Internment of Japanese Americans
![]() Concentration camp and further institutions of the War Relocation Authority in the western United States. | |
Date | February 19, 1942–June 30, 1946[1] |
Location | United States |
The internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II was the forced relocation and incarceration in camps in the interior of the country of between 110,000 and 120,000[2] people of Japanese ancestry who had lived on the Pacific coast. Sixty-two percent of the internees were United States citizens.[3][4] President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the incarceration shortly after Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.[5]
Incarceration was applied unequally due to differing population concentrations and, more importantly, state and regional politics: more than 110,000 Japanese Americans, nearly all who lived on the West Coast, were forced into interior camps, but in Hawaii, where the 150,000-plus Japanese Americans comprised over one-third of the population, 1,200 to 1,800 were interned.[6] The internment has been decided to have resulted more from racism in the West Coast rather than any military danger posed by Japanese Americans.[7][8]
President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the deportation and incarceration with Executive Order 9066, issued February 19, 1942, which allowed regional military commanders to designate "military areas" from which "any or all persons may be excluded."[9] This power was used to declare that all people of Japanese ancestry were excluded from the entire West Coast, including all of California and much of Oregon, Washington and Arizona, except for those in government camps.[10] Approximately 5,000 Japanese Americans voluntarily relocated outside the exclusion zone before March 1942,[11] and some 5,500 community leaders arrested after the Pearl Harbor attack were already in custody.[12] But, the majority of nearly 130,000 mainland Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated from their West Coast homes during the spring of 1942.
The United States Census Bureau assisted the internment efforts by providing confidential neighborhood information on Japanese Americans. The Bureau denied its role for decades, but this was finally documented in 2007.[13][14] In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the removal by ruling against Fred Korematsu's appeal for violating an exclusion order.[15] The Court limited its decision to the validity of the exclusion orders, avoiding the issue of the incarceration of U.S. citizens with no due process.[16]
In 1980, under mounting pressure from the Japanese American Citizens League and redress organizations,[17] President Jimmy Carter opened an investigation to determine whether the decision to put Japanese Americans into internment camps had been justified by the government. He appointed the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) to investigate the camps. The Commission's report, titled Personal Justice Denied, found little evidence of Japanese disloyalty at the time and, concluding the incarceration had been the product of racism, recommended that the government pay reparations to the survivors. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Civil Liberties Act, which apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S. government and authorized a payment of $20,000 to each individual camp survivor. The legislation admitted that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership."[18] The U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion in reparations to 82,219 Japanese Americans who had been interned and their heirs.[17][19]
Of 127,000 Japanese Americans living in the continental United States at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, 112,000 resided on the West Coast.[20] About 80,000 were nisei (literal translation: "second generation"; American-born Japanese with U.S. citizenship) and sansei ("third generation"; the children of Nisei). The rest were issei ("first generation", immigrants born in Japan who were ineligible for U.S. citizenship by U.S. law).[21]
Japanese Americans before World War II
Due in large part to socio-political changes stemming from the Meiji Restoration — and a recession caused by the abrupt opening of Japan's economy to the world market — people began emigrating from Japan in 1868 to find work to survive.[22] From 1869 to 1924 approximately 200,000 immigrated to the islands of Hawaii, mostly laborers expecting to work on the islands' sugar plantations. Some 180,000 went to the U.S. mainland, with the majority settling on the West Coast and establishing farms or small businesses.[12] Most arrived before 1908, when the Gentlemen's Agreement between Japan and the United States banned the immigration of unskilled laborers. A loophole allowed the wives of men already in the US to join their husbands. The practice of women marrying by proxy and immigrating to the U.S. resulted in a large increase in the number of "picture brides" and, soon after, children.[22][23]
As the Japanese-American population continued to grow, European Americans on the West Coast resisted the new group, fearing competition and exaggerating the idea of hordes of Asians keen to take over white-owned farmland and businesses. Groups such as the Japanese Exclusion League, the California Joint Immigration Committee, and the Native Sons of the Golden West organized in response to this "Yellow Peril." They lobbied successfully to restrict the property and citizenship rights of Japanese immigrants, as similar groups had previously organized against Chinese immigrants.[24] Several laws and treaties attempting to slow immigration from Japan were introduced beginning in the late 19th century. The Immigration Act of 1924, following the example of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, effectively banned all immigration from Japan and other "undesirable" Asian countries.
The 1924 ban on immigration produced unusually well-defined generational groups within the Japanese-American community. The Issei were exclusively those who had immigrated before 1924; some retained longings to return to their homeland. Because no new immigration was permitted, all Japanese Americans born after 1924 were, by definition, born in the U.S. and automatically U.S. citizens. This Nisei generation were a distinct cohort from their parents. In addition to the usual generational differences, Issei men had been typically ten to fifteen years older than their wives, making them significantly older than the younger children of their often large families.[23] U.S. law prohibited Japanese immigrants from becoming naturalized citizens, making them dependent on their children to rent or purchase property. Communication between English-speaking children and parents who spoke mostly or completely in Japanese was often difficult. A significant number of older Nisei, many of whom were born prior to the immigration ban, had married and already started families of their own by the outbreak of World War II.[25]
Despite racist legislation that prevented Issei from becoming naturalized citizens (and therefore from owning property, voting, or running for political office), these Japanese immigrants established communities in their new hometowns. Japanese Americans contributed to the agriculture of California and other Western states, by introducing irrigation methods that enabled the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and flowers on previously inhospitable land. In both rural and urban areas, kenjinkai, community groups for immigrants from the same Japanese prefecture, and fujinkai, Buddhist women's associations, organized community events and charitable work, provided loans and financial assistance, and built Japanese language schools for their children. Excluded from setting up shop in white neighborhoods, Nikkei-owned small businesses thrived in the Nihonmachi, or Japantowns of urban centers such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle.
In the 1930s the Office of Naval Intelligence, concerned by Imperial Japan's rising military power in the East, began conducting surveillance on Japanese-American communities in Hawaii. From 1936, at the behest of President Roosevelt, the ONI began compiling a "special list of those who would be the first to be placed in a concentration camp in the event of trouble" between Japan and the United States. In 1939, again by order of the President, the ONI, Military Intelligence Division, and FBI began working together to compile a larger Custodial Detention Index.[26] Early in 1941, Roosevelt commissioned Curtis Munson to conduct an investigation on Japanese Americans living on the West Coast and in Hawaii. After working with FBI and ONI officials and interviewing Japanese Americans and those familiar with them, Munson determined that the "Japanese problem" was nonexistent. His final report to the President, submitted November 7, 1941, "certified a remarkable, even extraordinary degree of loyalty among this generally suspect ethnic group."[27] A subsequent report by Kenneth Ringle, delivered to the President in January 1942, also found little evidence to support claims of Japanese-American disloyalty and argued against mass incarceration.[28]
After Pearl Harbor

The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 led military and political leaders to suspect that Imperial Japan was preparing a full-scale attack on the West Coast of the United States. Due to Japan's rapid military conquest of a large portion of Asia and the Pacific between 1936 and 1942, some Americans feared that its military forces were unstoppable.
American public opinion initially stood by the large population of Japanese Americans living on the West Coast, with the Los Angeles Times characterizing them as "good Americans, born and educated as such." Many Americans believed that their loyalty to the United States was unquestionable.[29]
But, six weeks after the attack, public opinion along the Pacific began to turn against Japanese Americans living on the West Coast, as the press and other Americans became nervous about the potential for fifth column activity. Though the administration (including the President Franklin D. Roosevelt and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover) dismissed all rumors of Japanese-American espionage on behalf of the Japanese War effort, pressure mounted upon the Administration as the tide of public opinion turned against Japanese Americans. Civilian and military officials had serious concerns about the loyalty of the ethnic Japanese after the Niihau Incident which immediately followed the attack on Pearl Harbor, when a civilian Japanese national and two Hawaiian-born ethnic Japanese on the island of Ni'ihau violently freed a downed and captured Japanese naval airman, attacking their fellow Ni'ihau islanders in the process.[30]
Several concerns over the loyalty of ethnic Japanese seemed to stem from racial prejudice rather than any evidence of malfeasance. Major Karl Bendetsen and Lieutenant General John L. DeWitt, head of the Western Command, each questioned Japanese-American loyalty. DeWitt, who administered the internment program, repeatedly told newspapers that "A Jap's a Jap" and testified to Congress,
I don't want any of them [persons of Japanese ancestry] here. They are a dangerous element. There is no way to determine their loyalty... It makes no difference whether he is an American citizen, he is still a Japanese. American citizenship does not necessarily determine loyalty... But we must worry about the Japanese all the time until he is wiped off the map.[31][32]
DeWitt also sought approval to conduct search and seizure operations aimed at preventing alien Japanese from making radio transmissions to Japanese ships.[33] The Justice Department declined, stating that there was no probable cause to support DeWitt's assertion, as the FBI concluded that there was no security threat.[33] On January 2, the Joint Immigration Committee of the California Legislature sent a manifesto to California newspapers which attacked "the ethnic Japanese," who it alleged were "totally unassimilable."[33] This manifesto further argued that all people of Japanese heritage were loyal subjects of the Emperor of Japan; the manifesto contended that Japanese language schools were bastions of racism which advanced doctrines of Japanese racial superiority.[33]
The manifesto was backed by the Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden West and the California Department of the American Legion, which in January demanded that all Japanese with dual citizenship be placed in concentration camps.[33] Internment was not limited to those who had been to Japan, but included a very small number of German and Italian enemy aliens.[33] By February, Earl Warren, the Attorney General of California, had begun his efforts to persuade the federal government to remove all people of Japanese ethnicity from the West Coast.[33]
Those who were as little as 1/16 Japanese could be placed in internment camps.[34] There is evidence supporting the argument that the measures were racially motivated, rather than a military necessity. Bendetsen, promoted to colonel, said in 1942 "I am determined that if they have one drop of Japanese blood in them, they must go to camp."[35]
Upon the bombing of Pearl Harbor and pursuant to the Alien Enemies Act, Presidential Proclamations 2525, 2526 and 2527 were issued designating Japanese, German and Italian nationals as enemy aliens.[36] Information from the CDI was used to locate and incarcerate foreign nationals from Japan, Germany and Italy (although Germany and Italy did not declare war on the U.S. until December 11).
Presidential Proclamation 2537 was issued on January 14, 1942, requiring aliens to report any change of address, employment or name to the FBI. Enemy aliens were not allowed to enter restricted areas. Violators of these regulations were subject to "arrest, detention and internment for the duration of the war."[37]
Executive Order 9066 and related actions
Executive Order 9066, signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, authorized military commanders to designate "military areas" at their discretion, "from which any or all persons may be excluded." These "exclusion zones," unlike the "alien enemy" roundups, were applicable to anyone that an authorized military commander might choose, whether citizen or non-citizen. Eventually such zones would include parts of both the East and West Coasts, totaling about 1/3 of the country by area. Unlike the subsequent deportation and incarceration programs that would come to be applied to large numbers of Japanese Americans, detentions and restrictions directly under this Individual Exclusion Program were placed primarily on individuals of German or Italian ancestry, including American citizens.[38]
- March 2, 1942: Lieutenant General John L. DeWitt issued Public Proclamation No. 1, declaring that "such person or classes of persons as the situation may require" would, at some later point, be subject to exclusion orders from "Military Area No. 1" (essentially, the entire Pacific coast to about 100 miles (160.9 km) inland), and requiring anyone who had "enemy" ancestry to file a Change of Residence Notice if they planned to move.[10] A second exclusion zone was designated several months later, which included the areas chosen by most of the Japanese Americans who had managed to leave the first zone.
- March 11, 1942: Executive Order 9095 created the Office of the Alien Property Custodian, and gave it discretionary, plenary authority over all alien property interests. Many assets were frozen, creating immediate financial difficulty for the affected aliens, preventing most from moving out of the exclusion zones.[10]
- March 24, 1942: Public Proclamation No. 3 declares an 8:00 pm to 6:00 am curfew for "all enemy aliens and all persons of Japanese ancestry" within the military areas.[39]
- March 24, 1942: General DeWitt began to issue Civilian Exclusion Orders for specific areas within "Military Area No. 1."[39] Japanese Americans on Bainbridge Island, Washington were the first in the country to be subject to such an order, due to the island's proximity to naval bases; they were given until March 30 to prepare for removal from the island, an event commemorated by the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial.[40][41]
- March 27, 1942: General DeWitt's Proclamation No. 4 prohibited all those of Japanese ancestry from leaving "Military Area No. 1" for "any purpose until and to the extent that a future proclamation or order of this headquarters shall so permit or direct."[10]
- May 3, 1942: General DeWitt issued Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34, ordering all people of Japanese ancestry, whether citizens or non-citizens, who were still living in "Military Area No. 1" to report to assembly centers, where they would live until being moved to permanent "Relocation Centers."[10]
These edicts included persons of part-Japanese ancestry as well. Anyone with at least one-sixteenth (equivalent to having one great-great grandparent) Japanese ancestry was eligible.[42] Korean-Americans and Taiwanese,[43] classified as ethnically Japanese because both Korea and Taiwan were Japanese colonies, were also included.
