Chilcotin language

Native to Canada
Region Chilcotin Country, Central Interior of British Columbia
Ethnicity 4,350 Tsilhqot'in (2014, FPCC)[1]
Native speakers
860 (2014, FPCC)[1]
Language codes
ISO 639-3 clc
Glottolog chil1280[2]

Chilcotin (also Tsilhqot’in, Tsilhqut’in, Tzilkotin) is a Northern Athabaskan language spoken in British Columbia by the Tsilhqot’in people.

The name Chilcotin is derived from the Chilcotin name for themselves: Tŝilhqot’in [ts̠ˤʰᵊĩɬqʰotʼin], literally "people of the red ochre river".



Chilcotin has 47 consonants:

Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
central lateral plain labial plain labial
Nasal m
Plosive unaspirated p k q
aspirated t̪ʰ kʷʰ qʷʰ
ejective t̪ʼ kʼʷ qʼʷ ʔ
Affricate unaspirated ts̪ ts̱ˤ
aspirated ts̪ʰ tɬʰ ts̱ˤʰ tʃʰ
ejective ts̪ʼ tɬʼ ts̱ˤʼ tʃʼ
Continuant voiceless ɬ s̱ˤ ç χ χʷ h
voiced l ẕˤ j w ʁ ʁʷ


Chilcotin has 6 vowels:

Front Back
tense-long lax-short tense-long lax-short tense-long lax-short
High i ɪ u ʊ
Low æ ɛ

Every given Chilcotin vowel will have a number of different phonetic realizations due to complex phonological processes (e.g. nasalization, laxing, flattening). For instance, the vowel /i/ can be variously pronounced [i, ĩ, ɪ, e, ᵊi, ᵊĩ, ᵊɪ].


Chilcotin is a tonal language with two tones:

Phonological processes

Chilcotin has a number of interesting phonological processes, namely vowel flattening and consonant harmony. Consonant harmony (i.e. sibilant harmony) is rather common in the Athabaskan language family. Vowel flattening, though unique to Chilcotin, is similar to phonological processes in other unrelated Interior Salishan languages spoken in the same area, such as Shuswap, St'át'imcets, and Thompson River Salish (and thus was probably borrowed into Chilcotin). This type of harmony is an areal feature common in this region of North America. The Chilcotin processes, however, are much more complicated.

Vowel nasalization and laxing

Vowel nasalization is a phonological process where the phoneme /n/ is realized as nasalization on the preceding vowel. This process occurs when the vowel + /n/ sequence is followed by a (tautosyllabic) continuant consonant (e.ɡ. /ɬ, sˤ, zˤ, ç, j, χ/).

    /pinɬ/ [pĩɬ] 'trap'

Vowel laxing is a process where tense vowels (i.e. /i, u, æ/) become lax when followed by a syllable-final /h/ (i.e. the tense and lax distinction is neutralized).

    /ʔɛstɬʼuh/ [ʔɛstɬʼʊh] 'I'm knitting'   (u → ʊ)
    /sɛjæh/ [sɛjɛh] 'my throat'   (æ → ɛ)

Vowel flattening

Chilcotin has a type of Retracted Tongue Root harmony (or post-velar harmony) called Vowel Flattening. Generally, "flat" consonants lower vowels in both directions, i.e. the assimilation is both progressive and regressive.

Chilcotin consonants can be grouped into three categories: Neutral, Sharp, and Flat.

Neutral Sharp Flat
p, pʰ, m

t, tʰ, tʼ, n
tɬ, tɬʰ, tɬʼ, ɬ, l
tʃ, tʃʰ, tʃʼ, ç, j
ʔ, h

ts, tsʰ, tsʼ, s, z

k, kʰ, kʼ
kʷ, kʷʰ, kʼʷ, xʷ, w

sˤ-series: tsˤ, tsʰˤ, tsʼˤ, sˤ, zˤ
q-series: q, qʰ, qʼ, χ, ʁ

qʷ, qʷʰ, qʼʷ, χʷ, ʁʷ

The flat consonants can be further divided into two types:

  1. a -series (i.e. /tsˤ, tsʰˤ, tsʼˤ/ˌ etc.), and
  2. a q-series (i.e. /q, qʷ, qʰ/ˌ etc.).

