Villains in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

The villains of the Power Rangers universe that appeared in the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the film Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie were aliens serving or allied to Rita Repulsa and/or, later, Lord Zedd, including the warrior Goldar. Information about the other villains can be found below.

For the purposes of this article, the mini-series Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers is considered to be a part of the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Villains from the movie, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, while they are covered in this page, are not considered part of Power Rangers television continuity.

Season 1

Rita Repulsa

Main article: Rita Repulsa

Rita Repulsa was the primary antagonist for the first season,[1] and later returned during the second to marry Lord Zedd. She is a witch who is the daughter of the first evil monarch of the M51 Galaxy, Master Vile. She has a brother named Rito and, via Zedd, a son named Thrax.

It is revealed in Power Rangers Turbo that Divatox is an acquaintance of Rita. When she asks Rita for advice on how to defeat the Power Rangers on the phone, Rita retorts that if she had known how to do that she would not be in her current predicament, and she holds the phone up to Lord Zedd's face, who is heavily snoring in his sleep. In Power Rangers in Space, however, their relationship is much more hostile as they fight for Dark Specter's attention, only to both get snubbed in favor of his disciple Astronema.

Rita Repulsa was played by Machiko Soga in Zyuranger footage, played by Carla Perez in U.S. footage, and played by Sydney native Julia Cortez in MMPR: The Movie. All her Power Rangers appearances are voiced by Barbara Goodson, who overdubs the actresses' lip movements with the unmistakable screechy voice that is among Rita's trademark characteristics.


This section is about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers villain. For the giant robot from "The Space Giants", see Ambassador Magma.

Goldar is a lion-faced, griffin-themed knight who is the second-in-command for both Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. In season one, he sometimes fights alongside Scorpina, whom he may have been in love with, but not developed well unlike the Grifforizer/Lami relationship in Zyuranger. In season three and later on, he is often partnered with Rito Revolto. Spin describes him as a "big freak with wings".[2] Goldar would often fight giant against the Megazord if the episode's monster or device had already been dispatched by the small Rangers. Scorpina (and later, Rito) would aid Goldar in these Megazord battles. Sometimes they would assist the monster in battle. Unlike the monsters they would fight alongside, Goldar would know to retreat to safety when the Rangers called for their finisher, at one point barely escaping without being hit by the Megazord's sword slash finisher (although it is debatable whether it would have even defeated Goldar given his survival of the Thunder Megazord slash).

Goldar leads Rita Repulsa's first invasion against the Earth. However, he soon faces the Power Rangers and is beaten by their Megazord after an intense fight. He also becomes notable for telling Rita what to do frequently, and always promises that they will get revenge for their schemes' failures. He also has been called a "bumbling fool" by Rita in "A Star is Born", and is scolded vehemently by Rita in "Happy Birthday, Zack", being called a "worthless misfit" and a "dweeb". This pattern also happens when Lord Zedd is introduced as well; in addition to insulting the now apparently incompetent golden warrior, he often blames Goldar for his own failures, and has a habit of silencing him (and Squatt and Baboo) frequently. Ever since then, Goldar fights the Rangers and their Zords, growing a strong hatred for Jason and Tommy, the Red and Green Rangers, for their continual victories in single combat. Goldar also has a Zord of his own known as Cyclopsis, an ancient war machine, but this Zord is defeated by the Rangers' Ultrazord after a prolonged battle. He is also involved in one of Bulk and Skull's more memorable encounters with a monster, in which Goldar (giant sized) picks up a bus with the two inside.

When Lord Zedd arrives on the Moon, Goldar eagerly abandons Rita for Zedd, regaining his wings in the process. As Zedd's right-hand man, Goldar leads many missions for him, encountering Tommy (now the White Ranger) again and again. Each time they fight, the White Ranger bests him, sending Goldar back to Zedd in disgrace. When Rita returns to the moon and marries Zedd, Goldar is aghast and quite suspicious of his master's supposed return of feeling for Rita. When he finally discovers it is a sham (thanks in some part to Rito's loose lips), he immediately sets out to make things right and has Finster create an antidote for the love spell that Rita used. Unfortunately for Goldar, it is revealed that Zedd has come to love Rita on his own, potion or not. Even after Rita drops her secret plans of usurping Zedd, Goldar still has a massive dislike for her. Often paired with Rito Revolto, Goldar is disgusted by the skeleton's stupidity (and stench), though the two eventually formed a friendship. Goldar is also essential in Lord Zedd's powering of the Shogun Zords, as he soundly defeats Ninjor, allowing Zedd to capture and use him as a power source for the Shogunzords.

In Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Goldar and Rito plant a bomb outside of the Command Center, but it is defused by Alpha 5. Goldar also played a role in the destruction of the power coins. Later, Goldar and Rito are sent to the Command Center, having been given a map of the Command Center's basement, and attempt to destroy the Command Center with an implosion device. The bomb goes off, destroying the Command Center. Just before the implosion device goes off, Goldar steals the Zeo Crystal with the help of Rito. In Power Rangers Zeo, the Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal in the ruins of the Command Center, surmising that Rito and Goldar must have dropped it. Rito and Goldar also lose their memories (and in Goldar's case, his wings), and end up wandering around Angel Grove. A possible explanation is that the blast caught them in mid-teleporation and caused their amnesia. They eventually find Bulk and Skull, and end up becoming their butlers in exchange for food and shelter. Zedd and Rita eventually find them and restore their memories (and Goldar's wings). They return to their employers and help them in their quest to destroy the Machine Empire. Goldar's final appearance is in the final episode of Power Rangers in Space, "Countdown to Destruction". Unlike Rito, Goldar goes with Zedd and Rita to the Cimmerian Planet for Dark Specter's conference, where he is responsible for revealing Andros' identity as a Power Ranger by removing his cloak. He is later present in their invasion of the Vica Galaxy, helping to subdue the Gold Ranger. It is not shown what happens to Goldar following Zordon's destruction as the subsequent energy wave either destroys or purifies the other villains ending his and other villains' reign of terror.

In the alternate continuity of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, Goldar serves Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, but when Ivan Ooze shows up, Mordant and he switch sides almost automatically after Ooze traps both Rita and Zedd in a snowglobe, depriving them of their powers. He thinks Kimberly is cute, and when the time comes, he flies away as Ivan takes Angel Grove Tower out of the Ground. In this film, he is portrayed as a bumbling sidekick, very similar to Squatt in the main series. At the very end following Ivan Ooze's destruction, Goldar had taken over the palace and calls himself King Goldar. Soon a furious Rita and Lord Zedd shows up to punish both him and Mordant.

In both the series and the film he is voiced by Kerrigan Mahan. In MMPR: The Movie, his suit actor is Kerry Casey.

Goldar could possibly appear in a 2017 movie reboot with Neo-Grifforzer's appearance.

Squatt and Baboo

Squatt is a servant of Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, the dimwitted sidekick of Baboo. Squatt is a short, blue-skinned hobgoblin-like creature with a large horn. He wears metal armor and is said to be a mix between a blueberry and a warthog. Squatt is rather excitable, and may act like an eager child when Rita has a plan or when the Rangers are having trouble in a battle. Squatt is easily frightened by his bosses' bad tempers. He is a coward, and rather than fight, he and Baboo often accompany Goldar, Scorpina, and monsters as they attack the Earth, cheering them on. However, he often goes to Earth when there is no fight going on, because his main duties are acting as a spy and saboteur, as shown in episodes like "Switching Places", "Foul Play in the Sky", "Calamity Kimberly", and "Rita's Seed of Evil". Squatt's birthplace is given as Myrgo, Venus.

Baboo is the more intelligent of a dimwitted duo consisting of him and Squatt. He is tall, slim, black vampire that resembles a cross between a monkey and a vampire bat with crippled wings. Like Finster, he mainly works behind the lines. Though spineless and scatterbrained, he is highly creative. He serves as Rita's alchemist and potion maker, creating substances and devices for her to use. Notable creations include a time device, a punk potion, the monster Shellshock, and the Nasty Knight's sword. Baboo is rarely confident in his mistress' plans, but would never say this to her face. Like Squatt, he is somewhat cowardly, often going to Earth to scheme or cheer on Goldar and/or Scorpina in battle rather than taking part in a fight himself. Baboo's birthplace was given as the Planet of the Pongies.

When Lord Zedd took over as the main villain in the second season, Squatt and Baboo's roles were greatly reduced. Though still living in the palace, they mainly watch events in the throne room from behind a wall and offer occasional comments. Both participate in Zedd and Rita's wedding. They were later put back to work as saboteurs after Rita's return. In the third season, they are pure comic relief and occasionally are paired with Rito Revolto in schemes Rita involves them in.

Squatt and Baboo disappear during the Power Rangers Zeo series, when fleeing from the Machine Empire with his masters. Squatt was seen in "Countdown to Destruction". However, Squatt was never actually seen reduced to sand or purified by Zordon's wave. It can be assumed that Baboo met the same fate as Squatt.

