Kashubian-Pomeranian Association

The Kashubian-Pomeranian Association (Kashubian-Pomeranian: Kaszëbskò-Pòmòrsczé Zrzeszenié, Polish: Zrzeszenie Kaszubsko-Pomorskie) is a regional non-governmental organization of the Kashubians (Pomeranians), Kociewiacy and other people interested in the regional affairs of Kashubia and Pomerania in northern Poland. The headquarters are in Gdańsk, Poland.
The Kashubian Language Council (Kashubian: Radzëzna Kaszëbsczégò Jãzëka; Polish: Rada Języka Kaszubskiego) is a body of the Kashubian-Pomeranian Association that deals with, and adjusts the Kashubian language and the scattering and promotion of the language.
"Pomerania" is a Polish language and Kashubian language monthly journal founded in 1963.[1]
Presidents of the Association:
- 1956-1959 Aleksander Arendt
- 1959-1971 Bernard Szczesny
- 1971-1976 Jerzy Kiedrowski
- 1976-1980 Stanislaw Pestka
- 1980-1983 Izabella Trojanowska
- 1983-1986 Szczepan Lewna
- 1986-1992 Jozef Borzyszkowski
- 1992-1994 Stanislaw Pestka
- 1994-1998 Jan Wyrowinski
- 1998-2004 Brunon Synak
- 2004- 2010 Artur Jablonski
- 2010 - today Lukasz Grzedzicki
The name Pomerania comes from Slavic po more, which means Land at the Sea.[2]
- ↑ http://www.miesiecznikpomerania.pl/
- ↑ Der Name Pommern (po more) ist slawischer Herkunft und bedeutet so viel wie „Land am Meer“. (Pommersches Landesmuseum, German)