↑ Noli 1947, p. 49
    Later on Alphonse concluded similar treaties with George Araniti, Ghin Musachi, George Stresi Balsha, Peter Spani, Paul Ducaghini,...
  8. ↑ Skendi, Stavro (1980). Balkan cultural studies. East European Monographs. p. 175. ISBN 9780914710660. Retrieved 24 March 2012. ..Arianiti's nephew,...Nicholas and Paul Dukagjini and Hamza Kastrioti deserted to the Ottomans
  9. ↑ Noli 1947, p. 208
    Scanderbeg had three Balsha nephews from his sister Yella. ... George Stresi Balsha betrayed him, ...
  10. ↑ Frashëri, Kristo (1964). The history of Albania: a brief survey. s.n. p. 79. Retrieved 25 March 2012. Before long, another commander, Gjergj Stres Balsha, treacherously yielded to the Turks the frontier fortress of Modritza. After a couple of weeks, the nephew and the most closely related collaborator of Scanderbeg, Hamza Kastrioti,...betrayed likewise...year 1457
  11. ↑ Noli 1947, p. 114
    Më 1456 Gjergj Stres Balsha, i biri i Jellës, se motrës se Skënderbeut, ua shiti turqvet kështjellën kufitare të Modricës për 30.000 dukatë argjendi.
  12. ↑ Frashëri, Kristo (1964). The history of Albania: a brief survey. s.n. p. 79. Retrieved 25 March 2012. After a couple of weeks, the nephew and the most closely related collaborator of Scanderbeg, Hamza Kastrioti,...betrayed likewise...year 1457
  13. ↑ Karl Krumbacher (1988). Byzantinische Zeitschrift. C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. p. 75. Nerata, wife of Spata, Muriki, had three daughters; one married Giorgio, son of George Balsic and Eudokia (62 jo); one married Zenevesi, Symeon (6522); one married Carlo II Tocco (also known as Leonardo), son of Leonardo II Tocco ...
  14. ↑ SANU 1890, p. 41: "... је у центру стајао Скандербег са својим сестрићем Ђурђем Стрезовим Балшићем (ipse cum Georgio Stresio, nepote, feroci iuvene, stationem fixerat sibi, књ. II, 51). По Барлетију је резервом командовао Врана-конте ..."
  15. ↑ Schmitt, Oliver Jens (2001), Das venezianische Albanien (1392-1479), München: R. Oldenbourg Verlag GmbH München, p. 297, ISBN 3-486-56569--9, Georg Strez Balsha
  16. ↑ Марин Барлети о учешћу македонског становништва у Скендербеговим борбама против Турака: "10. На овом месту М. Барлети не помиње још Македонце као етникон, али се да јасно наслутити да се ради о словенском становништву. И имена појединих његових команданата носе словенско обележје, као на пример, Георги Стрез, a касније помиње и његове рођаке као и друге месне феудалце."
  17. ↑ Gopčević, Spiridion (1914). Geschichte von Montenegro und Albanien. F.A. Perthes. p. 79. Retrieved 25 March 2012. Gjorgje Strez
  18. ↑ Centar CK SKH za idejno-teorijski rad "Vladimir Bakarić.", Narodna omladina Hrvatske. Centralni komitet, Savez omladine Hrvatske. Centralni komitet, Socijalistički savez radnog naroda Hrvatske. Republička konferencija (1989). NaÅ¡e teme, Издања 4-5 (in Serbo-Croatian). CK SHK. p. 850. Retrieved 25 March 2012. Djerdj Strez BalÅ¡a
  19. ↑ Istorijski institut SR Crne Gore (1963). Istorijski zapisi, Том 16 (in Serbian). Titograd: Istorijski institut SR Crne Gore. p. 604. Retrieved 25 March 2012. Ђурађ Стрез
  20. ↑ Noli 1947, p. 36
  21. ↑ Božić 1979, pp. 364: "Никола Дукађин убио је Леку Закарију. Према млетачком хроничару Стефану Мању убио га је "у битки" као његов вазал. Мада Барлеције погрешно наводи да је убиство извршио Лека Дукађин"
  22. ↑ Schmitt 2001, p. 297
    Nikola und Paul Dukagjin, Leka Zaharia von Dagno, Peter Span, Herr der Berge hinter Drivasto, Georg Strez Balsha sowie Johann und Gojko Balsha, die sich zwischen Kruja und Alessio festgesetzt hatten, die Dushman von Klein-Polatum sowie Stefan (Stefanica) Crnojevic, der Herr der Oberzeta


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