Squatt was voiced by Michael Sorich and his suit actor is Minoru Watanabe. Baboo was voiced by Colin Philips and his suit actor was portrayed by Hideaki Kusaka (uncredited in season 1) and later by Jason Ybarra in Seasons 2-Zeo.


Finster is a shy henchman of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, though mostly the former. He resembles an anthropomorphic white Scottish Terrier. Finster's birthplace was given as the distant planet Claydoious.

During the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he is primarily responsible for creating a new monster to battle the Power Rangers in each episode, as well as producing a regular supply of Putty Patrollers, although this function falls to Lord Zedd after his appearance. Finster does did this by sculpting the monsters out of clay and "cooking" them in a special oven/kiln/machine called the Monstermatic in his workshop. Not only is he skilled at supplying monsters and henchmen for his leaders, he is also shown to be a skilled alchemist and potion maker (similar to Baboo) and inventor supplying many kinds of potions and gadgets. He is also extremely brilliant and somewhat all-knowing, as he is also able to provide wisdom for Rita and Zedd. Near the end of the episode "Crystal of Nightmares", it is implied by Goldar that Finster thought using the Crystal is a good idea, while Goldar denies it (calling him an "overgrown rat" in the process). He is the one responsible for making the suggestion that Alpha 5 be used in "delivering the message of evil", as Rita Repulsa had called it, in "The Wedding".

When Lord Zedd takes over as the main villain in Season 2, Finster is suddenly made obsolete. Zedd makes his own monsters, though after Pirantishead (Zedd's first monster) is destroyed, Finster comments that he could have done better with the monsters he could've created for Zedd. Finster laments his current status in the villains, missing the good old days with Rita. When Rita returns from her exile, Finster helps her return to power – restoring her size, making her look younger and creating a love potion to get Zedd to marry her so she can manipulate him before destroying him as revenge for casting her away in space. He quickly noticed the love potion he created had some side effects, when Rita had a hard time trying to manipulate Zedd as he devoted his time with her(as well as Rita inadvertently falling in love with Zedd as well).

In the third season and the Mighty Morphin' Alien Rangers mini-series, Finster returns to making monsters. His love potion is first accidentally revealed to Rito and eventually Goldar learns the truth. He forces Finster to make the antidote for Zedd. Though the antidote worked, he is just as surprised as anyone to find, though, that Zedd actually did love Rita.

At the start of the Zeo season, Finster joins Zedd and Rita in fleeing the oncoming forces of the Machine Empire. He later returns with his masters and builds several machines for them. In "Rangers of Two Worlds, Part 1", Finster makes a new wand for Rita which is absurdly more powerful than the previous one, as it creates a monster that is too strong even for the Zeo Ultrazord. Finster is presumably reduced to sand by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space's two-part final episode "Countdown to Destruction", or possibly turned into a human, like several other villains were.

While working for Rita and Zedd, Finster is never really an evil character, but rather an eccentric artist. He at one point even says, "sometimes it's no fun being a bad guy".

Finster is voiced by Robert Axelrod.


Scorpina is a human-scorpion hybrid and is one of Rita Repulsa's most ruthless and dangerous minions aside from Goldar. Though the Scorpina/Goldar relationship in MMPR is significantly less developed than the Grifforzer/Lamie relationship of its Japanese counterpart, Goldar and Scorpina have shown affection toward each other where Goldar is shown to be protective of her. She has a human form (a beautiful Asian woman with long black hair wearing a somewhat tight golden scorpion armor), but has a hideous scorpion monster form when Rita makes her gigantic. Like Goldar, she often engages in giant battles with the Zords if the monster or device was already destroyed by the small rangers.

Very little is actually known about Scorpina. Her first appearance was in the "Green with Evil" story arc. She is an old friend of Rita Repulsa. According to Squatt and Baboo, Scorpina did horrible things. Much like Goldar, she would often square off against Jason when sent to battle the Rangers and overpowered them with relative ease. Scorpina has a boomerang like sword she used to attack the Rangers with. When in giant form, she loses any human appearance and often fights alongside Goldar. Scorpina once used her pet silkworm to fight the Power Rangers. Her personality is very cold and calculating compared to most season one villains, although she has moments of being less serious than Goldar, but despite that is seen almost always smiling (at least in her human form), even in battle. She also created a monster called the Rockstar.

