Historical United States Census totals for Plymouth County, Massachusetts
Coordinates: 41°54′43.346″N 70°43′0.648″W / 41.91204056°N 70.71684667°W
This article shows U.S. Census totals for Plymouth County, Massachusetts, broken down by municipality, from 1900 to 2010.
Like most areas of New England, Plymouth County is (and has been at all times since well before the 20th century) entirely divided into incorporated municipalities. There is no unincorporated territory. For any census, adding up the totals for each municipality should yield the county total.
There are two types of municipalities in Massachusetts, towns and cities. The tables below differentiate between towns and cities.
For more information on the New England municipal system, see New England town.
Corporate changes since 1900
There have been no changes in Plymouth County’s municipality roster since 1900.
County Total: 113,985
- Brockton (city) 40,063
- Plymouth 9,592
- Middleborough 6,885
- Whitman 6,155
- Bridgewater 5,806
- Rockland 5,327
- Hingham 5,059
- Abington 4,489
- Wareham 3,432
- East Bridgewater 3,025
- Scituate 2,470
- Hanover 2,152
- Duxbury 2,075
- Kingston 1,955
- Marshfield 1,810
- West Bridgewater 1,711
- Hull 1,703
- Norwell 1,560
- Hanson 1,455
- Pembroke 1,240
- Carver 1,104
- Mattapoisett 1,061
- Rochester 986
- Lakeville 958
- Marion 902
- Halifax 522
- Plympton 488
County Total: 144,337
- Brockton (city) 56,878
- Plymouth 12,141
- Middleborough 8,214
- Bridgewater 7,688
- Whitman 7,292
- Rockland 6,928
- Abington 5,455
- Hingham 4,965
- Wareham 4,102
- East Bridgewater 3,363
- Scituate 2,482
- Kingston 2,445
- Hanover 2,326
- West Bridgewater 2,231
- Hull 2,103
- Hanson 1,854
- Marshfield 1,738
- Duxbury 1,688
- Carver 1,663
- Marion 1,460
- Norwell 1,410
- Pembroke 1,336
- Mattapoisett 1,233
- Lakeville 1,141
- Rochester 1,090
- Plympton 561
- Halifax 550
County Total: 156,968
- Brockton (city) 66,254
- Plymouth 13,045
- Middleborough 8,453
- Bridgewater 8,438
- Rockland 7,544
- Whitman 7,147
- Abington 5,787
- Hingham 5,604
- Wareham 4,415
- East Bridgewater 3,486
- West Bridgewater 2,908
- Hanover 2,575
- Scituate 2,534
- Kingston 2,505
- Hanson 1,910
- Hull 1,771
- Duxbury 1,553
- Lakeville 1,419
- Marshfield 1,379
- Pembroke 1,358
- Norwell 1,348
- Marion 1,288
- Mattapoisett 1,277
- Rochester 1,047
- Carver 891
- Halifax 563
- Plympton 469
County Total: 162,311
- Brockton (city) 63,797
- Plymouth 13,042
- Bridgewater 9,055
- Middleborough 8,608
- Whitman 7,638
- Rockland 7,524
- Hingham 6,657
- Abington 5,872
- Wareham 5,686
- East Bridgewater 3,591
- West Bridgewater 3,206
- Scituate 3,118
- Hanover 2,808
- Kingston 2,672
- Hanson 2,184
- Hull 2,047
- Duxbury 1,696
- Marion 1,638
- Marshfield 1,625
- Lakeville 1,574
- Norwell 1,519
- Mattapoisett 1,501
- Pembroke 1,492
- Carver 1,381
- Rochester 1,141
- Halifax 728
- Plympton 511
County Total: 168,824
- Brockton (city) 62,343
- Plymouth 13,100
