List of Gotham characters

Main and recurring characters of Gotham. From left to right in the upper row: James Gordon, Harvey Bullock, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Sarah Essen, Barbara Kean, and Alfred Pennyworth. From left to right in the lower row: Oswald Cobblepot, Fish Mooney, Carmine Falcone, Edward Nygma, Ivy Pepper, Renee Montoya, and Crispus Allen.
Gotham is an American crime television series developed by Bruno Heller, based on characters appearing in and published by DC Comics in their Batman franchise, primarily those of James Gordon and Bruce Wayne.
Main characters
Introduced in Season 1
- James Gordon (portrayed by Ben McKenzie) – A war veteran and homicide detective at the Gotham City Police Department in its 1st Grade working to find the man who killed Bruce Wayne's parents and battling the corruption of Gotham City's Police Department.[1] His father was Gotham City's District Attorney before his death in a car accident when James was 13 years old. McKenzie did not audition for the role. Heller, with whom he had worked before, wrote the role for McKenzie, who described the character as "an old-fashioned hero in an age of anti-heroes. A throwback. Jim's a lawman, that restricts him in some ways. But also means he can become powerful within the system and change things for the better".[2]
- Harvey Bullock (portrayed by Donal Logue) – A detective who is Gordon's loyal partner and ally. Bullock is a seemingly corrupt and brutish detective who has gradually become loyal to James Gordon. At the beginning of the second season, Bullock resigned from the police force, but rejoins following the Maniax attack on the GCPD. After Gordon was framed for the murder of Theo Galavan and Carl Pinkney, Bullock, with the help of Carmine Falcone, broke Jim out of prison. [3]
- Bruce Wayne (portrayed by David Mazouz) – The orphaned son of Thomas and Martha Wayne who is under the care of Alfred Pennyworth. Traumatized by the murder of his parents, which he witnessed, Bruce has been doing his part to find the identity of his parents' killer while showing concern of some illegal activities done by members of his father's company. Bruce displays a fervent tendency to train himself as investigator and combatant, but is still navigating the remainder of his childhood with Alfred's guidance. In a later life, Bruce will go on to fight crime in his adulthood as Batman.[4]
- Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin (portrayed by Robin Lord Taylor) – A cunning, well-spoken criminal "snitch", he also has a profound Oedipus complex, being unhealthily close to his rather misogynistic mother Gertrud. He starts out as an attendant for Fish Mooney at her nightclub, and early on displays a sadistic, violent streak despite his small size. After he is discovered to be a informant for the GCPD, he is brutally beaten, leaving him with an odd way of walking furthering his nickname "Penguin". He escapes an attempt on his life, collaborating with Don Falcone, when Gordon deliberately misfires at the pier where Oswald has been sent for execution. After a stint in the Maroni crime family as a restaurant manager, he convinces Maroni of his loyalty, even setting up a robbery by some actors in which he feigns heroism to show his devotion. He later kills the three actors with poisoned cannolis and presumably keeps the stolen cash they had on them. Oswald later assumes Mooney's position in the Falcone crime family when Mooney's plot against the Don is uncovered. At the end of season one, Oswald is Gotham City's sole remaining mob boss, with all of his rivals either dead, missing, or fled Gotham.[5][6] After recuperating at Edward Nygma's place, he and Gabe follow Theo Galavan's henchmen where they save James Gordon from him. After the battle against the Saint Dumas, Oswald knocks out Nathaniel Barnes and convinces Gordon that Theo may never be convicted and must be killed. He and Jim then take Galavan to an isolated area, and Oswald mercilessly beats Galavan for killing his mother, before Gordon finishes Theo off with a gunshot. After Theo's death, Oswald's men abandon him, and he is later found and arrested by the GCPD. After telling Barnes he's "insane," Oswald is taken to Arkham Asylum, where he meets Hugo Strange. After noticing and asking a fellow inmate at Arkham, he later finds out that he is to be experimented on. Following some experiments, Oswald is released from Arkham. He later meets his biological father Elijah Van Dahl when at his mother's grave. After his step-family murders Elijah to gain the family's fortune, Oswald awakens from his condition and slaughters his step-family in vengeance.
- Barbara Kean (portrayed by Erin Richards) – The daughter of a wealthy couple and the owner of an art gallery, Barbara Kean is the ex-fiancée of James Gordon and the ex-lover of Renee Montoya.[5] After a hiatus from Gordon following attempts on her life by the Maroni and Falcone crime families. Barbara has stayed with Renee Montoya and her parents before planning to rekindle her relationship with James Gordon. Barbara even befriends Selina Kyle and Ivy Pepper when they took refuge in James Gordon's penthouse. After finding out that Gordon had moved on to a relationship with Leslie Tompkins, Barbara later had a romantic encounter with the wealthy Jason Lennon, the serial killer known as the Ogre. She was severely traumatized after she was kidnapped by Lennon and forced to murder her own parents. The Ogre's malevolent insanity appears to live on in her psyche. When she attempted to kill Leslie during an informal counseling session, the latter rendered her unconscious. She was incarcerated in Arkham Asylum until she is among those sprung from Arkham Asylum by Tabitha Galavan on her brother Theo's orders. A convoluted and failed attempt on Gordon's life at Gotham Cathedral occurs when Barbara wears the wedding dress she had originally ordered for their wedding and has Arkham escapees as priest and witnesses. During an apparent last attempt to kill Gordon, Barbara falls out a window and is grabbed by Gordon. She lets go and falls, ending up in hospital and put into some sort of induced coma before being transferred to Arkham Asylum's medical wing. When news of James Gordon being found guilty and being sentenced to 40 years at Blackgate Penitentiary is heard on Arkham Asylum's radio, Barbara awakens from her coma. A nurse notices this and shouts for someone to get Hugo Strange. Hugo Strange later releases Barbara from Arkham so that he can study her. After helping Gordon get info about who contracted the hit on Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne, Barbara found her way to where Butch Gilzean and Tabitha Galavan were residing.
- Sarah Essen (portrayed by Zabryna Guevara) – The Captain of the Gotham City Police Department's homicide squad and the boss of James Gordon and Harvey Bullock.[5] She is an honest cop that wants to do something about the rampant corruption in her department, but fears for her family's safety. Following Gillian Loeb's resignation, Sarah Essen is sworn in as the new police commissioner. She is later killed by Jerome Valeska during the Maniax's raid on the Gotham City Police Department.
