Jorge Rando
Jorge Rando | |
Jorge Rando in his workshop | |
Born |
Málaga, Barrio de la Victoria | 23 June 1941
Nationality | Spanish |
Known for | Painting, Sculpture and Drawing |
Jorge Rando (born 23 June 1941) is a Spanish painter and sculptor, bound to the Neo-expressionist art movement.
There is no message I can give.
Everything is moved by love; that is why creation without love is just colour without a soul.
Jorge Rando was born in Málaga, but when he was only twenty he moved to Germany in order to boost his philosophical studies: this is why the ties with this country run deeply. Setting up home in Cologne (Germany), the Middle-European German culture was crucial for his artistic as well as life development.[3]
In 1984 he came back to Málaga with his wife Margit. They settled there and he started his Spanish cycle. He is considered one of the internationally most recognized Spanish artist: from the 60s he has exhibited his masterpieces in Contemporary Art galleries and fairs, as well as in national and international museums and foundations. His books can be found in the Universities and libraries of Spain, Europe, US and others countries.
Jorge Rando was the artist who illustrated the retransmission of the Holy week of Málaga, when it first appeared on the Internet supported by Málaga Municipality. More than 90,000 drawings of the artist were downloaded by the internauts.
In 2006 he received the prize from the Fundación Antiquaria for his contributions to Spanish Expressionism. That year he was also awarded the Contemporary Art prize by "Tertulia Ilustrada" in Madrid.
In 2007 he was awarded the Plastic arts Prize in Madrid. The foundation Álvaro Mutis gives him the 2007 Arts prize Libro de Oro de la Plástica. Unesco (Parish). The National Library of Spain (Madrid) purchases some drawings of the artist for its collection.
The year 2008 saw two great exhibitions dedicated to the artist by his hometown: one in the prestigious halls of the Episcopal Palace, about religious works (paintings, drawings, and sculptures),and the other in the Municipal Museum, which collected the results of the last thirty years of activity. The very same year the Writers Association of Málaga gave him their "Artist of the Year" prize.
In the year 2009, the first open-air museum was inaugurated in the Nazarian Gardens of the Cathedral: seven huge-size sculptures in iron and wood, some of which weighing more than two tonnes, and a sculptural group composed by eight pieces were purposely realized. At the commission of Déan D. Francisco García Mota he also executed the drafts of the 25 glass walls of Málaga Cathedral.
In 2010 he realized the sculpture that SIGNIS gave as a prize to the Film Circuit. It was also selected as the prize for the Spanish Cinema Festival for the year 2011. A monographic exhibition about prostitution entitled "La mirada ascética en la pintura" (The ascetic look in painting) was inaugurated in the Halls of the Rectoret of the University of Málaga. Afterwards it travels to New York, where it was exposed in the Gabarrón Foundation's Museum, to later come back to Madrid. Thereafter it started being displayed on a tour around different cities in Germany.
In 2011 he was awarded by the Communication Medium Club the Prize Perséfone to the Arts as Painter of the year. The same year he held an itinerant exhibition in the cities of Iserlohn, Witten, Hamburg, Cologne, and Berlin. Jorge Rando is the first catholic artist who exposed in the "Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland" (EKD),giving the President of "des Kirchenamtes", dr. Hans-Ulrich Anke, a big-size painting on display in the chapel in the EKD central branch. The masterpiece belongs to the cycle "Pasión en la Pintura de Rando" (The Passion in Rando's Paintings). The open-air museum of San Ramón Nonato (Málaga) is inaugurated. It is dedicated to the current reality of the marginalized and mistreated people.
In 2012 he continues his cycles of exhibitions, which for that year were planned in Spain, Germany, and the United States. The Maestro kept working on the sculptures that completed the "Jardín de la Conciencia" (Conscience Gardens). Furthermore, the project "Jorge Rando and the Red Carpen Experience" takes shape: it is aimed at using the Arts in order to integrate the street youth and the rootless people. The Maestro has already held various seminars about painting in Spain and Germany.
In the year 2013 the Maestro realized an installation for the Holy Week proclamation (one of the most important events of the city): it took up all the scenery of the Cervantes Theatre of the county seat. Later on this huge installation of 33 chambers was used in order to enrich and widen the San Ramón Nonato open-air museum of Málaga. The artist performed different exhibitions already planned in Málaga and in Germany. He begins a work about light ("La Luz"), composed by three murals, each one sized about 30 m2.
