Iraqi Kurdistan municipal elections, 2001

The Iraqi Kurdistan municipal elections, 2001, where held on May 26, 2001[1] in the territories of Kurdistan which were under control of Massoud Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), after the KDP's main rival, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) had held municipal elections in the territories they controlled, in February 2000.[2] Aside from the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party, another 14 political parties and a total of 1,000 candidates participated for 571 posts, in 85 munipacities. To ensure the elections were fair, a committee was established to observe the elections,[1] which included United Nations staff.[3] These local and foreign observes concluded the elections were generally fair.[4]

Territory controlled by the KDP after the Kurdish Civil War (1994-1998)

The elections resulted in a landslide victory for the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which won a majority in every single munipacity and a total of 81% of the votes. A distand second place was the Kurdistan Islamic Union. A total of 22 women were elected into local councils, meanwhile all Mayor positions had been won by the KDP.[1]


Hawler Dahuk Total
Eligible Voters: 559,304 327,190 886,494
Ballots Cast: 422,912 277,944 700,856
Votes for the KDP:322,343245,160567,503
Percentage for KDP:76.2%88.2%81.0%


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