- Alfred Pennyworth (portrayed by Sean Pertwee) – The butler and legal guardian of Bruce Wayne who is an ex-Special Air Service operative.[5][7] Though technically Bruce's legal guardian, Alfred is still more willing to go along with Bruce's whims of investigating leads to the murder of his parents. Alfred is teaching Bruce basic self-defense. At one point, he even let Bruce use his father's watch as improvised brass knuckles to beat up Thomas Elliot for insulting the late Waynes. He often helps Bruce and Jim on certain situations.
- Selina "Cat" Kyle (portrayed by Camren Bicondova) – A young street orphan and skilled thief who was a childhood friend of Bridget Pike. Since witnessing the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne while memorizing what the murderer looked like without the mask, Cat has been lingering around the borders of Wayne Manor which leads to her befriending Bruce Wayne. Cat also has connections with Ivy Pepper and later befriends Barbara Kean.[4] During the gang war between Carmine Falcone and Sal Maroni, Selina is among the street children recruited into Fish Mooney's gang. When it came to Oswald Cobblepot's fight with Fish Mooney, Selina disappeared during the conflict. She later appears as part of Cobblepot's gang and develops a rivalry with Silver St. Cloud for the affection of Bruce. Selina later helps Bruce into exposing Silver and finding a hint to who killed his parents while also helping to rescue Bruce from the Order of St. Dumas. She allowed Bruce to live on the streets with her for a while, until Bruce decided to go back home, causing her to storm out in anger.
- Edward Nygma (portrayed by Cory Michael Smith) – A forensics operative who works for the Gotham City Police Department and often presents his information in riddles. After being constantly mistreated by his fellow co-workers (except Bullock and Gordon, who tolerate him), Nygma murdered a fellow officer, Tom, who was also Kringle's abusive boyfriend causing a mental breakdown that results in a second personality.[8] He succeeded in becoming Kristen's boyfriend, however he was dumped after he told Kristen about having killed her abusive ex-boyfriend, Tom. When Edward tries to stop her from calling the police, he chokes her to death, although it is unclear if this was entirely accidental. Edward starts to give in to his dark side. While burying her body in the woods, a passerby approaches and interferes. Nygma kills him as well and has to bury both bodies. After helping Cobblepot recuperate, Nygma allows Cobblepot to live with him while helping to heal Gordon after he was beaten up by Theo Galavan. Nygma later figures out Gordon's hand in Theo Galavan's death and orchestrates his arrest by framing him for the death of Carl Pinkney. During the confrontation with Gordon at the spot where Kristin Kringle was buried, Nygma's plot was exposed thanks to Gordon's plan by getting him to confess his actions with Nathaniel Barnes and the other police officers nearby. Nygma is arrested by the police and remanded to Arkham Asylum.
- Renee Montoya (portrayed by Victoria Cartagena) – A detective in the Major Crimes Unit of the Gotham City Police Department who is dedicated to fighting police corruption. She initially believed that Jim had actually murdered Oswald Cobblepot and was obsessed with arresting, mostly due to her past relationship with Barbara Kean mixing with her sense of duty, him until it was shown that Cobblepot is still alive. She later occasionally assists him in fighting Gotham's corruption after she and Crispus saved Jim from being killed by Victor Zsasz. Renee was revealed to have had a relationship with Barbara Kean.[8]
- Crispus Allen (portrayed by Andrew Stewart-Jones) – A detective in the Major Crimes Unit of the Gotham City Police Department who is Renee Montoya's partner.[8]
- Carmine "The Roman" Falcone (portrayed by John Doman) – The Don of the Falcone Crime Family and businessman. Carmine Falcone is Fish Mooney's superior and has specific members of both the Gotham City government and the Gotham City Police Department on his payroll (examples being Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb and Mayor Aubrey James). While heading a traditional Cosa Nostra family, he also controls a series of various other criminal organizations in Gotham City including the Triads, the Irish Mob, and Russian Mob as well as other Gotham City gangs such as Fish Mooney's gang. Upon first encountering Gordon after preventing Fish Mooney's men from killing him and Bullock, he at first dismisses his idealism as naive. His hold on Gotham City is challenged by the rival Maroni family and his allies such as Fish Mooney and the Russian Mob. Several of his caporegimes like Jimmy Saviano have also shown signs of treachery. Following the end of his mob war with the late Sal Maroni and Fish Mooney, Falcone retired and leaves Gotham. Before leaving, he reveals that he used to be friends with Gordon's father prior to being in the mob and gives Gordon a knife that had belonged to Gordon's father and parts on good terms stating that it is time for some real law and order in Gotham.[9] Falcone later returned to help Harvey Bullock get Jim Gordon out of Blackgate Penitentiary.
- Maria Mercedes "Fish" Mooney (portrayed by Jada Pinkett Smith) – A former nightclub owner and mobster who led a gang under Don Falcone and was the former boss of Oswald Cobblepot. She operated in Gotham City's red-light district despite the heavy presence of the Italian Mafia. Mooney sometimes provides information to Detective Bullock, who has a sweet spot for her. Mooney has secret plans to overthrow Falcone, whom she hates for his otherwise unspecified role in Fish's own mother's death. Her plan involved hiring a girl named Liza to seduce Falcone and secretly blowing up Falcone's money supply.[10] After her plans to overthrow Falcone are exposed by Oswald Cobblepot, who has been blackmailing Liza to get information about both Falcone and Mooney, Don Falcone strangles Liza to death and has Mooney and Butch Gilzean taken prisoner while the remnants ended up on Oswald Cobblepot's side. After escaping from Falcone's men, Mooney tries to leave Gotham City by water and is captured by the minions of the Dollmaker. Mooney was eventually able to escape with some of her fellow prisoners. She returned to Gotham City during the gang war between Falcone and Maroni and formed her gang from street children, including Selina Kyle. She was pushed off a building into the ocean in a battle with the Penguin, which seemingly killed her. In the second season's fall finale, Fish Mooney's body is seen at Indian Hill, a scientific division of Wayne Enterprises that secretly performs illegal experiments. Smith will reprise the role for the second half of season 2.[11]
- Leslie Thompkins (portrayed by Morena Baccarin)[12] – A physician at Arkham Asylum who works in the female ward. After enlisting as a medical examiner at Gotham City Police Department, Leslie enters into a relationship with Jim Gordon.[13] Proving herself an observant and energetic partner at the GCPD, she often persists in trying to keep actively involved as a means to further Jim's work, making him uncomfortable with potentially endangering her as with Barbara following Cobblepot's return. She is later revealed to be pregnant and Jim proposes to her after Theo Galavan's death. At the time when Jim was incarcerated at Blackgate, he learned from Harvey that Leslie "lost the baby" and that she has gone south.
