History of ITV television idents

The ITV television network began as a group of regional stations, each with their own identities. Each station used its own idents to create an individual identity until the late 1990s when ITV began to introduce a consolidated presentation package as part of a dedicated effort to unify its identity. This article looks at the history of presentation of ITV.

Corporate images


When ITV was incepted in 1958, most of the franchises had their own individual logos and identities, and were created by the franchise holders for their own use and identification within the network. From 1981, a generic, 'blocky-looking' logo was used infrequently throughout the 1980s, often in a rainbow colouration for promos produced by the "Big 5" franchises (Thames Television, LWT, Granada Television, Yorkshire Television and ATV/Central Television), as well as holding slides used by some of the regions and Channel 4 (for cross-promotion purposes), but it was never used as the centrepiece of an identity.


A new generic ITV logo was introduced on 1 September 1989 and accompanied a first-time, national on-air identity designed by English Markell Pockett with music by Lord David Dundas. The logo was the centre of a whole branding package; there was a national logo and regional logos for all of the ITV franchises. Each franchise had a distinctive portion of their logo included into the V of the ITV logo. The ident was generally formed by beginning with the franchisee's logo, then going into a sliding sequence featuring a dove, a couple in period dress, Big Ben, an athlete, and a pair of dancers before the regional ITV logo is formed. Along with this, each franchise received a regional clock, trailer style, network font and break bumpers.

However, this new look did not go as the designers intended:[1]

The look was dropped at various times depending on region:

October 1998 – October 2002

On 5 October 1998, the ITV logo was changed to a lower cased blue and yellow affair. This was in line with the fact that, with the upper cased ITV logo used previously, the viewer perception of ITV was a high brow stuffy channel, not aimed at younger audiences. ITV changed the logo to seem friendlier and more welcoming to younger audiences.

On 8 November 1999, the next generic look was born, designed by English and Pockett with music by Lord David Dundas, both of whom were involved with the last look. The main theme of the look was the ITV slogan of 'TV from the heart'. There were three variations of the ident.

The lines and static idents could also feature a spinning hearts background that was tinted brown that was used during Daytime schedules. The look was accompanied by a clock superimposed on a spinning hearts background, as well as promotions provided by ITV's Network Promotions Unit. A heart break bumper was also provided. Upon launch and over time, some changes were made to the look:

As with the last look, not all of the companies adopted it:

They simply wanted to have an expression of the heart which was theirs alone. So we were asked to somehow square this circle, that they were part of ITV and therefore of the heart but they were also unique as a brand. And we came up with the proposition that, okay, if ITV is the 'heart', Carlton Television is the 'star' of the ITV network.
Brian Eley, Creative Director, Lambie-Nairn[2]

Once again like the last look, it was dropped at different times:

October 2002 – October 2004

On Monday 28 October 2002, a new idents package was rolled out across the regions using the central theme of a celebrity posing 'backstage'. There would be a clip of the celebrity chilling-out when they were supposedly off screen. The 'ITV1' logo had been softened with smoother edges by this point and it would animate on in the bottom right hand corner, being formed from 3 aligned blue blocks and one yellow block. This package also coincided with the centralisation of continuity from the English, Isle of Man and Scottish Border regions to London. As a result of this, regional idents were always live by a national team of six live from the Carlton/LWT continuity booth. Wales retained its own announcers for the time being.

The regional versions of the idents were now only used in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland throughout the day. The other regions had their own idents specifically for use before local programmes. These varied subtly by region:

The set of idents were updated with new sets and celebrities in 2003, with the sets more pronounced blues and yellows and removing the backstage feel. Along with this, news ident graphics and the backgrounds to the regional idents were changed to overlapped blue squares.

A number of regions changed their identities throughout the period:

The look was dropped at different times:

November 2004 – January 2006

The 1 November 2004 heralded a new on-air look coinciding with the launch of ITV3. The ITV1 logo was reworked, splitting it into separate squares. On-screen, the boxes were arranged as a large yellow square containing the '1' with blue ITV boxes on top. This logo would be seen against a generic background of a blue sky with clouds, windows of a high rise building, underwater with fish swimming by and dark blue ribbons flowing against a blue background.

The plan for these Idents were to use them as mini-menus showing what is coming up soon. The Idents would zoom to the left allowing a short video and description of the upcoming programmes to be shown, before the panels of the videos to become part of the ITV1 logo in the centre of the screen. They were not designed to be traditional idents, however despite the fact that ITV took on a team of associate producers to produce these promotions, the promotional idents were used less and less as the months go on.

During this period, ITV spent a lot of this period using themed idents specific to particular programmes, such as Celebrity Love Island.