In "The Mutiny, Part 1" at the start of the second season, Scorpina is seen among Rita's group. When Lord Zedd arrives and causes the palace to shake, Scorpina is seen going to help Rita who has just fallen to the ground. She then disappears after Zedd punished Rita for her failure by shrinking her and casting her away in a space dumpster. Though Scorpina's disappearance was unexplained, it was presumed she didn't want to work for Lord Zedd after what he did to Rita and kept her distance. She later resurfaces in "Goldar's Vice Versa" as a favor for Goldar. Scorpina has one chance to defeat the Rangers by Lord Zedd. To accomplish this, she poses as a human girl named Sabrina to try to ensnare Adam Park and turn him against his friends. This failed and Scorpina found a rivalry in Aisha, who suspected her from the start due to her rudeness with her and the other rangers. Revealing herself as Scorpina, she was forced to take both of them hostage, though the other Rangers arrived in time to save them. Unlike the last time, she squares off with Aisha, partially due to being foiled. She even grows to giant-size and battles the Thunder Megazord, with her and Goldar showing improved abilities all around (such as being unfazed by the Thunder Megazord finisher) but soon retreats after being overwhelmed by the new and improved Zords herself (particularly the Thunder Ultrazord).

This was her last appearance due to being unable to secure the actress for another appearance (which she was supposed to make in a three-parter called "Zordon I Shrunk The Rangers").

Scorpina was played by Ami Kawai in Zyuranger footage and was voiced by Wendee Swan. The American actress who later portrayed her in "Goldar's Vice-Versa" was Sabrina Lu. Scorpina will appear in the 2017 film as one of an antagonists alongside Rita.[3]


Appearing as a floating, demonic, ethereal, blue head, the powerful Lokar changes Mutitus to his more powerful form and assists in sending the Power Rangers to the Island of Illusions. He is an old friend of Rita's and she called on him for a favor to defeat the Rangers. After destroying Mutitus, the Power Rangers attack Lokar with the Ultrazord, but he manages to escape. Lokar is seen teleporting away just after the blast hits and Jason says, "We'll get him next time".

Lokar is later summoned again when Goldar goes into battle with his extremely powerful War Zord, Cyclopsis ("Doomsday, Parts 1 & 2"). Lokar, heavily scarred from the Ultrazord attack, recreates the War Zord when it falls to the Power Rangers' attack and then aids Cyclopsis in its next two battles against the Power Rangers, but disappears forever when Cyclopsis is destroyed by the Ultrazord.

Lokar was played by Masahiko Urano and voiced by Robert Axelrod.

Seasons 2 and 3

Lord Zedd

Darth Vader-inspired Lord Zedd was the primary antagonist for the first 40 episodes of the second season and co-antagonist for the rest of season 2 and all of season 3. When he first appeared in season 2 of MMPR, Zedd was quite furious with Rita's constant failures for being defeated by a bunch of children, even after she warned him about Zordon. Zedd has her punished by shrinking her and sealing her away in a space dumpster to travel for eternity. Despite his early defeats, Zedd's attack on Earth became progressively more violent and focused must of his attention on eliminating Tommy, whom he saw as Rita's biggest mistake. He succeeded in eliminating the Green Ranger powers for good with the help of a Green Crystal that serves to drain Tommy's powers as well as serving to power up his own brand of evil rangers. After both the crystal and Turbanshell were destroyed, he finally succeeded in destroying the Green Ranger powers for good.

Eventually, Zedd realizes the warning Rita had given him was true and he was having the same difficulties in defeating the Rangers like she had been. In retaliation, he brought forth his personal zord, a large serpentine named Serpenterra. Despite the large zord's advantage against the Thunder Zords, it had a serious flaw in using too much of its energy, of which infuriated Zedd to no end. He attempts to find an infinite power source for Serpenterra to no avail. Soon it came time for Zedd's Centennial Energy Recharge and while he undergoes it, Rita makes a secret return for revenge against him. Upon awakening under the love potion, Zedd immediately fell with Rita much to and proposed to her. However, the love potion didn't work as Rita hoped; she planned on manipulating him, but Zedd was strong enough to resist, but not completely. He became less serious on defeating the Rangers and more focused on his life with Rita.

With Zedd and Rita side by side, the Rangers battles were more difficult. Zedd and Rita's schemes together included creating a clone of the evil Tommy and sending the Rangers back into the past. Zedd also had a rivalry against Count Dregon. When his wife's brother, Rito Revolto, arrived on the moon (even with Tengas and a Vampirus as gifts) Lord Zedd was disgusted by the skeleton's stupidity, and would bellow with rage every time Rito called him "Ed." Rita's love potion was eventually removed from Zedd thanks to Goldar, but to everyone's surprise, Zedd loved Rita on his own. During the Pink Ranger fiasco when Zedd had her held hostage to force the Rangers to use the Shogun Zords in his service, Lord Zedd battled Tommy personally to keep him from saving Kimberly from an alternate dimension. This marked the only time that Zedd had battled a Ranger personally, proving himself quite capable of holding his own, a trait passed down to his son in later years. Though Zedd easily gained the upperhand against the White Ranger, Tommy used Saba to shatter Zedd's Z-Staff, forcing him to retreat.

