Ihei Kimura

Ihei Kimura[1] (æœ¨æ‘ ä¼Šå…µè¡› Kimura Ihei, 12 December 1901 – 31 May 1974) was one of the most celebrated Japanese photographers of the twentieth century, particularly known for his portrayal of Tokyo and Akita Prefecture.
Born on 12 December 1901 in Shitaya-ku (now TaitÅ-ku), Tokyo, Kimura started taking photographs when very young but his interest intensified when he was around 20 and living in Tainan, Taiwan, where he was working for a sugar wholesaler. He opened a photographic studio in Nippori, Tokyo in 1924. In 1930, he joined the advertising section of the soap and cosmetics company KaÅ, concentrating on informal photographs made with his Leica camera. In 1933, he joined YÅnosuke Natori and others in forming the group Nippon KÅbÅ ("Japan workshop"), which emphasized "realism" in photography using 35mm cameras; but this rapidly broke up and Kimura formed an alternative group, ChÅ«Å KÅbÅ ("central workshop") with Nobuo Ina and others.
During the war, Kimura worked in Manchuria and for the publisher TÅhÅ-sha.
In 1950, Kimura was elected chairman of the newly formed Japan Professional Photographers Society (JPS); together with Ken Domon he did much to encourage a documentary spirit in amateur photography.
In the mid-fifties, Kimura made several trips to Europe, providing photographs for the camera magazines. Pari,[2] a collection of his color photographs of Paris, would only be published in 1974, but the use of color was ahead of its time.[3]
On his return to Japan, Kimura concentrated on photographing rural life in Akita. He also worked on portraits, particularly of writers.
Kimura died at his home in Nippori on 31 May 1974; the Kimura Ihei Award for new photographers was promptly set up in his honor. He remains popular in Japan: samples of his photographs still (2009) regularly appear in the magazine Asahi Camera.
His work was exhibited at the Rencontres d'Arles festival in 2004.
Books of Kimura's photographs
- A Historical Sketch of Japanese Customs and Costumes. Tokyo: Society for International Cultural Relations (Kokusai Bunka ShinkÅkai), 1936.
- Japanese School Life through the Camera. Tokyo: Society for International Cultural Relations (Kokusai Bunka ShinkÅkai), 1937.
- (As "Ihee Kimura".) Japan through a Leica. Tokyo: Sanseido, 1938. One hundred photographs of Japan. Facsimile edition: Tokyo: Kokushokan, 2006. ISBN 4-336-04488-0. (NB The box that contains this expensive reprint is considerably larger than the book within it.)
- Four Japanese Painters. JPS Picture Books. JPS, 1940. In English.
- (Japanese) KÅki nisenroppyaku-nen gÅshuku geinÅsai (皇紀二åƒå…百年奉ç¥è—能際). Kokusai HÅdÅ KÅgei, 1941.
- (Japanese) ÅŒdÅ rakudo (王é“樂土). Tokyo: Ars, 1943. Photographs of Manchuria.
- Rokudaime Onoe KikugorÅ butai shashinshÅ« (å…代目尾上èŠäº”郎舞臺寫眞集, Photograph collection of the sixth Onoe KikugorÅ on the stage). Kyoto: Wakei Shoten, 1949. On the kabuki actor Onoe KikugorÅ VI (1885–1949).
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee kessaku shashinshÅ« (木æ‘伊兵衛傑作写真集) / Select Pictures by Ihei Kimura. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1954. A book of generous format (30×21 cm) that presents 132 photographs, most taking the entire page but a few in half-, quarter- or double-page format. They represent all facets of Kimura's work. The reproduction quality is of course no match for that in the posthumous collections, and what is interesting about this book is the material that the latter drop, for example three photographs from a (demure) striptease performance. Short captions in English as well as Japanese, longer explanations as well as texts by Kimura and Nobuo Ina in Japanese only.
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee gaiyÅ« shashinshÅ«: Dai ikkai (木æ‘伊兵衛外éŠå†™çœŸé›†ï¼šç¬¬ä¸€å›ž). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1955.
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee gaiyÅ« shashinshÅ«: Dai nikai: YÅroppa no inshÅ (木æ‘伊兵衛外éŠå†™çœŸé›†ï¼šç¬¬äºŒå›žï¼šãƒ¨ãƒ¼ãƒãƒƒãƒ‘ã®å°è±¡) / Impression of Europe. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1956.
- ZÅsenjo no inshÅ (é€ èˆ¹æ‰€ã®å°è±¡) / At a Shipyard. Sekai Shashin Sakka (世界写真作家). Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1958.
