Green Party of Pennsylvania

The Green Party of Pennsylvania is the state party organization for Pennsylvania of the Green Party of the United States.


According to state voter registration statistics, there are 14,789 green party members in the state.[1]


Neil Bryson Haagen III led several Green Party candidates to victory on Tuesday, November 5. The 23-year-old FedEx dockworker was elected to Snowshoe Borough Council in Centre County. Bry ran on a platform of meeting the needs of his community in a cost effective manner. Also in Centre County, Douglas M. Mason was elected Inspector of Elections in State College, Precinct 29. In other races, Tausif Khan was elected Judge of Elections, Falls Township 1 – 5, Bucks County. Eric Hamell was elected Inspector of Elections, Ward 59, Division 21, Philadelphia County. Kevin Mock won a write in campaign for Auditor in Dimock Township, Susquehanna County. In York County, Stephen N. Weisser was re-elected Inspector of Elections in York City’s 7th Ward. Weisser will serve as the Majority Inspector. “Hopefully, we use this election as a stepping stone to grow the party.” said Bryson Haagen. “Overall, this was a good election for the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA).” said GPPA Chair Jay Sweeney. “It sets a positive, encouraging tone as we enter the 2014 election cycle”.

2007 GPUS Annual Meeting

In July 2007, the Green Party of Pennsylvania hosted the GPUS Annual National Meeting, in Reading.


It could be argued that the first national "green" party was the Citizens Party (CiP), which ran the late environmentalist Dr. Barry Commoner as its first presidential candidate in 1980. The Consumer Party, founded in the 1960s by Max Weiner and others in Philadelphia, decided to become the state affiliate of CiP in 1980 and brought Commoner's message to the commonwealth. The first Green candidate in Pennsylvania was Thomas Alan Linzey, a founder of the GPPA who ran for Governor in 1994. In 1996, when Ralph Nader ran his first presidential campaign on the GPUS ticket, his running mate in Pennsylvania was Annie Goeke, co-founder of the Lancaster Greens and a noted international activist with groups such as the Earth Rights Institute. Greens have run for office every year since in our state, but the first wins - eleven in all - came in 2001. One of them was Arthur R. Palumbo, who was elected as Mayor of Windber, Somerset County (there were only four other Green mayors nationwide at the time, all in California). By 2014, 42 Pennsylvania Greens have held office in the Keystone State, all at the municipal level of government. And many more than that have sought office in Pennsylvania.


External links

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