Häxmästaren in Swedish and Heksemesteren in Norwegian (The Warlock in English) is a series of books by Norwegian-Swedish author Margit Sandemo. This series is Margit Sandemos second, following the extremely popular The Legend of the Ice People.
The series starts off with the Norwegian girl Tiril and Icelandic Warlock Móri in the 18th Century. It is set in Bergen, Norway and Iceland for the first few books, then moving to Sweden in book three. Later the action returns to Norway and eventually expands more throughout the series.
This series has not been translated to English, but can be found in Finnish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, and Swedish.
The main theme in Häxmästaren is love, mystery, drama and the supernatural.
Swedish title | Norwegian title | Translated title | Published | Pages | ISBN | |
1 | Trolldom | Trolldom | Sorcery | 1991 | 255 | ISBN 951-636-087-4 |
2 | Ljuset i dina ögon | Lyset i dine øyne | The Light in Your Eyes | 1991 | 254 | ISBN 951-636-088-2 |
3 | När mörkret faller | Når mørket faller på | When Darkness Falls | 1992 | 254 | ISBN 951-636-091-2 |
4 | Ondskans ansikte | Ondskapens ansikt | The Face of Evil | 1992 | 254 | ISBN 951-636-097-1 |
5 | Eldprovet | Ildprøven | The Ordeal | 1992 | 248 | ISBN 951-636-101-3 |
6 | Irrbloss | Alvelys | Will-o'-the-wisp | 1992 | 252 | ISBN 951-636-104-8 |
7 | Värnlösa | Vergeløs | Defenceless | 1993 | 250 | ISBN 951-636-106-4 |
8 | Ritten mot väster | Rittet mot vest | The Ride Westward | 1993 | 250 | ISBN 951-636-111-0 |
9 | Eldsvärdet | Ildsverdet | The Fire Sword | 1993 | 254 | ISBN 951-636-113-7 |
10 | Dvärgarop | Dvergemål | Dwarven Call | 1993 | 252 | ISBN 951-636-115-3 |
11 | Skammens hus | Skammens Hus | House of Shame | 1993 | 254 | ISBN 951-636-119-6 |
12 | Sagor om glömda riken | Sagn om glemte riker | Tale of Forgotten Realms | 1993 | 252 | ISBN 951-636-122-6 |
13 | Klostret i TÃ¥rarnas Dal | Klosteret i TÃ¥renes Dal | Monastery in the Valley of Tears | 1994 | 253 | ISBN 951-636-123-4 |
14 | Frostens dotter | Frostens datter | Daughter of the Frost | 1994 | 252 | ISBN 951-636-125-0 |
15 | In i det okända | Inn i det ukjente | Into the Unknown | 1994 | 253 | ISBN 951-636-127-7 |
Titles in other languages
Heksemesteren (Norwegian) | Saga o Czarnoksiężniku (Polish) | Galdrameistarinn (Icelandic) | Noitamestari (Finnish) | A Boszorkánymester (Hungarian) | |
1 | Trolldom | Magiczne księgi | Galdrar | Taikuus | Megigézve |
2 | Lyset i dine øyne | Blask twoich oczu | Blikið à augum þÃnum | Silmiesi valo | Szemed fénye |
3 | Når mørkret faller på | Zaklęty las | Skuggar | Pimeyden mahti | Ha leszáll az éj |
4 | Ondskapens ansikt | Oblicze zła | Andlit grimmdar | Pahuuden kasvot | A gonosz arca |
5 | Ildprøven | Próba ognia | EldskÃrnin | Tulikoe | - |
6 | Alvelys | Światła elfów | Hrævareldur | Virvatulet | - |
7 | Vergeløs | Bezbronni | Hin varnarlausu | Suojattomat | - |
8 | Ritten mot vest | Droga na zachód | à vesturátt | Ratsastus länteen | - |
9 | Ildsverdet | Ognisty miecz | Engill à vanda | Tulimiekka | - |
10 | Dvergemål | Echo | Dvergaóp | Maahisten kutsu | - |
11 | Skammens hus | Dom hańby | Hús syndarinnar | Häpeän talo | - |
12 | Sagn om glemte riker | Zapomniane królestwa | Horfnir heimar | Taru unohtuneesta valtakunnasta | - |
13 | Klosteret i Tårenes Dal | Klasztor w Dolinie łez | Klaustrið à Táradal | Luostari kyynelten laaksossa | - |
14 | Frostens datter | Córka Mrozu | Dóttir frostsins | Hallan tytär | - |
15 | Inn i det ukjente | W nieznane | Ókunnur heimur | Tuntematon tie | - |
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