- Kimura Ihee sakuhinshÅ« (木æ‘伊兵衛作å“集), Collected photographs of Ihei Kimura). Gendai Nihon shashin zenshÅ« (ç¾ä»£æ—¥æœ¬å†™çœŸå…¨é›†), vol. 1. Tokyo: SÅgensha, 1959.
- ÅŒkawa HashizÅ butai shashinshÅ« (大å·æ©‹è”µèˆžå°å†™çœŸé›†, Photograph collection of HashizÅ ÅŒkawa on the stage). Wakei Shoten, 1962. On the kabuki actor HashizÅ ÅŒkawa (1929–84).
- (Japanese) Zenshinza butai shashinshÅ« (å‰é€²åº§èˆžå°å†™çœŸé›†, Photograph collection of Zenshinza on stage). Tokyo: KenkÅsha, 1966. Black and white and also some color photographs of the Zenshinza kabuki troupe on stage and off, on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of its founding.
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee no me (木æ‘伊兵衛ã®çœ¼, The eye of Ihei Kimura). Special issue of Asahi Camera, December 1970. A representative collection of Kimura's works, all black and white.
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee shashinshÅ«: ChÅ«goku no tabi (木æ‘伊兵衛写真集:ä¸å›½ã®æ—…, Ihei Kimura photograph collection: Travels in China). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1974.
- Kimura Ihee shashinshÅ«: Pari (木æ‘伊兵衛写真集:パリ, Ihei Kimura photograph collection: Paris). Tokyo: Norasha, 1974. Most of the photographs are spread across facing pages (and thus split down the middle).
- (Japanese) Akita (秋田). Nikon Salon Books 4. Tokyo: Nikkor Club, 1978. Photographs of Akita.
- Rokudaime KikugorÅ: Kimura Ihee shashinshÅ« (å…代目èŠäº”郎:木æ‘伊兵衛写真集) / Sixth Generation Kikugoro. Sonorama Shashin Sensho 17. Tokyo: Asahi Sonorama, 1979. OCLC 835651026. On the kabuki actor Onoe KikugorÅ VI (1885–1949). Substantially based on the book of 1949, but an altered selection of photographs. With a short summary in English.
- (Japanese) Watanabe Yoshio (渡辺義雄), et al., eds. Kimura Ihee shashin zenshÅ«: ShÅwa jidai (木æ‘伊兵衛写真全集:æ˜å’Œæ™‚代, Ihei Kimura photograph collection: The ShÅwa period). Tokyo: Sekaibunkasha, 1979. Three large (37 cm tall), expensive hardback volumes.
- 1. Portraits and the stage.
- 2. Street scenes and the countryside.
- 3. Europe and China.
- (Japanese) Machikado (街角, Street corners). Nikon Salon Books 7. Tokyo: Nikkor Club, 1981. Black and white photographs, mostly of Japan, but also of Europe and China, selected by a team headed by Jun Miki. There are scenes in the countryside (even fields), by the sea, and so forth. When new, this book was available to the members of the Nikkor Club; it was not sold to the public.
- (Japanese) Watanabe Yoshio (渡辺義雄), et al., eds. Kimura Ihee shashin zenshÅ«: ShÅwa jidai (木æ‘伊兵衛写真全集:æ˜å’Œæ™‚代, Ihei Kimura photograph collection: The ShÅwa period). Tokyo: Chikuma, 1984. Four large (31 cm tall), hardback volumes, still (2006) in print.
- 1. Photographs from 1925 to 1945. ISBN 4-480-61301-3.
- 2. Photographs from 1945 to 1953. ISBN 4-480-61302-1.
- 3. Photographs from 1953 to 1974. ISBN 4-480-61303-X.
- 4. Photographs of Akita Prefecture. ISBN 4-480-61304-8.
- (Japanese) Tanuma Takeyoshi (ç”°æ²¼æ¦èƒ½), ed. Kimura Ihee no ShÅwa (木æ‘伊兵衛ã®æ˜å’Œ, The ShÅwa period of Ihei Kimura). Chikuma Library 39. Tokyo: Chikuma, 1990. ISBN 4-480-05139-2. An inexpensive compact (shinsho) survey still (2006) in print.
- Tanuma Takeyoshi (ç”°æ²¼æ¦èƒ½), ed. Kimura Ihee: ShÅwa no onna-tachi (木æ‘伊兵衛 æ˜å’Œã®å¥³ãŸã¡, Ihei Kimura: The women of ShÅwa). Chikuma Library 55. Tokyo: Chikuma, 1991. ISBN 4-480-05155-4.