Once again, not all of the companies took the look:

Regional idents were available, and featured the ITV1 ident with the region name written under the logo, to a background of different shades of dark blue. However, the ident was becoming less frequently seen, usually only before some local news bulletins and the decreasing number of regional programming. ITV1 Wales was the exception to the rule, with a Wales name added to the bottom of all idents in their package.

The ITV plc regions, the only regions to adopt the look, dropped it in 2006 in favour of a complete overhaul.

January – November 2006

On 16 January 2006 a brand new logo and presentation package was unleashed. It brought ITV1, ITV2 and ITV3 in line with ITV4. It was part of a major re-brand of the ITV network, known as Brand 2010, which also included the News and Sport divisions as well as off screen content. It was designed by Red Bee Media following a perception analysis carried out by the audience. The results stated that although all the ITV channels had a good combining brand, with the ITV logo, they all looked the same, couldn't be told apart, that their programming values were blurred and that the ITV logo itself was getting boring.

The solution was to make a new logo in a rounded off box, involving the lower case itv. These, it was claimed, made the service look friendly, retaining what had been attempted in 1998, and yet fresh and crisp. From there they added an extra oblong on the other side of the channel name. All channel shared this look with the colour being the only main difference with the exception of the name. This provided the distinctiveness, yet unity they sought.

The ITV1 idents were created on the basis that ITV1 provokes "an emotion response in all of us" and therefore the so-called 'Emotion' idents were created. Many were shot in South Africa and featured a montage of unrelated scenes, which include such things as a man rubbing his bare chest, girls rolling down a hill and two people hugging trees. These represented moods such as joy, pride, sadness, love etc. In them the 'ITV1' logo would open out and enclose the footage it was superimposed on to. The exception to the rule was one of the ITV1 logo on a black background, used to introduce the news.

The look was controversial both with critics, online and in print, viewers and ITV bosses who saw the look too vague. This look had one regional ident, Pride which was used before regional programming and also for a time at the 1900 and 2230 junctions on Thursday, with an announcer name checking the regional station on some occasions. These were the last ITV idents to include the region's name onscreen. ITV1 Wales also had a full selection of idents for a time before they began using the standard ITV1 idents with the Wales added on the live television feed during transmission.[3]

Only two of the four ITV parent companies adopted any part of the look:

The Idents themselves and their contents:

Name Description
Love Starts with a mum hugging her young son, then we see a woman picking up a pair of pink high heels, followed by a man rubbing his belly and finishing with two people hugging a tree. A version of this was created for Prehistoric Park in which the third scene is edited out and pterosaurs from the program flew past the tree-huggers.
Pride Ident starts with a lady placing a home-made card on a shelf, followed by a young boy talking a tray of breakfast and a card to his mum, that is then followed by a man cleaning his car, we then see a boy with who has just had a tooth come out, then finally a man bringing a motor scooter out of his garage and placing it alongside his other scooters.
Joy We start with a woman enjoying a walk in a sunny forest, we then see a dog with its head out a car window, then a couple enjoying a paddle in the sea, followed by a woman laughing as she comes out of a tent, and finally we see several children rolling down a grassy hill. A version of this for Prehistoric Park showed the first scene including a Titanosaurus.
Surprise A bucket of water is thrown over two people sun-bathing, then two children jump out of a cardboard box, followed by a newspaper blowing past a pedestrians face, then finally a man comes out of a tent in a field and starts chasing several cows.
Fun A boy bangs two cymbals together, then two people eat giant slices of chocolate cake, next we see several children sliding down a water slide, the next scene sees a dog's tail wagging, and the last scene sees two pigs enjoying the mud.
Embarrassment We first see a man on a beach trying to get changed with a towel wrapped round him as two people walk past looking, we then see a lady at a party with her dressed tucked in her underwear, then a boy is seen with an embarrassing hair cut, then the last scene sees a man on a busy train fall asleep on someone's shoulder.
Anticipation This ident is different from all the others because it only has one scene in the whole ident. A man is seen waiting at a cinema holding a single rose in his hands. This is a more sombre ident.
Sadness We first see an emotional woman hugging a man, then a girl is on her own in a school corridor while a group of kids nearby laugh and chat, we then see a lady in bed crying, and the last scene sees a man in a cinema sat at the end when everyone else is leaving. This is another sombre ident and mainly used before drama.
Sport This ident focusing on various emotions felt from different sporting events. We first see a boxer looking quite nervous as he has boxing wrap removed from his hands, we then see another boxer in the ring being treated and having water put on him to cool down, we then see a football match and a penalty taking place, and finally football fans jump up and cheer when a goal is scored.

November 2006 – January 2013

The next presentation of ITV1 was launched on 13 November 2006, just 10 months after the last new look. Following the issues with the previous one, the themes were changed slightly: the logo remained the same shape and style, but with the letters itv changed to black so as to contrast with the yellow of the logo better this had also saw the end of regional idents for the ITV plc owned stations and as of this day the regional names was now used for regional news only and then on 14 January 2013 Channel Television had suffered the loss of regional identy and the regional to the news instead.