When Master Vile arrived on the moon, Lord Zedd was pushed to the side as Vile took over in his search for the Zeo Crystal. He expressed disdain for his father-in-law, who constantly put him down. Once Vile left after his army was defeated by the Aquitian Rangers, Zedd was ecstatic, and he resumed his attacks on Earth. The Rangers had been turned to children due to Vile's Orb of Doom and all that stood in Zedd's way were the Aquitian Rangers. Zedd managed to find a map of the Ranger's Command Center, pointing out a weak point. He sent Goldar and Rito in to plant a bomb and steal the Zeo Crystal before the Orm of Doom's magic was undone. Though unable to stop the rangers in undoing the damage Master Vile did, Zedd was able to destroy the Command Center. But before they could take advantage of it, the Machine Empire arrived and attacked. Zedd and Rita were forced to retreat, taking Serpentera to the M51 Galaxy where they would stay with Master Vile, to Zedd's dismay. They soon returned, however, in a motorhome, plotting to overthrow King Mondo and destroy the Empire. The two forces clashed on several occasions, neither gaining much ground. At one point, Prince Gasket had Tommy brainwashed and closed a dimensional portal to his arena to prevent the Rangers (Minus Jason, who was at the arena) to save him, but Zedd had Finster help get the rangers to the arena to prevent a Machine victory. After a series of failed attempts, they finally managed to destroy the Royal House of Gadgetry with a bomb in the shape of a gift.

Zedd and Rita were mysteriously absent during the Power Rangers: Turbo Season, and fans have speculated that a "gap" between Power Rangers Zeo and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie reveals what occurred after Rita and Zedd had regained control of the moon from The Machine Empire. Events in Forever Red suggest that Zedd at some point launched an attack on Earth with a significantly more powerful Serpentera, only to be defeated again by The Zeo Rangers. Disillusioned and convinced he would never defeat them, Zedd and Rita retreated for good.

Lord Zedd, along with Rita, makes a cameo appearance in Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, when Divatox calls Rita for advice on how to deal with the Power Rangers, she is subjected to Zedd's snoring and Rita instructing her to flee, rather than fight. After many successive failures, this was the best advice the villainess could get.

A year later, Zedd and Rita attended Dark Specter's conference on the Cimmerian Planet, Zedd toasting to Dark Specter's capture of Zordon and takeover of the universe, and unsucssesfully tried to attack Andros when he was caught spying. Months later, they invaded the Vica Galaxy and quickly conquered it, defeating and capturing the Gold Ranger in the process. When Zordon's energy wave washed over them and their army, Zedd was spared, transformed into a human being. His love for Rita seemed to remain and the two danced together in the remnants of their army, much to the confusion of the Gold Ranger.

He was portrayed by Ed Neil in the TV series, Mark Ginther in MMPR: The Movie, and voiced by Robert Axelrod.

Tom Oliver (clone)

Tom Oliver (portrayed by Jason David Frank) is an exact clone of Tommy Oliver that was created and put under a spell by the Wizard of Deception to serve as the Evil Green Ranger for Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa. He is referred as "Tom" to differentiate himself from Tommy Oliver. Tom wears a green bandana with a ponytail behind his head.

In a battle with some Putties, Tommy was knocked unconscious, and the Wizard cut a lock from his hair and turned him into an evil clone, imbued with the Green Ranger powers. The clone tricked the other Rangers into meeting him in an isolated spot, where the Wizard of Deception sent them back to colonial Angel Grove. He then confronted Tommy, who was suffering a headache, caused by some of his powers being used to recreate the Green Ranger. The two Rangers fought each other to a draw until the Wizard intervened, zapping Tommy with his wand, causing him to demorph and lie in a coma. The Green Ranger then went to the Command Center to threaten Zordon, and then unleashed the Dragonzord on Angel Grove.

When Tommy was revived, he summoned his White Tigerzord to defend the city, but Dragonzord, energized by the Wizard's evil, soundly beat him. Tommy then stole the Wizard's wand, went back to rescue the other Rangers, and brought them back to summon the Thunder Megazord and deal with the Dragonzord. He then destroyed the Wizard, breaking the spell on the Green Ranger, whom he now called Tom.