- Kimura Ihee no sekai (木æ‘伊兵衛ã®ä¸–ç•Œ) / Photographs: Kimura Ihee. Tokyo: TÅkyÅto Bunka ShinkÅkai, 1992. Catalogue of an exhibition.
- Kimura Ihee sakuhinten: Tokyo, 1945–1968 (木æ‘伊兵衛作å“展:「æ±äº¬ã€1945~1968å¹´, Ihei Kimura exhibition: Tokyo, 1945–68). Tokyo: JCII Photo Salon, 1992.
- (Japanese) Rokudaime Onoe KikugorÅ: Zenseiki no meijingei (å…代目尾上èŠäº”郎:全盛期ã®å人芸, Sixth generation Onoe KikugorÅ). Tokyo: Nihon EizÅ (distributed by Bungei ShunjÅ«), 1993. ISBN 4-89036-847-7. On the kabuki actor Onoe KikugorÅ VI (1885–1949).
- Kimura Ihee to Akita ten (木æ‘伊兵衛ã¨ç§‹ç”°å±•, Exhibition of Ihei Kimura and Akita). Akita: Akita Senshu Museum of Art, 1994.
- (Japanese) Tanuma Takeyoshi (ç”°æ²¼æ¦èƒ½), ed. Kimura Ihee: ShÅwa o utsusu (木æ‘伊兵衛 æ˜å’Œã‚’写ã™, Ihei Kimura: Photographing the ShÅwa period). Tokyo: Chikuma (Chikuma Bunko), 1995. An inexpensive four-volume pocket-format (bunkobon) survey still (2006) in print, based on the same publisher's four-volume set of 1984.
- 1. Senzen to sengo (戦å‰ã¨æˆ¦å¾Œ, Before and after the war). ISBN 4-480-03051-4. Okinawa, 1935; Manchuria, 1940; life in Tokyo and elsewhere in HonshÅ«, mostly 1932–41; the aftermath of the war, 1945–7; Japan, 1949–72.
- 2. Yomigaeru toshi (よã¿ãŒãˆã‚‹éƒ½å¸‚, The city restored). ISBN 4-480-03052-2. Tokyo 1946–73.
- 3. Jinbutsu to butai (人物ã¨èˆžå°, People and the stage). ISBN 4-480-03053-0. Portraits, people at work, the traditional Japanese stage.
- 4. Akita no minzoku (秋田ã®æ°‘ä¿—, Folkways of Akita). ISBN 4-480-03054-9. Life in Akita Prefecture.
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee (木æ‘伊兵衛, Ihei Kimura). Nihon no Shashinka 8. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1998. ISBN 4-00-008348-1. A concise survey within this set devoted to the Japanese pantheon.
- (Japanese) Teihon: Kimura Ihee (定本木æ‘伊兵衛, Ihei Kimura: The definitive edition). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 2002. ISBN 4-02-258676-1. A large (29 cm tall), carefully produced and rather expensive collection, which has captions in English as well as Japanese, but no other English.
- Boku to Raika: Kimura Ihee kessakusen + essei (僕ã¨ãƒ©ã‚¤ã‚«ï¼šæœ¨æ‘伊兵衛傑作é¸ï¼‹ã‚¨ãƒƒã‚»ã‚¤, Leica and me: A collection of masterpieces by Ihei Kimura, and essays). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 2003. ISBN 4-02-257832-7.
- Kimura Ihee (木æ‘伊兵衛) / Ihei Kimura. Kyoto: Katsuhikan and the Kyoto Museum of Contemporary Art, 2002. A compact survey of Kimura's work in Japan. Elegantly produced, but the reproduction quality is disappointing. Short captions as well as some other text in English, remaining text in Japanese only.
- Kimura Ihee-ten (木æ‘伊兵衛展) / Ihei Kimura: The Man with the Camera. Tokyo: National Museum of Modern Art, 2004. The compact survey in this well-produced exhibition catalog includes such lesser known works as the KaÅ advertisements. Captions and much of the text in English as well as Japanese.
- Tanuma Takeyoshi (ç”°æ²¼æ¦èƒ½), et al. Kimura Ihee no Pari (木æ‘伊兵衛ã®ãƒ‘リ) / Kimura Ihei in Paris: Photographs 1954–1955. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun-sha, 2006. ISBN 4-02-250209-6. A large collection of color photographs, many of which previously appeared in Kimura Ihee shashinshÅ«: Pari (1974). In Japanese and English.
Other books with works by Kimura
- Kogata kamera shashinjutsu (å°åž‹ã‚«ãƒ¡ãƒ©å†™çœŸè¡“). SeibundÅ ShinkÅsha, 1936. Reprint. Kurashikku Kamera Sensho 25. Tokyo: Asahi Sonorama, 2002. ISBN 4-257-12035-5.