In 2014 in Málaga, in the monastery of "Las Madres Mercedarias" in Molinillo neighbourhood, the Jorge Rando Museum was opened, where the artist production will be collected and preserved. Moreover, it represents the headquarters of the homonymous foundation, which aims to study the Expressionism in the broadest sense of the phrase.

In the year 2015, the Museum Jorge Rando of Málaga displays the Maestro's new cycle Vertical Horizons (Paisajes Verticales) and a really wide exhibition about his cycle Landscapes in the Space (Paisajes en el Espacio). This year in the city of Málaga has given Jorge Rando the Prize to the Arts "Estrella Feniké". He worked in collaboration with twenty-five artists of the University of the Arts of Berlin (UdK). Together with the General Director of UdK, professor Lucander, they moved to Málaga in order to work in the atelier of the museum with the Maestro. This is a pioneering project and the result can be admired in the temporal room of the Museum Jorge Rando. It was awarded the prize Museum of the Years 2015 by the association of writers Friends of Málaga (Amigos de Málaga).
Jorge Rando's achievement in painting is characterized by the exasperated distortion of the shape, the sensitivity of the color, and the presence of the gesture and of the stroke. The different cycles are very wide. From the end of the 1960s to the beginning of the 70s, some cycles have really stood out, such as Prostitution (Prostitución), Maternities (Las maternidades), Misfortunes (Pesadumbres), Animals (Animales), Landscapes (Paisajes), Africa (África), etc.
Another important aspect of his work is the religious production, that is meant to release basic topics in the configuration of western art.
Nowadays, Jorge Rando lives and works between Málaga and Hamburg.
Select bibliography
- Encounter Käthe Kollwitz – Jorge Rando. Published Foundation Jorge Rando. Málaga 2014. Text by Carmen Pallarés.
- Thoughts and Reflections. Jorge Rando. Published Foundation Jorge Rando. Málaga 2014. Text by Jorge Rando.
- The ascetic look in painting. Published University of Málaga. Málaga 2010. Text by Enrique Castaños, Antonia María Castro, Carmen Pallarés, Rosa Martínez de Lahidalga, Julia Sáez-Angulo and Juan Maldonado.
- Hamburg Notebooks. Published Víctor i Fills Art Gallery S.L. Madrid 2010. Text by Carmen Pallarés.
- The strength of expression. Published City Council of Málaga. Málaga 2008. Text by Enrique Castaños, Carmen Pallarés and Julia Sáez-Angulo.
- The Passion in Rando's Paintings. Published Foundation Unicaja Málaga 2008. Text by Enrique Castaños, Carmen Pallarés, Juan Antonio Paredes and María Angeles Calahorra.
- The maternity theme in Jorge Rando's painting. Published Foundation Unicaja. Málaga 2007. Text by Enrique Castaños.
- Pintarradas. Trea Editions. Gijón 2007. Text by Marcos Ricardo Barnatán.
- More light!. Trea Editions. Gijón 2007. Text by Carmen Pallarés. Collaborations of Julia Sáez-Angulo and Evelyn Sion.
- Paisajes de pintura. Síntesis Editorial. Madrid 2006. Text by Carmen Pallarés and Rosa Martínez de Lahidalga.
- La teología de la Expresión. Published Foundation Cajasur. Cordova 2005. Text by Rafael Salas.
- Color con alma. Published GF Fauna's. Madrid 2004. Text by Carmen Pallarés.
- Las Golondrinas y el mar. Sagama Editions. Málaga 1999. Poemas by Rafael Salas. Illustrations by Jorge Rando.
Recent exhibitions
- 2004, Galería Ignacio de Lassaleta, Barcelona, Fundación Carlos de Amberes, Madrid, Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Parish Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Cologne, Exposición, Lisbon.
- 2005, Feria de Arte, New York, Galería Fauna's, Madrid, Salón de Arte Contemporáneo, Strasbourg, Fundación Cajasur, Cordova.
- 2006, Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Miami, Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid, Annta Gallery, Madrid, Exposición, Buenos Aires.
- 2007, Fundación Antiquaria, Madrid, Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid, Galería Fauna's, Madrid, Fundación Unicaja, Malaga.
- 2008, Museo del Patrimonio Municipal, Málaga, Palacio Episcopal, Málaga, Bocetos de 25 vidrieras de la Catedral, Málaga.