The ident films themselves were scrapped and a new set created following the theme of "Alive with Colour" with ITV promoting the new idents as the "second phase" of the look introduced in January.[4] The idents, based on the previous set by Red Bee Media, were designed by The Mill and produced by Blink Productions and Pleix include surreal scenes featuring yellow colours to the same audio track.

The look launched with six idents: 'Beach', 'Bike', 'Lake', 'Market', 'Basketball' and 'Pavement Art', with another 4 added on 3 September 2007 which runs in tandem with the previous ones. These latest idents included an ITV1 logo that was bigger than the ones launched in 2006, but retained the same soundtrack. In April 2010, ITV1 HD was launched, featuring an updated glossier logo based on that of ITV1. In response, ITV1 changed their logo to the glossier version and launched another four idents. These latest idents have been noticeably different from their predecessors: the logo was once again larger and faded on in parts. They also featured individual soundtracks based on those previously and the style of the ident themselves, namely the shooting of them, was very different from those before them. They were accompanied on screen by updated programme promotions, end credit promotions, stings and break bumpers.

The 2006-13 ITV Yorkshire logo displayed on The Leeds Studios (December 2009)

Because of these changes, all of the idents were updated with the new logo, including making it bigger in many places. However, the soundtracks remained the same causing some to question why the other idents weren't changed with the new looks. Viewer opinions suggest that the original music is unpopular, but the ident package itself generally popular. This has been the longest lasting ITV generic look to date, lasting far longer than the 1999 Hearts, and being kept by far more companies and for longer collectively than the 1989 Generic look. The primary criticisms of the look have been the scrapping of regional idents. All regions are introduced with a national ident and the region is not referenced to in the announcement. The exception to the rule is ITV1 Wales, with includes the word 'Wales' either underneath the ident or located in the bottom left hand corner of the ident. The Wales ident was used before all programming except overnight for the first few years of the rebrand before being quietly relegated to regional junctions only.

This package was only seen in some areas of the ITV network however:

The ITV plc regions, the only regions to adopt the look, dropped it in 2013 in favour of a complete overhaul.

The idents include:

Name Description Air dates
Beach The ident starts as a simple beach scene when the yellow windbreak suddenly bursts out to the side and starts to fly up soon to be joined by an orange wind break. The logo appears from behind the windbreak. Edited in April 2010 November 2006 – January 2013
Lake A single person rows a small wooden rowing boat with schools of yellow and orange fish swimming in the lake below. The logo appears from behind a tree. Edited in April 2010 November 2006 – January 2013
Bike A woman rides a bike at night through a dark street only lit by street lamps. Fireflies swarm around the street lamps. The logo comes out from the side of a tree. Edited in April 2010 November 2006 – January 2013
Market An ornate curtain floats up revealing an exotic street market. The camera follows one man then follows a second man through the market. Throughout the ident, small yellow birds fly round. The logo appears from behind the second man. Edited in April 2010 November 2006 – January 2013
Basketball An Ivy like plant grows up the back of a basketball hoop. The camera pans round revealing the full basketball court. The green plants start to cover the whole court and yellow flowers begin to grow. The logo sprouts open like a flower when the yellow flowers open on the back of the basketball hoop. Edited in April 2010 November 2006 – January 2013
Pavement Art The ident starts with several people painting large yellow stripes on what first appears to be a pavement. We soon see they are actually painting on a rooftop as the camera pans over the edge of the building. The yellow stripes continue down the side of the building and onto the ground below where they form unusual patterns. The logo appears on the ground when the camera moves over the edge of the roof. Edited in April 2010 November 2006 – January 2013
Bubbles People in a park are blowing bubbles of all different sizes. Soon several very large bubbles come into shot and float up. The logo is revealed behind one of the large bubbles floating up. Edited in April 2010. September 2007 – January 2013
Garden In a family's back garden, the camera moves into the undergrowth revealing a whole new miniature garden where yellow flowers and mushrooms grow as a butterfly flies round. The logo is revealed as the butterfly flies over. Edited in April 2010 September 2007 – January 2013
Buildings The ident starts with some people enjoying lunch shaded by large yellow and white umbrellas. We soon see they are surrounded by many tall buildings. As the buildings are revealed, the windows start to shimmer, then the windows start to open like shutters producing yellow reflections. The logo is revealed in a series of shutter type movements amongst the windows. Edited in April 2010 September 2007 – January 2013
Fountains A man walks down a large dark alley full of puddles. Soon after the man turns into a smaller alley, yellow fountains start to erupt from the puddles lighting up the alley. The logo fades in amongst the fountains. Edited in April 2010 September 2007 – January 2013
Sunflowers A dark field soon erupts with colour as hundreds of Sunflowers all open up to face the sun and sway in the wind. The logo fades in as three parts. First aired Friday 9 April 2010. April 2010 – January 2013
Lanterns People at a festival all release Chinese lanterns which slowly float up into the night sky. The logo is revealed behind one of the lanterns. First aired Friday 9 April 2010. The ident was later withdrawn because the National Farmers Union criticized ITV of the dangers of Chinese lanterns.[5] However, it was later returned for 13 days in Jnaury 2013 before the channel was rebranded. April 2010 – August 2010; 1-14 January 2013
Snakes and Ladders A team of builders and painters are doing work on a large building with the help of scaffolding resembling a Snakes and Ladders game board. Some workmen keep abseiling down the scaffolding and pallets of building materials are lifted up. The logo fades in as three parts and becomes part of the scene with the workmen seen in front of it. First aired Sunday 11 April 2010. April 2010 – January 2013
Dodgems At a fairground, dodgem cars suddenly start moving by themselves and start to perform a routine. The logo fades in as three parts. First aired Saturday 17 April. April 2010 – January 2013
Christmas 2008/2009 ITV1 launched a new festive on-screen package in 2008, the package consisted of one ident, 11 break bumpers, and festive versions of promos, end credit promotion and holding boards. The ident starts with a gold animated sketch style star bursting open followed by a gold tree. Various Christmas related items are seen floating round the tree in the same gold sketch style. The ident featured an edited arrangement of the regular ident music. First aired Saturday 13 December 2008, and seen again next year from Saturday 19 December.
Christmas 2010 A new festive presentation package was introduced on the channel in December 2010. The package featured one ident, four break bumpers and festive promos, but this year's package was lacking festive versions of the end credit promotions. The ident starts with lots of small fairies carrying a large glass looking '1' and putting it into place within the large golden ITV1 logo. Throughout the ident, several other small fairies are carrying smaller '1' symbols. This is all set in the night sky above a lit up city. First aired Saturday 11 December.
Christmas 2011 This year ITV1 decided to use their existing idents but with the addition of the Text Santa characters appearing on screen interacting with the logo. Text Santa is ITV's Christmas charity initiative and the branding features a range of characters known as 'Santa's Little Helpers'. The break bumpers also follow suit with the characters appearing and interacting with the logo. First aired Saturday 10 December.
Christmas 2012 For 2012, the presentation package is themed upon a golden, magic Christmas tree, made up of various ornaments, including tin soldiers and baubles. Three different variations of the ident were produced, one which revolves around a train set, another which adds the Rovers Return and The Woolpack pubs - references to Coronation Street and Emmerdale respectively - within the tree. Both these idents end with the golden tree placed in the corner of a house, next to a fireplace with a gold coloured 'ITV1' logo appearing at the bottom left corner of the screen. The third variation of the ident focuses on reindeer merry-go-round with the 'ITV1' logo on top of it. This version of the ident will be used to introduce news bulletins, the Queen's speech and other serious programming over this festive period. First aired Saturday 1 December, which is the earliest date that ITV have ever began using Christmas presentation.

January 2013 – present

On 15 November 2012, it was announced that ITV1 was to receive a rebrand in January 2013, in which it would revert to its old name of ITV. A new "curvy" logo was introduced with new idents and presentation package. This was first implemented on 14 January 2013. On the same day, ITV1 +1 and ITV1 HD were rebranded to ITV +1 and ITV HD respectively, whilst sister channels ITV2, ITV3, ITV4 and CITV all received new idents and presentation based upon the new corporate logo (later two new channels based on the 2013 ITV logo, first ITV Encore from June 2014, and then ITVBe from October 2014 were also joined the sister channels).

ITV's new idents were created to reflect "everyday life of the Great British public". New idents will be brought in on a consistent basis to reflect the four seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. In addition, the new ITV logo changes colour on each ident, a process named as "colour picking".

This package is only seen on the ITV plc owned companies of Anglia, Border, Central, Channel Television, Granada, London, Meridian, Tyne Tees, Wales (Later ITV Cymru Wales), West Country and Yorkshire.

UTV, refused to adopt the look, instead continuing with their in house produced landscape idents introduced in October 2012. However in 2016 following the takeover of UTV by ITVplc, UTV will launch a new logo and a new on air look to match ITV's 2013 branding. STV Group companies of STV Central and STV North, refused the look, instead continuing with their arrow flip book idents introduced in March 2009.

These are the idents to have been featured so far:

Winter set

At Christmas 2013, a selection of the Winter set of idents returned for use before non-entertainment programming such as news broadcasts. Following the withdrawal of the Christmas idents, the complete set returned for its second rotation on 2 January 2014, all in edited form: as with the subsequent sets, the idents now have the logo form-up much earlier, and it stays on for the remainder of the duration. (Fire Breather, though, is an exception which remains unedited until 1 January 2016.)