- Lucius Fox (portrayed by Chris Chalk)[14][15] – A junior executive and tech genius at Wayne Enterprises who in the shadow of the company's corrupt activities emerges as a moral beacon for Bruce Wayne as he attempts to help him uphold the legacy of his parents Thomas and Martha Wayne. Fox was an ally to the Wayne family and one of the few people to know the Waynes were not as corrupt as they had to pretend to be to Wayne Enterprises' board of directors. He first appeared in "The Anvil and the Hammer" where he entered Sid Bunderslaw's office at the time of Bruce Wayne's unexpected visit. Before allowing Bruce to leave Wayne Enterprises, Fox warns Bruce that his father was very guarded man. Fox later encountered Alfred at a bar. Alfred convinced Fox to help Bruce Wayne repair a computer that Alfred had wrecked. After Bruce is kidnapped by Theo Galavan, Lucius finishes fixing the computer hard drive and does his part to help the Gotham City Police Department locate Bruce Wayne. He later helps identify "The Philosopher," the man who ordered the Waynes to be killed.
- Butch Gilzean (portrayed by Drew Powell)[16] – Fish Mooney's right-hand man and mob enforcer who is the uncle of Sonny Gilzean. Victor Zsasz brainwashed Butch into obeying Oswald Cobblepot's every command. To infiltrate Theo Galavan's group, Cobblepot cut off Gilzean's left hand so that Gilzean would win sympathy from the Galavans, who gave Gilzean a new mallet-shaped left hand and other attachments. Tabitha later freed Gilzean from Cobblepot's control. Four weeks following the death of Theo Galavan, Butch Gilzean rose to power and started a relationship with Tabitha Galavan.
- Harvey Dent (portrayed by Nicholas D'Agosto)[17][18] – A "handsome, warm and engaging" Assistant District Attorney. He works with Gordon to find the man who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. Along with Captain Nathaniel Barnes, Harvey later questioned Jim about his role in Theo's death.
Introduced in Season 2
- Theodore "Theo" Galavan (portrayed by James Frain)[19][20] – A handsome, charismatic billionaire industrialist whose sister is Tabitha Galavan and whose stepniece is Silver St. Cloud, both of whom do his bidding. He is responsible for creating chaos and violence in Gotham City, as part of his master plan to finally carry out a centuries-old vendetta. Galavan's family, originally called the Dumas family, were one of Gotham City's most prominent families and said to have built Gotham City. But the family was ruined financially and socially by the Wayne family after an act of violence was perpetrated by a member of the Dumas family against a member of the Wayne family many years earlier. Those Dumas who remained in Gotham changed their surname to Galavan. Theo poses as a caring father figure to Bruce Wayne after ostensibly saving him from a psychopath named Jerome Valeska and extorts Oswald Cobblepot into killing one of the other mayoral candidates by holding Oswald's mother, Gertrud, hostage. The other candidate survives but goes into hiding. As the only remaining candidate, Theo wins the election, but his true goal is to avenge the Dumas family against the Wayne family. He is later arrested by Jim Gordon after Mayor Aubrey James (whom he kidnapped) is found alive. Mayor James testifies in court, however, that it was Oswald Cobblepot who abducted him. The judge drops the case against Theo, whose henchmen, posing as police officers, abduct Gordon. With Gordon in his clutches, Galavan stated that the Order of St Dumas protected his family and that his real surname is Dumas. Galavan toys with Gordon but quickly overpowers him, using some martial arts skills which Theo not previously displayed. He orders his henchmen to kill Gordon slowly and leaves to claim Bruce Wayne's life. During the final battle at Galavan's tower, Tabitha tells Theo he has lost and she is going to look out for herself, saving Silver and Bruce Wayne, as Gordon and Penguin come to the rescue, albeit for very different reasons. Gordon and Cobblepot take him to an isolated place outside Gotham where Cobblepot beats him mercilessly until Gordon stops him and shoots Galavan dead. Cobblepot puts an umbrella in the corpse's mouth to make it look like that he killed Galavan. Galavan's body is then taken to the underground Indian Hill facility. As Patient 44, he is successfully resurrected by the Indian Hill facility's doctors but the shock of the process scrambled his memories. Strange, inspired by Nygma, misleads Galavan to believe himself to be the order's legendary knight.
- Tabitha Galavan (portrayed by Jessica Lucas)[19][21] – Tabitha is Theo Galavan's whip-wielding, violent, loyal sister and the step-aunt of Silver St. Cloud. She serves as her brother's henchwoman and lead enforcer who gets pleasure from causing mayhem even when it comes to making sure that none of the criminal activities are traced back to her brother, with whom she enjoys an unhealthy relationship. She always wears a cover over her nose and mouth to avoid being identified. She even develops a relationship with Barbara Kean and found a way to reprogram Butch Gilzean to serve Theo. During the fight between Gordon and Kean, Tabitha was shot in the shoulder and managed to escape. When it comes to the battle between Oswald Cobbleport's group and the Order of St. Dumas, Tabitha turns against Theo telling him he has lost and that she needs to look out for herself as she escapes with Silver. Four weeks later, Tabitha visits Butch Gilzean and becomes his partner while starting a relationship with her.
- Nathaniel Barnes (portrayed by Michael Chiklis)[22] – A tough, no-nonsense martinet of a police captain at Gotham City Police Department after the death of Sarah Essen, he serves a strong ally to James Gordon, but will one day become Gordon's enemy. Unafraid to make such enemies, Barnes is a strict "law and order zealot". He first appeared where he dismisses Officers Pollard, Guthrie, Coulson, Drowler, Brooks and Hightower, and Detective Perez for corruption, bribery, drug abuse, racketeering, and extortion. Nathaniel promotes Gordon to his second-in-command as they start a Strike Team made up from the graduates from the Gotham City Police Academy. In "Rise of the Villains: A Bitter Pill to Swallow", it was revealed that Nathaniel once served in the United States Marine Corps. After Gordon becomes a fugitive for punching Theo Galavan in court after being found innocent, Barnes attempts to arrest Gordon after the battle with the Order of Saint Dumas, but is knocked out by Cobblepot. After Cobblepot was apprehended and backed up Gordon's claim, Barnes told Gordon not to make a fool out of him. When Jim was framed for the murders of Carl Pinkney and Theo Galavan, Barnes angrily scolded Jim and sent him to Blackgate Penitentiary. After Jim was proven innocent, Barnes apologized and told Jim he owed him a favor. He also gave Jim the remaining Wayne files and Lee's number.