Non-military advocates for exclusion, removal, and detention
The deportation and incarceration were popular among many white farmers who resented the Japanese American farmers. "White American farmers admitted that their self-interest required removal of the Japanese."[33] These individuals saw internment as a convenient means of uprooting their Japanese-American competitors. Austin E. Anson, managing secretary of the Salinas Vegetable Grower-Shipper Association, told the Saturday Evening Post in 1942:
"We're charged with wanting to get rid of the Japs for selfish reasons. We do. It's a question of whether the white man lives on the Pacific Coast or the brown men. They came into this valley to work, and they stayed to take over... If all the Japs were removed tomorrow, we'd never miss them in two weeks, because the white farmers can take over and produce everything the Jap grows. And we do not want them back when the war ends, either."[44]
The Roberts Commission Report, prepared at President Franklin D. Roosevelt's request, has been cited as an example of the fear and prejudice informing the thinking behind the internment program.[33] The Report sought to link Japanese Americans with espionage activity, and to associate them with the bombing of Pearl Harbor.[33] Columnist Henry McLemore, who wrote for the Hearst newspapers, reflected the growing public sentiment that was fueled by this report:
"I am for the immediate removal of every Japanese on the West Coast to a point deep in the interior. I don't mean a nice part of the interior either. Herd 'em up, pack 'em off and give 'em the inside room in the badlands... Personally, I hate the Japanese. And that goes for all of them."[45]
Other California newspapers also embraced this view. According to a Los Angeles Times editorial,
"A viper is nonetheless a viper wherever the egg is hatched.... So, a Japanese American born of Japanese parents, nurtured upon Japanese traditions, living in a transplanted Japanese atmosphere... notwithstanding his nominal brand of accidental citizenship almost inevitably and with the rarest exceptions grows up to be a Japanese, and not an American.... Thus, while it might cause injustice to a few to treat them all as potential enemies, I cannot escape the conclusion... that such treatment... should be accorded to each and all of them while we are at war with their race."[46]
State politicians joined the bandwagon that was embraced by Leland Ford of Los Angeles, who demanded that "all Japanese, whether citizens or not, be placed in [inland] concentration camps."[33]
Incarceration of Japanese Americans, who provided critical agricultural labor on the West Coast, created a labor shortage, which was exacerbated by the induction of many American laborers into the Armed Forces. This vacuum precipitated a mass immigration of Mexican workers into the United States to fill these jobs,[47] under the banner of what became known as the Bracero Program. Many Japanese internees were temporarily released from their camps – for instance, to harvest Western beet crops – to address this wartime labor shortage.[48]
Non-military advocates against exclusion, removal, and detention
Like many white American farmers, the white businessmen of Hawaii had their own motives for determining how to deal with the Japanese Americans, but they opposed internment. Instead, these individuals gained passage of legislation to retain in freedom the nearly 150,000 Japanese Americans who would have been otherwise sent to internment camps within Hawaii.[49] As a result, only 1,200[6] to 1,800 Japanese Americans in Hawaii were interned.
The powerful businessmen of Hawaii concluded that imprisonment of such a large proportion of the islands' population would adversely affect the economic prosperity of the island state.[50] The Japanese represented "over 90 percent of the carpenters, nearly all of the transportation workers, and a significant portion of the agricultural laborers" on the island.[50] General Delos Carleton Emmons, the military governor of Hawaii, also argued that Japanese labor was "‘absolutely essential’ for rebuilding the defenses destroyed at Pearl Harbor".[50] Recognizing the Japanese-American community’s contribution to the affluence of the Hawaiian economy, General Emmons fought against the internment of the Japanese Americans and had the support of most of the businessmen of Hawaii.[50]
Coming to different conclusions about how to deal with the Japanese-American community, both the white farmers of the United States and the white businessmen of Hawaii placed priority on protecting their own economic interests.
Though internment was a generally popular policy in California, support was not universal. R.C. Hoiles, publisher of the Orange County Register, argued during the war that the internment was unethical and unconstitutional:
- "It would seem that convicting people of disloyalty to our country without having specific evidence against them is too foreign to our way of life and too close akin to the kind of government we are fighting…. We must realize, as Henry Emerson Fosdick so wisely said, 'Liberty is always dangerous but it is the safest thing we have.'"[51]
Statement of military necessity as justification for internment
Niihau Incident
The Niihau Incident occurred in December 1941, just after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Three Japanese Americans on the Hawaiian island of Niihau assisted a Japanese pilot, Shigenori Nishikaichi, who crashed there. Despite the incident, the Territorial Governor of Hawaii rejected calls for the mass internment of the Japanese Americans living there. Shigenori Nishikaichi is buried in his hometown, Hashihama, Japan. On his grave stone is written, 'His meritorious deed will live forever.'[52]
In Magic: The Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of Japanese Residents From the West Coast During World War II, David Lowman, a former National Security Agency (NSA) operative, argues that Magic intercepts ("Magic" was the code-name for American code-breaking efforts) posed "the frightening specter of massive espionage nets," thus justifying internment.[53] Lowman contended that incarceration served to ensure the secrecy of U.S. code-breaking efforts, because effective prosecution of Japanese Americans might necessitate disclosure of secret information. If U.S. code-breaking technology was revealed in the context of trials of individual spies, the Japanese Imperial Navy would change its codes, thus undermining U.S. strategic wartime advantage.
Some scholars have criticized or dismissed Lowman's reasoning that "disloyalty" among some individual Japanese Americans could legitimize "incarcerating 120,000 people, including infants, the elderly, and the mentally ill".[54][55][56] Lowman's reading of the contents of the Magic cables has also been challenged, as some scholars contend that the cables demonstrate that Japanese Americans were not heeding the overtures of Imperial Japan to spy against the United States.[57] According to one critic, Lowman's book has long since been "refuted and discredited".[58]
The controversial conclusions drawn by Lowman were defended by conservative commentator Michelle Malkin in her book In Defense of Internment; The Case for 'Racial Profiling' in World War II and the War on Terror (2004).[59] Malkin's defense of Japanese internment was due in part to reaction to what she describes as the "constant alarmism from Bush-bashers who argue that every counter-terror measure in America is tantamount to the internment".[60] She criticized academia's treatment of the subject, and suggested that academics critical of Japanese internment had ulterior motives. Her book was widely criticized, particularly with regard to her reading of the "Magic" cables.[61][62][63] Daniel Pipes, also drawing on Lowman, has defended Malkin, and said that Japanese American internment was "a good idea" which offers "lessons for today".[64]
United States District Court opinions

A letter by General DeWitt and Colonel Bendetsen expressing racist bias against Japanese Americans was circulated and then hastily redacted in 1943–1944. DeWitt's final report stated that, because of their race, it was impossible to determine the loyalty of Japanese Americans, thus necessitating internment.[65] The original version was so offensive – even in the atmosphere of the wartime 1940s – that Bendetsen ordered all copies to be destroyed.[66]
In 1980, a copy of the original Final Report: Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast – 1942 was found in the National Archives, along with notes showing the numerous differences between the original and redacted versions.[67] This earlier, racist and inflammatory version, as well as the FBI and Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) reports, led to the coram nobis retrials which overturned the convictions of Fred Korematsu, Gordon Hirabayashi and Minoru Yasui on all charges related to their refusal to submit to exclusion and internment.[68] The courts found that the government had intentionally withheld these reports and other critical evidence, at trials all the way up to the Supreme Court, which proved that there was no military necessity for the exclusion and internment of Japanese Americans. In the words of Department of Justice officials writing during the war, the justifications were based on "willful historical inaccuracies and intentional falsehoods."
The Ringle Report
In May 2011, U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal, after a year of investigation, found Charles Fahy had intentionally withheld The Ringle Report drafted by the Office of Naval Intelligence, in order to justify the Roosevelt administration's actions in the cases of Hirabayashi v. United States and Korematsu v. United States. The report would have undermined the administration's position of the military necessity for such action, as it concluded that most Japanese Americans were not a national security threat, and that allegations of communication espionage had been found to be without basis by the FBI and Federal Communications Commission.[69]

While this event is most commonly called the internment of Japanese Americans, the government operated several different types of camps holding Japanese Americans. The best known facilities were the military-run Wartime Civil Control Administration (WCCA) Assembly Centers and the civilian-run War Relocation Authority (WRA) Relocation Centers, which are generally (but unofficially) referred to as "internment camps." Scholars have urged dropping such euphemisms and refer to them as concentration camps and the people as incarcerated.[70] The Department of Justice (DOJ) operated camps officially called Internment Camps, which were used to detain those suspected of crimes or of "enemy sympathies." The government also operated camps for a limited number of German Americans and Italian Americans, who sometimes were assigned to share facilities with the Japanese Americans. The WCCA and WRA facilities were the largest and the most public. The WCCA Assembly Centers were temporary facilities that were first set up in horse racing tracks, fairgrounds and other large public meeting places to assemble and organize internees before they were transported to WRA Relocation Centers by truck, bus or train. The WRA Relocation Centers were semi-permanent camps that housed persons removed from the exclusion zone after March 1942, or until they were able to relocate elsewhere in the United States outside the exclusion zone.
DOJ and Army internment camps
Eight U.S. Department of Justice Camps (in Texas, Idaho, North Dakota, New Mexico, and Montana) held Japanese Americans, primarily non-citizens and their families.[71] The camps were run by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, under the umbrella of the DOJ, and guarded by Border Patrol agents rather than military police. The population of these camps included approximately 3,800 of the 5,500 Buddhist and Christian ministers, Japanese-language school instructors, newspaper workers, fishermen, and community leaders who had been accused of fifth column activity and arrested by the FBI after Pearl Harbor. (The remaining 1,700 were released to WRA relocation centers.)[12] Immigrants and nationals of German and Italian ancestry were also held in these facilities, often in the same camps as Japanese Americans. Approximately 7,000 German Americans and 3,000 Italian Americans from Hawai'i and the U.S. mainland were interned in DOJ camps, along with 500 German seamen already in custody after being rescued from the SS Columbus in 1938.[72] In addition 2,264 ethnic Japanese,[73] 4,058 ethnic Germans, and 288 ethnic Italians[72] were deported from 19 Latin American countries for a later-abandoned hostage exchange program with Axis countries or confinement in DOJ camps.[74]

Several U.S. Army internment camps held Japanese, Italian and German American men considered "potentially dangerous." Camp Lordsburg, in New Mexico, was the only site built specifically to confine Japanese Americans. In May 1943, the Army was given responsibility for the detention of prisoners of war and all civilian internees were transferred to DOJ camps.[71]
WCCA Civilian Assembly Centers
Executive Order 9066 authorized the removal of all persons of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast; however, it was signed before there were any facilities completed to house the displaced Japanese Americans. After the voluntary evacuation program failed to result in many families leaving the exclusion zone, the military took charge of the now-mandatory evacuation. On April 9, 1942, the Wartime Civilian Control Administration (WCCA)[75] was established by the Western Defense Command to coordinate the forced removal of Japanese Americans to inland concentration camps.
The relocation centers faced opposition from inland communities near the proposed sites who disliked the idea of their new "Jap" neighbors. In addition, government forces were struggling to build what would essentially be self-sufficient towns in very isolated, undeveloped and harsh regions of the country; they were not prepared to house the influx of over 110,000 internees. Since Japanese Americans living in the restricted zone were considered too dangerous to conduct their daily business, the military decided it had to house them in temporary centers until the relocation centers were completed.[76]
Under the direction of Colonel Karl Bendetsen, existing facilities had been designated for conversion to WCCA use in March 1942, and the Army Corps of Engineers finished construction on these sites on April 21, 1942.[77] All but four of the 15 confinement sites (12 in California, and one each in Washington, Oregon and Arizona) had previously been racetracks or fairgrounds. The stables and livestock areas were cleaned out and hastily converted to living quarters for families of up to six, while wood and tarpaper barracks were constructed for additional housing, as well as communal latrines, laundry facilities and mess halls.[75][77] A total of 92,193[77] Japanese Americans were transferred to these temporary detention centers from March to August 1942. (18,026[77] more had been taken directly to two "reception centers" that were developed as the Manzanar and Poston WRA camps.) The WCCA was dissolved on March 15, 1943, when it became the War Relocation Authority and turned its attentions to the more permanent relocation centers.[75]
Name | State | Opened | Max. Pop'n |
Manzanar | California | March 1942 | 10,046 |
Tule Lake | California | May 1942 | 18,789 |
Poston | Arizona | May 1942 | 17,814 |
Gila River | Arizona | July 1942 | 13,348 |
Granada | Colorado | August 1942 | 7,318 |
Heart Mountain | Wyoming | August 1942 | 10,767 |
Minidoka | Idaho | August 1942 | 9,397 |
Topaz | Utah | September 1942 | 8,130 |
Rohwer | Arkansas | September 1942 | 8,475 |
Jerome | Arkansas | October 1942 | 8,497 |
WRA Relocation Centers
The War Relocation Authority (WRA) was the U.S. civilian agency responsible for the relocation and detention. The WRA was created by President Roosevelt on March 18, 1942 with Executive Order 9102 and officially ceased to exist June 30, 1946. Milton S. Eisenhower, then an official of the Department of Agriculture, was chosen to head the WRA. Dillon S. Myer replaced Eisenhower three months later on June 17, 1942. Myer served as Director of the WRA until the centers were closed.[79] Within nine months, the WRA had opened ten facilities in seven states, and transferred over 100,000 people from the WCCA facilities.
