Green Party of England and Wales leadership election, 2016
Green Party of England and Wales leadership election, 2016

Green Party of England and Wales deputy leadership election, 2016

The Green Party of England and Wales leadership election, 2016 will take place in 2016. The party has elections every two years for Leader and Deputy Leader roles and this will be the fifth election since the party decided to switch from having principal speakers to having a leader and a deputy leader, or co-leaders.
According to the Constitution of the Green Party (as it stood after the Spring 2012 Conference), the leadership should be "the primary public faces of the party, responsible for presenting Green Party policy and promoting its electoral activity and campaigns to the public on a daily basis." Candidates must have been members of the Green Party for three years or more following the close of nominations, and must have signatures supporting their nomination from a minimum of twenty other party members. Elections are constitutionally mandated to take place every two years by a postal ballot of all members. The Constitution states that nominations for leadership will be open from 10:00 on the first week-day in June until noon on the last week-day in June. Polls will close either after the last mail delivery on the last week-day of August, or five week-days before Autumn Conference starts, whichever is sooner.[1]
As of yet, no one has expressed an interest in standing in either the leadership or deputy leadership elections. This includes the current leader Natalie Bennett, who has has refused to state her intention or lack thereof to run for re-election.[2]
Leadership candidates
- Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party (since 2012)
- Amelia Womack, Deputy Leader of the Green Party (since 2014)
- Shahrar Ali, Deputy Leader of the Green Party (since 2014)
- Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion (since 2010), former Leader of the Green Party (2008–2012), former Principle Speaker of the Green Party (2003–2006; 2007–2008), former MEP for South East England (1999–2010)
- Siân Berry, Green Party candidate for Mayor of London in the 2016 and 2008 elections, Councillor on Camden London Borough Council (since 2014), former Principle Speaker of the Green Party (2006–2007)[3]
Deputy leadership candidates
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