- Hugo Strange (portrayed by B.D. Wong)[23][24][25][26] – Obsessed with understanding and manipulating the human mind, Hugo Strange is a young professor and Chief of Psychiatry at Arkham Asylum who is connected to the asylum's creation and uses it for his personal experiments on patients, which often results in the worsening of their mental conditions. He is involved with the secret underground Indian Hill facility owned by Wayne Enterprises that performs inhumane medical experiments on super-powered beings, later revealed to have been an overseer of the abandoned Pinewood program that Thomas Wayne started years ago and hinted to be the one who hired Patrick Malone to kill the Waynes to keep his continued project a secret. While his scientists use experimental reprogramming on Oswald Cobblepot, Strange manages to win Victor Fries's assistance in his experiments of reviving corpses of recently killed criminals. After having Victor killed a former Pinewood patient named Karen Jennings in an attempt conceal his involvement, Strange manages to fully resurrect Theo Galavan and reinvents him into Azarel to have him kill Gordon.
Recurring characters
Introduced in Season 1
- Aubrey James (portrayed by Richard Kind) – The Mayor of Gotham City who is in Carmine Falcone's pocket. Superficially congenial, he is indifferent and contemptuous of most of Gotham's citizens and ruthless towards anyone who would endanger his political standing and criminal associations. Following Falcone's retirement, James is later held captive by Theo Galavan in an elaborate scheme of Galavan's in order for Galavan to become the new mayor. Sometime later, James is found at a safehouse in China Docks which leads to Galavan's arrest. At Galavan's trial, James fearfully testified that Galavan did not abduct him but rather that Oswald Cobblepot was responsible.
- Ivy "Pamela" Pepper[27][28] (portrayed by Clare Foley) – A young vegan girl who is the abused daughter of Mario Pepper (who was framed for the Wayne murders). She enjoys tending to her plants. After her mother committed suicide by cutting her wrists sometime after her father's death, Ivy escaped from juvenile hall (which was part of Mayor Aubrey James' plan for street kids) and lives on the streets while maintaining contact with Selina Kyle. Like Selina Kyle, Ivy Pepper has befriended Barbara Kean. Ivy later works for Sonny Gilzean where she grows his "magic mushrooms" to sell on the streets.
- Gertrud Kapelput (portrayed by Carol Kane) – The overly possessive, heavily-accented mother of Oswald Cobblepot. In her earlier life, she was the cook for Elijah Van Dahl's parents where they fell in love which Elijah's parents disapproved. Even though Elijah stood up to his parents, Gertrud was already gone and she later gave birth to Oswald. She and her son share an unusually close bond.[29] Gertrud is responsible for Oswald's desires to move up in the world, claiming it's his birthright. She is later held captive by Theo Galavan so that Penguin could help him in his goals. Although Oswald Cobblepot persuades Theo to have his mother freed in exchange that he continues to work for him, Gertrud is stabbed in the back by Tabitha Galavan. Before dying from her wounds, Gertrud learns more about Oswald's activities and still considers her son a good boy.
- Sal Maroni (portrayed by David Zayas) – The Don of the Maroni Crime Family and owner of Bamonte's Restaurant who is a rival of Carmine Falcone. Unlike Falcone, he is much younger and more ambitious. His territory includes Gotham City's Little Italy district as well as the waterfront. Sal also controls Gotham City's drug trade, unions, operations on the waterfront, and gun smuggling. During the gang war between the Falcone and Maroni crime families, Sal Maroni is killed by Fish Mooney after he makes sexist remarks towards her. His business then fell into the Penguin's control.
- Frankie Carbone (portrayed by Danny Mastrogiorgio) – The chief enforcer and a made man in the Maroni Crime Family. He is later killed by Oswald Cobblepot, Gabriel, and an unnamed former Maroni crime family member who is on Oswald's side.
- Liza (portrayed by Makenzie Leigh) – A singer who has applied for an opening at Fish Mooney's nightclub and subsequently became an agent for Mooney to seduce Don Carmine Falcone. She is subsequently blackmailed by Oswald Cobblepot. Upon Mooney faking Liza's kidnapping, Liza is later strangled to death by Falcone in front of Mooney and Gilzean after Oswald tells Falcone the whole story.
- Alvarez (portrayed by J.W. Cortes) – A detective of the Gotham City Police Department.
- Kristen Kringle (portrayed by Chelsea Spack) – An archivist at Gotham City Police Department to whom Edward Nygma is attracted. When she finds out that Edward accidentally murdered her ex-boyfriend Tom, she threatens to call the police on Edward and he accidentally chokes her to death. Initially grief-stricken, the darker side of his personality soon emerges.
- Victor Zsasz (portrayed by Anthony Carrigan) – A sadistic hitman who is loyal to Carmine Falcone and is assisted by a number of female associates. He carves a tally mark into his skin for every person he kills.[30] Following Carmine Falcone's retirement, Zsasz becomes loyal to Cobblepot.
- Gabriel (portrayed by Alex Corrado) – A mob thug who works as Oswald Cobblepot's bodyguard. He previously worked as a bodyguard for Frankie Carbone as a member of the Maroni crime family until he assisted Oswald and another operative into killing him during the attack on Nikolai's warehouse.
- Gillian B. Loeb (portrayed by Peter Scolari) – The corrupt Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department who is allied with Carmine Falcone until he switches to being an ally to Sal Maroni by the end of the season.[31] He is initially Jim Gordon's enemy and even has him fired after he stopped Zaardon the Soul Reaper. After Jim does a favor for Oswald Cobblepot, he and Victor Zsasz force Loeb at gunpoint to resign from the Gotham City Police Department. Loeb does that enabling Sarah Essen to be sworn in as the new commissioner. At the time when Jim Gordon was incarcerated at Blackgate Penitentiary, Warden Carlson Grey tells Gordon that ex-Commissioner Loeb says "hi."
- Jerome Valeska (portrayed by Cameron Monaghan) – The psychopathic son of the snake dancer Lila Valeska and the blind fortune teller Paul Cicero. After confessing to the murder of his mother, Jerome laughs maniacally after telling of her abusive nature and calling it a joke. He is later freed from the Asylum by Tabitha Galavan in Season 2 to help form the Maniax. With help from Tabitha, Jerome killed his father who had predicted that Jerome would leave behind a legacy of death and madness. At the start of a hostage crisis at the Gotham Children's Hospital Gala, Jerome (who was posing as a magician with Barbara Kean as his assistant) murdered Deputy Mayor Harrison Kane in front of the other attendees. When Bruce Wayne's life was threatened, Jerome is killed by Theo Galavan as part of his plot to make himself look like a hero. Cicero's vision comes true when some people who saw the televised hostage crisis suffered a mental breakdown where some of them start to imitate Jerome's murderous actions.
