Inverse square root potential

The inverse square root potential is a three-parametric quantum-mechanical potential for which the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation is exactly solvable in terms of the confluent hypergeometric functions.[1][2] The potential is defined as:

V(x) = V_c+\frac{V}{\sqrt{x-x_0}}.


Omitting the non-essential constants V_c , x_0 the general solution of the Schrödinger equation


for the potential V(x) = V_0/{\sqrt x} for arbitrary  V_0 is written as

\psi(x)= e^{-\delta x/2}\frac{du}{dy},


u=e^{-\sqrt{2a}y}\left(c_1 \cdot H_a(y)+c_2 \cdot {}_1F_1(-\frac{a}{2};\frac{1}{2};y^2)\right).

Here c_{1,2} are arbitrary constants,  H_a is the Hermite function (for a non-negative integer  a it becomes the Hermite polynomial; however, in general  a is arbitrary).  {}_1F_1 is the Kummer confluent hypergeometric function, the auxiliary dimensionless argument  y defines a scaling of the coordinate followed by deformation and shift:

y=\sgn(V_0)\sqrt{\delta x}+\sqrt{2a},

and the involved parameters  \delta and  a are given as

 a=\frac{m^2 V_0^2}{\hbar (-2 m E)^{3/2}} .

Bound states and Energy spectrum

A set of bounded quasi-polynomial solutions for an attractive potential with  V_0<0 is achieved by putting  a=n , n\in N . Then, the Hermite function in the solution becomes the Hermite polynomial and one should put  c_2=0 to ensure vanishing of the solution at infinity. The energy eigenvalues for these polynomial solutions are

 E_n=\frac{V_0}{2}\left(\frac{-m V_0}{\hbar}\right)^{1/3}n^{-2/3}, n=1,2,3... ,

and the corresponding solutions are written as

 \psi_n=e^{-\sqrt{2 n}y-\delta x/2}(H_n (y) - \sqrt{2 n} H_{n-1}(y)), y=\sqrt{2 n}-\sqrt{ \delta x}.

A peculiarity of this set of quasi-polynomial functions is that the solutions do not vanish at the origin. Depending on the particular problem (for instance, if one considers the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation as the s-wave radial equation for the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation with the potential V=V_0/\sqrt{r} ), it is useful to have a set of bounded wave functions that vanish at the origin (  \psi(0)=0 ). The exact spectrum in this case is determined through the roots of the transcendental equation

 \sqrt{2 a} H_{a-1}(-\sqrt{2 a})+H_a (-\sqrt{2 a})=0.

A highly accurate approximation for the resultant energy spectrum is given as

 E_n=\frac{V_0}{2}\left(\frac{-m V_0}{\hbar^2}\right)^{1/3} \left(n-\frac{1}{2 \pi}\right)^{-2/3}, n=1,2,3,... .

Since the roots  a_n of the spectrum equation are not integers the wave functions of the bound states for this spectrum are not quasi-polynomials in contrast to the spectrum provided by above polynomial reductions.

See also

a/ Confluent hypergeometric potentials

b/ Hypergeometric potentials

c/ Other potentials


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