- Middleborough 9,032
- Bridgewater 8,902
- Rockland 8,087
- Hingham 8,003
- Whitman 7,759
- Wareham 6,364
- Abington 5,708
- Scituate 4,130
- East Bridgewater 3,832
- West Bridgewater 3,247
- Hanover 2,875
- Kingston 2,783
- Hanson 2,570
- Marshfield 2,419
- Duxbury 2,359
- Hull 2,167
- Marion 2,030
- Norwell 1,871
- Lakeville 1,780
- Pembroke 1,718
- Mattapoisett 1,608
- Carver 1,469
- Rochester 1,269
- Halifax 867
- Plympton 532
County Total: 189,468
- Brockton (city) 62,860
- Plymouth 13,608
- Hingham 10,665
- Middleborough 10,164
- Bridgewater 9,512
- Rockland 8,960
- Whitman 8,413
- Wareham 7,569
- Abington 7,152
- Scituate 5,993
- East Bridgewater 4,412
- West Bridgewater 4,059
- Kingston 3,461
- Hanover 3,389
- Hull 3,379
- Marshfield 3,267
- Hanson 3,264
- Duxbury 3,167
- Pembroke 2,579
- Norwell 2,515
- Mattapoisett 2,265
- Marion 2,250
- Lakeville 2,066
- Carver 1,530
- Rochester 1,328
- Halifax 944
- Plympton 697
County Total: 248,449
- Brockton (city) 72,813
- Hingham 15,378
- Plymouth 14,445
- Rockland 13,119
- Scituate 11,214
- Middleborough 11,065
- Abington 10,607
- Whitman 10,485
- Bridgewater 10,276
- Wareham 9,461
- Hull 7,055
- Marshfield 6,748
- East Bridgewater 6,139
- Hanover 5,923
- Norwell 5,207
- West Bridgewater 5,061
- Pembroke 4,919
- Duxbury 4,727
- Hanson 4,370
- Kingston 4,302
- Lakeville 3,209
- Mattapoisett 3,117
- Marion 2,881
- Carver 1,949
- Halifax 1,599
- Rochester 1,559
- Plympton 821
County Total: 333,314
- Brockton (city) 89,040
- Hingham 18,845
- Plymouth 18,606
- Scituate 16,973
- Rockland 15,674
- Marshfield 15,223
- Middleborough 13,607
- Whitman 13,059
- Bridgewater 12,911
- Abington 12,334
- Wareham 11,492
- Pembroke 11,193
- Hanover 10,107
- Hull 9,961
- East Bridgewater 8,347
- Norwell 7,796
- Duxbury 7,636
- Hanson 7,148
- West Bridgewater 6,070
- Kingston 5,999
- Mattapoisett 4,500
- Lakeville 4,376
- Halifax 3,537
- Marion 3,466
- Carver 2,420
- Rochester 1,770
- Plympton 1,224
County Total: 405,437
- Brockton (city) 95,172
- Plymouth 35,913
- Marshfield 20,916
- Hingham 20,339
- Wareham 18,457
- Scituate 17,317
- Bridgewater 17,202
- Middleborough 16,404
- Rockland 15,695
- Whitman 13,534
- Abington 13,517
- Pembroke 13,487
- Duxbury 11,807
- Hanover 11,358
- East Bridgewater 9,945
- Hull 9,714
- Norwell 9,182
- Hanson 8,617
- Kingston 7,362
- Carver 6,988
- West Bridgewater 6,359
- Lakeville 5,931
- Mattapoisett 5,597
- Halifax 5,513
- Marion 3,932
- Rochester 3,205
- Plympton 1,974
County Total: 435,276
- Brockton (city) 92,788
- Plymouth 45,608
- Marshfield 21,531
- Bridgewater 21,249
- Hingham 19,821
- Wareham 19,232
- Middleborough 17,867
- Scituate 16,786
- Rockland 16,123
- Pembroke 14,544
- Duxbury 13,895
- Abington 13,817
- Whitman 13,240
- Hanover 11,912
- East Bridgewater 11,104
- Carver 10,590
- Hull 10,466
- Norwell 9,279
- Kingston 9,045
- Hanson 9,028
- Lakeville 7,785
- Halifax 6,526
- West Bridgewater 6,389
- Mattapoisett 5,850