The WRA camp at Tule Lake, though initially like the other camps, eventually was used as a detention center for people believed to pose a security risk. Tule Lake also served as a "segregation center" for individuals and families who were deemed "disloyal," and for those who were to be deported to Japan.
List of camps
There were three types of camps. Civilian Assembly Centers were temporary camps, frequently located at horse tracks, where Japanese Americans were sent as they were removed from their communities. Eventually, most were sent to Relocation Centers, also known as internment camps. Detention camps housed Nikkei considered to be disruptive or of special interest to the government.
Civilian Assembly Centers
- Arcadia, California (Santa Anita Racetrack, stables)
- Fresno, California (Big Fresno Fairgrounds, racetrack, stables)
- Marysville / Arboga, California (migrant workers' camp)
- Mayer, Arizona (Civilian Conservation Corps camp)
- Merced, California (county fairgrounds)Eleanor Roosevelt at the Gila River Relocation Center, April 23, 1943
- Owens Valley, California
- Parker Dam, Arizona
- Pinedale, California (Pinedale Assembly Center, warehouses)
- Pomona, California (Los Angeles County Fairgrounds, racetrack, stables)
- Portland, Oregon (Pacific International Livestock Exposition, including 3,800 housed in the main pavilion building)
- Puyallup, Washington (fairgrounds racetrack stables, Informally known as "Camp Harmony")
- Sacramento, California Camp Kohler (Site of Present-Day Walerga Park) (migrant workers' camp)
- Salinas, California (fairgrounds, racetrack, stables)
- San Bruno, California (Tanforan racetrack, stables)
- Stockton, California (San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, racetrack, stables)
- Tulare, California (fairgrounds, racetrack, stables)
- Turlock, California (Stanislaus County Fairgrounds)
- Woodland, California

Relocation Centers
- Gila River War Relocation Center, Arizona
- Granada War Relocation Center, Colorado (AKA "Amache")
- Heart Mountain War Relocation Center, Wyoming
- Jerome War Relocation Center, Arkansas
- Manzanar War Relocation Center, California
- Minidoka War Relocation Center, Idaho
- Poston War Relocation Center, Arizona
- Rohwer War Relocation Center, Arkansas
- Topaz War Relocation Center, Utah
- Tule Lake War Relocation Center, California
Justice Department detention camps
These camps often held German-American and Italian-American detainees in addition to Japanese Americans:[80]
- Crystal City, Texas[81]
- Fort Lincoln Internment Camp
- Fort Missoula, Montana
- Fort Stanton, New MexicoHarvesting spinach. Tule Lake Relocation Center, September 8, 1942
- Kenedy, Texas
- Kooskia, Idaho
- Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Seagoville, Texas
- Forest Park, Georgia
Citizen Isolation Centers
The Citizen Isolation Centers were for those considered to be problem inmates.[80]
- Leupp, Arizona
- Moab, Utah (AKA Dalton Wells)
- Fort Stanton, New Mexico (AKA Old Raton Ranch)
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Detainees convicted of crimes, usually draft resistance, were sent to these sites, mostly federal prisons:[80]
US Army facilities
These camps often held German and Italian detainees in addition to Japanese Americans:[80]
- Fort McDowell/Angel Island, California
- Camp Blanding, Florida
- Camp Forrest, Tennessee
- Camp Livingston, Louisiana
- Camp Lordsburg, New Mexico
- Camp McCoy, Wisconsin
- Florence, Arizona
- Fort Bliss, New Mexico and Texas
- Fort Howard, Maryland
- Fort Lewis, Washington
- Fort Meade, Maryland
- Fort Richardson, Alaska
- Fort Sam Houston, Texas
- Fort Sill, Oklahoma
- Griffith Park, California
- Honouliuli Internment Camp, Hawaiʻi
- Sand Island, Hawaiʻi
- Stringtown, Oklahoma
Immigration and Naturalization Service facilities
These immigration detention stations held the roughly 5,500 men arrested immediately after Pearl Harbor, in addition to several thousand German and Italian detainees, and served as processing centers from which the men were transferred to DOJ or Army camps:[82]
- East Boston Immigration Station
- Ellis Island
- Cincinnati, Ohio
- San Pedro, Los Angeles
- Seattle, Washington
- Sharp Park, California
- Tuna Canyon, Los Angeles
Exclusion, removal, and detention

Somewhere between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry were subject to this mass exclusion program, of whom about two-thirds were U.S. citizens.[2] The remaining one-third were non-citizens subject to internment under the Alien Enemies Act; many of these "resident aliens" had been inhabitants of the United States for decades, but had been deprived by law of being able to become naturalized citizens. Also part of the West Coast removal were 101 children of Japanese descent taken from orphanages and foster homes within the exclusion zone.[83]
Internees of Japanese descent were first sent to one of 17 temporary "Civilian Assembly Centers," where most awaited transfer to more permanent relocation centers being constructed by the newly formed War Relocation Authority (WRA). Some of those who reported to the civilian assembly centers were not sent to relocation centers, but were released under the condition that they remain outside the prohibited zone until the military orders were modified or lifted. Almost 120,000[2] Japanese Americans and resident Japanese aliens were eventually removed from their homes in California, the western halves of Oregon and Washington and southern Arizona as part of the single largest forced relocation in U.S. history.
Most of these camps/residences, gardens, and stock areas were placed on Native American reservations, for which the Native Americans were formally compensated. The Native American councils disputed the amounts negotiated in absentia by US government authorities. They later sued to gain relief and additional compensation for some items of dispute.[84]
Under the National Student Council Relocation Program (supported primarily by the American Friends Service Committee), students of college age were permitted to leave the camps to attend institutions willing to accept students of Japanese ancestry. Although the program initially granted leave permits to a very small number of students, this eventually included 2,263 students by December 31, 1943.[85]

Curfew and exclusion
On March 2, 1942, General John DeWitt, commanding general of the Western Defense Command, publicly announced the creation of two military restricted zones.[86] Military Area No. 1 consisted of the southern half of Arizona and the western half of California, Oregon and Washington, as well as all of California south of Los Angeles. Military Area No. 2 covered the rest of those states. DeWitt's proclamation informed Japanese Americans they would be required to leave Military Area 1, but stated that they could remain in the second restricted zone.[87] Removal from Military Area No. 1 initially occurred through "voluntary evacuation."[11] Japanese Americans were free to go anywhere outside of the exclusion zone or inside Area 2, with arrangements and costs of relocation to be borne by the individuals. The policy was short-lived; DeWitt issued another proclamation on March 27 that prohibited Japanese Americans from leaving Area 1.[86] A night-time curfew, also initiated on March 27, 1942, placed further restrictions on the movements and daily lives of Japanese Americans.[88]
Eviction from the West Coast began on March 24, 1942 with Civilian Exclusion Order No. 1, which gave the 227 Japanese American residents of Bainbridge Island, Washington six days to prepare for their "evacuation" directly to Manzanar.[89] Colorado governor Ralph Lawrence Carr was the only elected official to publicly denounce the internment of American citizens (an act that cost his reelection, but gained him the gratitude of the Japanese American community, such that a statue of him was erected in the Denver Japantown's Sakura Square[90]). A total of 108 exclusion orders issued by the Western Defense Command over the next five months completed the removal of Japanese Americans from the West Coast in August 1942.[91]
Conditions in the camps
In 1943, Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickles wrote "the situation in at least some of the Japanese interment camps is bad and is becoming worse rapidly."[92] The quality of life in the camps was heavily influenced by which government entity was responsible for them. INS Camps were regulated by international treaty. The legal difference between interned and relocated had significant effects on those locked up. INS camps were required to provide food quality and housing at the minimum equal to that experienced by the lowest ranked person in the military. Food in INS camps was of better quality than that of WRA camps.
According to a 1943 War Relocation Authority report, internees were housed in "tar paper-covered barracks of simple frame construction without plumbing or cooking facilities of any kind." The spartan facilities met international laws, but left much to be desired. Many camps were built quickly by civilian contractors during the summer of 1942 based on designs for military barracks, making the buildings poorly equipped for cramped family living. Throughout many camps, twenty-five people were forced to live in space built to contain four, leaving no room for privacy.[93]

The Heart Mountain War Relocation Center in northwestern Wyoming was a barbed-wire-surrounded enclave with unpartitioned toilets, cots for beds, and a budget of 45 cents daily per capita for food rations.[94]
Armed guards were posted at the camps, which were all in remote, desolate areas far from population centers. Internees were typically allowed to stay with their families, and were treated decently unless they violated the rules. There are documented instances of guards shooting internees who reportedly attempted to walk outside the fences. One such shooting, that of James Wakasa at Topaz, led to a re-evaluation of the security measures in the camps. Some camp administrations eventually allowed relatively free movement outside the marked boundaries of the camps. Nearly a quarter of the internees left the camps to live and work elsewhere in the United States, outside the exclusion zone. Eventually, some were authorized to return to their hometowns in the exclusion zone under supervision of a sponsoring American family or agency whose loyalty had been assured.[95]
The phrase "shikata ga nai" (loosely translated as "it cannot be helped") was commonly used to summarize the interned families' resignation to their helplessness throughout these conditions. This was noticed by their children, as mentioned in the well-known memoir Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston.
Medical care
Before the war, 87 physicians and surgeons, 137 nurses, 105 dentists, 132 pharmacists, 35 optometrists, and 92 lab technicians provided healthcare to the Japanese American population, with most practicing in urban centers like Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle. As the eviction from the West Coast was carried out, the Wartime Civilian Control Administration worked with the United States Public Health Service and many of these professionals to establish infirmaries within the temporary assembly centers. An Issei doctor was appointed to manage each facility, and additional healthcare staff worked under his supervision, although the USPHS recommendation of one physician for every 1,000 inmates and one nurse to 200 inmates was not met. Overcrowded and unsanitary conditions forced assembly center infirmaries to prioritize inoculations over general care, obstetrics and surgeries; at Manzanar, for example, hospital staff performed over 40,000 immunizations against typhoid and smallpox.[96] Food poisoning was common and also demanded significant attention. Those who were interned in Topaz, Minidoka, and Jerome experienced outbreaks of dysentery.[93]
Facilities in the more permanent "relocation centers" eventually surpassed the makeshift assembly center infirmaries, but in many cases these hospitals were incomplete when inmates began to arrive and were not fully functional for several months. Additionally, vital medical supplies such as medications and surgical and sterilization equipment were limited. The staff shortages suffered in the assembly centers continued in the WRA camps. The administration's decision to invert the management structure and demote Japanese American medical workers to positions below white employees, while capping their pay rate at a $20/month, further exacerbated this problem. (At Heart Mountain, for example, Japanese American doctors received $19/month compared to white nurses' $150/month.)[97][98] The war had caused a shortage of healthcare professionals across the country, and the camps often lost potential recruits to outside hospitals that offered better pay and living conditions. When the WRA began to allow some Japanese Americans to leave camp, many Nikkei medical professionals resettled outside camp. Those who remained had little authority in administration of the hospitals. Combined with the inequitable payment of salaries between white and Japanese American employees, conflicts arose at several hospitals, and there were two Japanese American walk-outs at Heart Mountain in 1943.[96]
Despite a shortage of healthcare workers, limited access to equipment, and tension between white administrators and Japanese American staff, these hospitals provided much needed medical care in camp. The extreme climates of the remote incarceration sites were hard on infants and elderly inmates. The frequent dust storms of the high desert locations led to increased cases of asthma and coccidioidomycosis, while the swampy, mosquito-infested Arkansas camps exposed residents to malaria, all of which were treated in camp. Almost 6,000 live deliveries were performed in these hospitals, and all mothers received pre- and postnatal care. The WRA recorded 1,862 deaths across the ten camps, with cancer, heart disease, tuberculosis, and vascular disease accounting for the majority.[96]
Education in the camps

Of the 110,000 Japanese Americans detained by the United States government during WWII, 30,000 were children.[99] Most were school-age children, so educational facilities were set up in the camps. Allowing them to continue their education, however, did not erase the potential for traumatic experiences during their overall time in the camps.[100] The government had not adequately planned for the camps, and no real budget or plan was set aside for the new camp educational facilities.[101] Camp schoolhouses were crowded and had insufficient materials, books, notebooks, and desks for students. These ‘schoolhouses’ were essentially prison blocks that contained few windows. In the Southwest, when temperatures rose and the schoolhouse filled, the rooms would be sweltering and unbearable.[101] Class sizes were immense. At the height of it attendance, the Rohwer Camp of Arkansas reached 2,339, with only 45 certified teachers.[102] The student to teacher ratio in the camps was 48:1 in elementary schools and 35:1 for secondary schools, compared to the national average of 28:1.[103]
The rhetorical curriculum of the schools was based mostly on the study of "the democratic ideal and to discover its many implications."[104] English compositions researched at the Jerome and Rohwer camps in Arkansas focused on these ‘American ideals’, and many of the compositions pertained to the camps. Responses were varied, as schoolchildren of the Topaz camp were patriotic and believed in the war effort, but could not ignore the fact of their incarceration.[105] To build patriotism, the Japanese language was banned in the camps, forcing the children to learn English and then go home and teach their parents.[106]
Sports in the camps

Although life in the camps was very difficult, Japanese Americans formed many different sports teams, including baseball and football teams.[107] In January 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued what came to be known as the "Green Light Letter," to MLB Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis, which urged him to continue playing Major League Baseball games despite the ongoing war. In it Roosevelt said that "baseball provides a recreation," and this was true for Japanese American incarcerees as well. Over 100 baseball teams were formed in the Manzanar camp so that Japanese Americans could have some recreation, and some of the team names were carry-overs from teams formed before the incarceration.[108]
Both men and women participated in the sports. In some cases, the Japanese American baseball teams from the camps traveled to outside communities to play other teams. Incarcerees from Idaho competed in the state tournament in 1943, and there were games between the prison guards and the Japanese American teams.[109] Branch Rickey, who would be responsible for bringing Jackie Robinson into Major League Baseball in 1947, sent a letter to all of the WRA camps expressing interest in scouting some of the Nisei players. In fall of 1943, three players tried out for the Brooklyn Dodgers in front of MLB scout George Sisler, however, none of them made the team.[109]
Student leave to attend Eastern colleges
Although most Nisei college students followed their families into camp, a small number tried to arrange for transfers to schools outside the exclusion zone in order to continue their education. Their initial efforts expanded as sympathetic college administrators and the American Friends Service Committee began to coordinate a larger student relocation program. The Friends petitioned WRA Director Milton Eisenhower to place college students in Eastern and Midwestern academic institutions. The National Japanese American Student Relocation Council was formed on May 29, 1942, and the AFSC administered the program.[110] By September 1942, after the initial roundup of Japanese Americans, 250 students from assembly centers and WRA camps were back at school. Their tuition, book costs and living expenses were absorbed by the U.S. government, private foundations and church scholarships, in addition to significant fundraising efforts led by Issei parents in camp. Outside camp, the students took on the role of "ambassadors of good will," and the NJASRC and WRA promoted this image to soften anti-Japanese prejudice and prepare the public for the resettlement of Japanese Americans in their communities.[110] At Earlham College, President William Dennis helped institute a program that enrolled several dozen Japanese-American students in order to spare them from incarceration. While this action was controversial in Richmond, Indiana, it helped strengthen the college's ties to Japan and the Japanese-American community.[111] At Oberlin College, about 40 evacuated Nisei students were enrolled. One of them, Kenji Okuda, was elected as student council president.[112] In total, over 600 institutions east of the exclusion zone opened their doors to more than 4,000 college-age youth who had been placed behind barbed wire, many of whom were enrolled in West Coast schools prior to their removal. The NJASRC ceased operations on June 7, 1946.[110]
Loyalty questions and segregation
In early 1943, War Relocation Authority officials, working with the War Department and the Office of Naval Intelligence,[113] circulated a question form in an attempt to determine the loyalty of incarcerated Nisei men they hoped to recruit into military service. The "Statement of United States Citizen of Japanese Ancestry" was initially given only to Nisei who were eligible for service (or would have been, but for the 4-C classification imposed on them at the start of the war). Authorities soon revised the questionnaire and required all adults in camp to complete the form. Most of the 28 questions were designed to assess the "Americanness" of the respondent — had they been educated in Japan or the U.S.? were they Buddhist or Christian? did they practice judo or play on a baseball team?[113] The final two questions on the form, which soon came to be known as the "loyalty questionnaire," were more direct: Question 27 asked whether an individual would be willing to serve in the armed forces (or, for women, the Auxiliary Corps), while Question 28 asked them to forswear their allegiance to the Emperor of Japan. Across the camps, persons who answered No to both questions became known as "No Nos."