Introduced in Season 2
- Silver St. Cloud (portrayed by Natalie Alyn Lind)[20] – The mannerly niece of Theo Galavan and Tabitha Galavan who serves as a love interest to Bruce Wayne, despite having dark intentions. She was orphaned at a young age and her father was Theo's stepbrother. Theo then forced her to show fake affection for Bruce. After Theo abducts Bruce Wayne, he has Silver work to get Bruce to admit his love to her before the Order of St. Dumas can begin their ritual. During the fight against the Order of St. Dumas, Silver flees with Tabitha.
- Ethel Peabody (portrayed by Tonya Pinkins)[23][32] – A scientist and assistant of Hugo Strange who works at the Indian Hill facility and Arkham Asylum.
- Grace Van Dahl (portrayed by Melinda Clarke) – Superficially, a cultured hostess and socialite who is the wife of Elijah Van Dahl, the mother of Charles Van Dahl and Sasha Van Dahl, and the stepmother of Oswald Cobblepot. In reality, she is desperate for money and power where she comes up with devious plots to get them.[33] Grace was a former diner waitress who first met Elijah at the diner and gave her refuge. Following Elijah's death, Grace allowed Oswald to remain with her as a servant. Upon figuring out that Grace had a hand in his father's untimely death, Oswald takes his revenge on Grace by killing her after tricking her into eating the meat off her dead children.
- Theo Galavan (portrayed by James Frain)[34] – A warrior of vengeance that works for the Order of St. Dumas. The "Azrael" identity has been passed down from successor to successor.[35]
Guest characters
Introduced in Season 1
- Thomas Wayne (portrayed by Grayson McCouch) – The CEO of Wayne Enterprises who is the husband of Martha Wayne and the father of Bruce Wayne. He and his wife murdered by a masked assailant after a phony mugging. Their deaths motivate James Gordon into finding the man responsible. In "The Anvil or the Hammer", it is revealed by Sid Bunderslaw that Thomas Wayne and his father had kept quiet about the illegal activities at Wayne Enterprises. In "Pinewood", it's revealed that Thomas started the program known as Pinewood, but after Hugo Strange took over, Thomas tried to shut it down, resulting in Strange hiring Patrick Malone to kill the Waynes.
- Martha Wayne (portrayed by Brette Taylor) – The wife of Thomas Wayne and the mother of Bruce Wayne. She and Thomas were killed by a masked assailant after he mugged them. Their deaths are what motivate James Gordon into finding the man responsible.
- Patrick "Matches" Malone (portrayed by Danny Schoch in the first appearance, Michael Bowen in the second appearance)[36] – A philosophical hitman-for-hire who is one of Gotham City's deadliest murderers. He is the masked man in shiny shoes who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne in front of Bruce Wayne and a nearby Selina Kyle. This has led Detective James Gordon into finding him in order to bring him to justice. Under torture by an operative of Bruce Wayne, Silver St. Cloud revealed the identity of the killer to be Patrick Malone. When Bruce Wayne finally confronts Patrick with his suspicions, Patrick stated that he was tired of doing bad things while barely recalling if he killed Bruce's parents and Bruce decides not to kill Patrick. Using the gun that Bruce left behind, Patrick committed suicide by the time James Gordon caught up with Bruce. Gordon and Bullock were left wondering who could've hired Malone to kill Thomas and Martha Wayne. It's later reveaed that Hugo Strange contracted him to kill the Waynes.
- Patti (portrayed by Lili Taylor) - A female minion of Dollmaker who alongside Doug oversaw the child trafficking ring that involved abducting street kids and shipping them overseas to Dollmaker. Their plot was foiled by the Gotham City Police Department.
- Doug (portrayed by Frank Whaley) - A minion of Dollmaker who alongside Patti oversaw the child trafficking ring that involved abducting street kids and shipping them overseas to Dollmaker. Their plot was foiled by the Gotham City Police Department.
- Davis Lamond/Balloonman (portrayed by Dan Bakkedahl) – A social worker for Gotham Juvenile Services who secretly operates as a vigilante that murders corrupt people by attaching them to weather balloons, causing them to float to the earth's atmosphere. His targets include Ronald Danzer (a businessman who scammed countless people in a ponzi scheme), Lt. Bill Cranston of GCPD (who was prone to violence), and Cardinal Quinn (who committed accounts of child molestation). He was defeated by Gordon and Bullock and loaded into the ambulance before he can make plans to target Mayor Aubrey James.
- Lou (portrayed by James Georgiades) - The manager of Bamonte's Restaurant who is a good friend of Sal Maroni and was the one who hired Oswald Cobblepot to work as the restaurant's new dishwasher. He is later killed by robbers that were secretly hired by Cobblepot.
- Molly Mathis (portrayed by Sharon Washington) – A middle management worker at Wayne Enterprises who is part of the illegal activities done by some of the company's members. She also oversees the pharmaceutical company WellZyn which is a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises.
- Stan Potolsky (portrayed by Daniel London) - A biochemist that formerly worked at WellZyn and created the drug known as Viper (a prototype version of Venom). During a confrontation between James Gordon and Harvey Bullock, Stan Potolsky tipped them off about Warehouse 39 before committing suicide by falling off the roof.
- Nikolai (portrayed by Jeremy Davidson) – The leader of the Russian mafia in Gotham City that is under Carmine Falcone's power. He secretly worked with Fish Mooney in plans to overthrow Falcone. Nikolai is later killed by Oswald Cobblepot during the Maroni Crime Family's raid on his hideout. In retaliation to Nikolai's death, his men led by Gregor Kasyanov hit Falcone's money supply with the funds being blown up by Butch Gilzean and leaving the surviving Russians in police custody.
- Dix (portrayed by Dan Hedaya) - A former homicide detective and partner of Harvey Bullock who was crippled by Randall Milkie.
- Dr. Marks (portrayed by Susan Misner) - A hypnotherapist who hypnotized Randall Milkie and Raymond Earl into becoming the "Spirit of the Goat" to kill people in the belief that negative re-enforcement would act as therapy for Gotham. She was shot in the leg and arrested by Harvey Bullock.
- Raymond Earl/The Goat (portrayed by Christopher James Baker) – One of the few people to have been hypnotized by Dr. Marks into becoming a serial killer known as "the Goat" as part of a conspiracy, Earl believes that he is the embodiment of "the Spirit of the Goat" and that it compels him to murder the daughters of wealthy citizens of Gotham City.
