Jäger Report
Karl Jäger Report |
Month | Data | Killed |
July | 20 entries | 4,400 |
August | 33 entries | 47,906 |
September | 38 entries | 41,097 |
October | 12 entries | 31,829 |
November | 10 entries | 8,211 |
The Jäger Report was written on 1 December 1941 by Karl Jäger, commander of Einsatzkommando 3, a killing unit of Einsatzgruppe A which was attached to Army Group North during Operation Barbarossa. It is the most precise surviving chronicle of the activities of one individual Einsatzkommando.
The Jäger Report is a tally sheet of actions by Einsatzkommando 3, including the Rollkommando Hamann killing squad. The report keeps an almost daily running total of the liquidations of 137,346 people, the vast majority Jews, from 2 July 1941 to 25 November 1941. The report documents exact date and place of the massacres, number of victims and their breakdown into categories (Jews, communists, criminals, etc.). In total, there were over 100 executions in 71 different locations listed there.[1] On 1 February 1942, Jäger updated the totals to 136,421 Jews (46,403 men, 55,556 women and 34,464 children), 1,064 Communists, 653 mentally disabled, and 134 others in a handwritten note for Franz Walter Stahlecker.[1]
The six-page report was prepared in five copies, but only one survives and is kept by the Central Lithuanian Archives in Vilnius.[1]
See also
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| | | Crimes | |  Nazi murders of women and children on the beach at Liepaja, Latvia, December 15, 1941 |
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| Commanders of Einsatzgruppen | |
| Commanders of Einsatzkommandos, Sonderkommandos | |
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