While most camp inmates simply answered "yes" to both questions, several thousand — 17 percent of the total respondents, 20 percent of the Nisei[114] — gave negative or qualified replies out of confusion, fear or anger at the wording and implications of the questionnaire. In regard to Question 27, many worried that expressing a willingness to serve would be equated with volunteering for combat, while others felt insulted at being asked to risk their lives for a country that had imprisoned them and their families. An affirmative answer to Question 28 brought up other issues. Some believed that renouncing their loyalty to Japan would suggest that they had at some point been loyal to Japan and disloyal to the United States. Many believed they were to be deported to Japan no matter how they answered; they feared an explicit disavowal of the Emperor would become known and make such resettlement extremely difficult.
On July 15, 1943, Tule Lake, the site with the highest number of "no" responses to the questionnaire, was designated to house inmates whose answers suggested they were "disloyal".[114] During the remainder of 1943 and into early 1944, more than 12,000 men, women and children were transferred from other camps to the maximum-security Tule Lake Segregation Center.
After these insults, the government passed the Renunciation Act of 1944, a law that made it possible for Nisei and Kibei to renounce their American citizenship. A total of 5,589 internees opted to do so; 5,461 of these were sent to Tule Lake.[115] Of those who renounced US citizenship, 1,327 were repatriated to Japan.[115] Those persons who stayed in the US faced discrimination from the Japanese-American community, both during and after the war, for having made that choice of renunciation. At the time, they feared what their futures held were they to remain American, and remain interned.[115]
These renunciations of American citizenship have been highly controversial, for a number of reasons. Some apologists for internment have cited the renunciations as evidence that "disloyalty" or anti-Americanism was well represented among the interned peoples, thereby justifying the internment.[116] Many historians have dismissed the latter argument, for its failure to consider that the small number of individuals in question had been mistreated and persecuted by their own government at the time of the "renunciation":[117][118]
[T]he renunciations had little to do with "loyalty" or "disloyalty" to the United States, but were instead the result of a series of complex conditions and factors that were beyond the control of those involved. Prior to discarding citizenship, most or all of the renunciants had experienced the following misfortunes: forced removal from homes; loss of jobs; government and public assumption of disloyalty to the land of their birth based on race alone; and incarceration in a "segregation center" for "disloyal" ISSEI or NISEI...[118]
Minoru Kiyota, who was among those who renounced his citizenship and soon came to regret the decision, has said that he wanted only "to express my fury toward the government of the United States," for his internment and for the mental and physical duress, as well as the intimidation, he was made to face.[119]
[M]y renunciation had been an expression of momentary emotional defiance in reaction to years of persecution suffered by myself and other Japanese Americans and, in particular, to the degrading interrogation by the FBI agent at Topaz and being terrorized by the guards and gangs at Tule Lake.[120]
Civil rights attorney Wayne M. Collins successfully challenged most of these renunciations as invalid, owing to the conditions of duress and intimidation under which the government obtained them.[119][121] Many of the deportees were Issei (first generation) or Kibei, who often had difficulty with English and often did not understand the questions they were asked. Even among those Issei who had a clear understanding, Question 28 posed an awkward dilemma: Japanese immigrants were denied U.S. citizenship at the time, so when asked to renounce their Japanese citizenship, answering "Yes" would have made them stateless persons.[122]
When the government began seeking army volunteers from among the camps, only 6% of military-aged male inmates volunteered to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. Most of those who refused tempered that refusal with statements of willingness to fight if they were restored their rights as American citizens. Eventually 20,000 Japanese-American men and many Japanese-American women served in the U.S. Army during World War II.[123]

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team, which fought in Europe, was formed from those Japanese Americans who agreed to serve. This unit was the most highly decorated U.S. military unit of its size and duration.[124] The 442nd's Nisei segregated field artillery battalion, then on detached service within the U.S. Army in Bavaria, liberated at least one of the satellite labor camps of the Nazis' original concentration camp at Dachau on April 29, 1945.[125]
Proving commitment to the United States
Many Nisei worked to prove themselves as loyal American citizens. Of the 20,000 Japanese Americans who served in the Army during World War II,[123] "many Japanese-American soldiers had gone to war to fight racism at home"[126] and they were "proving with their blood, their limbs, and their bodies that they were truly American".[127] It was not only men either, some one hundred Nisei women volunteered for the WAC (Woman's Army Corps), where, after undergoing rigorous basic training, they had assignments as typists, clerks, and drivers.[93] Satoshi Ito, an internment camp survivor, reinforces the idea of the immigrants’ children striving to demonstrate their patriotism to the United States. He notes that his mother would tell him, "‘you’re here in the United States, you need to do well in school, you need to prepare yourself to get a good job when you get out into the larger society’".[128] He said she would tell him, "‘don’t be a dumb farmer like me, like us’"[129] to encourage Ito to successfully assimilate into American society. As a result, he worked exceptionally hard to excel in school and later became a professor at the College of William & Mary. His story, along with the countless Japanese Americans willing to risk their lives in war, demonstrate the lengths many in their community went to prove their American patriotism.
Other Concentration camps
As early as 1939, when war broke out in Europe and while armed conflict began to rage in East Asia, the FBI and branches of the Department of Justice and the armed forces began to collect information and surveil influential members of the Japanese community in the United States. These data were included in the Custodial Detention index (CDI). Agents in the Department of Justice's Special Defense Unit classified the subjects into three groups: A, B and C, with A being "most dangerous," and C being "possibly dangerous."
After the Pearl Harbor attacks, Roosevelt authorized his attorney general to put into motion a plan for the arrest of individuals on the potential enemy alien lists. Armed with a blanket arrest warrant, the FBI seized these men on the eve of December 8, 1941. These men were held in municipal jails and prisons until they were moved to Department of Justice detention camps, separate from those of the Wartime Relocation Authority (WRA). These camps operated under far more stringent conditions and were subject to heightened criminal-style guards, despite the absence of criminal proceedings.
Crystal City, Texas, was one such camp where Japanese Americans, German Americans, Italian Americans, and a large number of U.S.-seized, Axis-descended nationals from several Latin-American countries were interned.[81][130]
The Canadian government also confined citizens with Japanese ancestry during World War II (see Japanese Canadian internment), for much the same reasons of fear and prejudice. Some Latin American countries of the Pacific Coast, such as Peru, interned ethnic Japanese or sent them to the United States for internment.[130] Brazil also restricted its Japanese Brazilians.[131]
Although Japanese Americans in Hawaii comprised more than one third of the population, businessmen resisted their being interned or deported to mainland concentration camps, as they recognized their contributions to the economy.[132] In the hysteria of the time, some mainland Congressmen (Hawaii was only a U.S. territory at the time, and did not have a voting representative or senator in Congress) promoted that all Japanese Americans and Japanese immigrants should be removed from Hawaii but were unsuccessful. An estimated 1,200 to 1,800 Japanese nationals and American-born Japanese from Hawaii were interned, either in five camps on the islands or in one of the mainland internment camps, but this represented well under two percent of the total Japanese American residents in the islands.[133] "No serious explanations were offered as to why ... the internment of individuals of Japanese descent was necessary on the mainland, but not in Hawaii, where the large Japanese-Hawaiian population went largely unmolested."[134]
The vast majority of Japanese Americans and their immigrant parents in Hawaii were not interned because the government had already declared martial law in Hawaii and this allowed it to significantly reduce the supposed risk of espionage and sabotage by residents of Japanese ancestry.[135] Also, Japanese Americans comprised over 35% of the territory's population, with 157,905 of Hawaii's 423,330 inhabitants at the time of the 1940 census,[136] making them the largest ethnic group at that time; detaining so many people would have been enormously challenging in terms of logistics. Additionally, the whole of Hawaiian society was dependent on their productivity. According to intelligence reports at the time, "the Japanese, through a concentration of effort in select industries, had achieved a virtual stranglehold on several key sectors of the economy in Hawaii,"[137] and they "had access to virtually all jobs in the economy, including high-status, high-paying jobs (e.g., professional and managerial jobs)."[138] To imprison such a large percentage of the islands' work force would have crippled the Hawaiian economy. Thus, the unfounded fear of Japanese Americans turning against the United States was overcome by the reality-based fear of massive economic loss.
Lieutenant General Delos C. Emmons, commander of the Hawaii Department, promised the local Japanese-American community that they would be treated fairly so long as they remained loyal to the United States. He succeeded in blocking efforts to relocate them to the outer islands or mainland by pointing out the logistical difficulties.[139] Among the small number interned were community leaders and prominent politicians, including territorial legislators Thomas Sakakihara and Sanji Abe.[140]
A total of five internment camps operated in the territory of Hawaii, referred to as the "Hawaiian Island Detention Camps".[141][142] One camp was located at Sand Island at the mouth of Honolulu Harbor. This camp was prepared in advance of the war's outbreak. All prisoners held here were "detained under military custody... because of the imposition of martial law throughout the Islands". Another Hawaiian camp was the Honouliuli Internment Camp, near Ewa, on the southwestern shore of Oahu; it was opened in 1943 to replace the Sand Island camp. Another was located on the island of Maui in the town of Haiku,[143] in addition to the Kilauea Detention Center on Hawaii and Camp Kalaheo on Kauai.[144]
Japanese Latin Americans
During World War II, over 2,200 Japanese from Latin America were held in internment camps run by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, part of the Department of Justice. Beginning in 1942, Latin Americans of Japanese ancestry were rounded up and transported to American internment camps run by the INS and the U.S. Justice Department.[73][145][146][147] The majority of these internees, approximately 1,800, came from Peru. An additional 250 were from Panama, and Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.[148]
The first group of Japanese Latin Americans arrived in San Francisco on April 20, 1942, on board the Etolin along with 360 ethnic Germans and 14 ethnic Italians from Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.[149] The 151 men — ten from Ecuador, the rest from Peru — had volunteered for deportation believing they were to be repatriated to Japan. They were denied visas by U.S. Immigration authorities and then detained on the grounds they had tried to enter the country illegally, without a visa or passport.[149] Subsequent transports brought additional "volunteers," including the wives and children of men who had been deported earlier. A total of 2,264 Japanese Latin Americans, about two-thirds of them from Peru, were interned in facilities on the U.S. mainland during the war.[73][148][150]
The United States originally intended to trade these Latin American internees as part of a hostage exchange program with Japan and other Axis nations.[151] A thorough examination of the documents shows at least one trade occurred.[145] Over 1,300 persons of Japanese ancestry were exchanged for a like number of non-official Americans in October 1943, at the port of Marmagao, India. Over half were Japanese Latin Americans (the rest being ethnic Germans and Italians) and of that number one-third were Japanese Peruvians.
