Guarantee (international law)

A British propaganda poster of World War I, concerning the guarantee of Belgian neutrality
For other uses, see Guarantee (disambiguation).

Guarantee – a method to ensure the fulfilment of international obligations, when a state promises to help the other state to fulfil its obligations, when some third party hinders that.[1]

Previously other methods to ensure fulfilment of international obligations, like oaths or receiving hostages, were also called guarantees.[1]

One example of such an obligation can be neutrality.[1] For example, before World War I neutrality of Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg had been guaranteed.[1]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 "Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона", St. Petersburg, 1890—1907, VIII vol., 113—114 p., „Гарантия международная“, s:ru:ЭСБЕ/Гарантия_международная
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