- Marion 4,496
- Rochester 3,921
- Plympton 2,384
Municipality | Population | Type | Change Since 1990 |
Change Since 1900 |
Plymouth County | 472,822 | County | +37,546 | +358,837 |
Brockton | 94,304 | City | +1,516 | +54,241 |
Plymouth | 51,701 | Town | +6,093 | +42,109 |
Bridgewater | 25,185 | Town | +3,936 | +19,379 |
Marshfield | 24,324 | Town | +2,793 | +22,514 |
Wareham | 20,335 | Town | +1,103 | +16,903 |
Middleborough | 19,941 | Town | +2,074 | +13,056 |
Hingham | 19,882 | Town | +61 | +14,823 |
Scituate | 17,863 | Town | +1,077 | +15,393 |
Rockland | 17,670 | Town | +1,547 | +12,343 |
Pembroke | 16,927 | Town | +2,383 | +15,687 |
Abington | 14,605 | Town | +788 | +10,116 |
Duxbury | 14,248 | Town | +353 | +12,173 |
Whitman | 13,882 | Town | +642 | +7,727 |
Hanover | 13,164 | Town | +1,252 | +11,012 |
East Bridgewater | 12,974 | Town | +1,870 | +9,949 |
Kingston | 11,780 | Town | +2,735 | +9,825 |
Carver | 11,163 | Town | +573 | +10,059 |
Hull | 11,050 | Town | +584 | +9,347 |
Lakeville | 9,821 | Town | +2,036 | +8,863 |
Norwell | 9,765 | Town | +486 | +8,205 |
Hanson | 9,495 | Town | +467 | +8,040 |
Halifax | 7,500 | Town | +974 | +6,978 |
West Bridgewater | 6,634 | Town | +245 | +4,923 |
Mattapoisett | 6,268 | Town | +418 | +5,207 |
Marion | 5,123 | Town | +627 | +4,221 |
Rochester | 4,581 | Town | +660 | +3,595 |
Plympton | 2,637 | Town | +253 | +2,149 |
Municipality | Population[1] | Type | Change Since 2000 |
Plymouth County | 494,919 | County | +22,097 |
Brockton | 93,810 | City | -494 |
Plymouth | 56,468 | Town | +4,767 |
Bridgewater | 26,563 | Town | +1,378 |
Marshfield | 25,132 | Town | +808 |
Middleborough | 23,116 | Town | +3,175 |
Hingham | 22,157 | Town | +2,275 |
Wareham | 21,822 | Town | +1,487 |
Scituate | 18,133 | Town | +270 |
Rockland | 17,837 | Town | +910 |
Pembroke | 17,489 | Town | -181 |
Abington | 15,985 | Town | +1,380 |
Duxbury | 15,059 | Town | +811 |
Whitman | 14,489 | Town | +607 |
Hanover | 13,879 | Town | +715 |
East Bridgewater | 13,794 | Town | +820 |
Kingston | 12,629 | Town | +849 |
Carver | 11,509 | Town | +346 |
Lakeville | 10,602 | Town | +781 |
Norwell | 10,506 | Town | +741 |
Hull | 10,293 | Town | -757 |
Hanson | 10,209 | Town | +714 |
Halifax | 7,518 | Town | +18 |
West Bridgewater | 6,916 | Town | +282 |
Mattapoisett | 6,045 | Town | -223 |
Rochester | 5,232 | Town | +651 |
Marion | 4,907 | Town | -216 |
Plympton | 2,820 | Town | +183 |
1970 Census
The Census Bureau made a number of revisions to 1970 census totals subsequent to their initial release. The 1970 total for the town of Bridgewater was originally reported as 11,829; and the town of West Bridgewater, 7,152. The totals were later revised to those shown in the list above. This was apparently done to correct an assignment error between the two towns; the collective population of the two towns is the same using either set of figures, so the county total was not affected.
See also