- Richard Sionis/The Mask (portrayed by Todd Stashwick) – The corrupt CEO of Sionis Investments who owns parts of Gotham City. He secretly ran an underground fight club while wearing a black mask before he was publicly exposed in a struggle with James Gordon and arrested by the police. He ended up incarcerated at Arkham Asylum. Richard is sprung from Arkham by Theo Galavan's henchmen to serve him. Sionis declined the offer and is whip-strangled and repeatedly stabbed to death by Tabitha Galavan. This was part of Theo's warning to the other freed Arkham inmates about the fate of those who don't want to serve the Galavans.
- Tommy Elliot (portrayed by Cole Vallis) – During Bruce Wayne's brief time as a student at a school, fellow student Tommy Elliot bullied and teased Wayne. When Tommy was confronted by Wayne outside his house, Bruce later beats up Tommy Elliot with his late father's watch wrapped around his fist.
- Larissa Diaz/Copperhead[37][38][39] (portrayed by Lesley-Ann Brandt) – A contorting assassin hired by an as-yet-unknown person to kill witnesses to the Wayne murders.
- Jimmy Saviano (portrayed by John Enos III) - The underboss of the Falcone crime family who is a childhood friend of Butch Gilzean. He is later killed by Butch Gilzean over a bad deal.
- Jack Buchinsky/The Electrocutioner (portrayed by Christopher Heyerdahl) – A former mafia bank robber who uses electricity-based weapons and technology in his vendetta against Sal Maroni. Following his arrest, he passes himself off as an inmate of Arkham Asylum under the alias "Jack Gruber" in which he experiments on other inmates with electroconvulsive therapy. He escapes from Arkham Asylum with his ideal prototype of a factotum named Aaron Danzing after killing two guards and the asylum's director Gerry Lang. Buchinsky is later recaptured in a struggle with James Gordon after he uses liquid to short out Buchinsky's gear during his attack on the Gotham City Police Department.[40]
- Aaron Danzig (portrayed by Kevin McCormick) – An Arkham Asylum inmate on whom Jack Buchinsky experimented.[40]
- Mr. and Mrs. Kean (portrayed by Richard Poe and Caroline Lagerfelt) – The unnamed wealthy parents of Barbara Kean. They are killed when the Ogre (Jason Lennon) forced Barbara to murder them at their upstate home, causing Barbara to take leave of her senses and go over to the Dark Side.
- Arnold Flass (portrayed by Dash Mihok) – A corrupt narcotics detective in Gotham City Police Department who has an interest in Kristen Kringle and openly mocks Edward Nygma. Flass has ties to organized crime and the drug trade in Gotham City. He is later arrested by Gordon and Essen for killing Leon Winkler, a witness to a drug related murder. Due to his hold over Harvey Bullock, Loeb later has Flass exonerated and reinstated.
- Dr. Guerra (portrayed by Philip Hernandez) – The medical examiner at Gotham City Police Department. Nygma later framed him for stealing body parts, which led to his suspension.
- Gerald Crane (portrayed by Julian Sands) – A serial killer posing as "Todd", a member of a support group for people with severe phobias. Crane kidnaps members of the support group and extracts their adrenal glands while exposing them to their greatest fear before killing them. Crane uses the adrenal glands to create a fear-inducing toxin that he uses to eradicate his own fear. Crane is later killed in a gunfight with James Gordon and Harvey Bullock.
- Jonathan Crane (portrayed by Charlie Tahan)[41] – The teenage son of Gerald Crane. Gerald later forced his son to take a fear-inducing hallucinogen to wipe away his ability to feel fear. Jonathan now struggles constantly with fear and helplessness as well as frightening images of living scarecrow monsters.[42]
- Scottie Mullen (portrayed by Maria Thayer) - A counselor for people suffering with phobias. She was kidnapped by Gerald Crane, who tried to drown her in Lemmars Park (Where she almost drowned as a child, which caused her phobia for swimming pools). Once they arrived, Jim Gordon chased after Gerald while Harvey rescued Scottie. She later became Harvey's fiancee, and Harvey eventually quit the GCPD. After Harvey rejoined the GCPD, Scottie changed her mind about the marriage, ending their relationship.
- John Grayson (portrayed by Robert Gorrie) – A member of the Flying Graysons at Haly's Circus who gets engaged to Mary Lloyd after a dispute is resolved between their two families.
- Mary Lloyd (portrayed by Abbi Snee) – A performer at Haly's Circus who is the fiancé and sometimes rival of John Grayson. She gets engaged to John after a dispute between the Flying Graysons and the Lloyds are settled.
- Red Hood Gang - The Red Hood Gang was a gang of bank robbers. Their leader always wore a red hood. Most of the time, other members of the team would turn against him after the crime. While most of the members were either killed by each other or during a shootout with the police, the red hood was claimed by an unnamed person while the police officers still at the crime scene weren't looking.
- Gus Floyd (portrayed by Michael Goldsmith) – A member of a Red Hood Gang, Gus Floyd stole money from banks and gave to the poor. Under the belief that his red hood protected him from danger, Floyd proclaimed that whoever wore the red hood should lead the gang. Floyd was subsequently murdered by Clyde Destro, who stole his hood.
- Clyde Destro (portrayed by Jonny Coyne) - A member of the Red Hood Gang. He was a baker who joined the group after he was denied a loan from different banks. Clyde became the Red Hood after killing Gus Floyd. He was later shot by Trope who took the red hood before James Gordon and Harvey Bullock arrived. As Clyde was found wounded on the ground, the denied loans they found was a clue to the Red Hood Gang's next target. According to the "Gotham Chronicle" website, Clyde survived the gun wound and is in police custody.[43]
- Trope (portrayed by Peter Brensinger) - A member of the Red Hood Gang. He was the third person to become the Red Hood upon claiming it from Clyde Destro. During the Red Hood Gang's next heist, Trope and the remaining gun members were gunned down by the police.
- Regan (portrayed by Kevin T. Collins) - A member of the Red Hood Gang. He was killed in a gun fight with the police.
- Haskins (portrayed by Peter Albrink) - A member of the Red Hood Gang. He was killed in a gun fight with the police.
- Francis Dulmacher/The Dollmaker[44] (portrayed by Colm Feore) – Dr. Francis Dulmacher is a European mad scientist[45] with little moral code who is the mastermind behind the abductions of people for the purpose of harvesting their organs for his surgical experiments and for his underground organ trade business. The Dollmaker's experiments include the making of dolls out of human flesh,[46] although he claims to have the means to resurrect the dead.[47]
- Thomas Schmidt (portrayed by Elliot Villar) – A guard that works for Dollmaker. He is charged with guarding the Dollmaker's prisoners.