- Kogata kamera no utsushikata, tsukaikata (å°åž‹ã‚«ãƒ¡ãƒ©ã®å¯«ã—方・使ã²æ–¹ [in modern script (å°åž‹ã‚«ãƒ¡ãƒ©ã®å†™ã—ã‹ãŸãƒ»ä½¿ã„ã‹ãŸ]). Tokyo: GenkÅsha, 1937.
- (Joint work) Girls of Japan. JPS Picture Books. JPS, 1939. In English.
- (Joint work) (Indonesian) Pendidikan di sekolah kebangsaan. Kokusai Bunka ShinkÅkai, 1942.
- (Joint work) (Indonesian) Peroesahaan mesin basar. Kokusai Bunka ShinkÅkai, 1942.
- (with Shunkichi Kikuchi) TÅkyÅ sen-kyÅ«hyaku-yonjÅ«gonen, aki (æ±äº¬ä¸€ä¹å››äº”年・秋) / Tokyo: Fall of 1945. Tokyo: Bunka-sha, 1946. The photographers are not credited. A stapled booklet of sepia photographs of life in Tokyo immediately after the end of the war. (The word aki in the title makes it clear that fall here means autumn, not defeat.) Text and captions in both Japanese and English.
- (Japanese) JÅ«gosei Ichimura Uzaemon butai shashinshÅ« (å五世市æ‘羽左衛門舞臺寫眞集, Photograph collection of the fifteenth-generation Ichimura Uzaemon on the stage). Edited by 関逸雄. Kyoto: Wakei Shoten, 1951. On the kabuki actor. On the kabuki actor Ichimura Uzaemon (1874–1945). Ninety-six pages of photographs, of which pp. 21–68 are credited to Kimura (the remainder are uncredited).
- (Japanese) (With Nakagawa Kazuo) Shashin no utsushikata (写真ã®æ’®ã—æ–¹, How to take photographs). Tokyo: Kaname ShobÅ, 1953.
- (With Nobuo Ina, edited by YÅnosuke Natori) Shashin no jÅshiki. (写真ã®å¸¸è˜, Knowledge of the photograph). Tokyo: KeiyÅ«sha, 1955.
- Kimura Ihee dokuhon (木æ‘伊兵衛èªæœ¬). Special issue of Photo Art, August 1956.
- (As editor) Jinbutsu shashin (人物写真). Asahi Camera KÅza (アサヒカメラ講座). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1956.
- (Edited by Kimura Ihei and Nakajima KenzÅ) Bungakusha no mita gendai no ChÅ«goku shashinshÅ« (æ–‡å¦è€…ã®ã¿ãŸç¾ä»£ã®ä¸å›½å†™çœŸé›†, Photograph collection of today's China as seen by writers). Tokyo: Mainichi Shinbunsha, 1960.
- Kimura Ihee no sekai (木æ‘伊兵衛ã®ä¸–ç•Œ, The world of Ihei Kimura). Special issue of Asahi Camera, August 1974.
- (Japanese) Sengo shashin / Saisei to tenkai (戦後写真・å†ç”Ÿã¨å±•é–‹) / Twelve Photographers in Japan, 1945–55. Yamaguchi Kenritsu Bijutsukan, 1990. Despite the alternative title in English, almost exclusively in Japanese (although each of the twelve has a potted chronology in English). Twenty of Kimura's photographs of Akita appear on pp. 36–46.
- Taidan: Shashin kono gojÅ«nen (対談:写真ã“ã®äº”åå¹´, Conversations: The last fifty years of photography). By the editors of Asahi Camera. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1974. A collection of transcriptions of Kimura's discussions with various photographers and others concerned with photography.
- Kimura Ihee (木æ‘伊兵衛) / Special Issue: Ihei Kimura. Nikkor Club, no. 70, Autumn 1974.
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee o yomu (木æ‘伊兵衛をèªã‚€, Reading Ihei Kimura). Asahi Camera special edition. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1979. In Japanese only, but very substantial and contains a handy reference to Kimura's very numerous contributions to the magazine. (A special production by the Asahi Camera, prominently dated December 1979 and looking at first like that month's issue: but there was also a separate, regular issue for the month.)
- Association to Establish the Japan Peace Museum, ed. Ginza to sensÅ (銀座ã¨æˆ¦äº‰) / Ginza and the War. Tokyo: Atelier for Peace, 1986. ISBN 4-938365-04-9 Kimura is one of ten photographers — the others are Ken Domon, Shigeo Hayashi, Tadahiko Hayashi, KÅyÅ Ishikawa, KÅyÅ Kageyama, Shunkichi Kikuchi, KÅji Morooka, Minoru ÅŒki, and Maki Sekiguchi — who provide 340 photographs for this well-illustrated and large photographic history of Ginza from 1937 to 1947. Captions and text in both Japanese and English.