On September 2, 1943, the Swedish ship MS Gripsholm departed the U.S. with just over 1,300 Japanese nationals (including nearly a hundred from Canada and Mexico) en route for the exchange location, Marmagao, the main port of the Portuguese colony of Goa on the west coast of India.[152] [153] After two more stops in South America to take on additional Japanese nationals, the passenger manifest reached 1,340.[145] Of that number, Latin American Japanese numbered 55 percent of the Gripsholm's travelers, 30 percent of whom were Japanese Peruvian.[145] Arriving in Marmagao on October 16, 1943, the Gripsholm's passengers disembarked and then boarded the Japanese ship Teia Maru. In return, "non-official" Americans (secretaries, butlers, cooks, embassy staff workers, etc.) previously held by the Japanese Army boarded the Gripsholm while the Teia Maru headed for Tokyo.[145] Because this exchange was done with those of Japanese ancestry officially described as "volunteering" to return to Japan, no legal challenges were encountered. The U.S. Department of State was pleased with the first trade and immediately began to arrange a second exchange of non-officials for February 1944. This exchange would involve 1,500 non-volunteer Japanese who were to be exchanged for 1,500 Americans.[145] The US was busy with Pacific Naval activity and future trading plans stalled. Further slowing the program were legal and political "turf" battles between the State Department, the Roosevelt administration, and the DOJ, whose officials were not convinced of the legality of the program.
The completed October 1943 trade took place at the height of the Enemy Alien Deportation Program. Japanese Peruvians were still being "rounded up" for shipment to the U.S. in previously unseen numbers. Despite logistical challenges facing the floundering prisoner exchange program, deportation plans were moving ahead. This is partly explained by an early-in-the-war revelation of the overall goal for Latin Americans of Japanese ancestry under the Enemy Alien Deportation Program. The goal: that the hemisphere was to be free of Japanese. Secretary of State Cordell Hull wrote an agreeing President Roosevelt, "[that the US must] continue our efforts to remove all the Japanese from these American Republics for internment in the United States."[145][154]
"Native" Peruvians expressed extreme animosity toward their Japanese citizens and expatriates, and Peru refused to accept the post-war return of Japanese Peruvians from the US. Although a small number asserting special circumstances, such as marriage to a non-Japanese Peruvian,[73] did return, the majority were trapped. Their home country refused to take them back (a political stance Peru would maintain until 1950[148]), they were generally Spanish speakers in the Anglo US, and in the postwar U.S., the Department of State started expatriating them to Japan. ACLU lawyer Wayne Collins filed injunctions on behalf of the remaining internees,[130][155] helping them obtain "parole" relocation to the labor-starved Seabrook Farms in New Jersey.[156] He started a legal battle that would not be resolved until 1953, when, after working as undocumented immigrants for almost ten years, those Japanese Peruvians remaining in the U.S. were finally offered citizenship.[145][148]
Internment ends
On December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court handed down two decisions on the legality of the incarceration under Executive Order 9066. Korematsu v. United States, a 6–3 decision upholding a Nisei's conviction for violating the military exclusion order, stated that, in general, the removal of Japanese Americans from the West Coast was constitutional. However, Ex parte Endo unanimously declared that loyal citizens of the United States, regardless of cultural descent, could not be detained without cause. In effect, the two rulings held that, while the eviction of U.S. citizens in the name of military necessity was legal, the subsequent incarceration was not — thus paving the way for their release.
Although WRA Director Dillon Myer and others had pushed for an earlier end to the incarceration, the exclusion order was not rescinded until January 2, 1945 (postponed until after the November 1944 election, so as not to impede Roosevelt's reelection campaign).[157] Many younger internees had already "resettled" in Midwest or Eastern cities to pursue work or educational opportunities. The remaining population began to leave the camps to try to rebuild their lives at home. Former inmates were given $25 and a train ticket to their pre-war places of residence, but many had little or nothing to return to, having lost their homes and businesses. Some emigrated to Japan, although many of these individuals were "repatriated" against their will.[158][159] The camps remained open for residents who were not ready to return (mostly elderly Issei and families with young children), but the WRA pressured stragglers to leave by gradually eliminating services in camp. Those who had not left by each camp's close date were forcibly removed and sent back to the West Coast.[160]
Nine of the ten WRA camps were shut down by the end of 1945, although Tule Lake, which held "renunciants" slated for deportation to Japan, was not closed until March 20, 1946.[161] Japanese Latin Americans brought to the U.S. from Peru and other countries, who were still being held in the DOJ camps at Santa Fe and Crystal City, took legal action in April 1946 in an attempt to avoid deportation to Japan.[162]
Following recognition of the injustices done to the Japanese Americans, in 1992 Manzanar camp was designated a National Historic Site to "provide for the protection and interpretation of historic, cultural, and natural resources associated with the relocation of Japanese Americans during World War II" (Public Law 102-248). In 2001, the site of the Minidoka War Relocation Center in Idaho was designated the Minidoka National Historic Site.
Hardship and material loss

Many internees lost irreplaceable personal property due to restrictions that prohibited them from taking more than they could carry into the camps. These losses were compounded by theft and destruction of items placed in governmental storage. Leading up to their incarceration, Nikkei were prohibited from leaving the Military Zones or traveling more than 5 miles (8.0 km) from home, forcing those who had to travel for work, like truck farmers and residents of rural towns, to quit their jobs.[163] Many others were simply fired for their "Jap" heritage.[164][165][166]
Alien land laws in the West Coast states barred the Issei from owning their pre-war homes and farms. Many had cultivated land for decades as tenant farmers, but they lost their rights to farm those lands when they were forced to leave. Other Issei (and Nisei who were renting or had not completed payments on their property) had found families willing to occupy their homes or tend their farms during their incarceration. However, those unable to strike a deal with caretakers had to sell their property, often in a matter of days and at great financial loss to predatory land speculators, who made huge profits.
In addition to these monetary and property losses, a number of persons died or suffered for lack of medical care in camp. Seven were shot and killed by sentries: Kanesaburo Oshima, 58, during an escape attempt from Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Toshio Kobata, 58, and Hirota Isomura, 59, during transfer to Lordsburg, New Mexico; James Ito, 17, and Katsuji James Kanegawa, 21, during the December 1942 Manzanar Riot; James Hatsuaki Wakasa, 65, while walking near the perimeter wire of Topaz; and Shoichi James Okamoto, 30, during a verbal altercation with a sentry at the Tule Lake Segregation Center.[167]
Psychological injury was observed by Dillon S. Myer, director of the WRA camps. In June 1945, Myer described how the Japanese Americans had grown increasingly depressed, and overcome with feelings of helplessness and personal insecurity.[168] Author Betty Furuta explains that the Japanese used gaman, loosely meaning "perseverance", to overcome hardships; this was mistaken by non-Japanese as being introverted and lacking initiative.[169]
Japanese Americans also encountered hostility and even violence when they returned to the West Coast. Concentrated largely in rural areas of Central California, there were dozens of reports of gun shots, fires, and explosions aimed at Japanese American homes, businesses and places of worship, in addition to non-violent crimes like vandalism and the defacing of Japanese graves. In one of the only cases to go to trial, four men were accused of attacking the Doi family of Placer County, California, setting off an explosion and starting a fire on the family's farm in January 1945. Despite a confession from one of the men that implicated the others, the jury accepted their defense attorney's framing of the attack as a justifiable attempt to keep California "a white man's country" and acquitted all four defendants.[170]
To compensate former internees for their property losses, the US Congress, on July 2, 1948, passed the "American Japanese Claims Act," allowing Japanese Americans to apply for compensation for property losses which occurred as "a reasonable and natural consequence of the evacuation or exclusion." By the time the Act was passed, the IRS had already destroyed most of the internees' 1939–42 tax records. Due to the time pressure and strict limits on how much they could take to the camps, few were able to preserve detailed tax and financial records during the evacuation process. Therefore, it was extremely difficult for claimants to establish that their claims were valid. Under the Act, Japanese American families filed 26,568 claims totaling $148 million in requests; about $37 million was approved and disbursed.[171]
Reparations and redress
Beginning in the 1960s, a younger generation of Japanese Americans, inspired by the Civil Rights movement, began what is known as the "Redress Movement," an effort to obtain an official apology and reparations from the federal government for incarcerating their parents and grandparents during the war. They focused not on documented property losses but on the broader injustice and mental suffering caused by the internment. The movement's first success was in 1976, when President Gerald Ford proclaimed that the internment was "wrong," and a "national mistake" which "shall never again be repeated".[172]
The campaign for redress was launched by Japanese Americans in 1978. The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), which had cooperated with the administration during the war, became part of the movement. It asked for three measures: $25,000 to be awarded to each person who was detained, an apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the U.S. government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.
In 1980, Congress established the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) to study the matter. On February 24, 1983, the commission issued a report entitled Personal Justice Denied, condemning the internment as unjust and motivated by racism and xenophobic ideas rather than factual military necessity.[173] The Commission recommended that $20,000 in reparations be paid to those Japanese Americans who had suffered internment.

In 1988, U.S. President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which had been sponsored by Representative Norman Mineta and Senator Alan K. Simpson, who had met while Mineta was interned at Heart Mountain Relocation Center in Wyoming. It provided financial redress of $20,000 for each surviving detainee, totaling $1.2 billion. The question of to whom reparations should be given, how much, and even whether monetary reparations were appropriate were subjects of sometimes contentious debate within the Japanese American community and Congress.[174]
On September 27, 1992, the Civil Liberties Act Amendments of 1992, appropriating an additional $400 million to ensure all remaining internees received their $20,000 redress payments, was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush. He issued another formal apology from the U.S. government on December 7, 1991, on the 50th-Anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack, saying:
"In remembering, it is important to come to grips with the past. No nation can fully understand itself or find its place in the world if it does not look with clear eyes at all the glories and disgraces of its past. We in the United States acknowledge such an injustice in our history. The internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry was a great injustice, and it will never be repeated."
Under the 2001 budget of the United States, Congress authorized that the ten detention sites are to be preserved as historical landmarks: "places like Manzanar, Tule Lake, Heart Mountain, Topaz, Amache, Jerome, and Rohwer will forever stand as reminders that this nation failed in its most sacred duty to protect its citizens against prejudice, greed, and political expediency".[175]
On January 30, 2011, California first observed an annual "Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution", the first such commemoration for an Asian American in the U.S.[176] On June 14, 2011, Peruvian president Alan García apologized for his country's internment of Japanese immigrants during World War II, most of whom were transferred to the United States.[131]
Legal legacy

Several significant legal decisions arose out of Japanese-American internment, relating to the powers of the government to detain citizens in wartime. Among the cases which reached the US Supreme Court were Yasui v. United States (1943), Hirabayashi v. United States (1943), ex parte Endo (1944), and Korematsu v. United States (1944). In Yasui and Hirabayashi, the court upheld the constitutionality of curfews based on Japanese ancestry; in Korematsu, the court upheld the constitutionality of the exclusion order. In Endo, the court accepted a petition for a writ of habeas corpus and ruled that the WRA had no authority to subject a loyal citizen to its procedures.
Korematsu's and Hirabayashi's convictions were vacated in a series of coram nobis cases in the early 1980s.[177] In the coram nobis cases, federal district and appellate courts ruled that newly uncovered evidence revealed an unfairness which, had it been known at the time, would likely have changed the Supreme Court's decisions in the Yasui, Hirabayashi, and Korematsu cases.[15][39]
These new court decisions rested on a series of documents recovered from the National Archives showing that the government had altered, suppressed, and withheld important and relevant information from the Supreme Court, including the Final Report by General DeWitt justifying the internment program.[177] The Army had destroyed documents in an effort to hide alterations that had been made to the report to reduce their racist content.[39] The coram nobis cases vacated the convictions of Korematsu and Hirabayashi (Yasui died before his case was heard, rendering it moot), and are regarded as part of the impetus to gain passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988.[177]
The rulings of the US Supreme Court in the Korematsu and Hirabayashi cases, specifically in its expansive interpretation of government powers in wartime, have yet to be overturned. They are still the law of the land because a lower court cannot overturn a ruling by the US Supreme Court. The coram nobis cases totally undermined the factual underpinnings of the 1944 cases, leaving the original decisions without much logical basis.[177] As these 1944 decisions prevail, a number of legal scholars have expressed the opinion that the original Korematsu and Hirabayashi decisions have taken on renewed relevance in the context of the War on Terror.