Tom was sick with remorse, but Tommy convinced him that he could still do good. Tom broke the spell on Dragonzord and sent him back to the sea. The White and Green Rangers went back in time to colonial Angel Grove to destroy the Rat Monsters the Wizard had created to torture the other Rangers. Afterwards, Tom decided to stay in colonial Angel Grove so he could do some good things for the citizens, yet keeping the Green Ranger's powers.

Rito Revolto

Main article: Rito Revolto

Rito Revolto is a skeleton who was Rita Repulsa's brother and the secondary henchman for her and Lord Zedd in the third season, often partnered with Goldar. he is famous for his introduction Miniseries entitled Ninja Quest and went on with the rest of MMPR and MMAR

Though he was not seen in "Countdown to Destruction", he was possibly reduced to sand by Zordon's Wave or he was purified since Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd were purified as well.

He was voiced by Bob Papenbrook. He was based on the character Gashadokuro who was the son of Master Vile's Japanese equivalent in Kakuranger.

Master Vile

Master Vile (voiced by an uncredited Tom Wyner) was the father of Rita Repulsa and Rito Revolto and was based on the character Yōkai Daimaō, the ultimate antagonist in Kakuranger. He was a tall demon-like being with large ear-like appendages and wore a dark cloak that had snakes seen emerging from it and wielded a magic wand. His home planet is called Gamma Vile, which was in the M51 galaxy. His personality is that of a crotchety old man. He's a very cunning villain overall, but is very comical. He also appears to be something of a coward. Master Vile and Lord Zedd have a personal, yet obvious dislike for each other (evident when Vile found out Rita married Zedd and was very furious with her for it).

Master Vile arrived on the moon in search of the legendary Zeo Crystal during the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. He very nearly succeeded with the aid of an energy-draining monster he created and called the Blue Globber. After capturing Ninjor, the Crystal and the Rangers' Zords, Vile decided to throw an "End of the World Party" in the Angel Grove Youth Center before he would use the Zeo crystal to destroy the earth. However, Vile throwing his party gave the rangers the time and opportunity to locate and retrieve their Zords. Vile grew to giant size after Ninjor regained his energy and joined the Rangers in their battle against the Globber. Although his monster was destroyed, Vile survived the finishing attacks of both the Shogun and Ninja Megafalconzord, and still managed to retreat despite not appearing to be that badly hurt. On his retreat to the moon, he considered the failure nothing more than a minor setback and decided to stay.

Vile later summoned his old ally Dischordia (a monster that uses dance to control her victims) to battle the Rangers, and she nearly succeeded in taking control of the Rangers' minds. Vile was foiled once again, as Dischordia met her end courtesy of Ninjor and the Shogun Ultrazord.

Vile then summoned the Orb of Doom to the Earth, which he used to revert the Rangers to powerless children. He prevented Lord Zedd, Rita, Goldar, and Rito from destroying Angel Grove, revealing that he had more plans for the Earth. He sent a selection of monsters to invade the planet, led by his field general, Professor Longnose. When the invasion was thwarted by the Aquitian Rangers, Vile threw a tantrum and fled back to his home galaxy, where he claimed "the bad guy always win". Zedd was overly happy to be rid off Vile to the point he actually kissed an annoyed Goldar.

After being overthrown by the Machine Empire at the start of Power Rangers Zeo, Rita called her father and begged him to let them stay with him. Vile reluctantly agreed knowing that his daughter would be bringing "that husband of hers" and told them not to wake him when they arrive. Master Vile also stated that the Machine Empire was worse than he was.

Master Vile appeared in the Power Rangers Zeo comic book, in which the forces of the Machine Empire attacked his planet looking for Lord Zedd, who was in possession of the Ninja Power Coin energies after he and Rita destroyed them in the television series. In the end, Master Vile handed the energies over to the Machine Empire despite the Rangers' attempts to stop the Machine Empire from getting them. The Power Coin energies subplot went unresolved and has since been deemed non-canon.

Master Vile was last seen on the Cimmerian Planet, attending Dark Specter's conference. He was most likely purified (like his daughter) or destroyed by Zordon's Wave during the battles that succeeded the conference.

In the Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive episode "Once a Ranger", it is revealed that he has a grandson named Thrax.

Vile was the first villain to receive the "semi-independent villain" position - a role which would later be filled by Louie Kaboom, Prince Gasket, General Havoc, Captain Mutiny, Mandilok, and some of the monsters in S.P.D.