Name Description Air dates
Ballet Girls A group of young girls, dressed in full ballet outfits, sit, chat and relax as they prepare for their lesson. First shown at 11:30am on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Boxer A boxer warming up in the ring, dressed in blue vest. January 2013 – present
Bus Bunny On a busy bus, the camera pans to see a man getting on a sitting down towards the back of the bus. Once he is sat down, it is revealed that the female passenger sitting alone on the back seat is wearing flashing bunny ears. First shown at 17:00pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Candy Floss Two hands are seen holding a stick and place it inside a flossing machine to make a ball of candy floss. First shown at 15:00pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Fire Breather A man sprays fluid from his mouth that hits a stick of fire to give the illusion of breathing fire, he repeats this twice. First shown at 20:30pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Fireplace A man places wood onto a burning fireplace to keep it warm in the living room. First shown at 19:00pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Fish n' Chips One couple eat fish n' chips inside a takeaway, whilst looking at the window. The camera then pans to show four other people eating fish n' chips in the rain outside. January 2013 – present
Hair Trim A man with a star on his head is trimmed off by a barber woman by using a hair trim and a red comb in the barber shop. First shown at 16:00pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Hot Air Balloon The ident reflects an inside of a hot air balloon, which has a red, white and blue chequered design. First shown at 9:25am on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Ice Scraper A woman scraping the ice off her car windows. Seasonal ident shown on the first rebrand weekend (when snow hit the UK). January 2013 – present
Lift Two people travel up a lift as they admire the view of the London skyline in front of them. First shown at 11:25am on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Line Marker A line marker is shown painting lines on a football pitch. First shown at 19:30pm before an FA Cup match on 16 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Lips A woman is shown applying some lip gloss. First shown at 12:30pm on 14 January 2013 before showing Loose Women. January 2013 – present
Lounge Dancing An elderly couple ballroom dance to swing music in their living room. First shown at 19:30pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Marching Band A band in formal uniform play their instruments as a crowd looks on in the distance. First shown at 20:00pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Mums On The Run Several mothers, wearing a various range of exercise clothing, are seen jogging up and down a flight of stairs in different directions. First shown at 18:00pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Night Cyclists A group of cyclists ride through a deserted street in the middle of the night on their bikes with their rear lights flashing. First shown at 22:00pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Night Walkers A group of people are seen walking on a street at night. January 2013 – present
Pugwash A dog is given a bath by their owner in the sink. This was the first of the new idents to break cover, appearing on the channel's YouTube account on 13 January 2013, before receiving its first airing on television at 10:30am the next day. January 2013 – present
Rave A large group of people are shown at a rave. January 2013 – present
Rescue Boat A life boat speeds across a deserted sea. This was the first ident in the new set to be shown on television at 6:00am on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Road Sweeper A road sweeper cleans a street early in the morning, the road sweeper drives up Gibb Street in Birmingham's Custard Factory, past a railway arch with artwork of an orange octopus on the archway, the amber beacon on the road sweeper illuminating this. January 2013 – present
Seamstresses A group of women are shown knitting a large sheet of material. January 2013 – present
See-Saw Two boys are seen enjoying a go on the see-saw in the playground. First shown at 14:00pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Surfboarding Lesson A young couple practice surfboarding techniques on the shore of the beach as their dog looks on in bemusement. January 2013 – present
Swimmers A group of people are seen emerging out of the water after a morning swim in the sea. First shown at 21:00pm on 14 January 2013 before starting the seventh series of Lewis. January 2013 – present
Welder A man is shown welding some metal. First shown at 13:30pm on 14 January 2013. January 2013 – present
Tumble Dryer Two boys are seen looking into a tumble dryer whilst it is operating. February 2013 – present
New Baby A new baby is shown sleeping as his mother kisses him. March 2013 – present
Celebration A group of people celebrates a New Year of 2014, whilst this ident is advertised by ITV. February 2014 – present

Spring set

On 13 April 2013, three months on from the rebrand, ITV introduced a new set of idents. A notable change with these idents is that the logo stays on screen until the end whereas in previous idents would fade away during the ident.