Former Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark, who represented the US Department of Justice in the "relocation," writes in the epilogue to the 1992 book Executive Order 9066: The Internment of 110,000 Japanese Americans:[178]
The truth is—as this deplorable experience proves—that constitutions and laws are not sufficient of themselves...Despite the unequivocal language of the Constitution of the United States that the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, and despite the Fifth Amendment's command that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, both of these constitutional safeguards were denied by military action under Executive Order 9066.[179]
Terminology debate
Since the end of World War II, there has been debate over the terminology used to refer to camps in which Americans of Japanese ancestry and their immigrant parents, were incarcerated by the United States Government during the war.[180][181][182] These camps have been referred to as "War Relocation Centers," "relocation camps," "relocation centers," "internment camps," and "concentration camps," and the controversy over which term is the most accurate and appropriate continues to the present day.[70][183][184][185]
Dr. James Hirabayashi, professor emeritus and former dean of ethnic studies at San Francisco State University, wrote an article in 1994 in which he stated that he wonders why euphemistic terms are still used to describe these camps.[186]
In 1998, use of the term "concentration camps" gained greater credibility prior to the opening of an exhibit about the American camps at Ellis Island. Initially, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the National Park Service, which manages Ellis Island, objected to the use of the term in the exhibit.[187] However, during a subsequent meeting held at the offices of the AJC in New York City, leaders representing Japanese Americans and Jewish Americans reached an understanding about the use of the term.[188]
The New York Times published an unsigned editorial supporting the use of "concentration camp" in the exhibit.[189] An article quoted Jonathan Mark, a columnist for The Jewish Week, who wrote, "Can no one else speak of slavery, gas, trains, camps? It's Jewish malpractice to monopolize pain and minimize victims."[190] AJC Executive Director David A. Harris stated during the controversy, "We have not claimed Jewish exclusivity for the term 'concentration camps.'"[191]
On July 7, 2012, at their annual convention, the National Council of the Japanese American Citizens League unanimously ratified the Power of Words Handbook, calling for the use of "...truthful and accurate terms, and retiring the misleading euphemisms created by the government to cover up the denial of Constitutional and human rights, the force, oppressive conditions, and racism against 120,000 innocent people of Japanese ancestry locked up in America's World War II concentration camps."[192]
Expulsions and population transfers of World War II
The internment of Japanese Americans has sometimes been compared to the persecutions, expulsions, and dislocations of other ethnic minorities in the context of World War II, in Europe and Asia.[193][194][195][196] An estimated 500,000 Volga Germans were rounded up and deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan when Germany invaded the Soviet Union, with many of them dying en route.[193] In 1942, nearly all the able-bodied German population was conscripted to the NKVD labor columns. About one-third did not survive the camps.[197] The Volga Germans were deported prior to the Battle of Stalingrad, as they were regarded, in the "war hysteria of the moment", as a potential "Fifth Column".[194]
In 1944, the Red Army rounded up about 500,000 Chechens and Ingushes for relocation; a third of this population perished in the first year, from starvation, cold, and disease.[195] Other nationalities which faced ethnic cleansing for having been identified as potential collaborators with the Germans were the Balkars, Crimean Tatars, Karachi, Kalmyks, and Meskhetians.[196]
Exhibitions and collections
The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History has more than 800 artifacts from its A More Perfect Union collection available online. Archival photography, publications, original manuscripts, artworks, and handmade objects comprise the collection of items related to the Japanese American experience.[198]
On October 1, 1987, the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History opened an exhibition called, "A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution." The exhibition examined the Constitutional process by considering the experiences of Americans of Japanese ancestry before, during, and after World War II. On view were more than 1,000 artifacts and photographs relating to the experiences of Japanese Americans during World War II. The exhibition closed on January 11, 2004. On November 8, 2011, the National Museum of American History launched an online exhibition of the same name with shared content.[199]
The elementary school at Poston Camp Unit 1, the only surviving school complex at one of the camps and the only major surviving element of the Poston camp, was designated a National Historic Landmark District in 2012.[200]
On April 16, 2013, the Japanese American Internment Museum was opened in McGehee, Arkansas regarding the history at two internment camps.
Representation in other media
- John Okada's novel No-No Boy (1956) features a protagonist from Seattle, who was interned with his family and imprisoned for answering "no" to the last two questions on the loyalty questionnaire. It explores the postwar environment in the Pacific Northwest.[201]
- Both the 1994 novel Snow Falling on Cedars and its 1999 film adaptation refer to the internment of the Imada family in Manzanar.[202][203]
- The 1990 movie Come See The Paradise written and directed by Alan Parker tells the story of an American man who elopes with a Japanese-American woman and their subsequent internment following the outbreak of war.[204]
- The 2002 novel When the Emperor was Divine by Julie Otsuka tells the story of an unnamed Japanese family incarcerated at the Topaz War Relocation Center in Utah. The novel is based on Otsuka's own family's experiences.[205]
- The 2005 song Kenji by Fort Minor tells the story of Fort Minor (Mike Shinoda)'s Grandfather, and his experience in the camps.
- Jake Shimabukuro's 2011 solo album Peace Love Ukulele includes a song titled Go For Broke inspired by the World War II all-Japanese American 442nd US Army unit.[206]
- The 2013 novel Camp Nine by Vivienne Schiffer set in and near the Rohwer Japanese American internment camp in Arkansas.[207]
- The December 2013 Hawaii 5-0 Episode 81, "Honor thy father", is dedicated to solving a cold case murder at the Honouliuli Internment Camp, some 70 years earlier.[208]
- The 2014 documentary, "The Legacy of Heart Mountain", explores the experience of life at the Heart Mountain internment camp in Cody, WY.[209]
- The musical Allegiance (2013), which premiered in San Diego, California, was inspired by the camp experiences of George Takei (who stars).[210]
- The 2015 documentary film Relocation, Arkansas by Vivienne Schiffer which explores the aftermath of incarceration in the Rohwer and Jerome internment camps in Arkansas.[211]
- The 2014 film, To Be Takei chronicles the early life of actor George Takei, who spent several years in an internment camp.[212][213]
- George Carlin, during his monologues on individual rights and criticism towards the American government, spoke about the relocation of Japanese American citizens to the designated camps.[214]
See also
- Day of Remembrance (Japanese Americans)
- Japanese Canadian internment
- German American internment
- Italian American internment
- German prisoners of war in the United States
- American propaganda during World War II
- Arizona during World War II
- List of documentary films about the Japanese American internment
- Population transfer
- Propaganda for Japanese-American internment
- Korematsu v. United States
- Bad Day at Black Rock (film about the wartime bias against Japanese Americans)
- Days of Waiting: The Life & Art of Estelle Ishigo (1990)
- Japanese American service in World War II
References and notes
- ↑ "War Relocation Camps in Arizona 1942–1946". Retrieved October 2, 2012.
- 1 2 3 Various primary and secondary sources list counts between persons.
- ↑ Semiannual Report of the War Relocation Authority, for the period January 1 to June 30, 1946, not dated. Papers of Dillon S. Myer. Scanned image at Retrieved September 18, 2006.
- ↑ "The War Relocation Authority and The Incarceration of Japanese Americans During World War II: 1948 Chronology," Web page at Retrieved September 11, 2006.
- ↑ National Park Service. Manzanar National Historic Site
- 1 2 Ogawa, Dennis M. and Fox, Jr., Evarts C. Japanese Americans, from Relocation to Redress. 1991, page 135.
- ↑ Commission on Wartime Relocation of Civilians (1997). Personal Justice Denied. Washington, D.C.: Civil Liberties Public Education Fund. p. 459.
- ↑
- ↑ "Executive Order 9066 dated February 19, 1942, in which President Franklin D. Roosevelt Authorizes the Secretary of War to Prescribe Military Areas". National Archives Catalog. National Archives and Records Administration. February 19, 1942. Retrieved December 15, 2015.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Korematsu v. United States dissent by Justice Owen Josephus Roberts, reproduced at Retrieved September 12, 2006.
- 1 2 Brian Niiya. "Voluntary evacuation," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 12, 2014.
- 1 2 3 Densho, "About the Incarceration."
- ↑ JR Minkel (March 30, 2007). "Confirmed: The U.S. Census Bureau Gave Up Names of Japanese-Americans in WW II". Scientific American.
- ↑ Haya El Nasser (March 30, 2007). "Papers show Census role in WWII camps". USA Today.
- 1 2 Korematsu v. United States majority opinion by Justice Hugo Black, reproduced at Retrieved September 11, 2006
- ↑ Hakim, Joy (1995). A History of Us: War, Peace and All That Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 100–104. ISBN 0-19-509514-6.
- 1 2 Sharon Yamato. "Civil Liberties Act of 1988," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 11, 2014.
- ↑ 100th Congress, S. 1009, reproduced at, Retrieved September 19, 2006.
- ↑ "Wwii Reparations: Japanese-American Internees". Democracy Now!. Retrieved January 24, 2010.
- ↑ Okihiro, Gary Y. The Columbia Guide to Asian American History. 2005, page 104
- ↑ Nash, Gary B., Julie Roy Jeffrey, John R. Howe, Peter J. Frederick, Allen F. Davis, Allan M. Winkler, Charlene Mires, and Carla Gardina Pestana. The American People, Concise Edition Creating a Nation and a Society, Combined Volume (6th Edition). New York: Longman, 2007
- 1 2 Anderson, Emily. "Immigration," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 14, 2014.
- 1 2 Nakamura, Kelli Y. "," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 14, 2014.
- ↑ Anderson, Emily. "Anti-Japanese exclusion movement," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 14, 2014.
- ↑ Ng, Wendy (2002). Japanese American Internment during World War II: A History and Reference Guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood. pp. 8–9.
- ↑ Kashima, Tetsuden. "Custodial detention / A-B-C list," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 14, 2014.
- ↑ Weglyn, Michi Nishiura. Years of Infamy (New York: William Morrow & Company, 1976) p34.
- ↑ Niiya, Brian. "Kenneth Ringle," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 14, 2014.
- ↑ Irons, Peter. (1993). Justice At War: The Story of the Japanese American Internment Cases. University of Washington Press. pp. 7–9.
- ↑ Prange, Gordon W (1962). December 7, 1941: The Day the Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor. New York: McGraw Hill. pp. 375–77.
- ↑ Fred Mullen, "DeWitt Attitude on Japs Upsets Plans," Watsonville Register-Pajaronian, April 16, 1943. p.1, reproduced by Santa Cruz Public Library. Retrieved September 11, 2006.
- ↑ Testimony of John L. DeWitt, April 13, 1943, House Naval Affairs Subcommittee to Investigate Congested Areas, Part 3, pp. 739–40 (78th Cong ., 1st Sess.), cited in Korematsu v. United States (Murphy, J., dissenting), footnote 2, reproduced at Retrieved September 11, 2006.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Andrew E. Taslitz, "Stories of Fourth Amendment Disrespect: From Elian to the Internment," 70 Fordham Law Review. 2257, 2306–07 (2002).
- ↑ "Short History of Amache Japanese Internment". Retrieved April 21, 2008.
- ↑ Removal process, A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution, Smithsonian Institution.
- ↑ "Brief Overview of the World War II Enemy Alien Control Program". Retrieved December 6, 2012.
- ↑ This Day in History: Jan 14, 1942: Roosevelt ushers in Japanese-American internment,
- ↑ WWII Enemy Alien Control Overview from Retrieved January 8, 2007.
- 1 2 3 4 Hirabayashi v. United States, reproduced at Retrieved September 15, 2006.
- ↑ Ho, Vanessa (March 29, 2009). "Bainbridge Island breaks ground for Japanese-American internment memorial". Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Retrieved September 1, 2011
- ↑ Seelye, Katharine Q. (August 5, 2011). "A Wall to Remember an Era's First Exiles". The New York Times. Retrieved September 1, 2011
- ↑ Kennedy, Ellen Clare (October 2006). "The Japanese-American Renunciants: Due Process and the Danger of Making Laws During Times of Fear". Japan Policy Research Institute. Retrieved March 3, 2011.
- ↑ Kublin, Hyman. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 1st ed. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 67–84.
- ↑ Korematsu v. United States dissent by Justice Frank Murphy, footnote 12, reproduced at Retrieved September 11, 2006.
- ↑ Neiwert, David. The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right. 2009, page 195
- ↑ Niiya, Brian. Japanese American History. 1993, page 54
- ↑ Berberoglu, Berch. Labor and Capital in the Age of Globalization. 2002, page 90
- ↑ Hanel, Rachael. The Japanese American Internment. 2008, page 20
- ↑ Takaki, Ronald T. "A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America". Boston: Little, Brown &, 1993. Print, page 378.
- 1 2 3 4 Takaki, Ronald T. "A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America". Boston: Little, Brown &, 1993. Print, page 379.
