Kirin (chess)

a5b5c5 black crossd5e5
a4b4 black crossc4d4 black crosse4
a3 black crossb3c3 white upside-down knightd3e3 black cross
a2b2 black crossc2d2 black crosse2
a1b1c1 black crossd1e1
Kirin moves as ferz or dabbaba, and can jump.

A kirin is a fairy chess piece that moves as a ferz or a dabbaba. Below, it is given the symbol FD. In this article, the kirin is represented by an inverted knight (also known as giraffe ).

The kirin appears under this name (Japanese: 麒麟, kirin) in the 14th-century Japanese game of chu shogi, and also in many other shogi variants. It appears in Ralph Betza's Chess on a Really Big Board. It is approximately equal to a knight in value.

Two kirins can force checkmate on a bare king without the help of their own king.


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