- Office Manager[48][49] (portrayed by Jeffrey Combs) – He is the unnamed office manager working for Dollmaker at his island facility to oversee the harvesting of body parts from the Dollmaker's prisoners. After Mooney ripped out her eye and destroyed it to avoid being used for parts like the other prisoners, Dollmaker demoted him for his failure and punished him by disassembling his body and reassembling it with different female body parts. The former office manager's fate was Dollmaker's way of showing Mooney how anyone who fails him can still be of use.
- Reginald "Reggie" Payne (portrayed by David O'Hara) – An old comrade of Alfred's from the Special Air Service who is secretly working for the Board of directors of Wayne Enterprises (namely Molly Mathis and Sid Bunderslaw) as a private investigator. After telling Bruce Wayne that Sid Bunderslaw was behind the investigation with Bruce hesitant to push Reginald out the window while getting his drugs that was hanging outside the window, Reginald was pushed out of the window to his death by Selina Kyle to keep him from telling Sid Bunderslaw about Bruce's suspicions of him.
- Sid Bunderslaw (portrayed by Michael Potts) – The Director of Physical Operations at Wayne Enterprises who is a conspirator with Molly Mathis. He and Mathis hired Reggie Payne to break into Wayne Manor and find out how much Bruce Wayne knows about their criminal activity. Sid Bunderslaw is later abducted by Oswald Cobblepot on Theo Galavan's behalf where Tabitha rips out one of his eyes so that it can be used for the Pike Brothers' heist on a building owned by Wayne Enterprises.
- Jason Lennon/The Ogre (portrayed by Milo Ventimiglia)[50] – A young, wealthy and seductive serial killer, known as Jason Lennon, although that is not his true name, who lures women and subjects them to "tests" as he searches for the perfect mate. He then murders the women once they fail to meet his impossible standards. Despite having killed at least a dozen women, no one on the GCPD pursued him after he murdered the wife of one detective and threatened to do the same to the loved one(s) of any policeman who attempted to catch him.[51] After James Gordon pursued him, Lennon sought out Barbara Kean to kill her but was unable to do so after he became obsessed with her and came to believe she was the "perfect mate" for whom he had been ostensibly searching. After being tracked down, Jason is shot dead by James Gordon. However, his insanity lives on in the traumatized Barbara whom he forced to murder her own parents.
- Tommy Bones (portrayed by James Andrew O'Connor) – A made man and hitman for the Maroni crime family who just got out of prison. During the gang war between the Falcone Crime Family and the Maroni Crime Family, Tommy was injured in a gunfight with Gordon. He is later seen to be a member of Oswald Cobblepot's crime syndicate.
Introduced in Season 2
- Zaardon the Soul Reaper (portrayed by David Fierro[52]) – A mentally ill amateur supervillain who was placed in Arkham Asylum after assaulting innocent civilians and being defeated by James Gordon. He was actually used by his employer Theo Galavan as part of the Arkham Asylum breakout where his body expired upon emitting liquid knock-out gas from his mouth that knocked out everyone else in the room.
- Robert Greenwood (portrayed by Dustin Ybarra)[53] – A homicidal cannibal incarcerated in Arkham Asylum under the charges of murdering and eating over a dozen women. He along with several other inmates escaped the asylum with the aid of Tabitha Galavan to form Theo Galavan's Maniax. During the ambush on the Gotham City Police Department, Greenwood was killed by Jerome Valeska after he said something that Jerome wanted to say.
- Aaron Helzinger (portrayed by Stink Fisher)[54][55][56][57] – A villainous muscular aggressive man with limited brain function who was incarcerated at Arkham Asylum for murdering his family with his bare hands until he escaped the asylum with the help of Tabitha Galavan to form Theo Galavan's Maniax. While the other Maniax were attacking the Gotham City Police Department, Aaron accompanied Barbara Kean into ambushing Gordon where he managed to beat him up. At some point following Theo Galavan's death, Aaron was recaptured and re-incarcerated at Arkham Asylum. When Hugo Strange puts Oswald Cobblepot through the "ice cream" therapy in Arkham Asylum's cafeteria, Aaron attacked Oswald out of anger that nobody was offered any ice cream. Upon not seeing Oswald back, Hugo sent the guards to break up the attack. Oswald was later thrown in the same room with a chained-up Aaron so that Hugo can see if Oswald would kill him. Hugo sees that he didn't kill Aaron and declares that Oswald is sane. Aaron is later brought to Theo Galavan by Hugo Strange as Theo hits him with the chest contain the recently-forged Sword of Sin.
- Arnold Dobkins (portrayed by Will Brill)[54][58] – A rapist who was incarcerated at Arkham Asylum. He was one of the many inmates to have been broken out of the asylum by Tabitha Galavan to form Theo Galavan's Maniax. During a massacre attempt on a bus filled with cheerleaders from Gotham City High School, Dobkins was subdued by Gordon and sniped by Tabitha to keep him from telling the Gotham City Police Department about Theo's involvement.
- GCPD Strike Force - A strike force team of the Gotham City Police Department that was founded by Captain Nathaniel Barnes and consisting of graduates from the Gotham City Police Academy.
- Josie Mac (portrayed by Paulina Singer)[59] – One of the several young police trainees to join Captain Nathaniel Barnes' strike force.
- Luke Garrett (portrayed by Lenny Platt) - One of the several young police trainees to join Captain Nathaniel Barnes' strike force. He gets burned by Firefly during her fight with Gordon and Bullock where he later died in the hospital.
- Sal Martinez (portrayed by Lucas Salvagno) - One of the several young police trainees to join Captain Nathaniel Barnes' strike force. He is later killed by Tabitha Galavan when he tried to arrest her during the fight between Oswald Cobblepot's gang and the Gotham City Police Department.
- Carl Pinkney (portrayed by Ian Quinlan) - One of the several young police trainees to join Captain Nathaniel Barnes' strike force. He is killed by Edward Nygma using a crowbar on him to frame Gordon for the murder.
- Pike Brothers - The Pike Brothers are a group of arsonists that were loyal to Fish Mooney. They are nicknamed the "Firebugs of the Narrows" and their force their stepsister Bridgit to do their dirty work in exchange for a roof over her head.
- Joe Pike (portrayed by Leo Fitzpatrick)[60][61] – The leader of the Pike Brothers and the abusive stepbrother of Bridgit Pike. He is later burned to death by Firefly where he dies by the time Gordon and Bullock arrive.
- Cale Pike (portrayed by Ari McKay Wilford) - Member of the Pike Brothers and the abusive stepbrother of Bridgit Pike. He is later burned to death by Firefly.
- Evan Pike (portrayed by Noah Robbins) - Member of the Pike Brothers and the abusive stepbrother of Bridget Pike. While buying napalm at the Merc for the Pike Brothers' latest heist, Evan was cornered by James Gordon and Nathaniel Barnes where their shooting of him set off the napalm that he was going to smuggle out resulting in Evan's body getting blown up. Evan's death caused Joe and Cale to drag Bridgit into their heist.
