Kunstraum of Lüneburg University
The Kunstraum of Lüneburg University is an institution for contemporary art working across different faculties of Lüneburg University. Since its renaming in 2007 the complete name is Kunstraum of Leuphana University Lüneburg.
In 1993 the Kunstraum has been founded by a interdisciplinary group of researchers, which is up to today in charge for the academic and artistic projects. Members of this group are:
- Art historian Beatrice von Bismarck (since 1999 at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig)
- Mathematician Diethelm Stoller (retired since 2005)
- Sociologist Ulf Wuggenig (currently the acting director of Kunstraum)
The official opening in 1994 coincided with the project Services, which has been organized in collaboration with the art historian Helmut Draxler, at this time director of Kunstverein Munich, and the artist Andrea Fraser.[1] The program of the subsequent years has been influenced and inspired by writings of Pierre Bourdieu, Nelson Goodman, Thomas S. Kuhn, and, amongst others, Howard S. Becker and included collaborations with artists and theoreticians accociated with Institutional Critique.
Exhibitions (selection)
- 2014: Art and its Frames - Continuity and Change, Symposium with Beatrice von Bismarck, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Helmut Draxler, Andrea Fraser, Renée Green, Hannes Loichinger, Sven Lütticken, John Miller, Marion von Osten, Gerald Raunig, André Rottmann, Stefan Römer, Simon Sheikh, and Ulf Wuggenig
- 2013: Front, Field, Line, Plane, with Urban Subjects (Sabine Bitter, Jeff Derksen, Helmut Weber)
- 2011: Demanding Supplies − Nachfragende Angebote, with Julia Moritz
- 2010: Conceptual Paradise − the
studioof interest, with Stefan Römer - 2008: Moirés, with Astrid Wege
- 2007: "The Division of the World"- Tableaux on the Legal Synopses of the Berlin Africa Conference, with Dierk Schmidt
- 2006: Making Worlds <reformpause>, with Marion von Osten
- 2005: Economies of Misery. Pierre Bourdieu in Algeria, with Franz Schultheis and Christine Frisinghelli
- 2004: The Government, with Roger M. Buergel and Ruth Noack
- 2003: Vivre en POF, with Fabrice Hybert
- 2001: Border Crossing Services, with Martin Krenn and Oliver Ressler
- 2000: Greenhouse, with Dan Peterman
- 1999: Interarchive, with Hans-Peter Feldmann and Hans-Ulrich Obrist
- 1998: The Campus as a Work of Art, with Christian Philipp Müller
- 1997: Revisions of Abstract Expressionism, with Roger M. Buergel, Ruth Noack, Stefanie-Vera Kockot
- Testoo® Muster, with Fabrice Hybert and Hans-Ulrich Obrist
- 1996: Import/Export Funk Office − Digital Transformation, with Renée Green
- Public / Private, with Thomas Locher and Peter Zimmermann
- 1995: The Grandparents' Archives, with Christian Boltanski and Hans Ulrich Obrist
- 1994: The Open Public Library in Hamburg, with Michael Clegg and Martin Guttmann
- Services, with Andrea Fraser and Helmut Draxler
Literature (selection)
- 2011: Gerald Raunig, Gene Ray, Ulf Wuggenig (Ed.): Critique of Creativity. MayFlyBooks, London
- 2001: Beatrice von Bismarck, Diethelm Stoller, Astrid Wege, Ulf Wuggenig (Ed.): Branding the Campus. Art, Architecture, Design, Identity Politics. Richter, Düsseldorf
- 1996: Beatrice von Bismarck, Diethelm Stoller, Ulf Wuggenig (Ed.) : Games, Fights, Collaborations. The game of Border and Transmission. Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit
External links