Name Description Air dates
Windy Beach Three people struggle to keep their deckchairs and other beach items in place in a strong headwind. April 2013 – present
Dance Crew A group of people perform a street dance to an onlooking crowd. First shown to introduce the first episode of the seventh series of Britain's Got Talent. April 2013 – present
Caterpillar A boy is watching a Caterpillar crawls slowly in the trees, then covers softly by boy's right hand. April 2013 – present
Hen Party A group of women with Hen Party Vote ribbons around their shoulders are seen dancing during the Hen Night in the Arcade stylized Hen Dance. April 2013 – present
Waltzers Some people are riding on the waltzers and are having a great time. April 2013 – present
Hook-a-Duck A large pool of rubber ducks as part of a 'Hook-A-Duck' fairground game are seen. April 2013 – present
Control Room Three people are seen monitoring CCTV images in a control room. Often used to precede the ITV News. April 2013 – present
Bingo Everyone is playing bingo and then a woman wins. April 2013 – present
Horse A horse is preparing to ride. April 2013 – present
Record Shop A man is looking through the CD's and eventually finds one he likes. April 2013 – present
Florist A woman buys some flowers in the flower shop. April 2013 – present
Rowers A group of four women are rowing down a river. April 2013 – present
Greenhouse You can see a man in his greenhouse. April 2013 – present
Farmer A farmer is rounding up his sheep. April 2013 – present
Fake Statue A man is pretending to be a statue. April 2013 – present
Baby's Dinner A baby makes loads of mess with his food. April 2013 – present
Bungee Jump A person is seen leaping off a platform being suspended by a bungee cord. April 2013 – present
Bowling Various people are seen bowling balls down lanes in a tenpin bowling alley. They are two variations in this ident. April 2013 – present
Bunny A rabbit is shown washing its face. Seasonal ident for Easter, first shown on Good Friday. April 2013 – present
Chicks A group of newborn chicks. Seasonal ident for Easter. April 2013 – present
Lamb A lamb is helped by a man with drinking milk for feeding. Seasonal ident for Easter. April 2013 – present

Summer set

On 8 June 2013, ITV introduced its latest set of idents.

Name Description Air dates
Meerkats Children watch on from a viewing dome as meerkats go about their daily lives. June 2013 – present
Fish Landing Men are seen staking trays of fish on a jetty. June 2013 – present
Dive Bomb A young man dives into water, watching from below. June 2013 – present
Pigeon Racing Pigeons are released from their carrier vehicle. Often used to precede the ITV News. June 2013 – present
Urban Bees A beekeeper views the honeycombs his bees have made. June 2013 – present
Water Slide Children are seen using a waterslide. June 2013 – present
Airport Luggage People are seen collecting their luggage from a conveyor belt at an airport. June 2013 – present
Amazing Hats A group of women are seen each wearing unusual and decorative hats. June 2013 – present
Car Boot Sale A collection of items are seen at a car boot sale, attended by several people. June 2013 – present
Jamaican BBQ A family of Jamaican friends prepares to cook some food with a barbecue. June 2013 – present
Jewellery Shop A woman points out which item she would like to purchase from the window of a jewellery shop. June 2013 – present
Sun Cream A mother rubs sun cream onto her son's back at the beach. June 2013 – present
Sack Race Several fathers partake in a sack race at a school during sports day. June 2013 – present
Mountain Bike A man is seen spraying hose water at his dirty mountain bike. June 2013 – present
Sand Castle A father is seen helping his young son build a sand castle. June 2013 – present

Autumn set

ITV's autumn set of idents was introduced on 31 August 2013.

Name Description Air dates
Skipping Rope A boy trains using a skipping rope. August 2013 – present
Hula Hoop A girl swivels an electronic hula hoop around her tummy. Two versions of this ident were produced – its initial launch did not show the ITV logo clearly. August 2013 – present
Festival We see a number of people in a crowd, some of them wearing accessories, when suddenly they all start jumping. First showing of this ident was to introduce the first episode of the tenth series of The X Factor, with its continuity announcement provided by the show's former host, Dermot O'Leary. August 2013 – present
Concert A blurred image shows for a few seconds, then becomes more clearer to reveal a crowd at a concert who hold their hands above their heads and clap to the beat. August 2013 – present
Delivery A workman struggles to pull up an assortment of packages backwards up a flight of stairs. September 2013 – present
Surfers A bunch of bodyboarders paddle in some waves in the sea. September 2013 – present
Rhythm Gymnastics Numerous pairs of legs dance freely in amongst yellow ribbons in a gym. September 2013 – present
Exercise In another gym-based ident, women dance to the beat. September 2013 – present
Night Fishing In a nocturnal ident, a motorboat carries two fishermen who are trying to catch fish. September 2013 – present
Fish n' Chips (At the Counter) In a variant of the Fish n' Chips ident shown in the original set, pies are shown, then sausages, then some fish, then more pies and chicken nuggets, and then an attendant adding vinegar and later salt on some fish n' chips and wrapping them in a napkin. September 2013 – present
Snail Racing Multiple snails approach a finish line. One snail is picked up by a boy. September 2013 – present
Ballerinas Four ballerinas in tutus dance around in a circle. One of the tutus is black, the others are white. September 2013 – present
Lake Swimmers Lots of men in wet suits jump off a bridge into the water and start swimming towards the camera. September 2013 – present
Commuter We see a window view of a train, and then we see two men. One is reading the newspaper, and the other is checking his tablet. September 2013 – present
Conkers An old man holding a conker faces another person holding a conker off-screen. With one quick blow, the old man crushes the off-screen person's conker. October 2013 – present
Slide The ident reflects as the young man slowly slides down to the playground whereas the two women run off. October 2013 – present
Leaves A group of children playing and throwing some leaves outside the garden. October 2013 – present
Leaf Blower A man is using the leaf blower to blow off the leaves outside the field near the castle. October 2013 – present
Drenched Dog A dog is so soggy, then shook itself with wet spits but the woman helps the dog to dry them all wet off. October 2013 – present
Wood Chopper A man is using an axe to chop some wood and take those woods back to the cabin. October 2013 – present
Fireworks A group of people watches the fireworks to celebrate bonfire night. November 2013 – present
Sparkler A girl is holding a Sparkler with fizzes of sparks, while this ident is advertised by ITV. November 2013 – present