- (Joint work) Bunshi no shÅzÅ hyakujÅ«nin (文士ã®è‚–åƒä¸€ä¸€ã€‡äºº, Portraits of 110 literati). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1990. ISBN 4-02-258466-1. Kimura is one of five photographers — the others are ShÅtarÅ Akiyama, Ken Domon, Hiroshi Hamaya, and Tadahiko Hayashi.
- (Japanese) Mishima Yasushi (三島é–). Kimura Ihee to Domon Ken: Shashin to sono shÅgai (木æ‘伊兵衛ã¨åœŸé–€æ‹³ï¼šå†™çœŸã¨ãã®ç”Ÿæ¶¯, Ihei Kimura and Ken Domon: Photography and biography). Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1995. ISBN 4-582-23107-1. Reprint. Heibonsha Library. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2004. ISBN 4-582-76488-6.
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee no renzu: Sunappushotto wa kÅ tore! ( 木æ‘伊兵衛ã®çœ¼ï¼šã‚¹ãƒŠãƒƒãƒ—ショットã¯ã“ã†æ’®ã‚Œï¼, The lens of Ihei Kimura: Here's how to take snapshots!). TaiyÅ (太陽) / The Sun, July 1999. Republished as a book in 2007.
- DokyumentarÄ« no jidai: Natori YÅnosuke, Kimura Ihee, Domon Ken, Miki Jun no shashin kara (ドã‚ュメンタリーã®æ™‚代:åå–洋之助・木æ‘伊兵衛・土門 拳・三木淳ã®å†™çœŸã‹ã‚‰) / The Documentary Age: Photographs by Natori Younosuke, Kimura Ihei, Domon Ken, and Miki Jun. Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, 2001. An exhibition catalogue. The book reproduces 28 of Kimura's photographs of Akita. Captions in both Japanese and English, other text in Japanese only.
- Hiraki, Osamu, and Keiichi Takeuchi. Japan, a Self-Portrait: Photographs 1945–1964. Paris: Flammarion, 2004. ISBN 2-08-030463-1 Kimura is one of eleven photographers whose works appear in this large book (the others are Ken Domon, Hiroshi Hamaya, Tadahiko Hayashi, Eikoh Hosoe, Yasuhiro Ishimoto, Kikuji Kawada, Shigeichi Nagano, IkkÅ Narahara, Takeyoshi Tanuma, and ShÅmei TÅmatsu).
- Kindai shashin no umi no oya: Kimura Ihee to Domon Ken (近代写真ã®ç”Ÿã¿ã®è¦ªï¼šæœ¨æ‘伊兵衛ã¨åœŸé–€æ‹³) / Kimura Ihei and Domon Ken. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha and Mainichi Shinbunsha, 2004. Catalogue of an exhibition.
- (Japanese) Kimura Ihee no renzu: Sunappushotto wa kÅ tore! (木æ‘伊兵衛ã®çœ¼ï¼šã‚¹ãƒŠãƒƒãƒ—ショットã¯ã“ã†æ’®ã‚Œï¼, The lens of Ihei Kimura: Here's how to take snapshots!). Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2007. ISBN 978-4-582-63428-0. Reworked from the July 1999 issue of TaiyÅ: an economical, compact collection of photographs by (and of) Kimura, essays about him by prominent photographers (such as Kineo Kuwabara, Yutaka Takanashi and Nobuyoshi Araki), and such extras as an illustrated bibliography.
- (Japanese) "Kimura Ihei". Nihon shashinka jiten (日本写真家事典) / 328 Outstanding Japanese Photographers. Kyoto: TankÅsha, 2000. ISBN 4-473-01750-8.
- Parr, Martin, and Gerry Badger. The Photobook: A History. Vol. 1. London: Phaidon, 2004. ISBN 0-7148-4285-0.
- (Japanese) Shashinka wa nani o mita ka: 1945–1960 (写真家ã¯ãªã«ã‚’見ãŸã‹1945~1960, What did photographers see: 1945–1960). Tokyo: Konica Plaza, 1991. Pp. 84–91.
- (Japanese) Shashinka wa nani o hyÅgen shita ka: 1960–1980 (写真家ã¯ãªã«ã‚’表ç¾ã—ãŸã‹1960~1980, What were photographers expressing: 1960–1980). Tokyo: Konica Plaza, 1992. P. 97.
External links