International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers

The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) is an international trade association organised and run for the benefit of scholarly, scientific, technical, medical and professional publishers. It was conceived as the STM Group at the Frankfurt Book Fair of 1969 following discussions at the 1968 meeting of the International Publishers Association. It obtained its current name and was registered in Amsterdam as a not for profit "stichting" in 1994. The association currently has two offices, located in the Hague and in Oxford. As of 2010 it had over 100 members who publish over 60% of the annually published journals literature and tens of thousands of monographs and references works. Since 2006 its Chief Executive Officer has been Michael Mabe.
As of March 2015, this is a complete list of member organizations, as published by STM.[1]
- Access Innovations
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Chemical Society
- American Institute of Physics Publishing
- American Mathematical Society
- American Medical Association
- American Physical Society
- American Physiological Society
- American Psychological Association
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO Publications)
- Ammons Scientific
- Anadem
- ANECTA Associacion Nacional ECTA
- Aries Systems Corporation
- Association of American Publishers
- Association of American University Presses
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
- Association of Medical Illustrators
- Association of Subscription Agents & Intermediaries
- Atypon Systems
- Barkley & Associates
- BioMed Central
- Bioscientifica
- Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals
- Borm Bruckmeier Verlag
- Borsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
- Brill Publishers
- BSI Standards
- Cambridge University Press
- ChemTech Publishing
- Clarke & Company
- Copyright Agency
- Copyright Clearance Center
- Copyright Licensing Agency
- CrossRef
- David Thew & Company Ltd
- DeepDyve
- DeltaThink
- Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag GmbH
- Digiprimo GbmH & Co. KG
- Digital Science
- EBSCO Information Services
- EB Medicine
- Editora Manole Ltda.
- EDP Sciences
- Elsevier
- Emerald Group Publishing
- Exeter Premedia Services
- Federation of European Publishers
- Future Science Group
- Harrington Park Press
- Henry Stewart Talks
- HighWire Press
- Hindawi Publishing Corporation
- Hogrefe Publishing
- ICE Publishing
- International Council for Scientific and Technical Information
- Institution of Engineering & Technology
- Igaku-Shoin Ltd
- I.K. International Publishing House Pvt
- Ingram Content Group
- IWA Publishing
- IOP Publishing
- International Commission on Illumination
- International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisation
- International Publishers Association
- IOS Press
- IPR License
- John Benjamins Publishing Company
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
- JTE Multimedia
- Lucius et Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft GmbH
- Mainichi Newspapers
- Maverick Outsource Services
- McGraw-Hill Education
- Morgan & Claypool Publishers
- Multi Science Publishing
- Nankodo
- National Information Standards Organization
- Nature Publishing Group
- The New England Journal of Medicine
- Nederlands Uitgeversverbond
- Overleaf
- Oxford University Press
- Pan Stanford Publishing
- Pharmaceutical Press
- Portland Press
- Portico
- PHI Learning Private
- ProQuest Information and Learning
- The Publishers Association
- Publishers Licensing Society
- Publisher Solutions International
- Pulsus Group
- RCN Publishing
- RFC Editor
- Ringgold
- River Valley Technologies
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Sage Publications
- Sample of Science
- SalientContent
- Science Reviews 2000
- Scion Publishing
- Scrub Hill Press
- Semantico
- Sinauer Associates
- Silverchair Science + Communication
- Slack Incorporated
- Society for Endocrinology
- Society for General Microbiology
- Springer Science+Business Media
- S.Hirzel Verlag
- Syndicat National de L'Edition
- French Publishers Association
- Taylor & Francis
- Thieme Publishing Group
- Thomson Reuters
- University of Chicago Press
- VTex
- John Wiley & Sons
- Wolters Kluwer
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
- Ovid Technologies
- World Health Organization
- World Scientific Publishing
- WriteLaTex