Hydro Hog

Hydro Hog is the nemesis of the Aquitian Rangers and the main antagonist of Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. He was known as the Emperor of the Dark Waters on Aquitar for his evil ways. He was known for having destroyed many planets. His main power is to consume all the water available before the Aquitian Rangers can get to it, leaving them dehydrated. Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd sought out Hydro Hog's help when the Aquitian Rangers proved to be too much against them on their own.

Hydro Hog was too powerful for the Aquitian Rangers to destroy, and he was the only villain capable of withstanding the Shogun Megazord's Fire Saber, actually completely blocking the slash before it hit him. However, he was eventually defeated by the Shogun Megafalconzord. He was the first archvillain to be destroyed in battle, later followed by King Mondo. Hydro Hog is also the only monster and/or archvillain to be destroyed by the Shogun Megafalconzord.

Hydro Hog is voiced by Brad Orchard. Hydro Hog was based on the Kakuranger monster Umibouzu who was originally a one-shot villain.

Foot Soldiers

Putty Patrol

The Putty Patrol is the standard foot soldiers deployed by Rita Repulsa during the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. They are based on the Golem Soldiers in Zyuranger and are made from clay. Though neither particularly strong, intelligent, nor resiliant, their basic power of numbers allow them to be a regular challenge to the Power Rangers. Occasionally, some of them were encountered that seemed a little smarter (Jason at one point fought one that was able to drive a car). Putties are mass-produced in Finster's Monstermatic through use of steam-pressured molds and then sent through the Monstermatic in large numbers. Putties do have some manner of spoken language, though it is incomprehensible to humans, coming across as strings of garbled noises.[4]

There had been some special Putty Patrollers that had been exclusive to each of Rita Repulsa' monsters.

Super Putties

The Super Putties are the stronger versions of regular Putty Patrollers. They were mentioned in "Life's a Masquerade" and later appeared in "Gung Ho!" They were made from the Super Putty that Rita Repulsa and her minions mined. They do not make another appearance in the series afterwards most likely because Rita realised it would be pointless to make more since the Rangers had weapons powerful enough to destroy them.


The Z-Putties are Lord Zedd's own army of Putties. Despite being stronger than Rita's Putties, their main weakness is the "Z" on their chests which causes them to disintegrate when hit. Following this discovery, Z-Putties become less effective than Rita's as Zedd sacrifices durability for strength. In season three, the Putties and Z-Putties are replaced by Rito's own army of foot soldiers the Tenga Warriors.

They do not have any appearances in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie.

In the Power Rangers in Space episode "Flashes of Darkonda," a Z-Putty is seen at the Onyx Tavern. An army of Z-Putties assists Rita and Zedd in their invasion on Triforia during "Countdown to Destruction".

Tenga Warriors

The Tenga Warriors are Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa's new crow-like foot soldiers with them being wedding gifts from Rito Revolto. They are the only grunt soldiers to have their own theme song "Tenga Bye Bye". Throughout Season 3, the Rangers are never seen battling these grunt soldiers in civilian form, but used their Ninja Ranger or Power Ranger forms instead, implying the Tenga ARE strong enough to out-match the rangers without their powers. The Tengas also have the power of speech. The Tenga Warriors effectively replace the Putties because they cannot be destroyed easily as they can.

In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, Ivan Ooze had virtually identical soldiers called the Tengu Warriors, but created from his loogie instead of eggs. Like their TV counterparts, the Tengus are shown to have the power of speech.

In the Power Rangers S.P.D. episodes "Shadow" Pt. 2 and "Wired" Pt. 2, a Tenga is seen as a patron at Piggy's diner.


Ivan Ooze

Ivan Ooze is a fictional character in the Power Rangers universe, who appears as the primary antagonist in the film Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995). He was played by Paul Freeman.[5] Though Ivan is depicted as pure evil, he has a comical and charming side to him shown throughout the movie, typical of other villains in the series. He has his own troops of soldiers including Ooze-Men that are easily destroyed by the Rangers and winged creatures called Tengoo (based on the Japanese myth of the Tengu) which he blew up when they failed to kill the Power Rangers.

Ivan Ooze was a tyrant 6,000 years ago, until he was imprisoned in an egg-shaped Hyperlock Chamber by Zordon and a small group of young warriors, who presumably were the precursors to the modern Power Rangers. When his hyperlock chamber is unearthed by an Angel Grove construction crew, Ivan was released by Lord Zedd after 6,000 years of imprisonment. Apparently, he was most angered by the boredom of his lengthly imprisonment, being forced to miss several disasters throughout Earth's history such as the Black Death, the Spanish Inquisition, and the 1981 reunion of The Brady Bunch. He also claims that he "had a Charley horse since the Renaissance." Ivan proceeds to demolish the Command Center and fatally injure Zordon and Alpha 5, leaving the Rangers powerless to morph, fight or even call their Zords.