The -series is stronger than the q-series in that the -series affects vowels for a greater distance across the word.

The table below shows both unaffected vowels and flattened vowels.

i ᵊi or e
ɪ ᵊɪ
u o
ʊ ɔ
ɛ ə
æ a

The vowel /i/ surfaces as [ᵊi] if preceded by a flat consonant and as [e] if followed by a flat consonant:

    /sˤit/ [sˤᵊit] 'kinɡfisher'   (sˤ flattens i → ᵊi)
    /nisˤtsˤun/ [nesˤtsˤon] 'owl'   (sˤ flattens i → e)

Below the progressive and regressive flattening processes are described below in separate sections.

Progressive flattening

In the progressive (left-to-right) flattening, the q-series consonants affect only the immediately following vowel:

    /ʁitʰi/ [ʁᵊitʰi] 'I slept'   (ʁ flattens i → ᵊi)
    /qʰænɪç/ [qʰanɪç] 'spoon'   (qʰ flattens æ → a)

Like the q-series, the stronger -series consonants affects the immediately following vowel. However, this series additionally affects the vowel in the following syllable, if the first flattened vowel is a lax vowel. If the first flattened is tense, then the vowel of the following syllable is not flattened.

    /sˤɛɬ.tʰin/ [sˤəɬ.tʰᵊin] 'he's comatose'   (sˤ flattens both ɛ → ə, i → ᵊi )
    /sˤi.tʰin/ [sˤᵊi.tʰin] 'I'm sleeping'   (sˤ flattens first i → ᵊi, but not second i: *sˤᵊitʰᵊin)

As can be seen above, the neutral consonants are "transparent" in the flattening process. In the first word /sˤɛɬ.tʰin/ 'he's comatose', /sˤ/ flattens the /ɛ/ of the first syllable to [ə] and the /i/ of the second syllable to [ᵊi]. In the word /sˤi.tʰin/ 'I'm sleeping', /sˤ/ flattens /i/ to [ᵊi]. But since the vowel of the first syllable is /i/, which is a tense vowel, the /sˤ/ cannot flatten the /i/ of the second syllable.

The sharp consonants, however, block the progressive flattening caused by the -series:

    /tizˤ.kʼɛn/ [tezˤ.kʼɛn] 'it's burning'   (flattening of ɛ is blocked by kʼ: *tezˤkʼən)
    /sˤɛ.kɛn/ [sˤə.kɛn] 'it's dry'   (flattening of ɛ is blocked by k: *sˤəkən)
Regressive flattening

In regressive (right-to-left) harmony, the q-series flattens the preceding vowel (just like it does in the progressive harmony mentioned above).

    /ʔælæχ/ [ʔælaχ] 'I made it'   (χ flattens æ → a)
    /junɛqʰæt/ [junəqʰat] 'he's slappinɡ him'   (qʰ flattens ɛ → ə)

The regressive (right-to-left) harmony of the -series, however, is much stronger than in the progressive harmony. Here these consonants flatten all preceding vowels in a word:

    /kunizˤ/ [konezˤ] 'it is lonɡ'   (zˤ flattens all vowels, both i → e, u → o)
    /kʷɛtɛkuljúzˤ/ [kʷətəkoljózˤ] 'he is rich'   (zˤ flattens all vowels)
    /nækʷɛnitsˤɛ́sˤ/ [nakʷənetsˤə́sˤ] 'fire's gone out'   (tsˤ, sˤ flatten all vowels)

Both progressive and regressive flattening processes occur in Chilcotin words:

    /niqʰin/ [neqʰᵊin] 'we paddled'
    /ʔɛqʰɛn/ [ʔəqʰən] 'husband'


  1. 1 2 Chilcotin at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
  2. Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Chilcotin". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

External links


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