- Bridgit Pike/Firefly (portrayed by Michelle Veintimilla)[62][63] – Bridgit Pike is the quasi "stepsister" of Joe, Cale, and Evan Pike. She was a childhood friend of Selina Kyle. Bridgit. was forced by her stepbrothers to join the family business and was abused by them. After much abuse, Bridgit eventually snapped, burning Joe and Cale to death, and beginning a vigilante spree. In a confrontation with the GCPD, her entire body was severely scarred from the burns sustained from her tank leaking from a bullet shot caused by one of the police officers. She was then taken to the underground Indian Hill facility as the scientists believe she is immune to fire as it was mentioned in a discussion between two orderlies that protective clothing was "fused" to her.
- Father Creel (portrayed by Ron Rifkin) - A priest who is a high-ranking member of the religious sect of the Dumas family that left Gotham City with connections with Theo Galavan. Galavan met up with Father Creel and gives him the knife that was used by Jonathan Wayne to cut off Caleb Dumas' right hand. Creel tells Galavan that the rest of the religious sect is en route to Gotham City. Father Creel later welcomes his brothers when they arrive in Gotham City. During the fight between Oswald Cobblepot's group and the Order of St. Dumas to free Bruce Wayne, Father Creel is killed by Harvey Bullock.
- The Lady (portrayed by Michelle Gomez)[64] – The unnamed leader of an organization of assassins with a bar serving as a front for their secret hideout. Tabitha Galavan once enlisted her to have her assassins kill Jim Gordon,. After most of her clients were killed by Jim Gordon and Nathaniel Barnes, The Lady had gone out of business. Barbara later helps Jim get info from The Lady that it was "The Philosopher" that contracted the hit on Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne.
- Eduardo Flamingo (portrayed by Raúl Castillo)[62][65] – One of Gotham City's most dangerous assassins, the Flamingo is a spiked-chain wielding cannibal who sees killing as an artform. He is hired by "The Lady" on Tabitha's behalf to kill Gordon, but fails and is arrested. Despite the efforts of the nearby police officers at the Gotham City Police Department, Eduardo kills Officer Katherine Parks by biting into her before he is put behind bars.
- Tom "The Knife" (portrayed by Tommy Flanagan)[66] – A dangerous hitman who uses a humorous stylish facade to cover up his murderous tendencies. He and his men were hired by Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle to extract the name of the man who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne by pretending to kidnap Bruce and abducting Silver St. Cloud and "interrogating" them separately. The pressure leads Silver to reveal the name "M. Malone" as the killer of Thomas and Martha Wayne.
- Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze (portrayed by Nathan Darrow)[25][67][68][69] – One of Gotham's preeminent cryogenics engineers. Bruno Heller has stated that Victor will be a tragic character. He started abducting people for his experiments to find the right coolant combination that would enable him to freeze his wife Nora until he found a cure for her illness. After Nora was brought in by the police, Victor turns himself over to the police. One of the frozen people successfully revived as it proved that A16 worked as Victor works to save Nora. Upon the police converging on his house, Victor turned the chemicals on himself after it was discovered that Nora switched the cryogenic chemicals. Although Hugo Strange claimed that Victor died in the infirmary, he was actually placed in the Indian Hill facility within a special refrigerated cell at -20 degrees as the result of his attempted suicide. Hugo also states that he modified Victor Fries' suit to keep him alive in temperatures above subzero temperatures so that Victor can help Hugo with his project with dead bodies. Victor was later sent by Strange to kill former Pinewood patient Karen Jennings.
- Nora Fries (portrayed by Kristen Hager) – The wife of Victor Fries who is stricken with a worsening illness.[70] When the police trace the pharmaceutical order for Nora Fries' prescription, the police take Nora into their custody moments after she found the frozen humans Victor has been experimenting with. She told Gordon and Bullock that Victor did the abductions in order to keep her from dying. Before Victor tried to freeze her, Nora commited suicide by switching the cryogenic chemicals.
- Terrence "Cupcake" Shaw (portrayed by Jamar Greene) - The former partner of Patrick "Matches" Malone until he was incarcerated upon Patrick ratting him out. After spending 10 years in prison, he established a fight area where Alfred had to fight him in order to get an idea on how to find Patrick. After being defeated by Alfred, Terrence tells Alfred to speak with Jeri.
- Jeri (portrayed by Lori Petty)[71] – The flamboyant and enigmatic hostess of an underground club where mass murder and art are celebrated in equal measure. She has been an acquaintance with Patrick "Matches" Malone and Terrence "Cupcake" Shaw. Jeri tells Bruce where he can find Patrick and then provides a diversion to keep James Gordon from interfering. This gets her arrested when the police arrive where she is forced to tell where Bruce went to.
- Elijah Van Dahl (portrayed by Paul Reubens) – The father of Oswald Cobblepot, the ex-lover of Gertrud Kapelpot, the husband of Grace Van Dahl, and the stepfather of Charles Van Dahl and Sasha Van Dahl. When Gertrud used to work as a cook for Elijah's parents, he and Gertrud fell in love in secret. Elijah first met Oswald where he was visiting Gertrud's grave. He then took Oswald to his house where he meets his stepmother and stepsiblings as Elijah does a toast to their family. While having dinner with his family, Elijah told Oswald that he is his only blood relative. He later tells Oswald that he has a hole medical condition and is not interested in what bad transgressions Oswald has been through despite the claims of Grace, Charles, and Sasha. Elijah later dies from poisoned wine that Grace, Charles, and Sasha poisoned, intending to poison Oswald.
- Sonny Gilzean (portrayed by Paul Pilcz) - The nephew of Butch Gilzean. After he caught Bruce and Selina trying to steal from him, Sonny violently beat Bruce. In retaliation, Bruce subjected Sonny to a worse beating before escaping with Selina.
- Charles Van Dahl (portrayed by Justin Mark) - The son of Grace Van Dahl, the brother of Sasha Van Dahl, the stepson of Elijah Van Dahl and the stepbrother of Oswald Cobblepot. He is later killed by Oswald offscreen and cooked into a roast.
- Sasha Van Dahl (portrayed by Kaley Ronayne) - The daughter of Grace Van Dahl, sister of Charles Van Dahl, stepdaughter of Elijah Van Dahl and the stepsister of Oswald Cobblepot. She is later killed by Oswald offscreen and cooked into a roast.
- Basil Karlo (portrayed by Brian McManamon)[72][73][74]
- Calendar Man[75]
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