- ↑ Hoiles, R.C. (14 October 1942). "In his own words: R.C. Hoiles on the WWII Japanese internment". The Orange County Register. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ↑ Hallstead, William (November 12, 2000). "HistoryNet". The Niihau Incident. HistoryNet. Retrieved February 17, 2015.
- ↑ Maki, Mitchell Takeshi and Kitano, Harry H. L. and Berthold, Sarah Megan. Achieving the Impossible Dream. 1999, page 143
- ↑ Leslie T. Hatamiya. Righting a Wrong. 1994, page 106
- ↑ Hayashi, Brian Masaru. Democratizing the enemy: the Japanese American internment. 2004, page 6
- ↑ Irons, Peter. (1993). Justice At War: The Story of the Japanese American Internment Cases. University of Washington Press. pp. 374–5.
- ↑ Brian Niiya. Japanese American history. 1993, page 222
- ↑ "Book defends WWII internment of Japanese Americans, racial profiling". Seattle Post Intelligencer. Archived from the original on October 8, 2012. Retrieved January 24, 2010.
- ↑ Malkin, Michelle. In Defense of Internment. 2004, pages 128; 135; 275.
- ↑ Malkin, Michelle (August 3, 2004). "In Defense Of Internment". Michelle Malkin. Retrieved December 5, 2011.
- ↑ Eric Muller. "So Let Me Get This Straight: Michelle Malkin Claims to Have Rewritten the History of Japanese Internment in Just 16 Months?". History Network. Retrieved December 5, 2011.
- ↑ Why the Media Should Stop Paying Attention to the New Book that Defends Japanese Internment
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- ↑ Daniel Pipes. "Japanese Internment: Why It Was a Good Idea-And the Lessons It Offers Today". Retrieved December 5, 2011.
- ↑ Lt. Gen. J.L. DeWitt (June 5, 1943). "Final Report; Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast 1942". U.S. Army. Retrieved March 3, 2011.
- ↑ Brian, Niiya (February 1, 2014). Final Report, Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast, 1942. Densho Encyclopedia.
- ↑ Niiya, Brian, Densho Encyclopedia, Final Report, Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast, 1942 (book)
- ↑ "Bad landmark; righting a racial wrong". Time Magazine. November 21, 1983. Retrieved March 3, 2011.
- ↑ "The truth about WWII internment", Los Angeles Times, May 27, 2011. Accessed June 7, 2011
- 1 2 Herzig Yoshinaga, AIko (2009), Words Can Lie Or Clarify: Terminology Of The World War II Incarceration Of Japanese Americans (PDF), Aiko Herzig Yoshinaga, retrieved March 28, 2015
- 1 2 Densho, "Sites of Shame."
- 1 2 Alan Rosenfeld. "German and Italian detainees", Densho Encyclopedia (accessed Mar 5, 2014).
- 1 2 3 4 Niiya, Brian. Japanese American History: An A to Z History from 1868 to the Present (1993) p191.
- ↑ Connel, Thomas. America's Japanese Hostages. 2002, page 145-8
- 1 2 3 Brian Niiya. "Wartime Civil Control Administration," Densho Encyclopedia (accessed 14 Mar 2014).
- ↑ Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites, Jeffery F. Burton, Mary M. Farrell, Florence B. Lord, and Richard W. Lord, Chapter 16, NPS. Retrieved August 31, 2006.
- 1 2 3 4 Konrad Linke. "Assembly centers," Densho Encyclopedia (accessed 14 Mar 2014).
- ↑ Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites, Jeffery F. Burton, Mary M. Farrell, Florence B. Lord, and Richard W. Lord, Chapter 3, NPS. Retrieved August 31, 2006.
- ↑ Japanese Americans From Relocation to Redress. Daniels, Roger, Sandra Taylor, Harry Kitano. Seattle Washington. University of Washington Press, 1991.
- 1 2 3 4 "Japanese American Internment Camps". Retrieved October 2, 2007.
- 1 2 "Alien Enemy Detention Facility, Crystal City, Texas". The Texas Archive of the Moving Image. Retrieved August 5, 2011.
- ↑ Burton, J.; Farrell, M.; Lord, F.; Lord, R. Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites, "Temporary Detention Stations" (National Park Service, 2000). Retrieved August 13, 2014.
- ↑ Tawa, Renee. Childhood Lost: The Orphans of Manzanar", Los Angeles Times, 11 Mar 1997 (accessed 23 May 2014).
- ↑ "Docket No. 236-A, 236-B, Gila River Indian Community v. The United States of America" (PDF). Indian Claims Commission Decisions 25: 250. April 28, 1971.
- ↑ Source: War Relocation Authority annual reports
- 1 2 Japanese American National Museum, "Chronology of WWII Incarceration" (accessed 12 Mar 2014).
- ↑ Brian Niiya. "Military Areas 1 and 2," Densho Encyclopedia Retrieved 12 Mar 2014.
- ↑ Kashima, T. (2003). Judgment without trial: Japanese American imprisonment during World War II. University of Washington Press.
- ↑ Anne Blankenship. "Bainbridge Island, Washington," Densho Encyclopedia (accessed 31 Mar 2014).
- ↑ "The Colorado History Organization". Archived from the original on October 2, 2006. Retrieved January 24, 2010.
- ↑ Brian Niiya. "Civilian exclusion orders," Densho Encyclopedia (accessed 31 Mar 2014).
- ↑ "FDR-51: Letter, Harold L. Ickes to FDR, and Letter, FDR to Harold L. Ickes re: Conditions in Japanese-American Internment Camps), April 13 & 24, 1943 OF 4849: War Relocation Authority, 1943 (Box 1)" (PDF). Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. April 13, 1943. Retrieved December 11, 2015.
- 1 2 3 Sandler, Martin. Imprisoned: The Betrayal of Japanese Americans during World War II. New York: Walker of Bloomsbury, 2013.
- ↑ Myer, Dillon S. (March 1943). Work of the War Relocation Authority, An Anniversary Statement. The Harry S. Truman Library & Museum.
- ↑ Hane, Mikiso (September 1990). Wartime Internment. Organizer of American Historians.
- 1 2 3 Fiset, Louis. "Medical care in camp". Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 3, 2014.
- ↑ Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation. "Life in Camp." Retrieved November 17, 2014
- ↑ Mackey, Mike. "A Brief History of the Heart Mountain Relocation Center and the Japanese American Experience." Retrieved November 17, 2014
- ↑ James, Thomas (1 Oct 2013). Exile within: The Schooling of Japanese Americans, 1942–1945. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0674184725.
- ↑ "Children of the Camps". Retrieved 10 February 2015.
- 1 2 Hui Wu, "Writing and Teaching Behind Barbed Wire: An Exiled Composition Class in a Japanese Internment Camp", College Composition and Communication, Vol. 59, No. 2, December 2007(subscription required)
- ↑ Wu (2007), "Writing and Teaching", pg. 241
- ↑ Wu (2007), "Writing and Teaching", pg. 240
- ↑ Wu (2007), "Writing and Teaching", pg. 243
- ↑ George W. Chilcoat (Adapter, Author), Michael O. Tunnell (Author), The Children of Topaz: The Story of a Japanese Internment Camp, Based on a Classroom Diary, Holiday House, 1996 (Children's book)
- ↑ Wu, Hui. "Writing and Teaching behind Barbed Wire: An Exiled Composition Class in a Japanese-American Internment." 59 College Composition & Communication (Dec, 2007): 327–262.
- ↑ "Japanese Americans at Manzanar". National Park Service. United States. Retrieved February 10, 2015.
- ↑ Michael, Beschloss (June 20, 2014). "For Incarcerated Japanese-Americans, Baseball Was ‘Wearing the American Flag’". New York Times. NY Times. Retrieved February 10, 2015.
- 1 2 Rafferty-Osaki, Terumi (2015). "Sports and recreation in camp". Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 10, 2015.
- 1 2 3 Austin, Allan W. "National Japanese American Student Relocation Council". Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
- ↑ Historical brochure, Earlham College Archived August 11, 2015, at the Wayback Machine.
- ↑ "Oberlin vouches for them ...". Oberlin Alumni Magazine (Winter). 2013. pp. 12–17. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
- 1 2 Cherstin M. Lyon. "Loyalty questionnaire," Densho Encyclopedia (accessed 14 Mar 2014).
- 1 2 Cherstin M. Lyon. "Segregation," Densho Encyclopedia (accessed 14 Mar 2014).
- 1 2 3 "Tule Lake Committee -". Retrieved January 24, 2010.
- ↑ Malkin, Michelle. In Defense of Internment. 2004, pages 111.
- ↑ Ng, Wendy L. Japanese American Internment During World War II. 2002, page 61
- 1 2 Niiya, Brian. Japanese American History. 1993, page 293
- 1 2 Ngai, Mae M. Impossible Subjects. 2004, page 192
- ↑ Kiyota, Minoru and Keenan, Linda Klepinger. Beyond Loyalty. 1997, page 129
- ↑ Christgau, John (February 1985). "Collins versus the World: The Fight to Restore Citizenship to Japanese American Renunciants of World War II". Pacific Historical Review (University of California Press) 54 (1): 1–31. doi:10.2307/3638863. JSTOR 3638863.
- ↑ Yamamoto, Traise. Masking Selves, Making Subjects. 1999, page 284
- 1 2 "Japanese American women in World World II".
- ↑ "President Clinton Approves Medal of Honor for Asian Pacific American World War II Heroes". US Army. May 12, 2000. Archived from the original on November 4, 2007. Retrieved October 20, 2008.
- ↑ "Central Europe Campaign – (522nd Field Artillery Battalion)". Go For Broke National Education Center.
- ↑ Takaki, Ronald T. "A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America". Boston: Little, Brown &, 1993. Print, page 384.
- ↑ Takaki, Ronald T. "A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America". Boston: Little, Brown &, 1993. Print, page 385.
- ↑ Ito, Satoshi Interview. 01.MP3, "Ito Interview Interview Part 1", , time 11:35.
- ↑ Ito, Satoshi Interview. 01.MP3, "Ito Interview Interview Part 1", , time 10:36.
- 1 2 3 Densho, The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. "Japanese Latin Americans," c. 2003, accessed April 12, 2009.
- 1 2 Agence France-Presse/Jiji Press, "Peru sorry for WWII internments", Japan Times, June 16, 2011, p. 2.
- ↑ "The territorial governor of Hawaii, Joseph B. Poindexter, was more measured. He provided statistics indicating that 34 percent of the islands' population was aliens, or citizens of Japanese descent." Frank, Richard B. "Zero Hour on Niihau," World War II, 24: 2 (July 2009) p54.
- ↑ "Japanese Internment Camps In Hawaii" (PDF). Retrieved December 5, 2011.
- ↑ Library of Congress. Behind the Wire
- ↑ Jane L. Scheiber, Harry N. Scheiber. "Martial law in Hawaii," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 15, 2014.
- ↑ Gibson, Campbell and Kay, Jung. Historical Census Statistics on Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By Hispanic Origin, 1970 to 1990
- ↑ Okihiro, Gary. Cane Fires: The Anti-Japanese Movement in Hawaii, 1865–1945. Temple University Press, 1st edition (January 8, 1992) p117.
- ↑ Chin, Aimee. "Long-Run Labor Market Effects of Japanese American Internment During World War II on Working-Age Male Internees," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Houston (2004) p10.
- ↑ Stetson Conn; Rose C. Engelman; Byron Fairchild (May 1961). "Guarding the United States and Its Outposts". United States Army in World War II. United States Army Center of Military History. Retrieved November 7, 2011.
- ↑ Dye, Bob (September 16, 2001). "How bigots 'cleansed' Legislature in 1942". The Honolulu Advertiser. Retrieved December 23, 2009.
- ↑ Gordon, Mike (November 27, 2005). "Wartime stain in history retraced in O'ahu's brush". The Honolulu Advertiser. Retrieved December 10, 2009.
- ↑ Gordon, Mike (February 5, 2006). "Under Honouliuli brush, dark history". The Honolulu Advertiser. Retrieved December 10, 2009.
- ↑ Greg Mebel, Anthony Pignataro (August 20, 2007). "The Camp". Maui time. Retrieved April 4, 2011.
- ↑
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Connell, Thomas. (2002). America's Japanese Hostages: The US Plan For A Japanese Free Hemisphere. Westport: Praeger-Greenwood. ISBN 9780275975357; OCLC 606835431
- ↑ Robinson, Greg. (2001). By Order of the President:FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans, p. 264n2 citing C. Harvey Gardiner, Pawns in a Triangle of Hate (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1981).
- ↑ Nanami, Masaharu (Kyodo News), "Japanese-Peruvians still angry over wartime internment in U.S. camps," Japan Times, Sep 16, 2009.
- 1 2 3 4 Stephen Mak. "Japanese Latin Americans," Densho Encyclopedia (accessed Mar 5, 2014).
- 1 2 C. Harvey Gardiner. Pawns in a Triangle of Hate: The Peruvian Japanese and the United States (University of Washington Press: Seattle, 1981), 25–29.
- ↑ Connel, Thomas. America's Japanese Hostages: 2002, pp 145–8
- ↑ "Department of Justice and U.S. Army Facilities", U.S. National Park Service. Retrieved August 31, 2006.
