Haïti Chérie

"Haïti Chérie" (French pronunciation: [a.iti ʃeʁi]: Dear Haiti)[1] is a traditional patriotic song of Haiti of a poem written by Othello Bayard that was initially called it "Souvenir d'Haiti," and composed to music in 1920. It is widely considered as a second national anthem.[2]


Ayiti cheri pi bon peyi pase ou nanpwen
Fòk mwen te kite w pou mwen te kapab konprann valè w
Fòk mwen te lese w pou m te kap apresye w
Pou m santi vrèman tout sa ou te ye pou mwen
Gen bon solèy bon rivyè e bon brevaj
Anba pyebwa ou toujou jwenn bon lonbraj
Gen bon ti van ki bannou bon ti frechè
Ayiti Toma se yon peyi ki mè chè
Lè w lan peyi blan ou gen yon vye frèt ki pa janm bon
E tout lajounen ou oblije ap boule chabon
Ou pakab wè klè otan syèl-la andèy
E pandan si mwa tout pyebwa pa genyen fèy
Lan peyi mwen gen solèy pou bay chalè
Diran lane tout pyebwa ap bay lonbraj
Bon briz de mè toujou soufle sou no plaj
Ayiti Toma se yon peyi ki mè chè
Kon w lan peyi blan ou wè tout figi yon sèl koulè
Lanpwen milatrès bèl marabou, bèl grifonn kreyòl
Ki renmen bèl wòb bon poud e bon odè
Ni bèl jenn nègès ki konn di bon ti pawòl
Lan peyi mwen lè tout bèl moun si la yo
Sòti lan mès ou sòti lan sinema
Se pou gade se pou rete dyòl lolo
A la bon peyi se ti Dayiti Toma!
Lè w lan peyi blan ou pa wè mango ni kòk di tou
Lanpwen sapoti ni bèl kayimit vèt ou vyolèt
Lanpwen zanana ni bèl ti pòm kajou
Ki ban nou bon nwa pou nou fè bon ti tablèt
Ou jwenn zoranj ki soti an Itali
Men qui fennen qui toujou mwatye pouri
An Ayiti sa si bon se koupe dwèt
E sou se rapò nou bay tout peyi payèt
Lè w lan peyi mwen kote ou pase tout lon chemen
Se bonjou kompè e makomè e pitit la yo?
Sa'n pa wè konsa manyen rentre ti bren
Pou'n bwa ti kichoy pou nou jwe de ti kout zo.
Fin bay lan men se rentre lan gran pale
Se politik se movèz sitiyasyon
Sa pou nou fè se pou nou pran li kou l ye
Men bon Dye si bon la ban nou benediksyon
Lè w ou lan peyi blan ou pè promennen nwit tankou jou
Tout moun pè mache prese prese wa di se chen fou
Kote yo prale pouki yap kouri konsa?
Yo pè pèdi tan yo pa janm di: kouman sa?
Lan peyi mwen moun pa rete avèk lè
Genyen libète ou gen tan pou pran frechè
Kote ou pase se bonjou se bay lan men
Moun pa janm prese yo koze tout lon chemen
Lè w an Ayiti ou pa janm manke tan pou soufle
Sak pa fèt jodi ou kap fè li demen si ou vle
Kan demen rive kel bon ou kel pa bon
Sa pa fè anyen tout moun konn di bon dye bon.
An Ayiti moun pa janm dezespere
Nou gen la fwa lan yon Dye ki pa janm manti
Nap fè jodi kan demen pa asire
A la bon peyi o mon Dye, se Ayiti!
Haiti Chérie says Haiti is my beloved land
Oh, I never knew that I’d have to leave you to understand
Just how much I miss the gallant Citadel
Where days long ago
Brave men served this country well
Where sun is bright or evenings with soft moonlight
A shading tree, Creole maiden for company
A gentle breeze, a warm caress if you please
Work, laughter and play
Yes, we'll always be this way
Haiti Chérie says Haiti is my beloved land
Oh, I never knew that I’d have to leave you to understand
Just how much I miss the gallant Citadel
Where days long ago, brave men served this country well
Haiti Cherie, now I've returned to your soil so dear
Let me hear again, the things that give music to my ear.
The shepherd's horn that welcomes the rising morn
When roads overflow as crowds to iron market go.
Where sun is bright, or evenings with soft moonlight
The shading tree, Creole maiden for company
A gentle breeze, a warm caress if you please
Work, laughter and play, yes we'll always be this way


See also

External links


  1. Jegede, Dele (2009). "Encyclopedia of African American Artists". ISBN 9780313337611. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
  2. Edmondson, Belinda (1999). "Caribbean Romances: The Politics of Regional Representation". p. 112. ISBN 0813918227. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
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