Later Additions

On 29 December 2014, ITV introduces 4 new idents from January 2015 and later, more new idents from February 2015 onwards.

Name Description Air dates
Board Game A family gathers around the table and plays a game of chess board together. December 2014 – present
Bathroom Scales A man is using the weighing scale to scan the weight of fat length, before measure it, first, take his bathrobe off, then drops his slippers down, then start weighing. January 2015 – present
Horses A couple of riders are riding horses that trots the murky sands of the sea, both horses and riders are joyous for the journey. January 2015 – present
Hands in the Air A large crowd of people waving hands and jumping up and down to the roaring beat. This ident was first shown to introduce the first episode of the seventeenth series of Stars in Their Eyes. January 2015 – present
Topiary An old lady is using a scissors to trim the tree like topiaries that made of sculpture, hence the background of the peacock topiary. February 2015 – present
Flamingos A man is using a big scoop to add some spinach seeds then feeds to the colony of flamingos as they eating seeds and flapping wings. February 2015 – present
Woman on the Train A woman is snoring on the train inside the view of the window. Often used to precede the ITV News. February 2015 – present
Penalty Kick During a game of football, a group of football players are tried to kick the ball, but the boy was held by the red team. Then the referee blows his whistle to start the penalty kick again. First shown to introduce the first episode of the new series of Play to the Whistle. April 2015 – present
Field Trip A couple of girls go outdoor camping and reading some map and books during a field trip. May 2015 – present
Ice Cream An ice cream man adds a sprinkle next to an ice cream, then gives it to a young girl and enjoy eating. May 2015 – present
Swimmers back into the Sea A backwards version of the earlier ident of Swimmers. A group of people are seen heading back into the water before a morning swim at the sea. September 2015 – present

Special idents

Special idents have also been used to mark occasions. The idents used for Easter celebrations during 2013 are documented in the list of Spring idents.

Name Description Air dates
Royal Baby Two women are seen having afternoon tea in the sunlight, celebrating the royal birth by cutting a cake reading "It's a Boy". First used before the special ITV News broadcast at 9pm on 22 July 2013. The ident was used sparingly over the following days. It was later brought back on 2 May 2015, amending the cake to read "It's a Girl". July 2013
Santas' Carousel The main festive ident seen on ITV, first aired on Saturday 7 December 2013. A group of men all dressed as Santa Claus are seen on a fairground carousel waving as it spins round. December 2013
Santas' Break The group of Santas seen on the Carousel ident are now enjoying a hot drink and having a snack while chatting with each other. December 2013
Christmas Lights A man is seen outside his house applying the finishing touches to his Christmas lights, then turns them all on before heading back inside. This was the first festive ident to be seen on ITV airing before the first look at ITV's Christmas entertainment promo on Saturday 7 December 2013. December 2013
Christmas Record An automated record player is shown selecting one of the records and placing it down before it starts playing. As the record is placed down, the viewer can see the song is "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" December 2013
Post-Dinner Snooze An old man is sleeping in the chair after the Christmas dinner while a woman, a man and three children are having a turkey dinner. December 2013
Christmas Presents Two children are seen throwing open Christmas paper at each other. December 2013
Bulldog A bulldog is sleeping for Christmas, they're nice and cosy by a roaring fire in the living room. December 2014
Christmas Kitchen Two people are having a nice tidy all the bits and bobs after the Christmas dinner, they are having some free-time for turkey sandwiches. December 2014
Clock Fixer A man in the clock factory is fixing clock to go backwards on the hour hand as he corrects the problem. This special ident on ITV is used for BST endings to go back 01:00am to 00:00am each early morning during late October. October 2015
Pumpkin Faces One of the two special Halloween-themed idents are seen on ITV, first aired on Friday 30 October 2015. A man and his two girls selects several pumpkin faces that we made of carved face inside them, as the customer gives one pumpkin face to the man and his little girls. October 2015
Pumpkin Collectors Second of the two special Halloween-themed idents are seen on ITV, first aired on Friday 30 October 2015. Two young boys collect a couple of pumpkins and carrying with using both two hands, then bring the pumpkins back to the car while the several people searches for Halloween pumpkins to collect. October 2015
Moustache Groom One of the two special Movember-themed idents are seen on ITV, first aired on Monday 2 November 2015. A couple of men in a barber shop are seen grooming and making moustaches for Movember event to make them look so sexy. November 2015
Moustache Wash Second of the two special Movember-themed idents are seen on ITV, first aired on Monday 2 November 2015. A man with a droopy moustache was cleaned and washed by a barber man by using a white towel, while he is looking in a mirror. November 2015
Bagpipes A group of bagpipers from Scotland play the bagpipes. This special ident was used for Burns Night in Scotland on Monday 25 January 2016. January 2016
Valentine Roses A seven symbol-shaped balloons are shown taking one away from six balloons by a female customer and gives a Valentine roses to a man, then walks away whilst the two women are still looking for valentine roses for someone else's men in love against the background of the market place besides the Clapham Junction railway station. This special ident was used for Valentine's Day on Sunday 14 February 2016. February 2016
Dragon and the Knights This special ident is shown were the a man in a red dragon suit and the three knights with red capes on it, during the tournament a group of men celebrates with England's greatest happiness as a man unhoods the dragon head off, then the second knight using an iPhone to say cheese at the end. Another special ident aired for Six Nations Championship for ITV on Tuesday 16 February 2016. February 2016