After rendering the Rangers powerless, Ivan travels to the moon, and betrays both Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, trapping them within a snowglobe, much to their dismay. Their henchmen Goldar and Mordant then swear allegiance to Ivan rather than join Rita and Zedd in captivity. Ivan then begins brainwashing the parents of Angel Grove into digging up and repairing his Ecto-Morphicons (large insect-like machines similar to the Rangers' Zords) Hornitor and Scorpitron which he turns loose to rampage in Angel Grove. After this, he tells the parents to go and "leap to their doom", but the parents' children, with some help from Bulk and Skull, stop them.

After the Rangers gain the Great Power, they return to Angel Grove and battle Ivan's machines with their new Ninja Zords. Using these Zords, they are able to destroy Scorpitron. An enraged Ivan combines with Hornitor, and takes on the Rangers himself. The battle progresses into outer space, and though Ivan consistently has the upper hand, he is destroyed when the Ninja Falcon-Megazord knees him in the groin, which sends him flying into the path of Ryan's Comet, which happened to be passing the Earth at this time.


Mordant is a pig-like henchman in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. Together with Goldar, he defects from Lord Zedd to join Ivan Ooze, when Ivan imprisons Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa in a snowglobe. After the destruction of Ivan Ooze, when Goldar claims he is now the leader of the group, Mordant follows him willingly, until Rita and Zedd return from their imprisonment.

Mordant is not featured in the television series in any manner and is created for the film, but he also appears in Marvel Comics' adaptation of the film and television series. In an early draft of the script as well as in some merchandise, he is identified as Goldar's second cousin three times removed on his mother's side visiting for the summer.

Mordant is played by Jean Paul Bell and voiced by Martin G. Metcalf.


The Oozemen are Ivan Ooze's foot soldiers that are made from his own ooze. Their name is not mentioned in the movie proper, but they are instead referred to as Ivan's "kids" just seconds before he forms them. The Oozemen proved to be too strong for the Rangers unmorphed, forcing them to call upon their powers. They are highly resiliant to pain and fatigue, but if smashed by something hard enough, they are reduced to ooze.

In the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and Sega Game Gear adaptions of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, they are officially called Oozemen.


Season One

The monsters of Season One are created by Finster using his Monstermatic to bring his clay models to life; although Rita has brought forth monsters through summoning spells as well. They are adapted from the monsters featured in Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger with the exception of the last 15 monster. To make them grow, Rita throws her scepter to Earth which emits energy that causes the Earth to shake and split open, releasing a steam that then enlarges the monster.

Season Two

The monsters of Season Two are created by Lord Zedd from an animal, plant, or object. They are adapted from Gosei Sentai Dairanger except for the first ten (being leftover "Zyu2" monsters) and the Wizard of Deception, the Rat Monsters, and Turkey Jerk (which were MMPR-exclusive). It is stated that the monsters created by Lord Zedd are much stronger than the ones that Rita had Finster create. To make a monster grow, Lord Zedd conjures a grenade and throws it to Earth, where the monster catches it and slams it into the ground, thereby enlarging the monster. He would use the grenade for the final time on Repellator in the Season Three premiere and introductory vehicle for Saban's Masked Rider TV series, "A Friend in Need".

Season Three

The monsters of Season Three are mostly created by Lord Zedd or someone wielding his staff, except for those created by Finster and Master Vile. They were adapted from Ninja Sentai Kakuranger except for Repellator, which was MMPR-exclusive. To make a monster grow, Lord Zedd would cross his staff with Rita's wand and both items would cause a thunderstorm on Earth that zaps the monster with lightning, enlarging it.


  1. McCormick, Patricia S. (1995-02-12). "TELEVISION; . . . And a Parents' Guide to the Politics of Angel Grove". The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-08-20.
  2. "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers". Spin. June 1995. p. 80. Retrieved 10 September 2013.
  3. Trumbore, Dave (October 9, 2015). "Exclusive: ‘Power Rangers’ Movie Villains, Timeline, and Opening Scene Revealed". Collider.
  4. "Hooked On Power". Sun Sentinel. Retrieved 2010-08-30.
  5. Gritten, David (1995-06-28). "Oberon to Ooze--It's All in a Day's Work". LA Times. Retrieved 2010-08-22.
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