- ↑ Connell, Thomas. America's Japanese Hostages: The US Plan For A Japanese Free Hemisphere: 2002, Table 13-1 Westport: Praeger-Greenwood. ISBN 9780275975357; OCLC 606835431
- ↑ Elleman, Bruce. (2006) Japanese-American Civilian Prisoner Exchanges and Detention Camps, 1941–45 ISBN 978-0-415-33188-3;
- ↑ Correspondence, Secretary of State to President Roosevelt, 740.00115 European War 1939/4476, PS/THH, August 27, 1942.
- ↑ "Japanese Americans, the Civil Rights Movement and Beyond" (PDF). Retrieved April 10, 2009.
- ↑ Higashide, Seiichi. (2000).Adios to Tears, p. 179.
- ↑ Niiya, Brian. "Franklin D. Roosevelt". Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 27, 2015.
- ↑ "PBS Investigations of the Tule Lake Camp. Retrieved August 24, 2007.".
- ↑ Tule Lake Committee, "History." Retrieved January 27, 2015.
- ↑ Robinson, Greg. "War Relocation Authority". Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved January 27, 2015.
- ↑ "Japanese Americans Internment Camps During World War II," Library web page at Retrieved October 1, 2006.
- ↑ Connell, Thomas (2002). America's Japanese Hostages: The World War II Plan for a Japanese Free Latin America. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 223. ISBN 0-275-97535-5.
- ↑ "Enemy Alien Curfew Friday: German, Japs, Italians in New Restrictions" (March 24, 1942), The San Francisco News. Retrieved February 5, 2015.
- ↑ Long, Priscilla. "Seattle School Board accepts the forced resignation of Japanese American teachers on February 27, 1942" (November 25, 2001), Retrieved February 5, 2015.
- ↑ Hall, Carla. "Japanese Fired in WWII Win Redress" (February 28, 1998), Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 5, 2015.
- ↑ Hirai, Tomo. "State Legislature passes resolution apologizing to fired employees" (September 5, 2013) Nichi Bei Weekly. Retrieved February 5, 2015.
- ↑ Kashima, Tetsuden. "Homicide in Camp," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 5, 2015.
- ↑ "The WRA says Thirty," New Republic 112, pp. 867–68.
- ↑ Niiya, Brian (1993). Japanese American history : an A-to-Z reference from 1868 to the present. New York, NY: Facts On File. p. 143. ISBN 0-8160-2680-7.
- ↑ Niiya, Brian. "Terrorist incidents against West Coast returnees," Densho Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 5, 2015.
- ↑ Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment, Personal Justice Denied, Chapter 4
- ↑ Stone, Geoffrey R. Perilous Times. 2004, page 305
- ↑ "Personal Justice Denied,". January 8, 2007. Retrieved April 1, 2015.
- ↑ Hatamiya, Leslie T. Righting a Wrong. 1994, page 108-9
- ↑ Tateishi and Yoshino 2000
- ↑ Liu, Ling Woo (January 29, 2011). "California Marks the First Fred Korematsu Day". TIME. Retrieved January 31, 2011.
- 1 2 3 4 Irons, Peter. (1996) [1976]. Justice At War: The Story of the Japanese American Internment Cases. University of Washington Press. ISBN 0-520-08312-1.
- ↑ Conrat, Maisie and Conrat, Richard. Executive Order 9066: The Internment of 110,000 Japanese Americans.
- ↑ "Asian American, quote from back cover". Retrieved January 24, 2010.
- ↑ "The Manzanar Controversy". Public Broadcasting System. Retrieved July 18, 2007.
- ↑ Daniels, Roger (May 2002). "Incarceration of the Japanese Americans: A Sixty-Year Perspective". The History Teacher 35 (3): 4–6. doi:10.2307/3054440. JSTOR 3054440. Retrieved July 18, 2007.
- ↑ Ito, Robert (September 15, 1998). "Concentration Camp Or Summer Camp?". Mother Jones. Retrieved November 18, 2010.
- ↑ Reflections: Three Self-Guided Tours Of Manzanar. Manzanar Committee. 1998. pp. iii–iv.
- ↑ "CLPEF Resolution Regarding Terminology". Civil Liberties Public Education Fund. 1996. Retrieved July 20, 2007.
- ↑ "Densho: Terminology & Glossary: A Note On Terminology". Densho. 1997. Retrieved July 15, 2007.
- ↑ Hirabayashi, Ph.D., James (1994). ""Concentration Camp" or "Relocation Center" – What's in a Name?". Japanese American National Museum Quarterly 9 (3). Retrieved November 18, 2010.
- ↑ Sengupta, Somini (March 8, 1998). "What Is a Concentration Camp? Ellis Island Exhibit Prompts a Debate". New York Times. Retrieved July 11, 2011.
- ↑ McCarthy, Sheryl (July–August 1999). "Suffering Isn't One Group's Exclusive Privilege". HumanQuest.
- ↑ "Words for Suffering". New York Times. March 10, 1998. Retrieved December 31, 2007.
- ↑ Haberman, Clyde (March 13, 1998). "NYC; Defending Jews' Lexicon Of Anguish". New York Times. Retrieved July 11, 2011.
- ↑ Harris, David A (March 13, 1998). "Exhibition on Camps". New York Times. Retrieved July 11, 2011.
- ↑ Noguchi, Andy (2012-07-15). "JACL Ratifies Power Of Words Handbook: What Are The Next Steps?". Japanese American Citizens League via the Manzanar Committee. Retrieved 2012-07-22.
- 1 2 Maxim Shrayer (2007). "Waiting for America: a story of emigration". Syracuse University Press. p.30. ISBN 0-8156-0893-4
- 1 2 Michael Rywkin (1994). "Moscow's lost empire". M.E. Sharpe. p.66. ISBN 1-56324-237-0.
- 1 2 Mohit Kumar Ray, Rama Kundu, Pradip Kumar Dey (2005). "Widening horizons: essays in honour of Professor Mohit K. Ray". Sarup & Sons. p.150. ISBN 81-7625-598-X
- 1 2 Michael Mann (2005). "The dark side of democracy: explaining ethnic cleansing". Cambridge University Press. p.328. ISBN 0-521-53854-8
- ↑ Robert Conquest, The Nation Killers (Macmillan, 1970), pages 59–61.
- ↑ "A More Perfect Union Collection Search". National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved April 24, 2012.
- ↑ "A More Perfect Union Online Exhibition". National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved April 24, 2012.
- ↑ "NHL nomination for Poston Elementary School, Unit 1, Colorado River Relocation Center" (PDF). National Park Service. Retrieved 2015-12-07.
- ↑ University of Washington Press: No-No Boy
- ↑ Random House Online Catalog: Snow Falling on Cedars
- ↑ Snow Falling on Cedars,
- ↑
- ↑ When the Emperor Was Divine,
- ↑ It's Time to Applaud Luke virtuoso Shimabukuro, review of Peace Love Ukulele, by Wayne Harada, January 12, 2011, Honolulu Star Advertiser, accessed 12 October 2015
- ↑ Review of Camp Nine by Vivienne Schiffer, by Laura Axelrod, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12 November 2012, accessed 12 October 2015
- ↑ Yamamoto, J.K. (December 11, 2013). "Five-0 Flashes Back to WWII". Rafu Shimpo. Retrieved March 15, 2015.
- ↑
- ↑ "Allegiance". Allegiance Musical. Allegiance Musical. Retrieved 23 February 2015.
- ↑ Relocation, Arkansas,, accessed 12 October 2015
- ↑ George Takei Official Website Biography
- ↑ "To Be Takei: Sundance Review"
- ↑ Mother Jones Magazine - May-Jun 1997 84 pages Vol. 22, No. 3
I SSN 0362-8841
Further reading
- Connell, Thomas. (2002). America's Japanese Hostages: The US Plan For A Japanese Free Hemisphere. Westport: Praeger-Greenwood. ISBN 9780275975357.
- Conn, Stetson (2000) [1960]. "5. The Decision to Evacuate the Japanese from the Pacific Coast". In Kent Roberts Greenfield. Command Decisions. United States Army Center of Military History. CMH Pub 70-7.
- De Nevers, Klancy Clark. The Colonel and the Pacifist: Karl Bendetsen, Perry Saito, and the Incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2004. ISBN 978-0-87480-789-9
- Drinnon, Richard. Keeper of Concentration Camps: Dillon S. Meyer and American Racism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989.
- Gardiner, Clinton Harvey. (1981). Pawns in a Triangle of Hate: The Peruvian Japanese and the United States. Seattle: University of Washington Press. ISBN 978-0-295-95855-2
- Harth, Erica. (2001). Last Witnesses: Reflections on the Wartime Internment of Japanese Americans. Palgrave, New York. ISBN 0-312-22199-1.
- Havey, Lily Yuriko Nakai, Gasa Gasa Girl Goes to Camp: A Nisei Youth behind a World War II Fence. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2014. ISBN 978-1-60781-343-9
- Higashide, Seiichi. (2000). Adios to Tears: The Memoirs of a Japanese-Peruvian Internee in U.S. Concentration Camps. Seattle: University of Washington Press. ISBN 978-0-295-97914-4
- Hirabayashi, Lane Ryo. The Politics of Fieldwork: Research in an American Concentration Camp. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1999.
- Gordon, Linda and Gary Y. Okihiro (eds.), Impounded: Dorothea Lange and the Censored Images of Japanese American Internment. New York: W.W. Norton, 2006.
- Lyon, Cherstin M. Prisons and Patriots: Japanese American Wartime Citizenship, Civil Disobedience, and Historical Memory. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2012.
- Mackey, Mackey, ed. Remembering Heart Mountain: Essays on Japanese American Internment in Wyoming. Wyoming: Western History Publications, 1998.
- Miyakawa, Edward T. Tule Lake. Trafford Publishing, 2006. ISBN 1-55369-844-4
- Robinson, Greg. By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans. Cambridge and others: Harvard University Press, 2001.
- Robinson, Greg (2009). A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-12922-0.
- Weglyn, Michi. (1996) [1976]. Years Of Infamy: The Untold Story Of America's Concentration Camps. University of Washington Press. ISBN 0-295-97484-2.
- Civil Liberties Public Education Fund. (1997). Personal Justice Denied: Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Civil Liberties Public Education Fund and University of Washington Press. ISBN 0-295-97558-X.
- Elleman, Bruce (2006). Japanese-American civilian prisoner exchanges and detention camps, 1941–45. Routledge. p. 179. ISBN 978-0-415-33188-3. Retrieved 14 September 2009.
- "Kiyo's Story, A Japanese-American Family's Quest for the American Dream," by Kiyo Sato. (Soho Press, New York 2009). The author, a Japanese-American woman, writes about her family's time while interned at the Poston, AZ camp in WWII. ISBN 978-1569478660
External links
![]() |
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Internment of Japanese Americans. |
Library resources about Internment of Japanese Americans |
Archival sources of documents, photos, and other materials
- Japanese American Internment: Fear Itself – Lesson plans and photographs at U.S. Library of Congress.
- Society and Culture Collection – at the University of Washington Library consisting of historical images from Washington State
- Japanese American Internment Records available at the National Archives and Records Administration
- Densho: The Japanese American Legacy Project, Free digital archive containing hundreds of video oral histories and 10,000 historical photographs and documents
- "Beyond Barbed Wire: Japanese Internment through Salem Eyes", Statesman Journal, videos, stories, photographs and documents.
- "Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives", University of California, contains personal & official photographs, letters, diaries, transcribed oral histories, etc.
- Large number of documents – Official documents, including official court opinions on the Yasui, Hirabayashi, and Korematsu Supreme Court cases
- Ansel Adams, "Photographs of Japanese American Internment at Manzanar", American Memory Collection, Library of Congress
- "Letters from the Japanese American Internment", Correspondence between librarian Clara Breed and young internees, Smithsonian Institution
- "Alien Enemy Detention Facility, Crystal City, Texas", film produced by the INS about Crystal City Alien Enemy Detention Facility, c. 1943
- – World War II Japanese Relocation Camp Internee Records index
- Evacuation War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942–1945, Japanese American Relocation Collection, and Inventory of the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Records, 1930–1974 (bulk 1942–1946) at The Bancroft Library
Other sources
- World War II Internment Camps from the Handbook of Texas Online
- "Campaign For Justice: Redress Now For Japanese American Internees!". A website with information about the lesser known internment of Japanese Latin Americans
- A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution Online exhibition from the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
- National Park Service; Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites.
- Friends of Minidoka
- 60 years after his landmark Supreme Court battle, Fred Korematsu is fighting racial profiling of Arabs
- Tule Lake Relocation Center by I. Fujimoto and D. Sunada
- The short film "Japanese Relocation with Milton Eisenhower" is available for free download at the Internet Archive
- The short film "Challenge to Democracy (Japanese Internment) (1942)" is available for free download at the Internet Archive
- The short film "Barriers And Passes, ca. 1939 – ca. 1945" is available for free download at the Internet Archive
- Mark Sweeting, "A Lesson on the Japanese American Internment", 4-page lesson plan for high school students, 2004, Zinn Education Project/Rethinking Schools
This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the National Archives and Records Administration.