- 2009, Galería Víctor i Fills, Madrid, Museo Calviá, Majorca, Opening of the Nazarian Gardens of the Cathedral, Málaga, Exposición en la "Sala Noble", Málaga.
- 2010, Museum Foundation Gabarrón, New York, Salas del Rectorado de la Universidad, Málaga, Galleria Magnus P. Gerdsen, Hamburg, Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid.
- 2011, Galería Víctor i Fills, Madrid, Exposición itinerante, Iserlohn, Witten, Hamburg, Hannover, Cologne, Berlin.
- 2012, Galería Víctor i Fills, Madrid, Exposición Polígono Gallery, Marbella, Exposición Schloss Merode, Germany.
- 2013, Ampliación Museo Aire Libre San Ramón Nonato, Málaga, Installation of the sculputural group in Cervantes theatre, Málaga.
- 2014, Grand Opening of the Museum Jorge Rando with 120 works by Maternidad, Pintarradas, Prostitución and África cycles, Málaga.
- 2015, Exposición Horizontes Verticales, Málaga, Exposición Luz de la Flor, Málaga.
In 2015, Museum Jorge Rando, in Málaga, was opened.
- Pallarés, Carmen. Hamburg Notebooks. Spain: Victor i Fills Art Gallery. ISBN 978-84-613-7714-5.
- Pallarés, Carmen (2006). More Light!. Spain: Ediciones Trea. ISBN 978-84-9704-287-1.
- ↑ Rando, Jorge. Thoughts and Reflection, translated by Diana Valero. Original title: Pensamientos y Reflexiones. Malaga, Spagna. Fondazione Jorge Rando. ISBN 978-84-616-8964-4, p. 132
- ↑ Rando, Jorge. Thoughts and Reflection, translated by Diana Valero. Original title: Pensamientos y Reflexiones. Malaga, Spagna. Fondazione Jorge Rando. ISBN 978-84-616-8964-4, p. 143
- ↑ Pallarés, Carmen. Hamburg Notebooks. Madrid. Victor i Fills Art Gallery. ISBN 978-84-613-7714-5. pp. 436–440
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Jorge Rando. |
- El Museum Jorge Rando traerá por primera vez a España una exposición de Ernst Barlach The Museum Jorge Rando turns one.
- La opinión Carta al director Carta de Jorge Rando.
- Naturaleza protagoniza nueva muestra Jorge Rando's Vertical Horizons.
- El mundo Paisajes Jorge Rando Los paisajes de Jorge Rando llevan un nuevo discurso a su museo.
- -ndo Experiencia artística El arte conecta Berlín y Málaga.
- El país Un grito de pacifismo Málaga exhibe, por primera vez en España, 11 dibujos de la expresionista Käthe Kollwitz.
- La mirada actual La pintura sobre la condición humana.
- Cover Museum Gabarrón New York.
- Exhibition New York Remembering Jorge Rando's Prostitutes: A Critical Response.
- Una Fundación para el expresionismo El artista malagueño Jorge Rando impulsa la entidad que se dedicará al estudio de esta tendencia.
- Pörtrat: Jorge Rando Ins Licht gesetzt.
- Jorge Rando: Pintor, Escultor, Dibujante e Ilustrador Official page of the artist Jorge Rando: Works, Bibliography, Bibliography,Exhibitions, Recent Publications, Next Projects, Contact.
- La mirada actual Un texto de Julia Saez Angulo publicado en la mirada actual. Frescos en Nueva York.
- Neoexpresionismo: Jorge Rando y la poética del expresionismo: un grito que rompe el silencio Un texto de Pablo Blázquez publicado en la revistammu.
- Crítica de Arte Un texto de Carmen Pallarés publicado por Julia Saez Angulo sobre Cuadernos de Hamburgo. Jorge Rando
- Alfa y Omega Texto publicado por la revista Alfa y Omega.
- La transfiguración de Jorge Rando Texto de Mario Virgilio Montañez publicado en el Diario Sur el 29 de junio de 2007.
- UMA Texto publicado por la Universidad de Málaga. Comisariada por el profesor Enrique Castaños Alés.
- Museo Jorge Rando Texto publicado por Antonio Javier López. Diario Sur.
- El Museo soñado por Jorge Rando Texto publicado por Cristóbal G. Montilla. El Mundo.
- Museum Jorge Rando Official page of the Museum.