Football Idents

Special idents have used to coincide the ITV's coverage of football leagues and sporting programmes, with three idents continued as the part of the live coverage and sport events: "Garden Kickout", "Trophy Engraving" and "Celebration".

Name Description Air dates
Face Painting 2014 FIFA World Cup: A girl is seen having the flag of England, painted onto her face. June 2014
Garden Kickabout 2014 FIFA World Cup: Two boys are seen kicking a football around, with a clothes line of drying football kits. June 2014
Trophy Engraving 2014 FIFA World Cup: A man is engraving a trophy. June 2014
Celebration 2014 FIFA World Cup: During a game of football, one team is seen celebrating. June 2014
Reactions 2014 FIFA World Cup: ITV Fever Pitch, the crowd are seen reacting to a football match. July 2014
Drums 2014 FIFA World Cup: ITV Fever Pitch, a group of drummers are playing drums. July 2014
Headdress 2014 FIFA World Cup: ITV Fever Pitch, a group of women with large headdresses enter the arena. July 2014
Sand Sculpture 2014 FIFA World Cup: ITV Fever Pitch, the camera pans around from the back of a deckchair, to a sand sculpture of Roy Hodgson. July 2014

Back to School Idents

Two one-off idents are used during Back to School season on ITV in September 2015 to mark the start of the new school day, they're both aired only once.

Name Description Air date
School Boy This is the boy school ident. The boy and his mum takes both back to school, whilst the boy is using a scooter. September 2015
School Girl This is the girl school ident. The girl is racing against time to go back to school, while a group of children are out and about in the playground, her mum wants to bring the young girl back to school in no time. September 2015

Rugby World Cup Idents

These special idents have used to coincide the ITV's coverage of the Rugby World Cup 2015 during 18 September until 31 October, as well as sporting programmes. This coverage will continue as part of the Six Nations 2016.

Name Description Air dates
Clean Boots A woman with a bucket filled with soapy water on the right hand is holding takes a little boy to go home with a piggy back, whilst three rugby kids standing on multi benches are using brushes to clean their boots for our rugby event. September 2015
Boy's Game A large force of rugby players to tackle, catch and chase around the rugby pitch. September 2015
Girl in Training A girl in the rugby field performs hop, skip, jump and touchdown during training. September 2015
Girls in Tackle A group of girls are tackling a several of cylindrical-shaped rugby-tackle bags during training. Two tackle-bags are black, the other one is yellow. September 2015
Scrum A group of rugby players are get ready to bend down together, and prepares to scrum. September 2015

See also


  1. "ITV1 | 1989". TVARK. Retrieved 2013-01-05.
  2. Andrew Wiseman. "Right to Reply: Branding". 625.uk.com. Retrieved 2013-01-05.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az-KA2yU05o
  4. Jason Deans (13 November 2006). 1945157,00.html "ITV1 rolls out more idents" Check |url= value (help). The Guardian.
  5. "ITV urged to ditch ITV1 lanterns promo". Digital Spy. 2010-08-16. Retrieved 2013-01-05.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, April 26, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.